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Конспект открытого урока английского языка на тему Мои любимые животные.

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Урок направлен на закрепление лексико-грамматических навыков по теме «Животные» в 4 классе. 

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«Конспект открытого урока английского языка на тему Мои любимые животные.»

Конспект открытого урока английского языка на тему

«Мои любимые животные».

Учитель английского языка: Салихова Н.Г.

Учебное заведение: МБОУ «Лицей №2» , г. Мытищи



15 человек

Раздел 2.

The Animals I Like.

Урок 5.

What are Your favourite animals?


My favourite animals.


Английский язык. 4 класс:

Учебник для общеобразовательных организаций.

В 2ч. 4.1. В.П. Кузовлев, Э.Ш. Перегудова,

О.В. Стрельникова, О.В. Дуванова.

М.: Просвещение, 2014

Тип урока:

обобщение и систематизация


  • учебная:

закрепление навыков использования в речи изученной лексики по теме «Животные» и грамматических тем «Степени сравнения прилагательных» и «Past Simple» глаголов;

  • развивающая:

развитие речевых навыков, памяти, мышления, воображения;

развитие мотивации к дальнейшему овладению иноязычной культурой;

  • образовательная:

формирование целостного представления о мире, приобщение к другим культурам, традициям, реалиям, сопоставление своей и смежных культур;

  • воспитательная:

Формирование позитивно-ориентированной личности, воспитание любви к животным, экологической культуры в целом.


  1. активизировать речевые навыки(монологическая речь, диалогическая речь);

  2. использовать лексико-грамматические навыки;

  3. приобщить к культуре страны изучаемого языка.

Этапы урока.

1.Организационный момент.

2.Фонетическая зарядка. Приложение I. Poems about animals.

3.Речевая зарядка.

4. Развитие лексических навыков. Приложение II.

5.Развитие навыков говорения. Проверка домашнего задания. Приложение III. Riddles about animals.

6.Аудирование. Учебник , страница 28, №3.

7. Развитие грамматических навыков. Тест. Приложение IV.

8.Физкультурная минутка.

9. Развитие навыков диалогической речи. Приложение V.

10.Развитие навыков монологической речи. Учебник, страница 32, №2.

11.Развитие лексических навыков. Разгадывание кроссворда. Рабочая тетрадь, страница 19, №5.

12. Подведение итогов урока.

13. Рефлексия.

14. Информация о домашнем задании, инструктаж по его выполнению.

Ход урока:

  1. T: Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. I hope you are ready to work hard at our lesson. I believe the lesson will be interesting for you and you will enjoy it. So, let’s begin. Children, I’ve got a riddle for you. Listen to me attentively and try to guess. They can be wild or domestic. They can live in the forest or on a farm. Some of them are dangerous and some are nice and fluffy. What am I speaking about? … Right you are. Today we are going to continue speaking about animals. Наша цель – научиться рассказывать о наших любимых животных, использовать в речи степени сравнения прилагательных, повторить прошедшее время . Также мы будем задавать вопросы и отвечать на них. Мы будем читать , писать, слушать и ,конечно же говорить. А в конце урока вы сами оцените результаты своей работы при помощи этих кружочков. Вы выберите один из них и оставите его на столе. Зеленый обозначает «все понятно», оранжевый – «понятно ,но остались вопросы», красный – «ничего не понятно».

  2. T: Have you got any questions? Well, let’s go on with a phonetic drill. You ‘ve got some poems about animals on your desks. Read one line one after another. .. Well done.

  3. T: Reading the poems, we reminded ourselves of some animals. But I’m sure you know much more. At the previous lessons we called lots of animals. So we won’t call them again in chaotic order. We ‘ll try to classify the animals we know. Please, tell me what classes of animals you know…Ch.: Birds, reptiles, wild animals, farm animals, exotic animals, insects, pets, sea animals…. T: Well done.

  4. T:I’m sure that it will be interesting for you to learn some facts about one of the classes of animals, reptiles. You’ ll read about them in the exercise which I’m going to hand out to you. Your task is to choose the right word and fill in the gaps. Then you’ll give your papers to me for checking up.

  5. T: Now It’s time to check up your homework. Be ready with your riddles, please. Who wants to begin? Raise your hands, please. Olia, you are welcome.

  6. T: Now I want you to guess one more riddle. If to be more exact you will listen to the story and answer the question from exercise No.3 at page 28. Open your student’s books at page 28. What is the question? Yegor, read and translate it, please. Now be ready to listen to the story. ….. Answer the question, please. Right you are.

  7. T: When you described animals in your riddles, you used some grammar rules. One of them concerns adjectives. Tell me, please. What rule about adjectives did you learn at the previous lessons? You may speak in Russian…. Right you are. I won’t ask you to retell this rule. You’ll just do the test. Your task is to choose the right answer and circle it. Do it right now, please…. Are you ready? Now I want you to exchange your papers and check them up. The right answers are on the blackboard. The criteria are the following: no mistakes- a five ; 1-2 mistakes- a four ; 3-4 mistakes- a three; 4-8 mistakes – a two…. Who has got a five? Raise your hands. Who has got a four? Who has got a three? Well done. You are brilliant today.

  8. T: It’s time to have a short rest. Stand up. Hands up. Hands down. Hands on hips. And then sit down. Stand up. Hands to the sides. Bend left. Bend right. Hands down and sit down.

  9. T: Now, I’d like to ask you the question. Have you ever been to any zoo? … When did you go there last time? Well, it’ s time for us to speak about a zoo and zoo animals. Your task is to make up a short dialogue according to the model. Do it right now, please. … Let’s listen to our first pair of pupils. … Well done.

  10. T: I think each of you can already answer the question :”What is your favourite animal?” So , open your student’s books at page 32. Let’s do ex. No.2. What should we do here?.... Yes , right you are. The task is to tell about your favourite animal according to this plan…. Who would like to begin? Alina, you are welcome. … Well done.

  11. T: It was very interesting to listen about your favourite animals. I also have my favourite animal. To know what it is you should do the crossword in Activity Book at page 19, exercise No. 5. Do it right now. Who is quicker? … What is my favourite animal? ….Yes, right you are. It is a raccoon. Well done.

  12. T: Now, children. It’s time to finish our lesson. I’d like to say that you were brilliant today. You were all active. Your marks are only fives.

  13. T: And what do you think about the results of your work during the lesson? Как вы сами оцениваете результаты своей работы на уроке? Мы достигли наших целей, о которых говорили в начале урока? Choose one of the circles and put it on your desk. Do it right now. Thank you.

  14. T: Now I’ll write your hometask on the blackboard: AB, page 19, exercise No. 4. It is your hometask for Wednesday. Thank you for your excellent work. The lesson is over. You may go now. Good-bye! See you the day after tomorrow.

Приложение 1

Poems about animals

Where’s the cat?

Under the hat.

Where? Where?

On the chair.

Butterfly! Butterfly!

Where do you fly?

So quick and so high

In the blue, blue sky…

Where is the fox?

In the box.

Where? Where?

Over there!

Little mouse! Little mouse!

Will you come out of your house?

Thank you, Pussy! – Says the Mouse.

I won’t leave my little house.

Приложение 2

Прочитай про рептилий, выбери правильный ответ и заполни пропуски (1-10).

Задание (0) уже сделано в качестве примера.

(0) Reptiles are crocodiles, snakes and turtles.

(1) ______________ is an animal with a long body and no legs. Snakes live in

(2) _______________ places: in forests, rivers, and lakes. (3) _______________ snakes live in trees and other snakes spend their time in water. Snakes cannot (4)______________ where it is cold. Some people are scared of snakes. But people are not afraid of turtles. A turtle is a (5) _______________ with a shell. Some turtles live (6) ____________ , but others live in water. Many land turtles are (7) _______________ . But sea turtles are very (8) __________________ .

0. Reptiles/whales

1. A snake/An alligator

2. danderous/different

3. Tall/ Some

4. travel/live

5. snake/reptile

6. in the world/on land

7. slow/fluffy

8. fast/cheerful


Riddles about animals

1) It is dangerous. It has got a big mouth, a long body, short legs and a long tail. It is smaller than the crocodile. (the alligator)

2) I think it is the funniest animal in the world. It can climb trees. It likes bananas. (the monkey)

3)It lives in the sea. It is kind. It helps people. I think it is the smartest animal in the world. (the dolphin)

4)It is bigger than the fox but it is smaller than the bear. It is grey, strong and evil. (the wolf)

5) It is big and strong. It lives in the forest. It sleeps in winter. It likes honey. ( the bear)

6) It is big and heavy. It is very talented. It can work in the circus. (the elephant)

7)It has no legs. It can’t walk. It can swim. It has a long tail. It can be very dangerous. (the snake).

8)It can run very fast. It has long ears. It is fluffy. It lives on a farm. (the rabbit)

9) It is the biggest animal in the world. It swims in the sea. (the whale).

10) It lives on a farm. It is lazy and kind. It gives milk. It likes grass (the cow).

Приложение 4

Прочитай про животных из семейства кошачьих, выбери правильный ответ и обведи его.

Your cat is (0)__________ than the lion, leopard, and tiger but they all are relatives.

  1. the smallest B) smaller C) small

Tigers are (1) ______________ cats in the world.

  1. the largest B) large C) larger

The Amur Tiger is (2) ____________ than other tigers.

  1. big B) the biggest C) bigger

It is (3) _____________ wild cat in the world.

  1. the heaviest B) heavier C) heavy

The cheetah is (4)_________than the tiger, but it is (5) _______ than the tiger.

4.A) small B) smaller C) the smallest

5.A) faster B) the fastest C) fast

The lion is (6)_________ animal in Africa.

A) Dangerous B) more dangerous C) the most dangerous

The snow leopard is one of (7) ___________ wild cats.

  1. more beautiful B) the most beautiful C) beautiful

Приложение 5

Расспросите друг друга и поделитесь впечатлениями о вашем последнем посещении зоопарка.

Используй глаголы: visit, see, like …

What zoo did you … ?

What animals … ?

Did you … ?

What is your favourite animal?


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Конспект открытого урока английского языка на тему Мои любимые животные.

Автор: Салихова Наталья Геннадьевна

Дата: 23.10.2016

Номер свидетельства: 351435

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