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Конспект урока английского языка (технический перевод)

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Технический английский язык.

Тема «Полупроводники».

Тип урока: комбинированный.

Цели урока.

  • Пополнение словарного запаса, связанного с терминологией по специальности.
  • Совершенствование навыков технического перевода.
  • Развитие умения логически верно, аргументированно строить устную речь, связанную с тематикой технической направленности.
  • Развитие умения чтения про себя с целью поиска необходимой информации.
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«Конспект урока английского языка (технический перевод)»


Технический английский язык.

Тема «Полупроводники».

Тип урока: комбинированный.

Цели урока.

  • Пополнение словарного запаса, связанного с терминологией по специальности.

  • Совершенствование навыков технического перевода.

  • Развитие умения логически верно, аргументированно строить устную речь, связанную с тематикой технической направленности.

  • Развитие умения чтения про себя с целью поиска необходимой информации.

Оснащение. Карточки с раздаточным материалом

Ход урока.

I.Повторение материала предыдущего урока.

Приборы, созданные на основе нано технологий.Опишите.

  • Pacemaker-a device imbedded in the body.

  • Nanosensor-a device which can interact with single cells for use in basic biological research.

  • Nanoradio-structured around carbon nanotubes.

  • Bionanogenerators-a nanoscale electrochemical device drawing power from blood glucose in a living body-the device operates in vivo.

  • Field effect transistor-have been made using both semiconducting carbon nanotubes and with heterostructured semiconducting nanowires.

  • Nantero—has developed a carbon nanotube based crossbar memory called Nano-Ram.

  • Hewlett-Packard-has proposed the use of memristor material as a future replacement of Flash memory.

  • Photoionyc cristals-materials with a periodic variation in the refractive index with a lattice constant that is half the wavelength of the light used.

  • Quantum dots are nanoscaled objects. can be used for the construction of lasers.

  • Carbon nanotubes and silicon nanowires are electrically conductive and due to their small diameter [daɪˈæmɪtə] of several nanometers, they can be used as field emitters with extremely high efficiency for field emission displays.

  • Quantum computers-enable the use of fast quantum algorythms. Has quantum bit memory space.

  • Nanofabrication-single electron transistors which involve transistor operation based on a single electron. Can be used to construct ultrsadense parallel arrays of nanowires.

  • Molecular electronics-make heavy use of molecular self-assembly, designing the device components to construct a larger structure or even a complete system of their own. Can be very useful for reconfigurable computing.

  • Nanoionics studies the transport of ions rather than electrons in nanoscale systems.

  • Nanophotonivc studies the behavior of light on the nanoscale, and has the goal of developing devices that take advantage of this behavior.

  • Carbon nanotubes/ silicon nanowires are electrically conductive and due to the small diameter [daɪˈæmɪtə] of several nanometers they can be used as field emitters with extremely high efficiency for field emission displays.

II.Работа с текстом «Полупроводники».

Задание. Прочитать первую часть текста, написать вопросы по содержанию текста в правильном порядке. Ответить на вопросы.

  1. Can we say that resistance in semiconductors is inversely proportional to the temperature?

  2. When is a semiconductor junction formed?

  3. How can the conducting properties of semiconductors be changed?

  4. What is the basis of a diode?

  5. What does electrical conductivity value depend on?

  6. When did the transistor and the integrated circuit appear?

  7. What laws help us understand the properties of a semiconductor?

  8. For what purpose do we use semiconductors?

  9. When were people introduced to the first semiconductor device?

  10. What materials are used for producing semiconductor devices?

1.What does electrical conductivity value depend on?

semiconductor material has an electrical conductivity value falling between that of a conductor, such as copper, and an insulator, such as glass.

2.Can we say that conductivity in semiconductors is inversely proportional to the temperature?

No, their resistance decreases as their temperature increases.

3.How can the conducting properties of semiconductors be changed?

Their conducting properties may be altered in useful ways by the deliberate, controlled introduction of impurities ("doping") into the crystal structure.

4.Where is a semiconductor junction formed?

Where two differently-doped regions exist in the same crystal, a semiconductor junction is created.

5.What is the basis of a diode?

The behavior of charge carriers which include electrons, ions and electron holes at these junctions is the basis of diodes, transistors and all modern electronics.

6.For what purpose do we use semiconductors?

Devices made from semiconductors can be used for amplification, switching, and energy conversion.

7.What laws help us understand the properties of a semiconductor?

The modern understanding of the properties of a semiconductor relies on quantum physics to explain the movement of charge carriers in a crystal lattice.

8.What materials are used for producing semiconductor devices?

Silicon, germanium, and compounds of gallium are the most widely used in electronic devices.

9.When were people introduced to the first semiconductor device?

The first practical application of semiconductors in electronics was the 1904 development of the Cat's-whisker detector, a primitive semiconductor diode widely used in early radio receivers.

10.When did the transistor and the integrated circuit appear?

Developments in quantum physics in turn allowed the development of the transistor in 1947 and the integrated circuit in 1958.

semiconductor material has an electrical conductivity value falling between that of a conductor, such as copper, and an insulator, such as glass. Their resistance decreases as their temperature increases, which is behavior opposite to that of a metal. Their conducting properties may be altered in useful ways by the deliberate, controlled introduction of impurities ("doping") into the crystal structure. Where two differently-doped regions exist in the same crystal, a semiconductor junction is created. The behavior of charge carriers which include electronsions and electron holes at these junctions is the basis of diodestransistors and all modern electronics.

Semiconductor devices can display a range of useful properties such as passing current more easily in one direction than the other, showing variable resistance, and sensitivity to light or heat. Because the electrical properties of a semiconductor material can be modified by doping, or by the application of electrical fields or light, devices made from semiconductors can be used for amplification, switching, and energy conversion.

The modern understanding of the properties of a semiconductor relies on quantum physics to explain the movement of charge carriers in a crystal lattice. Doping greatly increases the number of charge carriers within the crystal. When a doped semiconductor contains mostly free holes it is called "p-type", and when it contains mostly free electrons it is known as "n-type". The semiconductor materials used in electronic devices are doped under precise conditions to control the concentration and regions of p- and n-type dopants. A single semiconductor crystal can have many p- and n-type regions; the p–n junctions between these regions are responsible for the useful electronic behavior.

Although some pure elements and many compounds display semiconductor properties, silicongermanium, and compounds of gallium are the most widely used in electronic devices. Elements near the so-called "metalloid staircase", where the metalloids are located on the periodic table, are usually used as semiconductors.

Some of the properties of semiconductor materials were observed throughout the mid 19th and first decades of the 20th century. The first practical application of semiconductors in electronics was the 1904 development of the Cat's-whisker detector, a primitive semiconductor diode widely used in early radio receivers. Developments in quantum physics in turn allowed the development of the transistor in 1947 and the integrated circuit in 1958.

Задание. Прочитать и перевести вторую часть текста

Составить десять предложений по содержанию теста со следующими глаголами.

To involve/ to be found/ to behave/ to be used/ to be required/ to interfere/ to achieve/ to be grown/ to prepare/ to be called/ to form/ to create/ to generate/ to be covered/ to be etched/ to be located/ to cause/ to be hit/ to be released/ to introduce/ to be injected/ to be completed/ to reach/ to be done

Preparation of semiconductor materials

Almost all of today's electronic technology involves the use of semiconductors, with the most important aspect being the integrated circuit (IC), which are found in laptops, scanners, cell-phones, etc. Semiconductors for ICs are mass-produced. To create an ideal semiconducting material, chemical purity is paramount. Any small imperfection can have a drastic effect on how the semiconducting material behaves due to the scale at which the materials are used. A high degree of crystalline perfection is also required, since faults in crystal structure (such as dislocationstwins, and stacking faults) interfere with the semiconducting properties of the material. Crystalline faults are a major cause of defective semiconductor devices. The larger the crystal, the more difficult it is to achieve the necessary perfection. Current mass production processes use crystal ingots between 100 and 300 mm (4 and 12 in) in diameter which are grown as cylinders and sliced into wafers.

There is a combination of processes that is used to prepare semiconducting materials for ICs. One process is called thermal oxidation, which forms silicon dioxide on the surface of the silicon. This is used as a gate insulator and field oxide. Other processes are called photomasks and photolithography. This process is what creates the patterns on the circuity in the integrated circuit. Ultraviolet light is used along with a photoresist layer to create a chemical change that generates the patterns for the circuit. Etching is the next process that is required. The part of the silicon that was not covered by the photoresist layer from the previous step can now be etched. The main process typically used today is called plasma etching. Plasma etching usually involves an etch gas pumped in a low-pressure chamber to create plasma. A common etch gas is chlorofluorocarbon, or more commonly known Freon. A high radio-frequency voltage between the cathode and anode is what creates the plasma in the chamber. The silicon wafer is located on the cathode, which causes it to be hit by the positively charged ions that are released from the plasma. The end result is silicon that is etched anisotropically. The last process is called diffusion. This is the process that gives the semiconducting material its desired semiconducting properties. It is also known as doping. The process introduces an impure atom to the system, which creates the p-n junction. In order to get the impure atoms embedded in the silicon wafer, the wafer is first put in a 1100 degree Celsius chamber. The atoms are injected in and eventually diffuse with the silicon. After the process is completed and the silicon has reached room temperature, the doping process is done and the semiconducting material is ready to be used in an integrated circuit.

III.Подведение итогов урока и задание на дом. Подготовить сообщение об электронном приборе.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Конспект урока английского языка (технический перевод)

Автор: Климова Ирина Владимировна

Дата: 16.11.2017

Номер свидетельства: 439089

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