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Конспект урока английского языка в 9 классе "Успех в жизни"

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«Конспект урока английского языка в 9 классе "Успех в жизни"»

Тема урока: "Успех в жизни". 9-й класс

Возраст: 14-15 лет, учащиеся 9 класса.

Цели урока:

Развитие монологической речи по теме.

Развитие диалогической речи.

Обучение полилогу.

Использовать межпредметные связи (английский, немецкий языки, литература).

Воспитательные задачи:

Подготовить учащихся к решению жизненных проблем.

Ознакомить с возможными профессиями, связанными с использованием иностранных языков (менеджер по туризму, переводчик).

Ход урока

I) Приветствие

T: Hello. I am glad to see you. You are so bright, elegant and young. I am sure you were born to be happy.

But what is happiness for you?

P1, P2, P3:

II)T: If you have a choice what will you put in the first place: money, health, a good job or a family and love?

4 картинки с данными понятиями

Explain what is more important for you and why? P1 P2 P3

III) T: So, I understand that success in all spheres of life is important for you.

And what is success?

Do you know any people who from your point of view are or were successful in life? Listen to the stories and find the features that made them outstanding.

P1 - Nickolaev, the former President of the Sakha Republic.

P2 - A famous football player Pele.

P3 - A famous scientist Einstein, etc.

T: Why were they famous?

P1 P2 P3 P4 P4

Указать эти качества на плакате:

IV) T: And what is success for you?

P1 P2

V) Обсуждение высказываний великих людей

T: Not only you but all those wise people tried to solve the problem of goals in life. I want to give you some quotations: what did they mean?

1) I would rather have it said "He lived useful rather than he died rich" (B. Franklin)

- P1, P2

2) "A long life may be good enough but a good life is long enough" (B. Franklin)

- P1, P2

3) "I think and think for months, for years, ninety nine times the conclusion is false - the hundredth time I am right" (A. Einstein)

P1, P2

VI) Чтение и обсуждение текста

T: So, you persuaded me that to be successful, a person must be industrious, to have money, personal qualities, health, education. No doubt luck is important and what about talent?

- P3, P4.

T: I believe you know Edisson's words "Genius is 1% of inspiration and 99% of perspiration"

I advise you to read the composition on this topic, written by my former student. Try to discuss it in pairs and express your opinion.

“…I am sure the meaning of this statement is clear to you. Of course, genius appears to combine high levels of each type of intelligence, but very often, those who reach the highest aims in ant field are not necessarily the ones with the greatest natural talent. I agree with Edisson that they are the diligent few who are not afraid of hard work. Modern psychologists have no doubt in that either. According to the statistics, the people of the highest IQ are not usually the ones who do best in their career.

There are so many examples in modern world that can prove that Edisson was right. For example, Arnold Shwarzenegger was a skinny boy living in Austria, when, in spite of his patents` doubts, he threw himself into weight lifting. Each evening he worked out for several hours at home and three times a week at the local gym. Today he is the champion of body builder, an actor and one of the richest people in the world.

So, I can conclude that each of us has a chance to reach great personal success with hard work, lots of discipline and positive thinking. We must remember that to be beneficial, hard work must be regular. Besides, if you think of work as punishment, you will ll never achieve your goals. What is more, it is more important to believe in yourself and have ambition in any field.

Читают текст, составляют обсуждение:

Р1 - Р2 Р3 - Р4

VII) T: And what about education? Will the knowledge of foreign languages help you in your future profession?

P1 I want to be a … English will help me to …

P2 … .

P3 … .

T: Let us relax. Listen to the tape:

(Шум моря)

Close your eyes and imagine yourself on a sunny beach of the emerald sea. The harbour is surrounded by green mountains with spots of yellow straw roofs of huts scatted here and there. The gorgeous view has taken your breath away. You enjoy the exotic scenery, fruit, and adventure. It is hot and you dive and go deeper and deeper, deeper and deeper…

Now, open your eyes and look around you. Fancy a change? Come to our tourist agency!

VIII) I want to give you a chance just now to get a job of a tourist manager. Answer her questions and maybe you'll be admitted. A job interview (Ex. 9 p. 28 “New Millenium” 11th form workbook)

IX) Ролевая игра: "В туристическом агентстве"

A tourist manager

Mrs Smith

Mrs Brown

Mrs Brown's son (daughter)Карточки для ролевой игры 1. Mrs. Smith, tourist manager:

- Introduce yourself

- Suggest your help

- Offer a cup of tea or coffee

- You have a trip to South Korea

- Show them sights of the country

- Advise them to buy a return ticket

- You can speak German

- The price of a trip is $200.

- You give chop- sticks as a sovenier

2. Mrs. Smith, tourist manager:

- Introduce yourself

- Suggest your help

- Offer a cup of tea or coffee

- You have a trip to South Korea

- Show them sights of the country

- Advise them to buy a return ticket

- You can speak German

- The price of a trip is $200.

- You give chop sticks as a sovenier

3. Mrs. Brown - speaks only German

- You want a trip to the East

- You want to get acquainted with its nature and culture

- You are sea-sick and ask for a ticket for a plane

- You choose a return ticket and a single room

4. Mrs. Lent (Mr. Lent)

- A friend of Mrs. Brown has a son (a daughter) of 10

- You are interested in sightseeing

You hate hot weather and ask about the climate in

South Korea in winter

- You want a double room for you and your son/daughter

- Ask about the price of a trip

5. A child of 12 (a pupil of the 5-th form)

You want to see the ocean and to have a colour

TV in the room.

You want to eat with sticks and ask them as a souvenir.

X) Стихотворение " Swift things are beautiful ", перевод на русский язык.

There are some students here who'll be able to be professional translators. Listen to the translation of the poem "Swift trhings are beautiful" by E. Coatsworth, which won the second place in the Republican contest of translators

P1:Swift things are beautiful:

Swallows and deer,

And lightning that falls

Bright-veined and clear,

Rivers and meteors.

Wind in the wheat,

The strong-withered horse,

The runner`s sure feet.

And slow things are beautiful:

The closing of the day,

The pause of the wave,

That curves downward to spray

The ember that crumbles,

The opening flower,

And the ox that moves on

In the quiet of power. Всё, что быстро - прекрасно

Ласточки и олени,

Молния яркая, ясная,

Озаряющая небо на мгновение

Прекрасны метеоры и реки,

Ветер в пшеничном поле,

Прекрасна и сильная лошадь,

Скачущая на просторе

Но и медленное прекрасно:

Малиновый закат за горою

Изгиб лазурной волны, что стремится

В брызгах рассыпаться в море.

Прекрасны жаркие угли,

Переходящие в пепел,

И бутон, лепестки распустивщий,


T: I want to wish you success with the words from the poem “If” by R. Kipling :

…If you can make one heap of all your winnings

And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss

And lose, and start again at your beginnings

And never say a word about your loss.

If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew

To serve your turn long after they are gone

And so when there is nothing in you

Except the will, which says to you: “Hold on”.

T: Thank you very much for you work. The lesson is over.

Оснащение урока:

1) магнитофон,

2) таблицы (успех, счастье),

3) стихотворение “If” by R. Kipling,

4) сочинение ученицы 11 класса,

5) высказывания знаменитых людей.

6) карточки для ролевой игры,

7) реквизит для ролевой игры.

8) Workbook “New Millenium” 11класс А. Гроза.

9) Учебник “English” 9 класс Л. В. Хрусталева, В. Н. Богородицкая. стихотворение “Swift things are beautiful”.

10) перевод ученицы 9 кл. стихотворения “Swift things are beautiful”.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Конспект урока английского языка в 9 классе "Успех в жизни"

Автор: Дитковская Римма Михайловна

Дата: 28.12.2016

Номер свидетельства: 374058

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