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Конспект урока "Мой любимый праздник"

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Конспект урока по теме "Праздники": отработка лексического материала, развитие навыков аудирования, говорения, чтения.

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«Конспект урока "Мой любимый праздник"»

Тема: Мой любимый праздник

Цель: совершенствовать навыки использования лексики по теме «Праздники», навыки аудирования, говорения; развивать память, творчество; воспитывать заинтересованность в расширении своих знаний.

Оборудование: песня “A Rainy Day” (HO1), маски, валентинки, праздничные колпачки, презентация «Праздники», фрагмент мультипликационного фильма “A Very Merry Pooh Year”, стихотворение «Valentine’s Day».

І.Начало урока

  1. Организационный момент.

Т.:Before sitting at the desks, look at them and guess what holidays these things belong to (masks, Valentines cards, birthday hoods).

P.: Christmas, St. Valentines Day, Birthday.

T.: Good, now take your seats according to the cards you’ve got (the cards with the names of the holidays).

2.Сообщение темы и целей урока.

T.: So today we’ll revise the lexical material of the topic “Holidays”, we’re going to practice in speaking, listening, reading and just to have fun.

3.Введение в атмосферу иностранного языка

Речевая разминка.

T.: Answer the questions.

- What are holidays?

- What holidays do we have?

- What English holidays do you know?

- What is your favourite one?

- What do you like to do best of all on a holiday?

- What is the most popular birthday song in England?

Фонетическая разминка. Работа с песней “A Rainy Day” (HO1).

T.: Do you remember a well-known children’s song « Песенка крокодила Генны»? Let’s have fun and sing karaoke in English.

(HО1): A Rainy Day

Let pedestrians hurry

Down the streets full of rain pools,

Let them awkwardly pick out their way.

All the same that’s not funny

How can I be so happy

On a gloomy and dull rainy day?


I’m playing my garmoshka

For all passers-by to hear.

It’s a pity that’s a birthday’s only once a year.

  1. T.: We’ve learnt the words last lesson, let’s revise them first.

  2. T.: And now it’s time for karaoke (Singing).

II. Основная часть урока

1. Активизация лексического материала.

1) T.: Look at the screen and choose the correct translation. You’ve got the sheets with the task, circle the right answer, the first group will rise your hands.

1. make a wish a) загадывать желание;

b) желать;

c) загадывать загадки.

2. sweetheart a) любимый;

b) сладкое сердце;

c) сладости.

3. blow out a) дышать;

b) задувать;

c) дуть.

4. Valentine card a) св. Валентин;

b) валентинка;

c) День св. Валентина.

5. turkey a) индюк;

b) гусь;

c) курица.

6. heart a) бить;

b) жаркий;

c) сердце.

7. fancy dress a) платье;

b) маскарадный костюм;

c) чудесное платье.

8. cake with candles a) торт со свечками;

b) торт с конфетами;

c) торт с цветами.

9. pudding a) каша;

b) пудинг;

c) лужа.

T.: Now look at the screen and check yourselves.

1. make a wish a) загадывать желание;

b) желать;

c) загадывать загадки.

2. sweetheart a) любимый;

b) сладкое сердце;

c) сладости.

3. blow out a) дышать;

b) задувать;

c) дуть.

4. Valentine card a) св. Валентин;

b) валентинка;

c) День св. Валентина.

5. turkey a) индюк;

b) гусь;

c) курица.

6. heart a) бить;

b) жаркий;

c) сердце.

7. fancy dress a) платье;

b) маскарадный костюм;

c) чудесное платье.

8. cake with candles a) торт со свечками;

b) торт с конфетами;

c) торт с цветами.

9. pudding a) каша;

b) пудинг;

c) лужа.

  1. T.: Read and express surprise looking at the photos. Complete the micro-dialogues using the words from the box.

Cake with candles, sweetheart, fancy dress, blowing out.

  • Who’s this nice girl?

  • Oh, it’s my brother’s …

  • Wow she looks so charming.

  • And who’s this guy in the…?

  • That’s my cousin Denis, you know him.

  • Gosh! If it isn’t Denis?

  • Hey, here’s the photo of my friend’s birthday. She’s…the….

  • Oh, my! She’s so happy!

T.: Check yourselves.

  • Who’s this nice girl?

  • Oh, it’s my brother’s sweetheart.

  • Wow, she looks so charming.

  • And who’s this guy in the fancy dress?

  • That’s my cousin Denis, you know him.

  • Gosh! If it isn’t Denis?

  • Hey, here’s the photo of my friend’s birthday. She’s blowing out the candles on the cake.

  • Oh, my! She’s so happy!

  1. T.: Every team, write down the words with its holiday and make sentences with them. The first one will get the point.

2.Контроль домашнего задания.

Сообщения учащихся о праздниках с опорой на рисунки. За ответ на пять баллов команда получает по дополнительному баллу.

3. Аудирование.

(Фрагмент мультипликационного фильма “A Very Merry Pooh Year”)

  1. Подготовка к восприятию текста.

T.: - Did you write the letters to Father Frost in your childhood?

- What did you wish to have as a Christmas present this year?

Watch the scene from Walt Disney cartoon and fill in the table using the words on the blackboard (honey, umbrella, snowshoe, everything, fly sward, sledge).







Christopher Robin

  1. Слушанье.

  2. Проверка понимания.

T.: Fill in the table. Write down what kind of presents the characters of the story asked for.






Christopher Robin

fly sward






  1. Повторное слушанье.

  2. Контроль понимания.

T.: Say if it’s true or false.


1. They all were good this year.

2. Rabbit wanted a fly sward to kick flies out of his carrot.

3. Eeyore wanted an umbrella to keep the snow off his house.

4. Tiger wished snow-shoes for his feet.

5. Piglet decided to have some honey.

6. The Pooh desired some honey.

7. Christopher Robin wanted to have a big sledge for himself and a friend or two.

  1. T.

  2. F.

  3. T.

  4. F.

  5. F.

  6. T.

  7. T.

4. Чтение.

T.: Paraphrase the poem written in the interrogative form into the affirmative one and recite it.


Valentine’s Day

Is Valentine’s Day for lovers and friends?

Are you truly blessed with a Valentine friend?

Do they give light that shines so bright?

Do they outshine the rest?

Are you a unique and special person?

Are you my Valentine delight?

Are you such a lovely person?

And are you always so polite?

May whatever life have in store

Better or sweet?

Shall we be friends forever?

Is our friendship so complete?

T.: Let’s check the right variant.

Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is for lovers and friends.

With a Valentine friend you’re truly blessed.

They give light that shines so bright.

They outshine the rest.

You’re a unique and special person.

You’re my Valentine delight.

You’re such a lovely person.

And you’re always so polite.

Whatever life may have in store

Better or sweet.

We’ll be friends forever

As our friendship is so complete.

III. Заключительная часть урока.

  1. Домашнее задание:

T.: Learn by heart the poem “Valentine’s Day” and make a Christmas card or a Valentine card with greetings. You may use the Internet site http://www thing-to-say com.

2. Итоги.

T.: In conclusion let’s sum up the results of our contest. What’s the score?

( Выставление оценок)

So you see every holiday is a great fun.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Конспект урока "Мой любимый праздник"

Автор: Яковлева Оксана Вячеславовна

Дата: 09.01.2017

Номер свидетельства: 377201

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