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Конспект урока по английскому языку 6 класс "Holidays"

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«Конспект урока по английскому языку 6 класс "Holidays"»

Название занятия:

Holidays in England

Ознакомить уч-ся с праздниками Англии

познакомить учащихся с традициями и обычаями праздников в Англии

Расширить кругозор учащихся о традициях и обычаях праздников в Англии

Познакомить с новыми словами по теме «Праздники»

Расширять свои знания о праздниках в Англии

рассказать о традициях и обычаях праздников Англии

использовать новые слова в речи, на письме и при описании праздников

Усвоение нового материала


Психологический настрой на урок

Речевая зарядка. Дети настраиваются на урок, отвечая на вопросы учителя

Знакомство с темой урока. Ответить на вопросы (низкого и высокого порядка)

Деление на группы. Дети собирают пазлы.

Ассоциации по теме «Праздники». Дети пишут слова по теме «Праздники»

Аудирование «Праздники Англии». Дети слушают и называют, какие праздники они услышали.

Ввод новой лексики по теме урока. Находят предложения с новыми словами в тексте и переводят

Чтение текста с пометками

Проверка прочитанного текста:

а) работа в паре. Скажите «правильно» или «нет»

б) работа в группе. Соединит описания праздников с названиями праздников

Творческая работа (работа в группе). Дети работают с постерами и готовят флипчарт и защищают его.



Картины по теме урока, карточки с заданиями, интерактивная доска, компьютер, слайдовые презентации, постеры для защиты флипчарта, листы для рефлексии и оценивания, пазля для деления на группы

Общая цель:

Ожидаемый результат:

Тип урока:


Источники, оснащение и оборудование, ресурсы:

Ход урока

Этапы урока

Действия учителя

Действия ученика

Вводная часть


Настрой на урок. Прием «Дерево чувств». Если чувствую себя хорошо, комфортно, то вешаю на дерево листочки зеленого цвета, если нет - желтого.

Brainstorming. Asking about the date, weather and day of the week.

What date is it today?

What day of the week is it today?

What is the weather like today?

What season is it now?

What do children like to do in winter?

Let’s start our lesson.

Introducing with the topic of the lesson.

Teacher: Let’s introduce with the topic of our lesson today by answering the questions. Look at the board, read the questions and try to give answers for them.

Slide 1

Do you like holidays?

Do you usually have a party on your birthday?

Do you send greeting card to your relatives on holidays?

Who usually comes to your birthday party?

What presents do you like to get?

What holidays do you know in Kazakhstan?

Teacher: What do you think what the topic of our lesson today? What will we do at our lesson today?

Slide 2

Dividing into groups:

(pupils do the puzzles)

Pupils greet the teacher

настраиваются на урок

Pupils answer the questions.

Pupils answer the questions and try to guess the topic of the lesson

Pupils divide into groups


Write down as many words as you can when you hear the word “Holidays”

Slide 3

Listening. Listen to the Pooh. He can tell you about English holidays. Listen and say what holidays you have heard. Электронный учебник

In England we have got a lot of holidays. I can tell you about some of them.

In March we have a holiday for English women – Mother’s Day. People in the family try to help Mother in any way they can on that day. They visit their mothers and give them some presents.

In April we have a day for fun – April Fool’s Day – the 1st of April. Children play jokes and tricks on other people.

On the 31st of October we have Hallowe’en. Children put on funny clothes. They go from house to house and say “Trick” “Treat”. People give them sweets, fruits, cakes, cookies or money.

On the 25th of December we have the great holiday – Christmas. People decorate a Christmas tree with toys, balls and lights. They send Christmas cards to each other. At night Father Christmas comes. Presents for children are under the Christmas tree and in their stockings. The traditional English dinner of this day is roasted turkey and Christmas pudding.

Not all English people celebrate New Year – 31st of December. But some people have a new Year party. Sometimes guests come to them. At 12 o’clock they drink a toast to the New Year and congratulate each other.

We love our holidays – it’s a great fun.

Pupils write the words

Pupils listen and tick some new information

and say what holidays they have heard

Основная часть


Before reading the text let’s work with new words:

Slide 4 lights congratulate

Presents stockings

Jokes tricks

Decorate roasted turkey

Celebrate guests

e.g. People decorate a Christmas tree with balls, toys and lights. Children play jokes and tricks on April Fool’s Day. Not all English people celebrate New year – the 31st of December. At 12 o’clock people congratulate each other.

Presents for children are in their stockings. The traditional English dinner of this day is roasted turkey and Christmas pudding.

Comprehension check. Work in pairs.

Slide 5

Say “true” or “false”

  1. In March we have a holiday for English women – April Fool’s Day.

  2. On Mother’s Day people visit their mothers and give them some presents.

  1. Children play jokes and tricks on other people on April Fool’s Day.

  2. On the 31st of October we have Christmas.

  3. Children go from house to house and say “trick”or “treat”.

  4. People decorate a Christmas tree with toys, balls and lights.

  5. Presents for children are under the table and in their bags.

  6. 8. The traditional dinner for Christmas is roasted turkey and Christmas pudding.

  7. English people celebrate New Year on the 1st of January.

  8. At 12 o’clock people congratulate each other.

Keys: 1 – F 6 –T

2 – T 7 – F

3 - T 8 –T

4 – F 9 – F

5 – T 10 – T

Give 1 point to each correct answer and count

your results. Now give a mark.

5” – 9-10 points; “3” – 4-5 points;

4” – 6-8 points; “2” – 1-3 points

Work in groups. Think and tell what holiday they are talking about. Match the descriptions of the holidays with their names.

Slide 6

Work in groups.


The first group – “Christmas”

The second group – “New year”

Criterion of evaluation:

Оценивание по критериям (творческая работа)

Название постера

Содержание соответствует теме

(0-5 б.)


(0-3 б.)

Творческий подход

(0-5 б.)

Выразительность при чтении

(0-5 б.)


(0-3 б.)

Итоговая оценка

19-21 б. – «5» 15-18 б. – «4»

10-14 б. – «3» меньше 10 б. – «2»

Pupils try to guess the meaning of these words by translating the sentences from the text

Pupils work with cards and decide if the sentences true of false.

Then check up by the keys and

then count the points

Pupils match the

descriptions of the holidays with their names.

Pupils work with posters and describe holidays using pictures, information about these holidays

Подведение итогов

4.1Reflection. Прием незаконченного предложения Today’s lesson

I have got acquainted with...

I have found out...

I have learnt...

I have remembered...


I've worked: very well good a little try again

Homework. Write a short essay about holidays in Kazakhstan.

Pupils fill a reflective list and a list of evaluation.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Конспект урока по английскому языку 6 класс "Holidays"

Автор: Габдуллина Мария Хабдуллиевна

Дата: 21.05.2017

Номер свидетельства: 417449

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