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Конспект урока по английскомуязыку 5 класс

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«Конспект урока по английскомуязыку 5 класс»

7 сынып 11.11.16ж Тема: We like travelling

Тип урока: комбинированный 

Цели и задачи урока:

Образовательная- формирование целостного представления о мире;
- приобщение к другим культурам, традициям;
- сопоставление своей и иных культур, и познавательного интереса;
- расширение страноведческих знаний.

Развивающая - развитие воображения, речевых способностей, лингвистического мышления

- умения анализировать, выделить главное

- тренировка памяти, обогащение словарного запаса

Воспитательная - воспитание личности учащегося на основе общечеловеческих ценностей, толерантности и уважения к другим нациям и культурам;
- воспитание культуры общения

Практическая - формирование коммуникативной компетенции во всех ее составляющих: языковой, речевой, учебно-познавательной.

 Средства обучения и оборудование:  интерактивная презентация, подготовленная в соответствии с планом урока по теме «Weliketravelling», мультимедийный компьютерный комплекс

The procedure of the lesson

  1. Preamble


Good morning! Take your seats, please, and get ready for the lesson.

Today the theme of our lesson is "We like travelling “

And we’re going to speak a lot how to spend free time. Travelling is one of the ways of spending holidays and it plays an important part in the entertainment of people.

2. Warming-up

Teacher: I’d like to begin with proverbs about travelling. Repeat it after me, please:

  1. Every country has its customs. Каждая страна имеет свои обычаи.

  2. There is no place like home.Там нет места как дома

  3. East or West, home is best. Восток или Запад, а дома лучше.

  4. So many countries, so many customs. Сколько стран, столько обычаев.

Teacher :there’s another fine proverb about travelling : Travel broadens the minds. It really broadens our minds, knowledge. Do you agree? And so why do we travel? Let’s try to answer this question.

3. Developing speaking skills.

Teacher: Why do people travel? Give your reasons:

4.Speaking practice. Monologue speech.

There are different kinds of travelling. Somebody likes travelling by car or by train, somebody prefer doing it by plain or ship what about you? What do you prefer?

P1. Travelling on plane

All people are fond of travelling. It is very interesting to see new places, another towns and countries. People may travel for pleasure or on business. There are many kinds of travelling. For me I like travel by air, it is more comfortable, more convenient and, of course, far quicker. There is no dust and dirt of a railway or car journey, no trouble of changing from train to another train.

P2. Travelling by train

With a train you have speed, comfort and pleasure. From the comfortable seat of a railway carriage you have a splendid view of the whole country-side. If you are hungry, you can have a meal in the dining – car, and if a journey is a long one you can have a wonderful bed in a sleeper.

P3. Travelling by car

Many people like to travel by car. It is interesting too, because you can see many things in a short time, you can stop when and where you like, you do not have to buy tickets or carry your suitcases.

P4. Travelling by ship

Travelling by ship is also very popular now. It is very pleasant to feel the deck of the ship under the feet, to see the rise and fall of the waves, to feel the fresh sea wind blowing in the face and hear the cry of the seagulls.

P5. Hiking

A very popular kind of travelling is hiking. It is travelling on foot. Walking tours are very interesting. Hitch-hiking is very popular method of travelling among young people. But it is not so popular in our country as abroad.

  1. Reading practice

Text in books: ex 2 ,page 164

  1. Speaking practice. Dialogue speech.

Aziza has come from Paris. She has a lot of impressions of it. Do you want to know about her travelling? Ask her.

  1. What’s Paris like?-P1

  2. What are the buildings like?- P2

  3. What are the people like?-P3

  4. What’s the food like? –P4

  5. What are the shops like?-P5

  6. What’s the weather like? –P6

  1. Writing practice. Make some expressions with these words.

City expensive

Street tasty

Building crowded

People beautiful

Valley wide

Food modern or ancient

Shop friendly and hospitable

  1. Evaluation.

Now I see you like travelling very much and you a lot of interesting things about it. Our lesson is almost over. Thank you for being active. It was very important to listen to your points of view. And now write on these sheets of paper your impressions to the lesson.

We like travelling


the text

Why do we travel?


Monologue speech

Dialogue speech

Make expressions


I liked








I disliked








































Your marks of the lesson are the following:

Now, please, write down your home task: to write a composition about the country you would like to visit.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Конспект урока по английскомуязыку 5 класс

Автор: Есмаханбетова Бекзат Куанышевна

Дата: 12.02.2017

Номер свидетельства: 391025

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