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Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку для разноуровневых групп

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Педтехнология разноуровневого обучения позволяет создать педагогические условия для включения каждого студента в деятельность, соответствующую зоне его развития. Необходимость применения этой технологии обусловлена тем, что в профессиональное образование приходят студенты с разным уровнем обученности. В образовательном процессе преподаватель имеет дело с индивидуальностями, имеющими различные склонности, интересы, потребности и мотивы, особенности темперамента, свойства мышления и памяти

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«Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку для разноуровневых групп»

Mobile Phones

Step One: pre-reading
As a preparation for reading, T asks the Ss to work in pairs and discuss together some of the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phone. T provides creative tasks that students can do at their own level, T moves around the class offering help where necessary. For weaker students (Mary, Natasha and Lera) T can offer some ideas:

Keep in touch with….-связаться с кем-либо

You can listen to music…..- вы можете слушать музыку

You don't miss important calls….- вы не пропустите важные звонки

You can surf the Internet – вы можете войти в Интернет

Mobile phone can damage for…- мобильный телефон может нанести вред….

Mobile phone can limit real communication – ограничиваетреальноеобщение

It can be expensive – Телефон может быть дорогим

When they have finished, asks some students to write advantages and others disadvantages on the board.
For example:

Advantages of Mobile Phones: 

Disadvantages of Mobile Phones:

  • Keep in touch with friends and family

  • You don't miss important calls

  • If you are lost, you can call for directions.

  • If you are in an accident, you can call the police or ambulance - and if the phone has a camera, you can take pictures of the accident.

  • You can listen to music, text, play games when you're bored.

  • Most mobile phones have a calculator and a phone book.

  • Phones have internet connection

  • They have cameras

  • You can check your emails

  • Mobile phones can be expensive

  • They can damage your health

  • Sometimes the reception is poor in some areas, limiting your connectivity (you can't talk underground or on planes).

  • People use the phone while they are driving, and this can cause problems.

  • They can limit your face to face time with friends and family

  • Can be hard for older people to use.

  • Because of their smaller size, they can be easy to lose.

T divides the students into groups according to ability (1 group – the weaker students (Mary, Natasha, Lera, Anton)( 2 group – the stronger students (Polina, Kate, Ann, Vadim, Sergey). T gives each group of students the word lists that previously created. Ss work within their groups and T asks them to discuss the meaning and use of the words.For the weaker students T should write the meaning and students try to understand and translate these words. Ss may use a dictionary or ask T for help. When they have finished, clarify the vocabulary together as a class.

Mobile Phones Vocabulary for weaker students



conducted verb

Carried out with control

definitive adj

complete; well understood

device noun

a thing that people use for a specific purpose

err on the side of caution idiom

take the necessary precaution due to a possible risk

funded verb

paid or partially paid for

Gamingconsoles noun

electronic devices that allow people to play video games

hazardous adjective

dangerous; could cause injury or health problems

illustrate verb


logical adj

Makes sense

longtermexposure noun

the use or close proximity to something over a long period of time

mobilephone noun

a wireless phone that can be carried with you out of the home and office

potential noun

Good possibility

radiation noun

a type of energy that is transmitted as waves or rays

tissue noun

group of cells in the body that work together

tobacco noun

dried leaves found in cigarettes

Mobile Phones Vocabulary for stronger students



conducted verb

definitive adj

device noun

err on the side of caution idiom

funded verb

Gamingconsoles noun

hazardous adjective

illustrate verb

logical adj

longtermexposure noun

mobilephone noun

potential noun

radiation noun

tissue noun

tobacco noun

Step Two: Reading (I tried to use Jigsaw technology) Put the students into three mixed ability groups, and distribute copies of the reading strips.

Group students with the same letter text together so they can preview and read the text together. That is, put students with paragraph A together, students with paragraph B together, students with paragraph C together

C Kate

C Lera C Mary

B Vadim B Ann

B Anton

A Sergey

A Polina A Natasha

Students now read their text, T allows students to consult together as they work. They should also answer the comprehension questions.

Mobile Phones Text


Is talking on a mobile phone hazardous to your health? It is difficult to know for sure. Some research suggests that heavy users of mobile phones are at a greater risk of developing brain tumours. However, many other studies suggest there are no links between cancer and mobile phone use.

The main problem with the current research is that mobile phones have only been popular since the 1990s. As a result, it is impossible to study the long term exposure of mobile phone use. This concerns many health professionals who point out that many cancers take at least ten years to develop. Another concern about these studies is that many have been funded by those who benefit financially from the mobile phone industry.

Reading comprehension

1. According to the text, do mobile phones lead to brain tumours?                  

2. The text mentions the 1990s because this was when …? 

B Many cancers take ten years to develop.

Over three billion people use mobile phones on a daily basis, and many talk for more than an hour a day. Mobile phone antennas are similar to microwave ovens. While both rely on electromagnetic radiation, the radio waves in mobile phones are lower in radio frequency (RF). Microwave ovens have enough RF to cook food and are therefore known to be dangerous to human tissues. However, the concern is that the lower frequency radio waves that mobile phones rely on may also be dangerous. It seems logical that holding a heat source near your brain for a long period of time is a potential health hazard.

Mobile phones get hot when they are used for a long period of time.

Some researchers believe that other types of wireless technology may also be dangerous to human health, including laptops, cordless phones, and gaming consoles. Organizations that are concerned about the effects of Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) suggest replacing all cordless devices with wired ones. They say that many cordless phones emit dangerous levels of EMR even when they are not in use. They even suggest keeping electronic devices, such as computers and alarm clocks out of bedrooms, or at least six feet from your pillow.

Reading comprehension

3. Why does the article mention microwave ovens?                   

4. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the article?                            

C Other wireless technology may also be hazardous to our health.

A growing number of health professionals worldwide are recommending that mobile phone users err on the side of caution until more definitive studies can be conducted. They recommend that adults use head sets or speaker phones and that children and teens, whose brain tissue are still developing, use mobile phones only for emergencies. Concerned medical experts use the example of tobacco to illustrate the potential risks. Many years ago, people smoked freely and were not concerned about the effects of cigarettes on their health. Today, people know that cigarettes cause lung cancer, though it is still unknown exactly how or why. Some doctors fear that the same thing will happen with devices such as mobile phones.

Reading comprehension

5.How is mobile phone used compared toa tobacco use in this article?

Teacher prepared the chart, that included all three paragraphs and would be appropriate for the content. T distributes copies of the chart to the students.

Paragraph A

Paragraph B

Paragraph C

Main ideas


Students should fill in the main idea and details in the column of their chart that corresponds to their paragraph (i.e. students with paragraph A fill in column A). The Ss should be responsible for both vocabulary and content, each member of the group understands their parts of the material and that they will be able to teach it to others in their group.

Groups should come to a consensus as to the main idea and details of their paragraph.

Next regroup the class into three new groups so that each new group has a student who has read each paragraph. So, Group 1 should have A, B and C and so forth.







Students should elicit information from each other and share the main idea and details from each of the paragraphs. Each member of the group now teaches the rest of the group about the section they just read about.They fill out the table as each group member shares the main ideas and details of their paragraph. When groups have completed their tables, they come back together as a class to recap and share information.

Step Three: Follow up T groups weaker and stronger students separated from each other and gives them different tasks.
So the stronger and quicker students work with more complicated tasks, whereas the weaker students deal with a simpler task.

For the weaker student (Mary, Natasha, Lera) Vocabulary quiz with multiple choices:


1. Another word for dangerous is  

   A logical B hazardous C potential D definitive                   

2. The device used for playing video games is a gaming  

A mobile B radiator C console D exposure                    

3. The term "funded" means   

A helped pay for B underpaid C on sale D expensive

4. Microwaves are a type of                       

A tissue B radiation C mobile D mobile phone

5. A synonym for "to show" is  

A to conduct B to illustrate C to devise D to fund

For the stronger and intermediate students (Vadim, Polina, Kate, Ann, Sergey, Anton) Vocabulary quiz, filling missing words:
    1. Another word for dangerous is….

    2. The device used for playing video games is a gaming ….

    3. Theterm "funded" means…

    4. Microwaves are a type of….

    5. A synonym for "to show" is……


Mixed ability groups in the classroom

Студент и его личные особенности


Словарный запас





Разговорная речь

Polina – well organized, very practical, never does anything stupid



- uses conventional social language

Good –

present, past, future simple


Conditional sentences

Passive Voice

can read articles and reports, understand long and complex texts

listens to natural speech and conversation, and understand detail

is able to write letters, both formal and informal

can discuss current topics, express her feelings

Mary -passive, she doesn’t like to speak in front of the whole class

Elementary (or Beginner)

A very limited vocabulary

can use Past simple, can’t make future plans

can understand very familiar and simple texts

can recognize familiar words if people speak slowly and clear

can write short simple postcard

can introduce herself and describe others and can ask and answer simple questions but she doesn’t like speaking

Kate- hard-working, always tries to do her job well


uses formal and informal English in appropriate social situations

can use Simple and Continuous Tenses

Weak –talk about past habits (used to)

can read and understand complex articles, specific information

can listen to natural speech and conversation, and understand what is being


can write clear texts on a wide range of subjects, but sometimes makes mistakes

uses appropriate speech in a wide range of social situations

Natasha –shy, feels nervous and uncomfortable if people are criticizing her


is still greatly limited

Good – Future and Past Simple



Present Simple

understands simple sentences, can read short texts

can recognize familiar words if people speak slowly and clear

does simple writing tasks such as taking or leaving a message

can give simple information about herself

Vadim- self-confident, a born leader, talks too much and interrupts


uses formal and informal English in appropriate social situations

Good – talk about the present, past and future

can read authentic texts such as newspapers and magazines and understand the general


listens to natural speech and conversation and begin to understand detailed information, doesn’t like listening

can write simple letters and be able to link ideas together

participates in discussions and be able to interrupt politely, and take turns in


Sergey-quite broad-minded butdifficulty staying on task or paying attention


uses conventional social language

uses the Simple and Continuous Tenses.

Weak –Perfect, Reported Speech

reads most complex texts and be able to understand them

listens to natural speech and conversation, and understand detail

Writes letters to friends

can deal with most everyday situations

Anton - easy-going, has a good sense of humour, has difficulty remaining seated

Pre - Intermediate

limited but rapidly improving.

Good –

present, past, future simple


Conditional sentences

can read authentic texts such as newspapers and magazines and understand the general


listens to natural speech and conversation, and understand the gist of what is being


writes letters, both formal and informal, makes mistakes

Participates in discussions

Anna - has a well-developed imagination, remember a great deal of information


is still greatly improving

uses all the main structures and tenses in English

can understand texts that contain everyday or professional language

can understand the main points of TV and radio programs

can write personal letters, simple connected texts on topics which are familiar

can express their feelings, desires,  hopes & ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans

Lera– very sensitive and unsociable(reserved)


is limited

makes a lot of grammar mistakes

is able to read simple articles

can recognize familiar words and very basic phrases

does simple writing tasks, makes a lot of mistakes

communicates in simple terms in everyday places

Сегодня много говорится о личностно-ориентированном образовании, индивидуальных образовательных траекториях и т.д. Многие преподаватели, слыша об этом, говорят: "Это невозможно, когда у тебя в кабинете 20 или 30 человек сидит. " Ни для кого не секрет, что большинство уроков происходит по схеме - повторение домашнего задания, объяснение преподавателем новой темы, вопросы на закрепление. И совершенно естественно, что направлена эта схема на большинство обучающихся в группе - середнячков. А вот более сильным это кажется скучным, их вопросы остаются без внимания, возможности высказаться они не получают; а более слабые - не успевают усваивать материал. В итоге и те, и другие, начинают заниматься своими делами на уроке, интерес к предмету пропадает. Как угодить всем? Выход есть - дифференцированное (разноуровневое) обучение!

Педтехнология разноуровневого обучения позволяет создать педагогические условия для включения каждого студента в деятельность, соответствующую зоне его развития. Необходимость применения этой технологии обусловлена тем, что в профессиональное образование приходят студенты с разным уровнем обученности. В образовательном процессе преподаватель имеет дело с индивидуальностями, имеющими различные склонности, интересы, потребности и мотивы, особенности темперамента, свойства мышления и памяти

Ключевой методический прием работы в разноуровневыхгруппах -прозрачность.

Все обучающиеся, включая слабых, должны понимать, что происходит на уроке и зачем.

Одним из способов достижения прозрачности на уроке является предварительный просмотр (previewing). Каждую тему или раздел можно начинать с обмена информацией. Whatdoyouknowabout…….? Этот прием дает возможность каждому обучающемуся внести свой вклад в урок, заинтересовать их, продемонстрировать свои знания, обнадежить слабых. Ту же информацию можно запросить: Whatdon’tyouknowabout…..? Подобная формулировка вопроса усложняет задачу, делает ее более избирательной (каждый студент, включая сильных, хоть что-нибудь да не знает).

Предварительное знакомство с материалом урока. Например, наследующемурокемыбудемсмотретьвидеосюжетна тему «Умный дом».Можно попросить ребят ознакомиться с данной темой на русском языке, используя дополнительную литературу.

Варьирование темпа урока. В большинстве случаев урок проходит в том темпе, в котором его ведет преподаватель. Обучающиеся должны знать, сколько времени они могут выполнять задание. Задания открытого и закрытого типа требуют применения различных навыков и разного темпа. Студентам нужно предоставить право выбора упражнения, соответствующего его интересам и определенный темп. Обучающиеся должны сами выбирать режим работы (в паре, в группе, индивидуально).

Разноуровневые задания. Подбирая задания к аудио, видео и печатному тексту, важно сделать их соревновательными, интересными, разнообразными по форме и содержанию, использовать опоры, подсказки, иллюстрации для снижения трудностей.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку для разноуровневых групп

Автор: Рычагова Ольга Викторовна

Дата: 17.02.2019

Номер свидетельства: 500166

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