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Методическая разработка в 9 классе "Modern music in my life"

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Дидактическая цель урока: повторить знакомые лексические единицы и освоить новые лексические единицы по теме "Modern music in my life", освоить употребление лексики во всех видах речевой деятельности; освоить формообразование и использование в связной речи грамматической структуры  If I were a famous singer, I would visit., научиться рассказывать о музыке в устной и письменной форме.

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«Методическая разработка в 9 классе "Modern music in my life"»

План-конспект урока английского языка в 9 классе

УМК «Английский в фокусе» авторы Н.И.Быкова, Дж.Дули и др.

Учитель: Мучкаева Бембя Дорджиевна

Тема урока: "Modern music in my life"

 Место и роль урока в изучаемой теме: 1 урок по теме «Music» , 1 урок по разделу «Music».

Тип урока: урок изучения нового материала.

 Дидактическая цель урока: повторить знакомые лексические единицы и освоить новые лексические единицы по теме "Modern music in my life", освоить употребление лексики во всех видах речевой деятельности; освоить формообразование и использование в связной речи грамматической структуры  If I were a famous singer, I would visit ..., научиться рассказывать о музыке в устной и письменной форме.


Обучающие – расширить словарный запас обучающихся на 12 новых слов и выражений по теме, формировать у учащихся навыки самоконтроля и самооценки;

Развивающие – развивать коммуникативные навыки сотрудничества с другими учащимися; совершенствовать навыки чтения и произношения новых слов;  развивать умение применять полученные знания на практике; способствовать развитию умения составлять план как подготовительный этап к монологической речи.

Воспитательные: содействовать повышению уровня мотивации на уроке через средства обучения; содействовать развитию интереса к изучению иностранного языка; к культуре разных стран.

Материальное обеспечение урока: учебник «Spotlight 9», тетрадь к учебнику, словари, интерактивная доска, раздаточный материал;

Методы работы: аудиовизуальный, наглядно-образный, практический, информационно-поисковый, контроль, репродуктивный.

Требования к уроку

Урок современного типа

Формирование УУД:

Личностные: положительное отношение к  процессу познания, применять правила сотрудничества;

Познавательные: воспроизводить по памяти информацию, необходимую для решения учебной задачи ,высказывать предположения, обсуждать проблемные вопросы;

Коммуникативные: участвовать в учебном диалоге и строить монологические высказывания;

Регулятивные: планировать решение учебной задачи, оценивать и корректировать свою деятельность.

План урока:

1.   Организационный момент.

2.   Постановка учебной проблемы.

3.   Актуализация  знаний.

3.  «Открытие нового знания».

5.  Первичное закрепление лексических навыков.

6.  Активизация навыков монологической речи.

7.  Развитие навыков письменной речи.

8.  Рефлексия деятельности.

Конспект открытого урока для 9-го класса по теме: "Modern music in my life"

Задачи урока:

  1. Развивать навыки коммуникативной компетенции в монологической и диалогической речи, аудировании и чтении.

  2. Активизировать употребление лексики по теме, расширять словарный запас.

  3. Способствовать ознакомлению с иноязычной культурой и расширению кругозора учащихся.

  4. Прививать любовь к музыке, знакомить с правилами поведения на концерте.


  1. Портреты композиторов, известных поп- и рок-музыкантов.

  2. Карточки с заданиями.

  3. Магнитофон.

  4. Работы учащихся по темам “My favourite composer”, “My favourite singer”.

  5. Пластинки, кассеты, компакт-диски.

Ход урока

1. Оргмомент. Приветствие.

T: At the beginning of our lesson I’d like you to look at the blackboard. Here you can see some lines of words. In each line there is one different word. Your task is to find it.

Wind; weather; rain; guitar; climate.

A turner; a blacksmith; a carpenter; a plumber; a musician.

A car; a phonograph; a train; an airplane; a bus.

Sixty; symphony; twenty; eighty; thirty.

Xylophone; telephone; radio; TV set; computer.

Painting; brushes; music; portrait; landscape.

2. Фонзарядка. Отработка чтения данных слов.

T: Boys, tell us what kinds of theme are all these different words from?

P1: They are from the theme “Music”

T: Quite right. Today we are going to speak about modern music in our life. People all over the world are fond of music. Music plays an important role in our life. We can hear music everywhere: in the streets and at home, over the radio and on TV, in the concert halls and in the parks. Some people listen to music, others dance to music, and some learn to play musical instruments.
But what is the role of music in your life?

P1 – As for me, music helps me to relax.
P2 – Music is a voice for the feelings and thoughts.
P3 – As for me I play the piano and sing songs.
P4 – I sing songs while doing something.
P5 – Music gives me pleasure and a sense of happiness.
P6 – Music reflects my mood and emotions.
P7 – Listening to music is a good way to spend my free time.
P8 – I dance to music.
P9 - Music gives (доставляет) me delight.
P 10 – Music evokes (вызывает) different feelings

T: – Thank you for your answers. Now I see that music really occupies an important role in your lives.

3. Речевая зарядка

T: Answer my questions (Режим: T® P1, P2, P3 .... .)

  1. What kinds of music do you know?

P: pop music, rock, folk, classical, country, jazz, rap, blues etc.

  1. Where can we hear music?

  2. Musical education in schools is very important, isn’t it?

  3. Why do people need music?

  4. What do you think, remember or feel while listening to music?

  5. Can we live without music?

4. Аудирование короткого текста к учебнику “Open doors” [ 1]

T: Different people like different kinds of music. Besides some of them play musical instruments, others sing and the rest simply listen to music. Now let’s listen to Mr. Green and his students and answer the questions.

1) Прослушивание текста

2) Ответы на вопросы к тексту:

  1. How many students are there in Mr. Green’s class?

  2. How many like pop music?

  3. How many play a musical instrument?

  4. How many can sing?

  5. How many like classical music?

  6. How many like opera?

3) T: Will you answer the same questions about your class, please? 6. Отработка умений задавать вопросы (интервью с солистом группы "Битлз" Полом Маккартни)

В гости к ребятам пришёл солист группы "Биттлз" - Пол Маккартни.

“Students, today we have a guest, one of the four members of Beatles, Paul McCartney. He was born on June 18, 1942. When he was 13 years old his mother died. The boy and the father felt a terrible loss. Paul was keen on football, but music did not play an important part in his childhood. However, he learnt to compose songs on his piano very quickly. Paul was fond of rock’n’roll and Elvis Presley. One of Paul’s first ballads “And I Love Her” is devoted to his girlfriend Jane Asher. It is charming, amazing and very intimate. Paul McCartney is the author of the song “Yesterday”, which is still popular”.

Учащиеся берут у него интервью. Примерные вопросы учащихся:

1. Do you like your profession?

2. How long have you been singing?

3. Does your profession influence your life?

4. What is your favourite song?

5. Have you ever had wigs on?

После интервью учитель проверяет, что учащиеся запомнили о жизни и профессиональной деятельности группы, и предлагает выполнить тест:

Choose the correct answer.

1) Can you put these names and dates of birth together ?

John Lennon


Ringo Starr


George Harrison


Paul McCartney


2) When was the group phenominally popular?

a) in the middle and late 1960s; 
b) in late 1970s; 
c) in early 1950s;

3) What was the first name of the group?

a) Johnny and Moondogs; 
b) The Quarry Men; 
c) The Beatles; 
d) The Silver Beatles;

4) What was the Beatles' first really big hit?

a) "Please Please Me";
b) "Imagine"; 
c) "Love Me Do";

5) In which year did they have their first hit?

a) 1970; 
b) 1962; 
c) 1948;

Which of these is not a Beatles song?

a) Love Me Do; 
b) She Loves You; 
c) Can't Buy Me Love; 
d) All You Need is Love; 
e) California Girls;

7) To whom did Paul devote the song "And I Love Her"?

a) Jane Asher; 
b) Georgia Brown; 
c) Madonna; d) Linda McCartney;

8) What was the name of their first film?

a) Across the Universe; 
b) Magical Mystery Tour; 
c) A Hard Day's Night;
d) A Day in the Life.

9) When did the Beatles break up?

a) in 1970; 
b) in 1971; 
c) in 1973;

7. Работа над формированием грамматических навыков по теме Subjunctive Mood:

Представьте, что вы известный певец или певица. Вы собираетесь посетить города России со своими концертами. Какие города вы бы посетили и почему?

P1: If I were a famous singer, I would visit such city as Kazan, because it is very ancient and the cultural center of Tatarstan.

P2: If I were a famous singer, I would visit ...

P3: If I were a famous singer, I would visit ...

6. T: Very often people go to listen to classical music to different concert halls, theatres. Do you know the rules of people’s behaviour at a concert of classical music? [ 4]

P1 …., P2 ….., P3 ….. .

Затем учащиеся читают правила поведения, записанные на плакате:

  1. Please don’t drink during the performance.

  2. Please don’t eat during the performance.

  3. The taking of photographs is strictly forbidden.

  4. Please ensure that all alarms are switched off.

  5. Please try not to cough during the music.

7. T: Symphony music is played by big orchestras. There are many musical instruments in such orchestras. On the blackboard you can see the chain where the names of some musical instruments are hidden. Your task is to find them.


(Затем отрабатывается чтение названий музыкальных инструментов.)

8. T: Say if my statements are true or false.

  1. The harp is a woodwind instrument. (False)

  2. The violin is in the string section. (True)

  3. A cello is bigger than a violin. (True)

  4. The trumpet is a brass instrument. (True)

  5. Cymbals are in the string section. (False)

  6. Tubas are made of metal. (True)

  7. The bassoon is a woodwind instrument. (True)

  8. The viola is in the percussion section. (False)

9. T: Can you play a musical instrument?

P1 …. , P2 ….. , P3 ….. .

T: P4, I know that you’ve brought a guitar today. Will you play it?

(Ученик играет на гитаре)

11. T: So if you want to buy a cassette, a record or other products of this kind you go to a music shop. Imagine that you are in a music shop. (Разыгрывание диалога) [2]

Assistant: Hi, сan I help you?

Susan: Yes, I’m looking for an album by Derek Caine.

Assistant: What’s it called?

Susan: I can’t remember, I’m afraid. But it’s the latest one.

Assistant: Oh, yes, I know. “Tropical Heat”.

Susan: Yes, that’s right.

Assistant: Do you want the CD?

Susan: No, thanks. I haven’t got a CD player.

Assistant: Record or cassette then?

Susan: Mm. I’m not sure. How much are they?

Assistant: They’re both Ј 8.99.

Susan: I’ll have the cassette, please.

Assistant: OK. Would you like a bag?

Susan: No, I’ve already got one, thanks.

12. T: This girl has bought a cassette with the songs of the group “Red Alert”. If I’m not mistaken it’s a rock-group. But do you know the history of rock-music? Some students in your class are ready to speak about it. (Учащиеся рассказывают об истории рок-музыки). [5]

In the fifties in pop music of the USA rock’n’roll appeared. It was based on the Afro-American style rhythm and blues. But many people in the USA and even state authorities began to fight against rock’n’roll. Many senators, priests, public figures and teachers were against the new style of music because they didn’t want the white young people to mix with the black ones.

One of the pioneers of rock’n’roll was a young talented lorry-driver from Memphis Elvis Presley. His family wasn’t rich and he never learned to play a musical instrument. But he had a charming voice and a nice manner of singing. He gave many concerts, made a lot of long-playing records which were sold out very quickly, took part in TV and radio shows. He became very popular and very rich.

We have all grounds to say that Elvis Presley is considered to be the king of rock’n’roll.

Let’s listen to one of his songs.

At the end of the fifties - at the beginning of the sixties rock’n’roll became the phenomenon of mass culture. Many businessmen did their best to draw people’s attention to this kind of music: it was broadcasted over the radio, TV; a lot of new records of different singers were made. At first rock’n’roll music was about the youth’s problems but then the singers began to sing about love and everyday life. And a new type of music appeared on the basis of rock’n’roll. It was pop, a typical example of mass culture.

Meanwhile in Britain a new musical style was formed. It was called “British rock” or simply ”beat”.

Speaking about British beat-music we can’t but mention the city of Liverpool. Beat-music was called “Mersey-beat” there. The most typical example of Mersey-beat is the famous group “The Beatles”.

The Beatles, the first really important British pop group was formed by John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. They came from Liverpool, a town in the north of England. The Beatles had their first hit record in 1962. They gave concerts in Germany and America where they had even greater success.

After 1965 the Beatles worked mostly on films and albums (long-playing records).In the sixties they created successful records and interesting films. The Beatles were very popular especially with the youth. Beatlemania was the word used to describe the reaction of fans all over the world.

In 1970 the group split up. Yet Lennon and McCartney– and the Beatles ? produced some of the most famous pop songs ever.

Let’s sing the song “Yesterday”.

The years of 1967 – 1968 were the flourishing years for rock music. A great role in it was played by the “underground”, an informal unity of actors, musicians, writers, artists. At that time there were such underground groups as “Pink Floyd”, “Soft Machine”, “Purple Gang” and others.

A typical rock-group had the following set of instruments: one or two electric guitars, a bass guitar and the drums. One of the main characteristic features of a rock-group is that the texts and music of the songs were composed by the members of the group.

There is no denying the fact that jazz and classical music greatly influenced rock music. Some rock musicians composed music to be played by a rock-group together with the symphony orchestra. Such a style of music was called art-rock. One of the groups that had the experience of performing music together with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra was “Deep Purple”.

Now listen to the song of this group.

In the seventies teenagers lost their interest in rock-music and were carried away by music of the disco-style. No doubt you’ve heard the names of such groups as “Boney M”, “ABBA”, and many others.

Let's listen to a piece of music of this style.

Then at the end of the seventies young people became interested in the new style of hard rock which was called “heavy metal”. The musicians behaved very strangely on the stage: they jumped, ran, moved their bodies and did other strange things.

It should be taken into account that in the 1980s and 1990s young people got interested in the new rock culture. It was electronic rock and pop music. The representatives of this style performed rather professional and serious music. We can mention such groups as “The Human League”, “Depeche Mode” and others. There is no denying the fact that the appearance of video music contributed much to the spreading of this kind of music.

To finish all up I must say that there are many musicians and singers who have been popular with different people both young and not so young for many years. Paul McCartney, Michael Jackson, “The Rolling Stones”, “Status Quo”, “U-2” and many others are among them.

13. T: Thank you very much for your stories.

Everybody has his own favourite singer. Let’s play the game “Guess my favourite singer”. (Режим ClP1). Учащиеся задают вопросы такого типа:

Is this a man or a woman? When and where was he (she) born? What country does he (she) live in? Etc.

14. T: At our lessons we often sing songs and of course you know many of them. Now I’m going to describe some songs and your task is to guess them.

  1. This song is about a boy who has found a good wife for himself. But she’s a young thing and cannot leave her mother. (“Billy Boy”)

  2. In this song the young man is sad because he has parted with his girl-friend last night. And now he is long for that. (“Yesterday”)

  3. The next song tells us about a man who had two daughters. His elder daughter is the main character of the song. But one day she fell into the river and was drowned. (“Clementine”)

  4. This song is based on the Bible. The event took place in the desert in one of the African countries. (“Go down, Moses”)

  5. The fifth song tells about a woman who helps us in different difficult situations in our lives. The Beatles performed this song. (“Let it be”)

  6. In this song a girl tells us about her love for music. When she starts to sing everybody listens to her. She thanks music because she can’t live without it. (“Thank you for the music”)

8. Работа над развитием умений аудирования:

Учитель раздаёт учащимся текст песни “Yesterday” с пропусками в исполнении группы "Битлз". Учащиеся слушают песню и заполняют пропуски:

All my troubles … so far away,
Now it looks as though they're here to …
Oh, I believe in yesterday.
I'm not … the man I used to be,
There's a shadow hanging … me,
Oh, yesterday came suddenly.
Why … had to go
I don't know she wouldn't say
I said something …
Now I long for yesterday.
… ,
Love was such an easy …,
Now I need a place to …
Oh, I believe in yesterday.
Why she had to go
I don't know she …
I said something …,
Now I … for yesterday.

Затем учащиеся вместе поют эту песню.

III. Заключительный этап

1. Домашнее задание:

Учитель задаёт домашнее задание и объясняет способ его выполнения, показывая на примере.

2. Подведение итогов и выставление отметок:

Учитель вместе с учениками подводит итоги урока. Выставляются и аргументируются отметки.

10. Заключительный этап урока.

Учитель  оценивает работу  учеников с комментариями, например:

You get «Excellent» because you worked the hardest.

You get «Good» because you answered properly.

You get «Satisfied» because you were not active.

Кроме того, ученикам предлагается оценить свое эмоциональное состояние, используя следующий опорный конспект.

T: What emotions do you feel after our lesson?

Слайд 5


(Ученики высказывают свои эмоции, использую материал опоры).

Слайд 6

T: The lesson is over! Good bye!



Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Методическая разработка в 9 классе "Modern music in my life"

Автор: Мучкаева Бембя Дорджиевна

Дата: 29.01.2020

Номер свидетельства: 537862

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