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Метапредметный урок английского языка в 8 классе "Спасите планету"

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«Метапредметный урок английского языка в 8 классе "Спасите планету"»

Метапредметный урок английского языка

Предмет – английский язык

Класс – 8

УМК М.З. Биболетовой и др. "Enjoy English"

Тема урока: «Спасите планету»

Тип урока: Урок закрепления знаний

Оборудование:постеры, призывающие беречь природу; карточки с заданиями, аудиозапись, слайды, мультимедийная презентация, ноутбук, аудиосистема.

Составила: учитель английского языка МБОУ «СОШ № 6» Васильева Р.Д.


Образовательные: выработка умений по применению знаний.


1) убедить учащихся в важности решения экологических проблем;

2) воспитывать уважение к собеседнику, умение выслушать;

3) научить ребят сотрудничеству и работе в группе.


1) развитие мышления, внимания, памяти, языковой догадки;

2) развитие самостоятельности и креативности;

3) развитие умений взаимодействия в группе;

4) расширение кругозора (развитие лингвострановедческой компетенции).

Метапредметная цель: формирование у учащихся способностей к самостоятельному выявлению и исправлению своих ошибок.

Применяемые технологии

  • здоровьесберегающая;

  • личностно-ориентированное обучение

Формы организации познавательной деятельности

  • фронтальная

  • индивидуальная

Оформление доски

Walk lightly on the Earth. See but don’t be seen. Hear, but don’t be heard. What you carry in, carry out. Take only memories, leave only footprints.

Легко шагай по планете Земля. Смотри, но будь невидим. Слушай, но будь бесшумен. Что принёс, унеси с собой. Возьми только воспоминания и оставь только следы.(Надпись на входе в Канадский национальный природный парк)

Планируемые результаты


- переводить с английского на русский язык предложения новыми словами и словосочетания с новой лексикой

- составлять собственные предложения

формами с помощью подстановочной таблицы

- находить в тексте фразы, синонимичные заданным



(действия целеполагания, оценивание учебной деятельности своих одноклассников и своей деятельности)


(планирование учебного сотрудничества с учителем и сверстниками)

Познавательные, общеучебные (смысловое чтение, поиск и выделение необходимой информации, построение устного речевого высказывания); логические (анализ, синтез и классификация)


Личностные (действия смыслообразования, учебно-познавательный интерес)

Метапредметные связи

Биология, география

Ход урока:

1. Организационный момент. Приветствие.

Good morning, girls and boys! Glad to see you. Sit down, please. How are you?

2. Вступительное слово учителя: сообщение темы урока и плана работы.                T- P

T. Our lesson will consist of two parts: a theoretical part and a quiz. Today at our lesson we’ll discuss a very important problem, may be the most important problem for our Planet and the people living on it.

3.Чтение и тренировка навыков кратких монологических высказываний

Walk lightly on the Earth. See but don’t be seen. Hear, but don’t be heard. What you carry in, carry out. Take only memories. Leave only footprints.

T: I think that you’ll agree with me that these words can be the motto of our lesson today?

4. Отработка тематической лексики. Фронтальная работа.   What questions are the most important for discussing: (учитель записывает на доске вопросы)

1. What is the problem? (Global pollution)
2. Why does the problem exist? (Because people are not eco-friendly)
3. How to solve the problem? (to prohibit dangerous technologies, reuse, reduce and recycle, to inform the population about ecological problems.)
4. Who is responsible for that? (people, the authorities, administrations of plants and factories)

-Dear friends! We are glad to see you at our conference.
-Good afternoon! Let us introduce you the participants of this great forum, there are four groups of them: biologists, historians, mathematicians, geographers.
-They have the only task to discuss peoples’ interrelations with the environment, the wildlife, the nature.
-We see that they are ready to talk, let’s listen to biologists first.


- It’s a wonderful world we live in. For thousands of years the earth has given support to all forms of life-human beings, animals, birds, fishes, insects and plants. But now many species of animals and birds have disappeared. Millions of animals die every year, because their natural homes are polluted.
- The rivers that used to be full of fish- are empty of fish now. In some rivers you can see thick foam caused by chemical wastes.
-The forests are disappearing, people cut down trees because they need wood and paper. Baby-trees are damaged. Damage and pollution cause great harm to the environment. If people hadn’t thrown away so much rubbish, the Earth would be safe now.

-There are a lot of wonderful treasures in the world. Hundreds of thousand tourists come to them every year. Tourists take photographs, admire the beautiful landscapes but they don’t think about the troubles, dangers and pollution. Time is running out and beautiful places may become dangerous places.
- All over the world people have built plants, factories and power stations, which produce chemical wastes and throw it away in the environment.
-A lot of people travel by cars and motor cars, leave rubbish in the places of their picnics and they don’t always think about air pollution, pollution of rivers, lakes, meadows and forests. If people didn’t throw away tons of rubbish they wouldn’t have so many environmental problems now.

-A European family with two children throws away fifty (50) kilos of paper and sixty (60) kilos of plastic, that means that one person throws away twelve(12) kilos of paper and fifteen (15)kilos of plastic. It is also known that every person throws away seventy (70) food cans and seventy (70) drink cans. According to our mathematical sums - our class of twelve (12) pupils throws away one hundred and forty four(144) kilos of paper, one hundred and eighty (180) kilos of plastic, eight hundred and forty (840 ) food cans and eight hundred and forty (840 ) drink cans.
- It is known that every year in Britain each person produces about 57 kilograms of plastic waste. It means that Britain with it’s population of sixty two (62) million people produces tree million five hundred and seventy three thousand and nine hundred tons of plastic waste every year.
- Doing simple mathematical sums we see that the volume of rubbish, thrown into the environment is shocking.

-So to change the situation to the best people in the USA started up the first national park it was Yellowstone in eighteen seventy two(1872). After that national parks appeared in many other countries.
People say that 50 years ago there wasn’t even a local dump in Sizyabsk as well as in all other villages of our country. Several times a year pioneers competed in collecting waste paper and metal can which were taken to recycling centers.
- Only paper was used for packaging, glass cans and bottles were carefully collected and reused. There were no polythene packets, plastic cans and bottles. The number of houses was less and less forests were cut down for wood. People were more eco-friendly. We are not against progress and human activity in developing industry, but we should be well-educated, clever and carefull.

How to solve the problem?
People got used to polluting the planet, that’s why dangerous technologies must be prohibited

It would be better for people to travel by bicycle, by ship or on foot.

There should be more recycling centers in every country? And people should always remember three Rs- reuse, reduce and recycle.

People should learn ecological traditions of previous generations and they also should be informed about ecological problems.

Who is responsible for that

All of us should try to live in a way that will save the world rather than destroy it. We can organize “clean-up-days”

We should encourage our friends and families to do the same. We may join a group, which spends weekends cleaning up ponds, rivers, parks and woods.

There should be special programs and projects for protecting the environment.
The authorities should make laws, which can prohibit destruction and pollution of the planet.


T: The protection of nature has become one of the most burning problems. The nature gives people mineral resources, forests and clean water. But what does it get for that.

P1: Air pollution

P2: Water pollution

P3: Land pollution

P4: Disappearing Animals

It is not good of course. 


  1. What is the capital of Canada? (Ottawa)

  2. What is the capital of Australia? (Kanberra)

  3. What is the capital of New Zealand? (Wellington)

  4. What is the capital of the USA? (Washington)

  5. What is the capital of Great Britain? (London)

  6. How many states are there in the USA? (There are 50 states in the USA)

  7. What is the largest state in the USA? (Alaska)

  8. What was the capital of the first 13 states? (Philadelphia)

  9. What is the British twin-city of Russian Volgograd? (Coventry)

  10. What city is the centre of automobile industry in the USA? (Detroit)

  11. Where is Hollywood situated? (in Los-Angeles)

  12. Where is Los-Angeles situated? (California)

  13. Where is San-Francisco situated? (in the USA)

  14. On what river Washington is situated? (On the Potomac river)

  15. What Water Falls are situated on the border of the USA and Canada? ( the Niagara Falls)

  16. How many lakes does the Lake District consist of? (5 lakes: The Ontario, Ohaio, The Superior, the Eri, the Michigan )

  17. In what building does the president of the USA live and work? (in White House)

  18. What mountains are situated on the Pacific Coast of the USA? (the Cordillera Mountains)

  19. What river is called the father of rivers in the USA? (the Mississippi)

  20. Through how many states does it flow? (Through 31 states)

  21. What city of the USA was called by Maxim Gorkiy “the city of the yellow devil” (New-York)

  22. Who discovered America? (Christopher Columbus )

  23. On how many ships did he go to America? (On 3 ships: Pinto, Nina, Santa Maria)

  24. What is the largest US national park, founded in 1872?(Yellowstone)

  25. In what mountains is it situated? (In the Rocky mountains)

  26. Professor of mathematics of Oxford University is known in the world of literature as(Lewis Carroll)

  27. Lewis Carroll’s real name was(Charles Luttwidge Dodgson )

  28. The second longest river in the world, situated in South America(The Amazon)

  29. A large amusement park in the USA(Disneyland)

  30. The centre of the American film industry( Hollywood)

  31. The world’s largest ocean(The Pacific ocean)

  32. Arthur Conan Doyle’s main character(Sherlock Holmes)

  33. Daniel Defoe’s main character(Robinson Crusoe)

  34. How many years did Robinson Crusoe live on his uninhabited island?(28 years)

  35. The main character of Jonathan Swift’s books. (Gulliver)

Подведение итогов, оценивание работы учащихся на уроке. Учащиеся кратко подводят итог того, что они нового узнали на уроке, Учитель оценивает работу каждого ученика, комментировано выставляя отметки; благодарит учащихся за работу и прощается с ними.

The lesson is over. Thank you for your work. Goodbye.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Метапредметный урок английского языка в 8 классе "Спасите планету"

Автор: Васильева Римма Дамировна

Дата: 14.08.2016

Номер свидетельства: 339348

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