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Методическая разработка урока английского языка в 7 классе к УМК М.З.Биболетовой "Enjoy English ". Тема:" School life".

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Ознакомление сновой лексикой по теме"Школьная жизнь ",серия речевых упражнений, направленных на развитие умения высказываться,используя аргументацию( выразить свое мнение о школе и о профессии учителя).Разработка включает в себя организационный момент( приветствие,речевые клише).В разработку включены фонетическая разминка( С хоровой и индивидуальной отработкой правил чтения определенных словосочетаний по упражнениям учебника).Большое внимание уделяется речевой - разминке-игра "Снежный ком ".В разработке представлены упражнения,направленные на развитие умений выразить собственное мнение с опорой на речевые клише.

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«Методическая разработка урока английского языка в 7 классе к УМК М.З.Биболетовой "Enjoy English ". Тема:" School life". »

ГБОУ города Москвы Гимназия №1592

Методическая разработка

Урока английского языка

7 класс

УМК М.З.Биболетовой

Тема:. «School Life».

Тема:. «School Life».

Цель: ознакомить с новой лексикой по теме « Школа», развивать навыки монологической речи и чтения по теме « Школа».

Задачи: 1. Провести отработку лексики по теме « School Life» в серии речевых упражнении. 2.Развивать умение кратко высказаться в связи с ситуацией общения, используя аргументацию и выражая свое отношение к предмету речи / выразить свое мнение о школе и о профессии учителя и обосновать его . 3. Развивать умение читать текст и извлекать искомую информацию при чтении. 4. Провести работу по автоматизации и коррекции произносительных навыков.

Оборудование: картинки по теме « Школа», презентация « ГБОУ Гимназия № 1592».


I. Организационный момент.

1. Перед началом урока на доске развешиваются картинки по теме « Школа».

2.-Good morning, children. (Good morning, Irina Nickolaevna.)

3.- Nice to meet you. ( Nice to meet you too.)

4.- How are you? (Fine, thanks and you?)

5.-1 am fine, thank you. Today we are going to start the discussion of very important things for all of us . I think these pictures have prompted you the main topic of our discussion. Yes, we are going to talk about school and its role in our life. And in 4 lessons you will represent your projects where you will express our ideas about school life. Look at the blackboard and choose the title of your project. ( My School, Perfect, School, School in other countries).

II.Фонетическая разминка.

- Now it's time to practice today's vocabulary. We shall remember some English sounds and learn to read some words. Open your textbook, page 68, exercise 33. Listen to the words and read them aloud.

Во время выполнения упражнения из учебника ученики произносят слова хором и индивидуально, читают их в парах и по одному. Учитель обращает внимание учащихся на правила чтения определенных словосочетаний, приведенных в данном упражнении.

III. Речевая разминка.

Игра « Снежный ком». (I'd like you to remember the verbs which correspond to the topic " School". We shall play the game " Snowball". The first pupil will think of one word, the second pupil will repeat it and add the word, the next pupil will repeat two words and add one more. The winner is the pupil who will repeat the chain of all the words.


-Learn and write,

-learn, write and read. Etc.

IV. Обучение основным коммуникативным умениям.

1.Активизация навыков монологической речи по теме «Школа».

-Different people have different opinions about school. Let's read some of them in exercise 30, page 68. You will work in pairs and prove one of these statements. Will you share your opinions?

Учитель организует выполнение упражнения 30, стр.68. Для обсуждения ученики делятся на пары. В течение 2 -3 минут дети обсуждают одно из приведенных в упражнении утверждений, а затем высказывают свое мнение перед классом. На экране к каждому утверждению предлагается опорная лексика.

Choose one of the student's opinions of school. Prove it to your partner.

Model 1 Agree that school is a place where you make friends.


• sociable, friendly

  • When I am nervous (angry, sad, tired) I...- »to enjoy

  • to create

  • to help

  • to discuss

  • to solve problems

  • to take part

Model 2 in my opinion school is a place which helps you to find a good job in future.

Use: want to be independent

  • to work hard

  • industrious/curious/ intelligent

  • to spend much time

  • a good opportunity

  • to offer wonderful opportunities

  • to try one's chance

  • to become

  • in future

  • to do one's best

Model 3 School is a place where it is fun.

  • to be optimistic

  • to have a sense of humors

  • to play games

  • to enjoy

  • not boring

  • to make a lot of new friends to discuss

  • to share ideas

  • to have a girl/boyfriend

  • to be in luck/ out of luck

  • (not) to feel lonely / sad /happy / frightened

  • not to have problems with one's homework

  • to be happy with one's marks

  • to do sports

Model 4 School is a place where you learn about people as well as subjects.

  • to read a lot

  • interesting facts

  • Well — known people; writers, politicians, artists, poets, composers, sportsmen, inventors...

  • famous for

  • to be proud of personal characteristics of people

  • the French / the Italians / the English / the Russians / the Germans

  • hospitable, hardworking, talkative, independent, sociable, shy, serious, reserved, conservative, romantic

  • superstitions

  • traditions and holidays

Model 5 School is a place where you take exams and write tests too often.

  • it's boring

  • It takes me ... to do smith.

  • teachers (strict, normal, easy — going, boring, skilled)

  • too much homework

  • To be tired of doing smith.

  • to be depressed when

  • to be able/not so able

  • to be good at/ not good at

  • to have difficulties with

  • to get bad marks at one's exams

  • to have problems with one's homework

Choose one of the pupils' opinions about school. Prove it to your partner. The words on the screen and the pictures on the blackboard will help you to express your ideas.

2.Просмотр презентации о своей школе и высказывания учащихся о школе, в которой они учатся.

Well, let's return to our lyceum. Listen to our headmaster. Hopefully you like your school. Explain why. Choose what suits you: (на доске опорные высказывания).

-it is one of the oldest schools in our town and have some good tradition,

-the teachers are very good,

-the school is not far from my house,

-my friends go to the same school,

-there are f lot of extracurricular activities and sport competitions in our school,

-the school is well-equipped with computers and others other useful things.

V. Физкультминутка.

— Let's have a rest and do some exercises. Will you stand up, please?

Come, my friend, and dance with me,

It is easy, you can see.

One step back, one step out.

Then you turn yourself about.

It is fun to dance with you,

And it isn't hard to do.

One step back, one step out,

Then you turn yourself about.

З. Активизация навыков чтения и письма.

— Our school life depends on our teachers. You are lucky if your teachers are your good friends. What can you say about their job? Is it easy (difficult)? Why? Would you like to be a teacher? Why? Why not? Let's answer the questionnaire and find out if you will be a good teacher.

Учениками самостоятельно выполняется упр. 32, стр. 68 из учебника. Дети читают предложения про себя и отмечают утверждения, с которыми они согласны. После прочтения всех предложений учащиеся подсчитывают набранные очки и читают соответствующую характеристику. Также на данном этапе урока учениками выполняется упр. 1, стр. 50 из рабочей тетради в письменной форме.

VII. Развитие навыков аудирования по теме «Школа»

— A good teacher enjoys his/her work. Let's listen to the interview with an English teacher. You will answer the question if she loves her pupils. Does Angela Bryan love her pupils? How can you prove it? Let's listen to the interview again an answer the questions from exercise 34, page 69.Ex. 34.

Прослушивание интервью из упр. 34, стр. 69 из учебника. Интервью прослушивается два раза. Во время первого прослушивания задание для учащихся — ответить на вопрос: любит ли учитель своих учеников? И аргументировать свое мнение. Во время второго прослушивания учащиеся должны ответить на вопросы из упр. 34, стр. 69. На доске выписываются слова, которые могут вызвать у учащихся затруднение в понимании содержания. Например: over strict, indifference, contribute, concern, etc.. Данные слова должны быть прочитаны и переведены до начала прослушивания.

Listen to the interview. Answer the questions.


-Ms Bryan, could you tell us what makes a good teacher?

Yes, of course. I'll be happy to. It's really hard to decide who's a bad teacher or a good teacher.

What I do know for sure is that the teacher's personality is crucial for student's love for the subject.

I did have a lot of good teacher. My English teacher was a very good teacher and she encouraged us to have enthusiasm for reading literature and excitement for writing. And she used to encourage us to write things for ourselves. I do the same with my pupils. We speak much about poetry during our English lessons. I encourage my students to write their own poems. Then we publish these poems in our school.

We share our poems and our good attitude towards life with others.

I think that the best teachers are those who encourage their pupils and make them enthusiastic.

-Ms. Bryan, do you think teachers should be strict nowadays?

I believe that the teacher should be finn but I don't think they should be over strict.

Because the teacher who is over strict creates a kind of passive indifference, he doesn't create an individuality or enthusiasm.

I believe in ways of teaching which consider the whole child as important. The children are human beings first rather than empty things to be filled up with knowledge.

I believe that we should encourage pupils to contribute with en thusiasm. I

And it's easiest for them to contribute with enthusiasm when the lesson concerns something they are interested in: their own lives or the lives of their families, or their relatives, or their pets or where they live. They know so many interesting things about the life.

I'm proud of my students. I know they are the best.


1) Yes, she does. She loves her students. She is proud of her students. She knows they are the best. She believes that the best teachers are those who encourage their students and make them enthusiastic.

2) No, she isn't. She believes that strict teachers don't create an individuality or enthusiasm.

3) She encourages her students to write things about themselves and to write their own poems. Then the poems are published in their school.

VI. Подведение итогов урока

— We have found out that school plays a very important role in the life of pupils, teachers and their parents. Our lesson is over. We shall meet tomorrow and continue our talk about school life.

Домашнее задание: учебник: упр. 17,18, стр. 93—94.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Автор: Исакова Ирина Николаевна

Дата: 18.12.2014

Номер свидетельства: 145226

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