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Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку на тему "Субкультуры как стиль жизни"

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Цели урока:

  • формирование знаний о молодежных субкультурах;
  • развитие коммуникативных и познавательных умений на основе изучения темы «Молодежные субкультуры»

Задачи урока:


  • познакомить обучающихся с понятием субкультуры, причинами формирования молодежной   субкультуры, основными молодежными группировками;
  • реализовать умения разговорной речи.


  • развивать воображение, мышление, память;
  • совершенствовать умения работать в парах и группах;
  • развивать познавательный интерес студентов к предмету.


  • воспитание у обучающихся культуры общения и труда в ходе беседы, просмотра презентации, выполнения заданий;
  • осознание отрицательных и положительных моментов в различных субкультурах, формирование терпимого отношения к попыткам самовыражения молодежи;

Тип урока:


Вид урока:

комбинированный с применением ИКТ (изучение и первичное закрепление знаний).

Метод урока:

словесный, наглядно-иллюстративный, контроль, оценивание, поощрение.

Формы организации деятельности обучающихся:

- мозговой штурм;

- фронтальная работа (вопрос – ответ);

- групповая работа и работа в парах (выполнение заданий по карточкам).


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«Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку на тему "Субкультуры как стиль жизни" »


Subcultures as the way of life

Субкультуры как стиль жизни

I.Организационно-мотивационный этап. Warming-up

Преподаватель: Good morning, dear students and guests, I am glad to see you at our lesson. I think that you are fine. Today we are going to speak about things which are very familiar and interesting for you.

Brain storm (Мозговой штурм).

Let’s begin our today’s lesson with watching the video, for give you a hint about the subject of our lesson.

So, what was this video about? What is the aim of our lesson? Nowadays young people have particular relationship with the world. You know that a lot of people belong to different subcultures. Today we’ll pay plenty of time to learn and speak about different subcultures. We’ll review and summarize everything you know about it. The main tasks of today’s lesson is:

- to sum up your knowledge about subcultures, the characteristic features of different subcultures, their representatives, music.

II. Основная часть.

1.Speaking (Говорение)

П: I think it will be the plan of our lesson. Let’s speak about subculture in detail. Could you tell me what subculture is? What subcultures do you know? Tell me the four main features of any subculture? Look at this picture and tell me please what makes these people different from the rest of society?

C: A subculture is a group with a distinct style and identity. Different subcultures have their own beliefs, value systems, fashion, and favourite music.

Обучающиеся дают определение понятию «Субкультуры», высказывают свои предположения о том, какие молодёжные группировки существуют и по каким признакам выделяются различные субкультуры.

Обучающиеся делают комментарии к данному слайду, какие особенности внешности, поведения, увлечения характерны для представителей той или иной субкультуры.

We have many of them in our world: punks, hippies, rockers, goths, bikers, emos……

2. Phonetic drill (Активизация фонетических и лексических навыков)

П:Let’s pronounce correctly the words you need to discuss this topic. Listen and repeat after me.

Студенты повторяют слова за преподавателем, отрабатывая фонетические навыки.

We shall remember the words. Look at the board, read and translate:

Identity - личность

Society - общество

Violent – насильственный

Relationship – взаимоотношение

Generation - поколение

to rebel - протестовать

to try out all sorts of options– пробовать все варианты

to conform to - подчиняться

to reject – отвергать

to express one’s individuality – выражать  свою индивидуальность

to differ from social norms – отличаться от социальных норм

to have their own values and beliefs-иметь собственные убеждения и ценности

distinct features- отличительные черты

3. Reading (Чтение)

П: Now, look at the screen, please. There are some statements about the representatives of some subcultures. Please, read the description of subcultures by yourself and try to guess what subcultures are described.

Please, use: I think, To my mind, I’m sure

Обучающиеся высказывают предположения о том, к какой субкультуре относятся представители, описание которых представлено на СЛАЙДАХ -6-14, используя вводные фразы Я думаю, По моему мнению, Я уверен

Презентация новых лексических единиц происходит на основе чтения отрывков из словарных статей и информации из учебника (Unit 3, стр.70-71)

СЛАЙД- 8- Punks

СЛАЙД- 7-Goths

СЛАЙД- 8-Skinheads

СЛАЙД- 9-Emos

СЛАЙД- 10- Hippies

СЛАЙД- 11-Bikers

СЛАЙД- 12- Rappers

СЛАЙД- 13- Hackers

СЛАЙД- 16- Ravers

4. Listening (Прослушивание)

П: Of course we can’t speak about subculture without music. What music styles do you know?

  1. What music style is characterized by electronic equipment for light and sound. (psychedelic rock)

  2. What music style is characterized by a few simple phrases and electric guitar with drums. (rock-n-roll)

  3. What music style is characterized by violent words and is very aggressive. (punk rock)

  4. What music style is characterized by futuristic machine made sound. (techno)

  5. What music style is characterized by short musical phrases and torn rhythm. (rap)

1.Для какого стиля музыки характерно использование электронного оборудования, звуковые спецэффекты (психоделический рок)

2. В каком стиле музыки используются простые рифмы, электронные гитары и барабаны (рок-н-ролл)

3. Для какого стиля характерна грубая лексика, и он несет агрессию? (панк рок)

4. Какой стиль музыки характеризуется необычным звучанием, издаваемый какими-то невероятными устройствами? (техно)

5. В этом стиле используются короткие музыкальные фразы и рваный ритм? (рэп)

П: I offer you to listen to some pieces of music. If you can, you’ll try to guess what subculture the music belongs to. Whom is it performed by? Please listen to the first composition. Be attentive.

Конечно, мы не можем говорить о субкультурах, не затронув музыкальные направления. Какие музыкальные стили вам известны?

Сейчас вам будут предложены несколько музыкальных композиций, внимательно их прослушайте. Обучающиеся должны назвать стиль музыки и соотнести его с определенной субкультурой.

Answers (ответы): 1. Goths - Gotic rock – Rasmus

2.Hippies - rock’n’roll – The Beatles

3. Rappers - rap– Eminem

4. Punks - punk rock – Offspring

5. Ravers - techno – Moby

5.  Работа в группах.

And now you’ll work in groups.

Use the names of subcultures instead of pronouns. Who will be the first?

Ex.1: Каждая группа получает карточки с предложениями. Ребята должны заменить в каждом предложении личное местоимение на название представителя соответствующей субкультуры.)

1. They wear leather jacket, jeans and heavy boots. They propagandize superiority of one nation over another that provoke fights and criminal tendencies. (skinheads)

2. They are good at computers. (hackers)

3. They like to talk about vampires and about the end of the world. (goths)

4. They refuse to accept everything and have unusual hairstyle. (punks)

5. They like nature and peace, love and friendship?(hippies)

6. They should be very sporty? Their motto is “There are no borders, there are only barriers”?(tracers or parcour)

Ex.2.Now, let’s check how well you know the features of the well-known subcultures. I want you to work with this task and match the subcultures with their most distinguishing features.

Перед вами лежат основные характеристики (внешность, одежда, музыка и атрибуты), а также перечислены 3 молодежные субкультуры. Ваша задача соотнести соответствующие субкультуры с характеристиками. Обучающиеся соотносят субкультуры с характеристикой.

Правильный вариант ответа:


Appearance: brightly coloured hair; shocking style;

Clothes: torn (рваные)T-shirts and jeans; metal chains.

Attributes: pins in the nose.

Music: punk-rock.


Appearance: black hair, look as thin as possible; bright red or black lips and brightly coloured eyes.

Clothes: the blackest black

Attributes: silver jewellery; the books by Bram Stocker (“Dracula”, for example)

Music: psychedelic rock.


Appearance: they look like kids; black hair, children`s hair-style, brightly coloured eyes and nails; pircing.

Clothes: black and pink colours; slippers or flippers, badges on the clothes or shoes;

Attributes: postbag with patches (заплатки); large glasses; snaps or bracelets; big bright beads; broken heart; pink (or black) pistol or two crossed pistols with the sign “bang- bang”

Music: hardcore

Discussion “For and Against Subcultures”. Дискуссия на тему « + и – молодёжных субкультур».

П:Some people think that all subcultures are awful. What is your opinion? Now we’ll have a discussion. The topic of it is your own attitude to the representatives of different subcultures. Our class is divided into 2 groups: against and for subcultures. So, let’s start our crosstalk.

- 1. I dislike punks because of their shocking looks.

+1. But I think that all people have the right to self-expression and to choose their own style.

-2. Many people think that goths are sinister and strange.

+2. I believe that every subculture has its own interesting points.

-3. Bikers are thought to be dangerous, because they ride motorized vehicles.

+3. But I like bikers’ way of life. It seems to me that they have more freedom and they really enjoy life. I think that riding a bike is great.

-4. Skinheads are considered to be violent and aggressive. I don’t really like them for their racist ideas.

+4. I agree with you about skinheads. But there are many other youth subcultures which are peaceful and look quite normal. For example, mods. They prefer elegant clothes and listen to soul music.

-5. I suppose that some people don’t like hippies because their behaviour differs from social norms, and they are known to be drug users.

+5. But hippies preach a philosophy of peace and love and they want to change the world to the best.

-6. Ravers organize massive all-night dance parties, take drugs and thought to be violent. They protest against the parents.

+6. Ravers want to try out all sort of option, and, of course, they have a bad image.

-7. Rockers are associated with something rebellious. They ride powerful motorbikes, wear thick leather jackets and army boots, drink alcohol. Their music is loud, fast and tuneless.

+7. But there are many rock-groups which create new styles of rock-music.

Your time is up. Now I would like to invite representatives of our groups to express their opinion.

П:Very good. Thank you. But now answer my question: “What positive and negative features do youth subcultures have?”

For (+)

Against (-)

special way of life and self-expression

shocking looks

common interests and spending spare time

drug and alcohol addiction

changing the world to the best

rejection of everything and rebellion against the society

new styles of music

teens’ violence and aggressiveness

communication with friends

protest against the parents

The most important question to you “Why do teens join to the subcultures?” and “How can we express our individuality?”

Supposed answers (предполагаемые ответы)

S1: I play the guitar. I can play in any company to show myself.

S2: I dance. I can express myself dancing.

S3: I like to listen to pop-music. I can tell my friends about this music. I know much about it.

S4: I like reading. I can tell my friends much interesting about books.

S5: As for me I know everything about cars. So I can tell many interesting things about cars.

Summary (Обобщение): On the one hand, subcultures are not as bad as they are thought to be. A lot of teens think about changing the world to the best. Teens’ subcultures have many characteristics which can be considered positive. Subcultures give teens a relative freedom in expressing their individuality, a circle of friends, positive emotions and an opportunity to communicate with peers.

To prevent aggression, people should follow very simple and well-known moral prescriptions: be tolerant to people around you, be kind, understanding and broad-minded, respect other individualities, be liberal to different opinions and friendly to your environment.


During the whole lesson we have spoken with you about many things. Now can you continue following phrases “Now I know…. Now I can…..I don’t know….. Во время урока мы с вами поговорили о многих вещах, касающихся субкультур. А сейчас продолжите, пожалуйста, фразы: «Сейчас я знаю….», «Сейчас я могу…..», «Я не знаю….»

Лексическое упражнение. Вставьте подходящее по смыслу слово.

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from list and translate the sentences.

1. A subculture is a group of people with the same interests, the same style and they like the same music. Субкультура – это группа людей с одинаковыми интересами, стилем и музыкой.

2. Teenagers try to express their own individuality, but they reject everything and even rebel against the society. Подростки пытаются выражать свою собственную индивидуальность, но иногда они все отвергают и даже выражают протест против общества.

3. Young generation is often considered to be violent. Молодое поколение очень часто ассоциируют с насилием.

4. One of the main problems among teens is the poor relationship with their parents. Одна из самых главных проблем среди подростков - это плохие отношения с их родителями.

Home assignment (Организация домашнего задания): I hope you’ve mind general information about the subculture . At home prepare the presentation about one of the subcultures: the Mods, the Rockers, the Hippies, the Goths, the Punks, the Ravers, the Emos etc. Each student chooses one grouping. The information can be taken from the text book or from any other source. Make up the plan which would be useful for your classmates to speak about the group you have prepared, i.e. write out the words connected with 1.image, 2. music, 3. values.

Подведение итогов.  I think you know a lot about different groupings. You can identify them, you know their positive and negative features, their music, their values. I`m sure you can be able to find you own way in life, your fashion, your style. I’m quite satisfied with your work at the lesson today. Thank you for your participation. Thank you for today’s lesson. See you in a week.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Автор: Рычагова Ольга Викторовна

Дата: 17.01.2015

Номер свидетельства: 156670

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