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Методическая разработка урока английского языка в 5 классе по теме: "Добро пожаловать в Лондон"

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Урок проведён с использованием проектной технологии информационно – коммуникационной технологии и технологии здоровьесбережения. 

Деятельность учителя направлена на развитие учащихся, которое осуществлялось на уроке в полной мере:

  1. в предметном направлении – владение лексическими единицами по теме; умение работать с учебным текстом, осмысленное применение лексики и изученной грамматики в монологических высказываниях, совершенствование навыков аудирования.
  2. В личностном направлении (развитие положительного отношения к учению, познавательной  деятельности, желания приобретать новые знания, умения, совершенствовать навыки и развивать умения, осознавать свои трудности и стремиться к их преодолению, осваивать новые виды деятельности, участвовать в творческом, созидательном процессе).
  3. В метапредметном направлении (осознавать познавательную задачу, читать и слушать, извлекая нужную информацию, самостоятельно  находить её в материалах учебников, рабочих тетрадей, понимать информацию, выполнять учебно – познавательные действия для решения учебных задач, учиться анализировать, сравнивать, делать обобщения, выводы.
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«Методическая разработка урока английского языка в 5 классе по теме: "Добро пожаловать в Лондон"»

Муниципальное образование Белоглинский район

Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение «Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 5 Белоглинского района»

Методическая разработка урока английского языка в 5 классе

Учитель английского языка

высшей категории МБОУ СОШ № 5

Воликова Ольга Анатольевна

Белая Глина -2014

Цели урока:

  1. Формировать коммуникативную, лингвистическую компетенции.

  2. Активизировать и систематизировать материал по теме.

Задачи урока:

Образовательные: совершенствовать речевые, языковые навыки;

стимулировать деятельность учащихся путём обращения к дополнительным источникам информации;

Воспитательные: воспитывать уважение к мировому культурному наследию; расширять общий, культурный кругозор учащихся;

Развивающие: развивать внимание, память, любознательность учащихся, умения учебного сотрудничества при выполнении коллективных проектов.

Формируемые УУД:

личностные – умение выражать положительное отношение к процессу познания, проявление желания узнать новое;

регулятивные – осознание возможностей самореализации средствами иностранного языка;

коммуникативные – умение с достаточнй полнотой и точностью выражать свои мысли в соответствии с задачами и условиями коммуникации;

познавательные – произвольное и осознанное построение речевого высказывания (устно и письменно).


Фотографии с достопримечательностями Лондона, проект - презентация «Welcome to London» (оформляется учащимися), раздаточный материал с текстами и квизом.

Тип урока – урок совершенствования знаний, умений, навыков.

Нестандартные формы проведения уроков привлекают внимание учащихся, повышают интерес к предмету и, как следствие, способствуют лучшему усвоению материала.

Получив информацию о теме урока, учащиеся работали в группах, продумывали экскурсионные маршруты по Лондону.

Ход урока.

  1. Приветствие, организационный момент.

  1. T: Good morning, boys and girls! I am very glad to see you at our lesson today. Беседа с дежурным.

Who is on duty today?

What date is it?

Who is absent?

What is the weather like today?

  1. OK. Let’s start our lesson now! (Выбор картинки – настроения): Look at the pictures. There are faces of mood. What mood do you have? Take the picture to your mood. Who has … mood? (учащиеся поднимают руки и выбирают картинку – настроение).

  1. Целеполагание (наведение на тему урока).

  1. Teacher: Let’s try to guess the topic of our lesson. I have prepared some photos for you. Look through them and you will be able to name the topic of our lesson. We have an unusual lesson – we shall have a tour and see the most famous sights of London from our red double – decker bus. Your homework for today’s lesson was to make a project “Welcome to London”. I hope the results will be excellent.

  1. Фонетическая разминка: (учащиеся прослушивают песню, вставляют пропущенные слова, читают, затем поют).

T: Listen to the song and fill in the missing words from the box:

Fun, London, have, see, boy, flag, near, nice, nice

We are flying in the air, and across the sea

We are going to a really nice(!) place to have(!) a cup of tea

When we see(!) their flag(!) in the air

Then we know we’re near(!)

Oh boy, I can’t wait to get their

The people are so very nice(!) and full of cheer

Oh boy, I can’t wait to meet them

We will have, so much fun(!)

When we are in London(!).

  1. Повторение грамматического материала: (учащиеся вставляют артикли, там, где необходимо).

T: Let’s revise some grammar material. Look at the screen and fill in the article “the” if it is necessary.

… Tower of London, 2) … London, 3) … UK, 4) …Big Ben, 5) … Thames, 6) … Buckingham Palace, 7) … Westminster Abbey, 8) … House of Parliament, 9) … Trafalgar Square, 10) … Tower Bridge.

  1. Отработка названий достопримечательностей Лондона (работа с наглядностью). (Учащиеся произносят названия достопримечательностей за учителем, индивидуально). Прослушивание диска упр. 25, стр. 94.

T: Pronounce the names, please.

Tower Bridge, the Tower of London, London Bridge, St.Paul’s Cathedral, the Houses of Parliament, Covent Garden, Trafalgar Square, National Gallery, Regent’s Park, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, Hyde Park, British Museum, Piccadilly Circus.

  1. Развитие навыков работы с текстом.

T: Read the information about London.

London – the capital of the UK.

London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and commercial centre. It is the chief port of Great Britain. It is one of the greatest cities in the world. Its population is about 9 million people. The origin of the city may be dated as the beginning of the 1st century A. D., when a tribe of the Celtic family settled near the Thames. The city became extremely prosperous during the 16th century.

London is a real museum of architecture.

Traditionally London is divided into: the City, the West End, Westminster and the East End.

The city is the heart of London, its financial and business centre. The City has within its square mile such famous institutions as the Bank of England, the Stock Exchange, the Royal Courts of Justice and Guildhall. Over a million come here to work.

There are a lot of famous ancient buildings within the City: St. Paul’s Cathedral, The City of Westminster, The Houses of Parliament and Westminster. There are memorials of many statesmen, scientists and writers in Westminster.

The West End is the centre of London. There are historical palaces, museums, beautiful parks, large department stores, hotels, restaurants, theatres and concert halls in this part of London. One of the most beautiful palaces is Buckingham Palace, the official residence of the Queen. The Tower of London, Trafalgar Square and Piccadilly Circus are there.

London is very rich in art galleries (The National Gallery, The Tate Gallery) and a great number of museums (the British Museum, the Victoria and Albert Museum, Natural History Museum).

The East End is an important part of London. The Port of London is also in the East End.

A great amount of space in London is devoted to parks and gardens; today nothing could be more relaxing and peaceful than a walk in a beautiful park.

  1. Беседа по - прочитанному и проверка понимания прочитанного.

T: 1) Answer the questions:

  1. What is a political, economic and commercial centre of Great Britain?

  2. What is the population of London?

  3. What parts does London consist of?

  4. What part of London can be called its heart?

  5. What are there at the West End of London?

  6. What are there at the East End of London?

  7. What is the residence of the Queen?

  8. What famous ancient buildings are there?

T: 2) Complete the sentences: (учащиеся дополняют предложения)

1) London is the capital of …

2) Its population is …

3) Traditionally London is divided into …

4) The West End is …

5) There are historical palaces …

6) One of the most beautiful palaces is …

7) The East End is an industrial …

8) A great amount of space in London is …

T: 3) Match the two halves: (учащиеся соединяют пары предложений).

1. The city became extremely …

2. The Great Fire …

3. In the 19th century England was at …

4. When the queen is in the residence …

5. The Tower of London used to be …

a) The height of her power.

b) The Houses of Parliament.

c) The Royal Standard is flown.

d) Trafalgar Square.

e) Prosperous in the 16th century.

f) Destroyed the whole of the city.

  1. Физкультминутка.

Teacher: Let’s rest a little (учащиеся повторяют, просматривая видеоролик).

Hands up! Clap! Clap!

Hands on the hips! Step! Step!

Bend your left, bend your right,

Turn yourself around.

Hands up! Hands down!

Hands at the sides and sit down!

  1. Экскурсия по Лондону. Развитие навыков монологической речи. Использование проектов учащихся.

T: Your homework for today’s lesson was to work in groups and to make a project, “Welcome to London”. I hope you were friendly and helpful while you were working on this project. And I hope the results will be excellent. You should be very attentive today and at the end of the lesson you will have to fill in the blanks in the “London. Sightseeing”.

(Учащиеся рассказывают о достопримечательностях Лондона).

The 1th pupil: We start our tour from Tower Bridge. Tower Bridge is only Thames Bridge which can be raised. The road over the bridge is built on two central sections; they open two or three times a week to let ships through. Up the bridge there are walkways with good views of London.

On the right bank of the river you can see the Tower of London. The tower of London is a very old building. It is 900years old. In the early days of the history of England the English kings lived here. Then it was a prison where many people died. Black ravens had much food near the walls of the tower in those years. Black ravens live outside the Tower now. A man looks after the ravens and gives them food in the morning and in the evening. The Tower of London is a museum now. The walls of the Tower are 5metres thick. In the museum you can see many old guns. At 10 o’clock every evening the guards lock the big doors of the Tower for the night.

The 2th pupil: Now we are coming to London Bridge. It is 2000years old. The first bridge was wooden. Then people built a bridge of stone and called it London Bridge. There were houses and shops on it and people paid money when they crossed the bridge. In 1831 a new bridge rose in the place of the old one. But the city grew very quickly and in 1960 the people of London wanted to build a large new bridge at that place. A very rich American brought the parts of the bridge on a ship to Arizona in the USA. In 1973 new London Bridge was opened on the site of the old bridge over the Thames.

The 3th pupil: We can visit St. Paul’s Cathedral. St. Pail’s Cathedral is the greatest work of England’s greatest architect Sir Christopher Wren. The Cathedral was begun in 1675 and was finished only in 1710. The Cathedral is second in size only to St. Peter’s in Rome. Christopher Wren was buried there.

The 4th pupil: And now we are making our way to the Houses of Parliament. The Houses of Parliament are the seat of the British government. There is the Clock Tower and the clock in the houses of Parliament. The clock has four faces and a very big loud bell. The bell weighs 13 tons. The Clock Tower is 318 feet high. The clock’s face is 23 feet wide. The minute hand is 14 feet long. The hour hand is 9 feet long. The man in charge of building was Sir Benjamin Hall. This man was very tall and the workers and his friends called him Big Ben. So they called the ball Big Ben too.

The 5th pupil: Now we are coming to Trafalgar Square. Trafalgar Square is in the centre of the West End of London. Trafalgar Square commemorates Nelson’s victory at the battle of Trafalgar in which he was fatally wounded. Trafalgar Square was designed between1829 and 1840 with Nelson’s Column as a centerpiece. The column is over 170 feet high with the statue of Nelson. Nelson’s statue is over 16 feet high, about three times his real height. The statue shows Nelson with one arm and one eye. He lost them in the battle. The bronze bas – relief at the foot of the column, made from the metal, represents Nelson’s four great victories. The four bronze lions at the base were added in 1867. Today it is a place where people meet, and it is famous for political demonstrations.

The 6th pupil: On the north side of Trafalgar Square there is the National Gallery. It houses one of the finest art collections in the world. It includes paintings of the British, Italian, and Spanish, French, Dutch, Flemish and other famous schools. There are a lot of parks and gardens in London. In Regent’s Park there is London Zoo. It is one of the biggest zoos in the world. Today there are more than 8000 animals in the Zoo. There are elephants, giraffes, lions, tigers, foxes and monkeys there. There are also many birds in the Zoo. Covent Garden was a big fruit and vegetable market. It is now a tourist shopping centre with cafes and restaurants.

The 7th pupil: We are coming now to Westminster Abbey. Westminster Abbey is a historic building. It is a royal church. Here you can see the tombs of many British kings and queens and other famous people, and the beautiful Henry VII Chapel. The Abbey was founded in the 11th century. Many of Great Britain’s famous men are buried in West minster Abbey.

The 8th pupil: Now we are at Buckingham Palace. It is the London home of the Queen. When the flag is flying on the top she is at home. The ceremony of the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace is a great tourist attraction. It takes place daily at 11:30 a. m. and lasts half an hour. To the sounds of music the guardsmen in their traditional bearskins arrive and give the palace keys to another group. Hyde Park is the largest park in the West End of London. In the 19th century it became a popular place for public meetings. The park has Speakers’ Corner where anyone can make a speech about anything they want. It is a very democratic park.

The 9th pupil: I welcome you to the British Museum. The British Museum has one of the largest libraries in the world. There are more than6million books in the library you can see beautifully illustrated old manuscripts which they keep in glass cases. In the reading – room of the British museum many famous men have read and studied. Charles Dickens, a very popular English writer and author of “David Copperfield’, “Oliver Twist”,” Dombey and Son”, and other books, spent a lot of time in the British Museum library. At present the library has modern electronic equipment, so the reader does not have to wait long to receive the material he needs.

The 10th pupil: We are now on Piccadilly Circus. It is a square in the central part of London. In the square you can see people of many nationalities. Piccadilly Circus is the meeting – point of 6 streets. London’s famous restaurants and best – known theatres and cinemas are on Piccadilly Circus.

The 11th pupils: We have visited many interesting places in London: the Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, the British Museum, Trafalgar Square, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, Piccadilly Circus, and London Zoo. London is a beautiful city. I like it. Our tour has finished.

  1. Выполнение квиза.

T: Fill in the blanks in the quiz.

London. Sightseeing”

  1. You can see the column with a statue of nelson in …

  1. Piccadilly Circus; b) Hyde Park; c) Trafalgar Square.

  1. … is a very democratic park.

  1. Hyde Park; b) Regent’s Park; c) St. James’s Park.

  1. London Zoo is in …

  1. Regent’s Park; b) St. James’s Park; c) Hyde Park.

  1. They change the Guard every day at …

  1. 9:30, b) 11:30, c) 12 o’clock.

  1. Piccadilly Circus is the meeting – point of …

  1. 5 streets; b) 7 streets; c) 6 streets.

  1. Another famous sight outside the Tower of London is the …

  1. Pelicans; b) ravens; c) ducks.

7. The London home of the Queen is …

a) Buckingham Palace; b) Westminster Abbey; c) Covent Garden.

8. The seat of the British government is …

a) the Houses of Parliament; b)Buckingham Palace; c) Piccadilly Circus.

11. T: And now open your copy – books and write some expressions of famous people about London. (Учащиеся записывают высказывания известных людей о Лондоне).

1) London is an unreal city! Under the brown fog of winter down, a crowd flowed over London Bridge, so many thought death had undone so many. (T.S.Eliot)

2) Most brilliant star upon the crest of time is England. (Alexander Smith)

3) You find no man, at all intellectual, who is willing to leave London, when a man is tired of London he is tired of life, for there is in London that entire life can afford. (Samuel Johnson)

4) Without one friend, above all foes, Britain gives the world repose! (William Cowper)

5) England my country, great and free! Heart of the world, I leap to thee. (Philip James Bailey)

  1. Подведение итогов урока. Выставление оценок. Составление букета настроения. Учащиеся сравнивают своё настроение с началом урока. Проводиться рефлексия настроения и эмоционального состояния. Учащимся раздаются бумажные цветы: красные и синие. На доске изображена ваза.

Teacher: Now tell me, please. Did you like our lesson?

What have we done today?

What new information have you learned about London?

T: Our lesson is over. Thank you for your work. Your homework for the next lesson is to write your opinion about visiting London. I t can be a letter to your friend or an article for a newspaper.


  1. Английский с удовольствием. 5 класс// М.З.Биболетова, О.А. Денисенко, Н.Н. Трубанёва – Обнинск, 2014

  2. Английский язык. Всё для учителя. Научно – методический журнал №3,5 2012г., №5 2013г., №7 2014г., №11 2015г.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Автор: Воликова Ольга Анатольевна

Дата: 29.11.2015

Номер свидетельства: 259716

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