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Move Ahead Magazine

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The aims of the lesson

   To review useful phrases about travelling;

   To teach them to solve the problem in groups;

      To teach them to work in groups.

The expected result

ü Students will review useful phrases about travelling;

ü They will be able to solve the problem in groups;

ü Students will be able to work in groups.

The main idea  

They will review phrases about travelling. They should solve the problem. They should decide what they need to take and prove their decision.  

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«Move Ahead Magazine »

Approved by:


Kyzylorda region, Shiely district

English teacher of

№ 45 “Ak Orda” school-gymnasium

Makhasheva Zhazira


ІІI quarter

Grade: 7 “Б


45 minutes

Subject: English

The theme

Move Ahead Magazine

The aims of the lesson

  • To review useful phrases about travelling;

  • To teach them to solve the problem in groups;

  • To teach them to work in groups.

The expected result

  • Students will review useful phrases about travelling;

  • They will be able to solve the problem in groups;

  • Students will be able to work in groups.

The main idea

They will review phrases about travelling. They should solve the problem. They should decide what they need to take and prove their decision.


Warm up “I am …”

  1. Team work “Move Ahead Magazine”


Assess with two stars and a wish

Topics/ lexis

Amazing buildings and places


  1. Passive voice

  2. Adverbs of degree


Petra, “A rose-red city, half as old as time”


A diary entry

Move Ahead Magazine

Survival in the desert


Work book exercises

Teacher’s notes about the lesson (what will teacher and students do during the lesson?)

  1. Organization moment

  1. Greeting the students

  2. Check up their attendance

  3. Warm up “I am …”

Students should complete the following sentences.

I am …

I am …

I have …

I want …

I like …

I hate…

People … me …

I wish …

Ask several questions before beginning the lesson

  1. Dividing the class into groups (three groups)

Divide the students into two groups with using letters. They should choose one of the papers on the table, and then decide in which group they are.

  1. Team work “Move Ahead Magazine”

  • This game is designed by scientists to test your survival skills. It’s best to play it in a group, but you can also try it alone.

  • Assess with two stars and a wish


You are archaeologists searching for an ancient lost city. Your plane is crossing a desert when it crashes. You are survivors. You know that you passed over a settlement before the crash. You know that it is about 100 kilometres away and you know which direction it is in.

Your first decision

Do you stay where you are or walk 100 kilometres?

Your second decision

Read the list of things which might have been on the plane. Select five of them and rank them 1-5 in order of importance (most important to least important). Have you made your decisions? Now took at the solution and see if you have survived.

book on edible animals in the desert
a plastic raincoat
a bottle of salt tablets
2 litres of water
a parachute
a loaded revolver
a compass

an air map of the desert
a mirror
a torch
a Knife
2 tin» of cola
a length of rope

You should stay where you are. If you said you would walk 100 kilometres, you have not survived. These are the things you should have chosen and why:

1The mirror, for sending signals because search parties will be looking for your plane.

2The plastic raincoat for collects water at night.

3 The two litres of water

4 The parachute to give shade

5The knife to get juice from the cactus plants.

  1. Expression of students about the lesson

What was easy for you? What was difficult for you? Why was it difficult?

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Move Ahead Magazine

Автор: Махашева Жазира

Дата: 04.03.2015

Номер свидетельства: 182297

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