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Museums around the world

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План-конспект урока английского языка в 9 классе по УМК HAPPY ENHGLISH 2 автор Клементьева Т.Б. Тема: MUSEUMS Тема урока: Museums around the world Тип: классический Место урока в теме: 2 Цель урока: развивать коммуникативные навыки в говорении, чтении и аудировании. Оборудование: магнитофонная запись, компьютер, частная коллекция пасхальных яиц, мягкие игрушки (мишки). Формы работы с классом: комплексное
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«Museums around the world »

9 «Б» классе

Happy English 2



Тема урока: Museums around the world

Тип: классический

Место урока в теме: 2

Цель урока: развивать коммуникативные навыки в говорении, чтении и аудировании.


Развивать умения:

  • понимать иноязычную речь;

  • высказываться на данную тему;

  • чтение с извлечением из текста определённой информации;


  • Развивать память внимание и мышление.


  • развивать интерес к истории и культуре России и стране изучаемого языка;

  • культура поведения в музеях;

Задачи урока:

  • практиковать учащихся в аудировании, устной речи;

  • практиковать учащихся задавать вопросы и отвечать на них;

  • воспитывать у учащихся уважение к истории своей страны и страны изучаемого языка.

Оборудование: магнитофонная запись, компьютер, частная коллекция пасхальных яиц, мягкие

игрушки (мишки).

Языковой материал:









Формы работы с классом: комплексное

Структура урока:

  1. Организационный момент.

  2. Введение и отработка новой лексики.

  3. Речевая зарядка.

  4. Устная речь.

  5. Аудирование.

  6. Развитие умения чтения с извлечением из текста определённой информации..

  7. Устная речь.

  8. Подведение итогов.

Ход урока.

  1. Организационный момент.

  • Приветствие.

T: Good afternoon.

S: Good afternoon.

T: Glad to see you.

S: We are glad to see you too.

T: Sit down, please. Today we have got unusual lesson not only because we have got a lot of guests, but also because we aren’t in our usual classroom. Where are we?

  • Объявление темы урока.

S: In our school museum.

T: Yes! You are right. So what shall we speak about during our today’s lesson?

S: I think we shall speak about school life.

T: May be. What else?

S: About studying.

T: No, you are wrong.

S: Shall we speak about museums?

  • Определение задач урока.

T: Yes, you are quite right. Today we’ll speak about famous museums in the world, in Russia, in Britain, listen to the text about museum, read an interesting text and just talk. I hope that our lesson will be interesting and useful for you. Are you ready?

S: Yes, we are.

T: Well, first of all I would like you to know what does the word “MUSEUM” mean?

The English "museum" comes from the Latin word, "museums" (or, rarely, "musea").

It is originally from the Greek Μουσείον (Mouseion), which denotes a place or temple

dedicated to the Muses (the patron divinities in Greek mythology of the arts).

Museums collect and care for objects of scientific, artistic, or historical importance

and make them available for public viewing through exhibits that may be permanent or

temporary. Most large museums are located in major cities throughout the world.

What words are associated with the word museum?

  1. Введение новой лексики.

  • Collection - коллекция

  • Exclusive - эксклюзивный

  • Exhibit - экспонат

  • Exhibition - выставка

  • Guide - экскурсовод

  • Art - искусство

  • Gallery - галерея

  • History - история

Отработка новой лексики. (Составить с данными словами свои собственный словосочетания или предложения).

T: Now put down these new words in your dictionaries and to remember them better make your own word-combinations using these words.

S: private collection

S: exclusive things

S: ancient exhibit

S: interesting exhibition

S: intelligent guide

S: art gallery

S: local history

  1. Речевая зарядка.

T: Last time you had a homework to find out some information about any museums. So what do you know about museums?

S: I know that there are over 10s of thousands museums all over the world.

S: I know that there are over 2027 museums in Russia.

S: I know that the oldest museum in the world is the British museum in London.

S: I know that there different types of museums. They are: 1) art museums, b) maritime museums, c) mobile museums, d) natural history museums, e) open air museums, f) science museums, g) zoological gardens and etc.

S: I know that there very unusual museums. One of them is a museum of chocolate in St. Petersburg You can not only see very interesting things made of chocolate but also buy and even taste them.

S: There is another unusual museum in Pereslavle. A great number of ancient irons are collected there.

S: I know that there are certain rules in museums.

T: Oh, yes you are quite right. What are they?

S: 1) Don’t touch the exhibits!

2) Don’t take photos and make videos!

3) Be quite and listen to the guide!

T: Well, I would like to pay your attention to some of the rules. Some museums in the world have very strict rules for visitors. Look at the screen and let’s read them together!

  1. Turn ff your mobile phones!

  2. Follow the guide!

  3. Change your boots!

  4. No flash!

T: I hope that you are gentle visitors and will always follow these rules. Well, I think it is difficult to find a person who has never visited any museums. Have you ever visited any museums?

S: Yes, we have.

  1. Практика устной речи.

T: Recently a group of our students have gone to St. Petersburg and as you know this city is very rich in museums. They had a chance to visit some of the world famous museums such as The Hermitage, the Catherine palace, the Chocolate museum, and Zoological museum. Now they would like to give you some information about them. Listen and then you can ask any questions.

S: The State Hermitage is one of the world’s largest museums. It has over 3000000 exhibits. It will take on about 11 years to watch all of them. The buildings and interiors are also famous all over the word as an outstanding architectural monuments. The museum complex consists of the Winter Palace, The Small Hermitage, The Old Hermitage, The Hermitage Theatre and the New Hermitage. The Hermitage also owns the Menshickov Palace.

The collection of Western European painting in the Hermitage is one of the largest in the world. In 1764 the Empress Catherine II bought her first collection of pictures. At present the Hermitage possesses around 15000 paintings by western European artists. The pride of the Hermitage is two paintings by the great Renaissance artist Leonardo Da Vinci: The Benois Madonna or Madonna with a Flower and the Litta Madonna.

T: Thanks a lot very interesting information. Any questions?

S: When was the Hermitage founded?

S: The construction of the great imperial residence, the Winter Palace, began in 1754. But the year of the Hermitage’s birth considered to be 1764, because the first collection of pictures was bought at that time.

S: How many pictures were there in the first collection?

S: there were 225 works by Dutch and Flemish artists.

S: Who was the architecture of the Hermitage?

S: Bartolommeo Francesco Rastrelli.

T: Thank you! Sit down, please! Who else?

S: I would like to tell you about another Palace. It’s Catherine palace. It was the suburban imperial residence. The city ensemble is and outstanding monument of Russian architecture. The State Museum “Tsarskoe Selo” includes Catherine Alexander palaces, parks pavilions bridges monuments, cascades. The well=known Amber Room is located there.

T: Thanks. Any questions?

S: Where is the Catherine Palace located?

S: It’s located in Town Pushkin.

S: Is it far from St. Petersburg?

S: No, it isn’t. It’s only 25 km south from it.

S: How many exhibits are there in Catherine Palace?

S: There are about 43000 exhibits.

T: Thank you! Sit down, please! Who else?

S: May I?

T: Yes, please.

S: Last summer I went to London and studied in Summer school there. Now I would like to tell you about one of the most famous museum of wax figures in the world. It’s Madam Tussaud’s museum. It has one of the largest collection of wax models in the world. Here you can meet the famous, great characters of history and art. There is a special place for the Queen family. The first wax figure was created in 1777. One of the main attraction of the museum was the Chamber of Horrors. This part of the exhibition includes victims of the French Revolution and newly created figures of murders and other criminals.

T: Thank you! Any questions?

S: How many wax figures are exhibited there?

S: About 2000 ones.

S: Whose wax figure did she create first?

S: It was the figure of Jean Jacques Rousseau.

T: Thank you! Sit down, please! But what do you know about museums in Stavropol Territory?

S: There are about 30 museums in Stavropol Territory. Among them are art galleries, museum of fine arts, archeological museum and so on. The largest one is Local Lore Museum. It’s named after Prozritelev and Prave.

T: Any questions?

S: Where is Local Lore Museum located?

S: It’s located in Stavropol? In Lenin Street.

  1. Аудирование.

T: Well, thanks a lot we have listened a lot of very interesting information about different museums and now I offer you to listen to a text about one of the unusual museum in Britain and then do the test.

  • Прослушивание. (2 раза)

  • Выполнение задания на понимание прослушанного текста.

  1. There are … Teddy Bears in the museum.

  1. 400 b) 40 c) 14

  1. I n “Hall of Fame” … are assembled.

  1. Dolls b) doll’s houses c) teddies

  1. There are a lot of rare and interesting … .

  1. Cars b) dolls and toys c) equipment.

  1. All the exhibits form part of Wendy Lewis’s own … .

  1. Collection b) pictures c) books

  1. There are exceedingly … Bears only seen before in books!

  1. Usual b) rare c) nice

T: Thanks. Put your sheets aside I’ ll take them later. Well who knows why Bear is called


S: We don’t know.

  1. Практика чтения.

T: OK! To know this fact let’s read the text from ex 1.2. on page 121. And then answer

the following questions. Read them, please.

  1. Who was Theodor Roosevelt?

  2. He was hunting bears, wasn’t he?

  3. What did he come across?

  4. Why couldn’t he kill him?

  5. Did the toy maker asked for permition to name a soft bear after him?

  6. Why was it called Teddy?

  1. Устная речь.

T: Well, what do you think what does any museum start with?

S: I think it starts with some things a collection.

T: Yes, you are right. Most museums started with collections. Now I would like to

introduce you my own collection of Easter eggs. The largest one is this one and the

smallest one is that one. Anywhere I go I always buy Easter eggs for my collection. I

haven’t got my favourite egg I like them all and I always remember them. Any


S: Do you want to collect a certain number of them?

T: Oh! No! If I see a stuff that I like I buy it immediately.

S: How many exhibits do you have?

T: 47 ones.

S: What was you first stuff?

T: This one. It is my granny’s present. In 2000 she visited Moscow and brought it for me

from St. Jesus Christ’s Temple.

S: When did you start to collect eggs?

T: In 2003, when my friend presented me another stuff. After the lesson you may come

and watch them.

  1. Подведение итогов.

T: But now our lesson comes to its end. We have done everything that we planed. You

have done an excellent work. Your marks are…. And your homework will be ex 2. The

lesson is over. Thank you. Good bye!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Museums around the world

Автор: Бадалян Анна Радиковна

Дата: 19.01.2015

Номер свидетельства: 158226

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