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My favourite pet

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We divide animals into two groups. They are wild and domestic.Our planet is home to a vast collection of animals.They live everywhere.Animals are all around us, so it is easy to think that we know exactly what animals are. But animals have fur of feathers, others have shells or scales, while many have no hard body parts at all. Animals often have eyes, ears and legs.

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Просмотр содержимого документа
«My favourite pet»

Grade 7

Theme: Animals are in danger


  1. To introduce the pupil with animals’ world, to help animals which need in protection. To know the names of the animals which are in danger, can explain why they are in danger and what we should do to protect them.

  2. To develop pupils opinions in English, to work in groups and in pairs. To develop pupils’ skills and habits in speaking, reading, writing.

  3. To bring them up to love the animals and to care of the nature.

Inter-subject connection: Biology, Geography, Russian

Methods: solving crossword, games, question-answer, group work, pair work, brainstorming, discussion

Aids: pictures of the animals, cards, posters, an interactive board, flipcharts, crosswords, semantic map.

Literature: textbook “English” by Ayapova.

The procedure of the lesson:

I.Org. moment

a) “Greeting and wishes”

T: - Dear boys and girls! Today we’ll have a very interesting lesson. I hope everybody will enjoy it. Let’s

greet each other. (They stand face to face in pairs).

Hand to hand

Leg to leg

Head to head

Back to back

You’re my friend

And I’m your friend

I love you.

b) Division of pupils into groups.

T: - You need divided into four groups. Please, choose the pictures, name the animal and find your group.

Pupils who choose wild animals will be the 1st and 2nd groups “Wild animals”. Pupils who choose

domestic animals will be the 3rd and 4th groups “Domestic animals”. Thank you and take your seats,

please. I hope you’ll help me to make this lesson interesting! For your right answers you’ll get these smiles.

c) Establishing rules of the group.

T: - At the beginning of the lesson I want to ask your attention to these rules, you should follow them

The Golden Rules:

  • Be active.

  • Be attentive.

  • Be emotional.

  • Don’t interrupt each other.

  • Don’t say “I don’t”.

  • First think then speak.

II. Presentation of the new theme.

T: - Now look at the blackboard. In order to find out the topic of our lesson to try to solve the crossword. Look

at the crossword and try to find names of animals.

  1. It eats carrots. It has got long ears. (rabbit)

  2. It lives in the jungle and it can climb, swim and run very fast. (lion)

  3. This animal looks like a big cat. It lives in the jungle. (tiger)

  4. It needs very little water and it lives in the desert. (camel)

  5. The animal that sleeps all winter in a den. (bear)

  6. It lives in Africa and India. It eats grass, leaves. (elephant)







T: - Now, children, can you guess the topic of our lesson?

P: ……….

T: - Yes, you are right. We are going to speak about animals. Children, listen to me and answer my questions.

What’s the name of our planet?

P: - The Earth.

T: - What animals live on the Earth? How do we divide them?

T: - Yes, you are right and now try to divide them into domestic and wild. Children, look at our planet. It looks

upset. Can you guess why? (Магнит тақтада Жер шарының суреті ілінген.)

P: - It has got many problems.

T: - What problems of the environment do you know?

P: - Pollution, litter, animals and plants become extinct.

T: - Very good. Look at the picture and guess what problem we’re going to speak today?

P: - Today we’re going to talk about animals which are in danger in our days.

T: - You are right. We’re going to discuss endangered animals and try to help solve the problem. To the end of

the lesson you’ll know about the animals which are in danger, will be able to find the ways how you will

protect them.

III. Explanation of the new material.

T: - So, what is the topic of our lesson? The topic is “Animals are in danger” .

We live in a world that is full of the beauty of nature. Animals are the part of that natural world. People often treated animals more like things than living, feeling beings. Please, look at the active board.










“Why are animals in danger?”

Animals are all around us. But nowadays animals are in danger, because people collect animals as pets, and hunt them for food and for fun. Today we can speak about elephants, tigers, rhinos and bears.

A million years ago there were a lot of more species of animals than there are now. Of course, some species disappear naturally, but today they’re disappearing faster than before. Rhinoceros die because people want their horns. We put new buildings on empty land and do not think of animals. We make new roads, we take away trees. Many of these animals are in danger. Many of them are very rare or extinct. They're dying, because man had destroyed their homes. You know a lot of forests are damaged, so these creatures are in danger. Every ten minutes one kind of animals or plant or insect disappears. The wild animals have no space to move, no grass to eat, no water to drink.

“Endangered animals of Kazakhstan”

There are a vast and varied collection of wild animals in Kazakhstan. There are ...

In Red Book there are many animals. They're in danger. We must defend these animals, because they're very rare or extinct. We have in our land 8 reserves. They are: Aksu-Zhabagaly, Almaty, Markhakol, the West Altay, Khorgalzhyn, Nauryzym, Barsakelmes, Ustirt.

Of course, our government tries hard to protect animals. We also have a special holiday International Animal Protection Day when the whole world tries to solve this problem.

Remember! 4 October – International Animal Protection Day.

IV. New words.

T: - My dears, today we’ll introduce with the new words by theme “Animals are in danger”. Please, repeat

after me.

Пілдің тісі - ivory tusk [aivǝri t˄sk]

Түр - species [spi:ʃi:z]

Жоғалу - disappear [disəpiə]

Қауіп төндіру - threaten [θretn]

Жеткілікті - enough [in˄f]

Аңшы - hunter [h˄ntə]

Пайда болу, көзге көріну - appear [əpiə] Аң аулау - hunt [h˄nt]

V. Practice.

1) “Jockey and Horse” strategy. (Work with cards).

Take a card and find your partner. («Жокейлерге» сұрақтары бар карточкалар, «жылқыларға» жауаптары бар карточкалар беріледі. Әр «жокей» өзінің «жылқысын» табуы керек.)



  1. Where do tigers come from?

  2. Where do rhinos come from?

  3. How many species of elephants were there?

  4. Why do people threaten whale?

  5. Which animal can climb trees?

  6. Why do people threaten elephants?

  7. Which animal can eat other animals?

  8. What animals can stay under water long without breathing?

  9. How many rhinos are there in Africa?

  1. Africa, India

  2. Africa, Kenya, Zambia

  3. 300

  4. For meat, fat and oil

  5. Monkey

  6. For meat and ivory tusks

  7. Wild animals

  8. Whale

  1. Less than 4000

5) Semantic map.

T: - Now, I’ll give you semantic map. Your task is to complete it.


















6) Physical training exercise.

T: - Children, you have worked very much. Let’s have a rest. Stand up and repeat the actions of the children in

the video together with pupils and sing a song.

7) “Blum’s daisy” strategy. (Блум түймедағы)

(Гүлдің әр күлтесінде жасырылған сұрақтарға жауап беру).

8) Make a poster. “The Code of Rules”

T: - You must make a poster and present it. The group “Wild animals” will find what we Should Do and the

group “Domestic animals” what we Shouldn’t Do. (Students give 6 parts of the sentence, analyse them and

choose those which match for their task).

We should

We shouldn’t

Feel responsible for pets

Frighten animals

Feed birds and help them

Kill animals for fun

Be friendly with animals

Harm or hurt animals

VI. Conclusion.

T : - Dear pupils, at the beginning of our lesson we tell what we should study at the lesson. Can you

remember? (Discuss endangered animals and try to help solve the problem. )

Children, how can we help these animals? Is there the way to save them? Can we help animals? What will never do? And what will we always do?

We’ll never do (Repeat all together)

  • Kill animals and birds

  • Hurt animals and birds

  • Hunt animals and birds

We’ll always do

  • Help animals and birds

  • Feed animals and birds

  • Protect animals and birds

T: - So, what must people do to save animals? People must take care of nature. And they must save wild


T: - Now, our lesson is almost over. You’ve learnt so much about animals. Do you think the Earth liked our

lesson? Let’s make a smile on it. __________ (name), you were the best today, come to the blackboard and

do it. All the rest were good too, so come here, take these animals and put them on the earth. (Сабаққа ең

белсенді қатысқан оқушы жердің қайғылы күлкісін қуанышты күлкіге ауыстырады. Қалған

оқушылар қолдарындағы жануарларды жердің суретінің айналасына жапсырады.)

VII. Reflection.

T: - Look at the blackboard. Here a poster. You must put on the steps smiles how you have understood

today’s lesson.




VIII. Giving hometask.

  • Your home task is write a short composition about wild animals.

IX. Marks

  • How many smiles do you get? Count your cards.

From 5 smiles - Excellent

From 4 smiles - Good

From 3 – Satisfactory

From 2 smiles – Bad

The lesson is over! Good bye!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

My favourite pet

Автор: Нурбекова Лазат Ергалиевна

Дата: 21.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 296649

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