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Научная статья на тему:Нетрадиционные методы обучения иностранному языку

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 Статья посвящена изучению значимости нетрадиционных методов коммуникативного обучения на занятиях по иностранному языку

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«Научная статья на тему:Нетрадиционные методы обучения иностранному языку»


Нетрадиционные методы обучения иностранному языку

Исматова Майсара Саьдуллаевна



Ingliz tili darslarida talabalarni mustaqil fikrlashga o’rgatish oldimizda turgan muhim vazifadir. Biz bilamizki,hozirgi ta’lim jarayonida o’quvchi sub’ekt bo’lishi lozim. Darslarga qo’yilgan eng muhim talablardan biri talabani,o’quvchini mustaqil fikrlashga o’rgatishdir. Ko’zlangan maqsadga erishishuchun quyidagi topshiriqlarni bajarish mumkin:

1. “Muammoli vaziyat yechimi’’. “Creative Problem Solving”.

Bu usulni qo’llash uchun hikoyaning boshlanishi o’qib beriladi qanday

yakun topishi o’quvchilar, talabalar hukmiga havola qilinadi. Masalan:

Many years ago a merchant found himself in debt to a money lender, a cruel and unpleasant man. The merchant had only one child, a daughter, whom he loved dearly.

One day the moneylender came to the merchant with an ultimatum – either the merchant should pay his debts, go to debtors prison, or permit the moneylender to marry his daughter.

Realizing that the merchant and his daughter were horrified at the idea, the moneylender invited them both to walk with him along a gravel path and to discuss the idea a little further. Here he proposed that fate should decide the issue.

“I shall take two pebbles from this path, one black and one white”, he said, bending down to pick up two stones. “I shall drop them in this bag. And than, if your daughter agrees, she will pick one of the stones from the bag without

looking. If she picks out the white one, I shall forgive all of your debts, and you and your daughter will never see me again. However, if she picks out the black stone, your daughter is mine.”

The merchant’s daughter was distraught. She did not trust the moneylender. She was almost sure that he had put two black stones in the bag . Her position

seemed impossible. What should she do? (At this point we can have a small group discussion on what the merchant’s daughter should do.)

The correct answer is that the daughter put her hand in the bag, withdrew a stone, and dropped it “accidentally” on the gravel path . “I’m sorry”, she cried, “but you can tell the color of the one remaining in the bag”.

Ijodiy tafakkurni rivojlantirish maqsadida, biz ingliz tili o`qituvchilari dars jarayonida muammoli ta`limdan foydalanishimiz lozim.Shu maqsadda talabalarga quyidagi matnni o’qish topshiriladi.

One day father sent his son out to sell a sheepskin. “Bring me back the skin”,

he said “and the money for it”. The young man tried sell the skin but in vain because nobody wanted to buy it on those terms. So he decided not to go home at all because he was afraid of his father. When he came to a bridge over the river he met a girl. Seeing that Jack was very sad, she asked him: “May I ask you why you are so sad?”.

“My father has given me the skin”, said Jack, “and I must bring back both the skin and the money for it”.

Hikoyani shu yerda to`xtatib, qiz yigitning muammosini qanday yechib berishini talabalardan so`rashimiz lozim. Talabalar vaziyatni har xil yechadilar, o`z fikrlarini bayon qiladilar. Agar voqea quyidagicha yechilsa to`g`ri hisoblanadi: The girl carried the skin to the river and after washing it in the water took the wool from it. She paid Jack for the wool and gave him back the skin to carry it home.

Yana bir vaziyatning yechimi talabalarga havola qilinadi:

One day old Gobborn told his son to follow him because he wanted to

build a fine castle. While they were walking the old man said to his son: “Can you shorten the way for me?” His son answered in the negative and his father ordered him to go back home.

When he told his wife why he had come home alone, his wife solved his problem, but how?.

Bu hikoyani ham diqqat bilan tinglagan talabalar muammoni quyidagicha hal qilishlari mumkin:

His wife told him a story and he repeated it to his father. When he finished his story they would come to the end of their journey. The story Could Shorten the longest road.

2. Fikrlar bahosi. The “Values Clarification” exercise.Bu usul Yuqori sinf o’quvchilari va talabalar uchun mo’ljallangan bo’lib, ularga o’zlarining fikrlarini ochiq bayon etish imkonini beradi.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Научная статья на тему:Нетрадиционные методы обучения иностранному языку

Автор: Исматова Майсара Саьдуллаевна

Дата: 26.02.2021

Номер свидетельства: 574325

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