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Научная статья на тему:Role-playing games in English classes

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На современном этапе обучения иностранным языкам основной целью является формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся. Овладевая данной компетенцией, учащиеся становятся конкурентно способными членами общества, так как могут понимать и использовать языковой материал в устной и письменной видах речи, в соответствии с ситуацией и целью общения.

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«Научная статья на тему:Role-playing games in English classes»

Role-playing games in English classes.

Хаетова Мадина Бахтиеровна

Преподователь английского языка

26-средняя школа города Бухары, Узбекистан

   Ролевые игры на уроках английского языка.

На современном этапе обучения иностранным языкам основной целью является формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся. Овладевая данной компетенцией, учащиеся становятся конкурентно способными членами общества, так как могут понимать и использовать языковой материал в устной и письменной видах речи, в соответствии с ситуацией и целью общения.

At the present stage of teaching foreign languages, the main goal is the formation of communicative competence of students. By mastering this competency, students become competitively capable members of society, as they can understand and use language material in oral and written forms of speech, in accordance with the situation and purpose of communication.

Teaching a foreign language in high school is aimed at improving communication skills. According to many methodologists, role-playing game and project methodology are effective forms of enhancing students' communicative competence. In this paper, we examine the role-playing game, since this form of interaction is as close as possible to the real situation of interpersonal communication and corresponds to the age-related psychological characteristics of high school students.

Consider the role of the role-playing game, since this information is important for the teacher to choose the role of the role-playing game in the learning process.

1. Compensatory

Role-play compensates for the mismatch of students' needs with their capabilities. Adolescents tend to communicate, to adulthood, and role-playing gives them the opportunity to go beyond their usual activities and expand it. Thus, the compensatory function of the role-playing game is realized.

2. Motivational-inducing function

Role play encourages natural interpersonal communication, activating the speech-thought processes of students.

3. Orientation function

The role-playing game guides students toward planning their own speech and interlocutor behavior; develops the ability to control their actions and give an objective assessment of the actions of others.

There are several classifications of role-playing games:

4.Training function

Role-playing game contributes to the development and improvement of speech skills and the skills of dialogic and monological types of speech in a situation of interpersonal communication.

5. Educational function

Role play develops collective communication skills; active work; discipline; observation and attentiveness.

1) in form;

2) According to the initial situation of communication;

3) by age.

So, we consider in more detail the classification data.

1) In form - in pairs (interactive dialogue) and in the group - polylogue;

2) According to the initial communication situation:

a) Moderately controlled

1. The program of the game is developed by the teacher;

2. Students are given a list of all typical and problem situations in which they are to take part;

3. All typical and problem situations are worked out in detail in the lessons, sample dialogs are studied, it is possible to get teacher advice on lexical and grammatical material.

b) Free

1. The circumstances of communication are formulated by the teacher;

2. Students determine the topic of communication, develop a game scenario, select the appropriate material and search for information using the recommended literature.

c) Scenario

This role-playing game is usually used when working with literary texts. Students develop a program and script led by a teacher. They select the linguistic content of certain roles in the mode of individual, pair or group work.

3) by age

All types of the above role-playing games, in high school age, have a simulated nature of cognitive content. Simulation role-playing game allows you to simulate situations that may arise in the future professional activities of students. Simulated business games correspond to the age characteristics of high school students, vocational guidance of schoolchildren, the tasks of their upbringing and comprehensive development.

It is important to note that participating in role-playing games, students carry out speech practice as efficiently as possible. All participants improve their oral and listening skills. Role-playing games contribute to the development of educational, educational and educational goals of learning, and most importantly, they create the conditions for the formation and activation of the communicative competence of students.

I am a teacher, so the author will develop an English lesson using simulated moderately controlled and free role-playing games. Lessons were held in 11 classes ..

Game techniques have been adapted to the “Character and Career” theme, which students took at this stage of training. This development can be used to consolidate vocabulary on a specified topic, improve listening skills, dialogical speech and the ability to work in pairs. In preparation for the lesson, students learned definitions on topics of character and profession.

11th grade lesson script ”How to Choose the Right career”

using moderately controlled and free role-playing games.

T: Good day, everybody! I’m glad to see you!

Pls: We are glad to see you too!

T: Sit down, please. I’d like to begin our lesson with a statement of a wise man. Listen to it and try to guess its author and the topic of the lesson.

“If you choose a job according to your interests and skills you won’t work a single day in your life as you’ll get money for doing your hobby. Have you got any idea?

P1: I think it was said by Confucius.

T: Oh, exactly! And what is the topic of the lesson?

P2: I think we are going to speak about careers.

P3: In my opinion we are going to discuss steps of choosing a career.

T: Well done! Who can comment on the statement of Confucius?

P4:In my opinion, Confucius wanted to draw attention to choosing the right career that will help us to become happy and successful.

T:Do all of you agree with your group mate? (pupils agree)

Now look at the screen. Here you can see a list of actions. What are they for?

  1. List your personal preferences and needs

  2. Be ready to pursue your career

  3. List your passions and interests

  4. Take the career advice

  5. Research the job market

P6: I believe these are the steps of choosing the right career.

T: ok. Think if they are given in the logical order. Share your opinion in groups of 5. (pupils discuss the information on the screen for 3 min)

P1: Could you tell me what the verb “to pursue” means.

T: It means: to make your job a career. So who wants to be the first to discuss the ways of choosing the right career?

P4 of the 1st group: We think that 1-d, 2-c, 3-a, 4-b, 5-e.

P5 of the 2nd group: We disagree with our group mates. Our variant of finding the career for life is the following: 1-c, 2-e, 3– a, 4-d, 5-a.

T: Well both groups are right in some steps. Now watch the video and check your answers.

Pls of the 2nd group: We were right on 2 points.

Pls of the 1st group: We guessed the last step.

(key: c, a, b, d, e)

T: Now watch the video again and match the steps of choosing a career with the suitable actions. And answer the question: what professions did Van Gog have before becoming a painter?

Step 1

a think of the lowest income you will agree with and decide if you are ready to live in a different place

Step 2

b consult with a career counselor and do the assessment test to find out your talents and temper

Step 3

c think if you like working with your hands, teaching, helping others, managing money, selling or creating things

Step 4

d. look for jobs that will match your type of personality and skills

Step 5

e list things that you are good at and which you enjoy doing

Step 6

f be ready to retrain and keep up with the demand for change if you want to make a successful career

Pupils check each other’s answers. (key: c, e, d, a, b, f)

T: So do you agree with all these steps of choosing the right career?

Pupils agree.

T: And have you already chosen your career?

P2: I have chosen two professions. They are doctor and computer programmer.

T: Ok. But don’t you think these ones are too different?

P2: Well, yes. I’m going to think it over. I’ll follow all above mentioned steps to make the right choice.

T: Well, now let’s play the game “find someone who”. I need 5 pupils who will be career advisers and ask questions to find the best pupil for a certain profession written on the cards. You are not to show them to the pupils answering questions. Make up questions according to the steps of choosing the right career. The rest of the group are school leavers that answer the questions. At the end of the game school leavers are to guess the profession that suits them perfectly. Exchange your seats while playing.

Cards for career advisers:

  1. A teacher of English

  2. A financial adviser

  3. A mental health counselor

  4. A system analyst

  5. A veterinary technician

Questions are to be made up by career advisers

  1. What are your passions and interests?

  2. What are your strengths, skills and talents? What are you good at?

  3. How much money do you want to get for your future job?

  4. Have you ever taken an assessment test to find out your temper?

  5. What kind of person are you?

The next role-playing game is a free simulation game. Theme: “Job trends in the modern world.” This game can be used at the final stage of studying the topic “Careers”. To prepare for the lesson, students read the text “Job Trends” (Opportunities textbook, Intermediate level, by Michael Harris, David Mower and Anna Sikorzynska), performed a series of lexical and grammar exercises, and also reviewed information on the topic on the Internet.


1. a career adviser

2. a representative of the U.S. labor department

3. a representative of the Social studies Faculty

4. a representative of the Computer Technologies faculty

5. a representative of the financial management faculty

6. all other students (6) –– media representatives

initial situation

The above mentioned representatives answer the questions of the journalists. The journalists take notes and give their comments.

At the end on of the discussion journalists sum up the information.


  1. Сафонова В.В. Коммуникативная компетенция: современные подходы к многоуровневому описанию в методических целях.. – М.: Еврошкола, 2004.

  2. Гальскова Н.Д. Современная методика обучения иностранным языкам. Пособие для учителя. – 2-е изд., перераб. И доп. – М.: АРКТИ, 2003. – 192 с. (Метод, биб-ка).

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Научная статья на тему:Role-playing games in English classes

Автор: Хаетова Мадина Бахтиеровна

Дата: 14.02.2020

Номер свидетельства: 539696

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