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Official and unofficial symbols of Russia and the USA

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Урок разработан для учеников 4 класса школ с углубленным изученим английского языка по теме "Official and unofficial symbols of Russia and the USA". В ходе урока ребята сами обозначают задачи и цель урока, состоящая в обобщении пройденного материала раздела учебника. Рефлексия осуществляется не только в конце занятия, но и в течение урока. Данная разработка имеет презентацию, видеоролик, раздаточный материал. 

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«Official and unofficial symbols of Russia and the USA »

Symbols of the Countries

Цели урока:

  • Активизация раннее изученного лексического материала и совершенствование навыков монологической и диалогической речи.


  • Карточки с названием символов стран;

  • Раздаточный материал;

  • Компьютер, проектор.

Ход урока



  1. Организационный момент


- Good morning, pupils. I am glad to see you. - How are you today?

P1: Good morning, teacher. We are fine. Thank you.

P2: And how are you?

- I’m OK. Thank you.

- I hope that all of you are ready to start. Well, today we are having a revision lesson.

- But look! There is no theme for our lesson. I want you to set the theme by yourselves. Can you help me?

- You are going to watch the video. During it you will be asked some questions. Answer them, please. It will help you to tell the theme.

P1: Right.

  1. Видео (+речевая разминка)

- Good job. And now looking at the scheme, can you guess the theme of our lesson?

P1: I think the theme of our lesson is…

P2: …

Ученики обозначают тему урока

-Right! But it isn’t complete. I will help you to finish it.

- What are we going to do today? What do you think?

P1: We will talk about the symbols of the USA.

P2: We will talk about the symbols of Russia.

- You’re right. Our task is to revise the material of the Units talking about the official symbols of the USA and Russia.

Учитель показывает тему урока.

- But that’s not all we will do today. Each country also has unofficial symbols. Our task is to determine what the unofficial symbols of these countries.

- So, what is the complete theme of our lesson?

  1. Групповая работа + IV. Физкультминутка

- We have two groups. The 1st one is “Students from Russia”, and the 2nd - “Students from America”.

- First of all we`ll revise some information about our countries. You have some sheets of paper with different words which characterize the countries. But you should choose only those which suit your country, make a collage and choose one person in your group to present your collage to the class. The scheme on the blackboard will help you. And don’t forget to sing the hymn of the country.

- After the report the other team should ask questions.

- During your work try to mention how your classmates work because after the work you will try to give marks them for their work.

- You have special papers for evaluating of their work.

- Start, please.

Ученики составляют коллажи из листов бумаги по типу схемы на доске. После этого один представитель от группы защищает коллаж.

Дети заполняют листы рефлексии.

  1. Диалогическая речь.

- So we reviewed all the symbols of these countries. But some of them are official and others are not.

- What symbols are official ones?

P1: The flag.

P2: The hymn.

P3: The symbol (the coat of arms).

- You’re right.

- But what symbols are unofficial in our scheme?

P1: The language.

P2: The capital.

P3: …

- That’s true.

- What else can we call as an unofficial symbol of the USA?

P1: The Statue of Liberty.

P2: …

- What else can we call as an unofficial symbol of Russia?

P1: Matryoshka.


- Yes. Good job.

- Now let’s try to make little dialogues between the students of the USA and Russia.

- Do you remember which country you represented at the beginning of the lesson?

- Great. You have some tips in the blackboard to help you to make your dialogue.

- Also I will give you a card with an unofficial symbol. You should use it too.

На доске выведена заготовка для диалога – вопросы. У детей на партах карточки с неофициальными символами, которые они используют для диалогов. Дети составляют диалоги.

  1. Подведение итогов.


- Our lesson is almost over.

- Let’s write down your homework.

- I want you to …

  1. Рефлексия


- Did you like our lesson?

- Did you learn anything new?

- What was difficult for you at the lesson?

- Do you have any questions?

P1: …



- Thank you for your work.

- Our lesson is over.

- Have a nice day.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Official and unofficial symbols of Russia and the USA

Автор: Прописнова Татьяна Андреевна

Дата: 02.09.2015

Номер свидетельства: 228250

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