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Open lesson "Genres of books"

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings present perfect forms with present and future meaning  and past continuous forms for background and interrupted past actions on a limited range of  familiar  general and curricular topics modal forms including mustn’t (prohibition)  need (necessity) should (for advice) on a range of  familiar general and curricular topics

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«Open lesson "Genres of books"»

Short term plan 1

10.3AReading for pleasure

Term 3 Unit 1


Date: 29.01.2020

Teacher’s name:

Grade 10 А

Number present:


Theme of the lesson

Genres of books

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

10.C3 Respect differing points of view;

10.C6 Organize and present information clearly to others;

10.C8 Develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion;

10.S6 Begin to link comments with some flexibility to what others say at sentence and discourse level in pair, group and whole class exchanges;

10.L1 Understand with little support the main points in extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics.

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • Solve the puzzles and guess the topic of the lesson;

  • Understand most specific information and detail while watching video;

  • Give an opinion at sentence level on classmates’ presentation;

  • Understand what genres of books

Most learners will be able to:

  • Set lesson objectives with teacher;

  • Keep interaction going in longer exchanges while preparing a presentation in groups;

  • Become a speaker of the group to act as a teacher and explain the topic.

Some learners will be able to:

  • Critically analyse the difference between fiction and non-fiction literature;

  • Assist less able learners during class/group/pair discussions.

Language objective


Value links

Life long learning, Collaboration, Respect to different opinions, Transparency in evaluation, Global Awareness

Crosscurricular links

Kazakh, Russian and English Literature through discussing fiction and non-fiction books

Previous learning

The world of the Wars

Useof ICT

  • Projector or Smart board for showing a presentation

  • Laptops and internet during a group activity

Intercultural awareness

Accept diversity of other cultures’ literature

Kazakh culture

Discussion of Kazakh books

Pastoral Care

Student centered teaching: respect, support and scaffolding;

To create a friendly atmosphere for collaborative work.

Promote a sense of self-esteem and self-respect and respect for others among all the learners.

Health and Safety

Everyday classroom precautions will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure of electrical power cords

Planned timings

Planned activities



1-3 min







10 min

2 min

4 min

2 min

2 min

Org. moment: Greeting

T: Good morning, pupils!

S: Good morning, teacher!

T: How are you?

S: We are fine, thank you.

Conversation with duty

T:Who is on duty today?

S: I`m on duty today.

T:Who is absent?

S: All are present.

T: What date is it today?

S: Today is the 29th of January.

T: What day is it today?

S: Today is Wednesday.

Checking home task

T: What was your home task for today?

S: The home task was ex 5 p 65. Teacher checks their home task.

Dividing into two groups using puzzles .Teacher gives puzzles which have a questions. Learners in groups try to answer the questions and stick the puzzles in order after that to guess the name of the team. Then teacher asks learners what they are going to learn today. Learners will guess that they will read and discuss different books, learn about famous writers. Then teacher and learners set the lesson objectives together.

  • What is your favorite story?

  • Who is your favorite author?Why?

  • Who is your favorite character?

  • What is your favorite genre?

  • How many books have you read in your life?

  • Does reading play an important part in your life? How much time do you spend on reading? Do you read for pleasure or for information?

  • There are books that stay in our memory forever. Do you have such books? Why does it happen?

  • What role do the books play in our life? How do they form our moral values?

  • Do you sometimes read the same book again and again? Why?

  • 5. Do you choose a book because your friend recommend it to you?

Teacher displays pictures of books and journals genres of Kazakh, Russian and English literature. Learners should look at the pictures and analyse the difference between them. This activity is aimed at developing learners’ critical thinking skills since learners are expected to analyse the pictures and understand Learners should say that these are different books, but the role of teacher is to encourage them to understand what genres of books are.

Teacher shows the video about theme of the lesson.

Teacher presents new words




Historical fiction-тарихи көркем әдебиет




Realistic fiction-нақты көркем әдебиет

Science fiction-ғылыми фантастика

Traditional literature-дәстүрлі әдебиет

  • Teacher suggests the list of new vocabulary learners.

(P) Learners work with new vocabulary first. They get a list of words, read the words with the teacher. Learners make 3-4 sentences with new words to show sentences of the words.

Group work

Match the types of films 1-10 with the description a-j.

Physical minute

Sing a song “We will rock you”

Reading skills: A teacher gives for learners text for reading and translating in groups .Group work of two

read the text.

A fairy tale The Fisherman and the Fish.

An old fisherman and his wife lived in a small house near the sea. They were very poor. One day, the fisherman caught a golden fish. “Please let me go,” said the fish, “and you can have anything you wish!” The fisherman was very

surprised. The fish could speak! “Dear little fish,” said the old man, “I don’t want

anything!” He let the fish go and walked home. He told his wife

about the fish. “You fool!” she shouted. “We need a new bucket! Go back and ask for a bucket!” So the fisherman went back to the sea. It was calm. He called the golden fish and it swam up to him. “What do you want, good man?” it asked.

“My wife wants a new bucket,” said the fisherman. “You can have your wish. Go home now,” said the fish and swam away. The fisherman went home and saw a new bucket, but his wife was still angry. She wanted a new house. So the fisherman went back to the sea and called the golden fish again. This time the sea was not so calm.

Tasks for more able learners :

Read the story again and complete the sentences.

1 One day, the fisherman caught a golden fish

but he ..................................................... .

2 The golden fish offered the fisherman a

wish, but the old man didn’t .....................

............................................................ .

3 When the fisherman told his wife about the

fish, she called him a ............................... .

4 The fisherman‘s wife asked for a ................

................................ with her second wish.

5 The fisherman‘s wife wished to be the

Queen of the ........................................... .

6 At the end of the story, the fisherman and

his wife only had ......................................

2)Abai Kunanbaiuly is one of Kazakhstan’s best-known writers. But he was more than that: he was a poet, translator, composer and philosopher. He was born near Semipalainsk in the Chingis Mountains in 1845, at a time when literature was becoming an important art form across the world. For his secondary education, he went to a religious school where he studied Oriental classical literature. He also learned a number of languages including Russian, Arabic and Persian, and read Russian authors such as Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Pushkin and Turgenev. However, he left school when his father decided to train him to take over his role leading the local community and to become head of the family. Although he accepted this role to begin with, it didn’t interest him, and when he was twenty-eight he decided he wanted to study Literature instead.

Abai had a number of talents. He started writing poems when he was only twelve, but at first he did not sign them in his own name. IIn fact, the first poem he wrote in his own name was Summer, when he was only thirty-one. Like many of his poems, it was about Kazakhstan and its people. Abai also translated a number of poems from some of the great European poets, such as Goethe, Byron and Pushkin, the Russian poet. His translation of Eugene Onegin was one of fifty classic Russian works of literature he translated into Kazakh.

Read the text. Are the sentences true or false?

1. Abai Kunanbaiuly studied Russian writers at primary school.

2 .His father was important in the local town.

3 .When he was twenty-eight, he changed career.

4. He wrote the poem Summer when he was twelve.

5. He wrote fifty books in Russian.

6. He changed how people learned and enjoyed stories in Kazakhstan.

Put the speech in the dialogue in correct order.

At library”

Teacher gives a lollipops to the best group and the sweets to the second group.

Home task : to describe their favourite book and to learn by heart new words.


I like the lesson

I have some questions

laptops, internet access, posters, markers,video





Feedback: Teacher asks learners what task was difficult to them and which pair worked well.

Самоанализ урока английского языка по теме «Genres of books»

в 10 классе.

Учитель: Исмаилова А.Е.

Цель: употребление изученных  лексических единиц в устной и в письменной речи.


повторение звука [f];

закрепление ранее изученных лексических единиц;

развитие навыков монологической речи;

развитие навыков письма;

развитие навыков перевода;

развитие навыков говорение



Лексические единицы:



Historical fiction-тарихи көркем әдебиет




Realistic fiction-нақты көркем әдебиет

Science fiction-ғылыми фантастика


literature-дәстүрлі әдебиет

Употреблять лексические единицы в речи и  в письме

Работа с неправильными глаголами.

Понять и найти все формы глагола

Лексические единицы для cоставление предложении

Составить предложение с партнером


Урок состоял из следующих этапов:

Организационный момент (приветствие учителя, установка на урок)

Фонетическая зарядка.

Речевая зарядка

Проверка домашнего задания.

Физ минутка. Песня

Работа в группах. Составление предложение

Запись домашнего задания. Подведение итогов работы, выставление оценок.

На уроке использовался широкий спектр учебных материалов – учебные тексты , грамматические упражнения на повторение временных форм глаголов, речевые ситуации (спонтанные монологические высказывания по теме «Жанры книг »), методические приемы, языковой материал по теме «Genres of books».

Педагогические технологии: технология развивающего обучения, информационно-коммуникационным технологии, активные методы обучения, здоровье сберегающая технология.

Урок ориентирован на формирование развития навыков и умений иноязычной речевой деятельности: чтения, говорения (монологической речи), письма; на овладение учащимися аспектами языка (произношением, лексикой,грамматикой ). Урок преследует комплексные цели (обучение общению на иностранном языке, обучение познавательной деятельности с использованием иностранного языка).

На уроке активно и эффективно использовалось оснащение: дидактические материалы, в том числе используемые компоненты учебно-методического комплекса (карточки, текст).

Структура урока традиционная: организационный момент, фонетическая зарядка, речевая разминка, основной этап урока, упражнения на развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи, чтения, заключительный этап. Учащиеся легко переключались с одного этапа на другой. Организационный момент удачно «переключает» учащихся на предмет «иностранный язык»; беседа с классом велась на иностранном языке, сообщая о плане работы на данном уроке. В ходе оргмомента и вытекающей из него речевой ситуации был установлен контакт с классом. Учитель в ходе речевой разминки использует материалы по учебной теме урока и ориентирует речевую разминку на достижение целей урока.

На основном этапе учащимся были предложены разнообразные задания на развитие навыков чтения, монологической и диалогической речи, грамматических навыков.

В обучении говорению был подобран речевой материал: речевые ситуации, речевые опоры ( вопросно-ответные реплики по теме «Здоровый образ жизни», «Вредные привычки», «Здоровые привычки»).

В обучении чтению рационально решались две задачи: формирование навыков техники чтения и умений понимать читаемое. Использовались разнообразные приемы задания и упражнения на предтекстовом, текстовом и послетекстовом этапах. Решены задачи каждого этапа работы над текстом. Контроль понимания был осуществлен с помощью рациональных методических приемов. Текст использован как база для развития устной речи, что целесообразно на данной ступени обучения.

На мой взгляд, большинство учащихся успешно справилось со всеми заданиями.

Для достижения цели урока использовались разнообразные формы и методы работы, благодаря которым на уроке преобладала благоприятная психологическая атмосфера, ученики показали средний уровень усвоения материала. В течение урока использовались разнообразные средства учета, контроля и оценки овладения учащимися иноязычным материалом, навыками и умениями иноязычной речи (вопросно-ответная работа, выполнение упражнений и заданий и т.д.).

На заключительном этапе урока подводились итоги, задание к следующему уроку: дано заблаговременно, задание дифференцированно по уровням обученности учащихся, мотивировано, были даны рекомендации к его выполнению. Более слабым учащимся даны индивидуальные задания для отработки простых форм прошедшего и настоящего времени

На мой взгляд, цель урока была достигнута: учащиеся получили дополнительные знания о вредных и полезных привычках. Задачи урока, как образовательные, развивающие, воспитательные были реализованы в полном объеме: учащиеся научились выражать свое отношение к здоровому образу жизни, привычкам, используя средства языковой практики( лексические, грамматические единицы).В конце урока был подведен итог, работа каждого учащегося была оценена.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Open lesson "Genres of books"

Автор: Утеген Айымжан Нургабыловна

Дата: 28.10.2020

Номер свидетельства: 561643

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