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Открытый урок английского языка в 6 классе.

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Развитие лексических и коммуникативных навыков по теме «Еда».

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«Открытый урок английского языка в 6 классе.»

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Средняя общеобразовательная школа №90 р.п.Чунский

Открытый урок английского языка

в 6 классе.

Тема: «Еда»(Food)

Подготовила: учитель английского языка

Волкова Антонина Алексеевна

Август 2017 год.

Открытый урок английского языка в 6 классе.

Тема: Еда (Food)

Цель урока: Развитие лексических и коммуникативных навыков по теме «Еда».

Задачи урока:


  1. Развивать лексические навыки по теме «Еда»;

  2. Развивать диалогическую речь;

  3. Информировать о здоровом питании как об одном из аспектов здорового образа жизни;

  4. Формирование у учащихся потребности изучения иностранного языка для овладения им как средством общения.


  1. Развивать коммуникативную компетенцию, включая умения взаимодействовать с окружающими;

  2. Развивать внимание, память, речь;

  3. Развивать учебно-организационные умения (самостоятельная работа).


  1. Способствовать развитию эмоциональной сферы личности учащихся;

  2. Воспитывать стремление к совершенствованию речевой культуры;

  3. Прививать интерес к изучению языка посредством игрового момента;

  4. Воспитывать умение работать в парах, группах.


  1. Расширить словарный запас учащихся;

  2. Развивать умение общаться на иностранном языке.

Оборудование урока:

  1. мультимедийный проектор;

  2. карточки с текстом «Good Food for Good Life», картинки по теме «Еда».

Ход урока:

  1. Оргмомент.

  • Good morning!

  • Glad to see you.

  • Who is on duty today?

  • What day is it today?

  • Now I want you to smile. So, please, look at each other and say “cheese”. That’s good. Children, listen to me and say what are we going to speak about.

If we have much food

It is very good.

Cheese for breakfast

Coffee, ham and toast.

Butter you can add

Oh, it’s really not bad.

Children: We are going to speak about food.

  • Yes, today we have a lesson on the topic «Food». You are to perform your skills. We are going to answer the questions, to recite little poems, to read the text, act out some dialogues and do different kinds of exercises. So, let’s start working. Begin with the phonetical exercise.

  1. Фонетическая зарядка(phonetic exercises)

[æ] [e] [I:] [I]

Jam bread sweet mineral

Salad egg cream fish

Hamburger lemonade cheese milk

sandwich breakfast tee chicken

  1. Речевая зарядка.

  • Did you go to the shop yesterday?

  • Can you buy a loaf of bread in the shop?

  • What bread do you prefer, black or white one?

  • Do you have a cup of tea for lunch?

  • What is your favorite food?

  • What fruit do you like?

  • Do you like porridge with butter?

  • What do the words «the British have a sweet tooth» mean?

  • Is it healthy to eat much sweet food?

  • Is it healthy for your teeth?

  1. T.: Let’ s pass over to your homework. At home you had to learn some very little poems by heart and short dialogues. Now each group will act out its own short dialogue and recite a poem.

We’ll work in groups now.


P1: Good morning

P2: Oh, good morning, dear.

It’s nice of you to come

Let’s have tea at once

Do you take your tea strong or weak?

P2: Strong, please.

P1: Do you take it with milk? Here is the milk pot.

P2: Oh, no. I don’t take milk with my tea, only a thin slice of lemon.

P1: Here you are. And help yourself to a pie, please.

P2: Oh, how nice. Thank you.

A poem:

At the canteen where you meet

You can have a rest and eat

Have a menu, call a waitress

Who is pretty like an actress.


Диалог с использованием краткой формы реплик. Разговорная грамматика, упрощённые предложения.

P1: An apple? A poem:

P2: No, thanks, sour. You can order milk porridge

P1: A banana? Or a coffee for a lunch

P2: No, thanks, soft. With a tasty chocolate cake

P1: Melon? For a salad and a cake.

P2: No, too sweet!

P1: What then?

P2: That one!

P1: Where

P2: Here. This kiwi. So juicy!


У одного уч-ся реплики разговорного варианта, у другого фразы нормативной грамматики.

P1: Tea or coffee? A poem:

P2: I would prefer tea. I’m hungry as a bear,

P1: Black or white? I wish I had a bite somewhere,

P2: I would like black tea. We all would have a bite

P1: With or without? We have a good appetite.

P2: I drink tea without sugar.

P1: A sandwich?

P2: No, thank you. I don’t want any sandwich now. Thank you.

P1: As you like.

  1. 1)Ознакомление уч-ся с новыми словами и их первичные закрепления.

Внимание детей привлекается к картинкам и новым словам.

T.: It’s time to learn some new words on the topic «Food»

Let’s read the words all together and then one by one.

Custard ( sweet cream), dumplings, cabbage, pizza, mayonnaise, stewed meat(stew), pudding, sausage, sauce, garlic, onion, biscuit, wafer.

2) Игра «What is missing»

T.: We continue to work with the words about food. Let’s play the game for attention. The game is called «What is missing». Look and try to remember the food. What is missing? That’s right.

1) Sauce, garlic, mayonnaise, cabbage, pudding, custard ( sweet cream).

Sauce,, mayonnaise, cabbage, pudding, custard ( sweet cream).

  1. Onion, pizza, wafer, biscuit, dumpling, stew.

Pizza, wafer, biscuit, dumpling, stew.

  1. T.: I want you to agree or disagree with my statements.

  1. You don’t like pudding (P1. I disagree with you. I like pudding)

  2. You ate biscuits yesterday. (…)

  3. You mother has sausage with gravy every day. (…)

  4. You mother prepares dumplings very often. (…)

  5. You father likes mayonnaise very much. (…)

  1. Контроль умения читать.

T.: Please, take the cards with the text «Good Food for Good Life»

Good Food for Good Life

We need good food for good life. Good food has a lot of vitamins, proteins (белки) and minerals. They are in vegetables, fruits, bread, milk, meat, fish and porridge. These things help to make your bones and teeth strong. They make your body strong and healthy.

It's important to eat enough - not too much and not too little. Too much food makes you fat. Too little food makes you weak.


1группа: Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?

  1. We need bad food for good life.

  2. We need few vitamins.

  3. It's important to eat much.

  4. Minerals make your bones and teeth strong.

  5. Vitamins, proteins, minerals make you healthy.

    1. Find English equivalent in the text to the sentences:

1. В полезной еде много витаминов, белков, минералов.

2. Эти вещества помогают сделать крепкими ваши кости и зубы.

    1. Write out of the text nouns in plural.

  1. Физкультминутка.

  2. Project.

T.: Let’s do project. Now you will compose your menu.

What do you usually have for breakfast, lunch, supper.

(Работа по группам. Группы выбирают продукты по своей теме, один уч-ся из группы защищает проект)

P.: We usually have …, …, …, a) for breakfast. 1группа.

b) for lunch. 2группа.

c) for supper. 3группа.

  1. T.: What food can help us to be healthy?

Read the sentences on the screen.

  1. Garlic prevents heart disease.

  2. Onion is good for our nerves.

  3. Milk strengthens our bones.

  4. Banana is good for our muscles.

  5. Carrots are good for our eyesight.

T.: So, eat wisely (мудро). If you eat a balanced diet you will feel great, look great and always be healthy.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

  1. Рефлексия.

  1. T.: What did we do at the lesson today?

Did you learn something new?

  1. Was it interesting at the lesson?

  2. What did you like at the lesson?

T.: The lesson is over. You were active and worked not bad. Your marks are … . Thank you!

XI. Your Homework:

Children, mind the clock,

And keep the rule,

Try to come

In time to school.

Если останется время, провести грамматический тест на пройденные на предыдущем уроке правила: «Количественные местоимения с исчисляемыми и неисчисляемыми существительными»

Grammar test.

Выберите правильный ответ.

  1. I am afraid I have … money left.

  1. few

  2. little

  1. I have … interesting books. You can choose any.

  1. a few

  2. a little

  1. This time there are … mistakes in your work. It’s bead.

  1. a lot of

b) few

  1. They made … mistakes. So they got good marks.

  1. few

  2. little

  1. She has got … time to do it.

  1. little

  2. few

  1. Mum has bought … bars of chocolate.

  1. a few

  2. a little

  1. How … time do you spend on your home work?

  1. many

  2. much

  1. How … money is there in the purse.

  1. a lot of

  2. much

  1. Dad spent … money to buy a present for Mum.

  1. much

  2. few

  1. We have … bead, please, go and buy some.

  1. much

  2. little

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Открытый урок английского языка в 6 классе.

Автор: Волкова Антонина Алексеевна

Дата: 09.08.2017

Номер свидетельства: 425107

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