5 мин 5 мин 5 мин 10 мин 5 мин | 2.1Фонетическая зарядка (введение новой лексики по данной теме) Workers, policeman, bankclerks, militarymen nurses, cooker, lawers, journalist, reasons, job satisfaction, money, further training, promotion prospects, travelling abroad, good job conditions, hard working, communicative, problem- solving skills, logical reasoning, profound knowledge, analytical abilities, ambitious, efficient, physical abilities. 2.2Использование новых лексических единиц (демонстрация профессий). 2.3Работа с тестом Choose the right variant 1This person protects people -Pilot -Journalist -Policeman 2 A person who fight fires -Fireman -Dentist -Businessman 3 This person helps sick people -Teacher -Doctor -Designer 4A person who gives pupils homework -Militaryman -Driver -Teacher 5This person works in a theatre -Actress -Vet -Nurse 2.4 Работа с текстом «Popular profession» 2.5 Использование метода аудирования по тексту «Popular profession» Are the statements true or false 1 Nowadays this profession has become one of the most useful, modern and interesting 2 I want to be a policeman 3 It’s very important for our country to have efficient economist to raise our economy at a high level 4 I like to read books of literature | Проговаривают новые лексические единицы Выполняют тест Читают текст Выбирают «верно» или «неверно» утверждение |