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Открытый урок по теме «Funny islands»

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Открытый урок по теме «Funny islands»

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«Открытый урок по теме «Funny islands»»

Открытый урок по теме «Funny islands»


Good morning, boys and girls!

Good morning, good morning

Good morning to you!

Good morning, good morning

We are glad to see you!

How are you?

I am fine, thank you.

Sit down, please

2.Ознакомление с целью и задачами урока.

Весь год вы учили английский язык, а где он может вам пригодиться?

В путешествии, ведь это же международный язык. А какие знания вам пригодятся в путешествии?

Уметь считать, писать, говорить, петь по- английски. Нас ждут разные приключения, поэтому нужно подготовиться.

Потренируем наш язычок.

Today we have an unusual lesson.

Look at these pictures and try to guess the theme of our lesson.

Look at the map. You can see a lot of islands. This is me. I like to travel.

Would you like to travel and visit small and big islands?

What is the theme of our lesson?


(Ставятся задачи урока):

What are we going to do at our lesson?

Count, read, write, sing

You are right, we are going to travel. We are going to travel round the world of Knowledge.

At first let’s have a medical check.

3.Активизация лексики по теме «Части тела»

Игра "Touch...".

Учитель произносит команды, учащиеся выполняют.

  • Touch your nose, eyes, ears, hair, head, leg, foot, toe, finger, shoulder, arm, neck.

T: Look at the blackboard and read the words!

4.Фонетическая зарядка

[a:-a:-a:-a:] - Показываем горло врачу! Far, car, arm, farmer.Father can't start the car.

[t-t-t-t] Tom tried the tart (торт). At the tea time.

[t∫- t∫- t∫] Chin, chopper, chin, chopper, Chin, chopper, chin.

[u-u-u-u] Look at the cook-book.

[u:-u:-u:-u:] Shoes and boots, Boots and shoes. Come and buy the size you use.

[ ks] позовем кошку! Box, fox, six, oxen.

Представьте себе, что в разгар игры мама говорит: «Пора спать!». Вспомните, как вы ноете, когда не хотите что-то делать. (Учитель издает носовой звук.) А теперь произнесите этот же звук с открытым ртом. Sing, pink, English, swing.

[0-0-0-] three, healthy, think, everything, Слон сьешь суп

[∂-∂-∂] this, brother, with, them, the, у зайки заболели зубки

[з:-з:-з:-з:] girl, birthday, nurse, her

[e-e-e-e] get, letter, ten, eleven

And now you are ready, let’s start.

Look at our ship. Do you like it?

4.Речевая разминка

Let’s meet with each other. Now, please, answer my questions.

  • What is your name?

  • How old are you?

  • Where are you from?

  • What do you like to do?

  • Can you ski (skate, swim, run, play football, etc.)?

  • What can you do well?

  • When is your birthday?

-What is your favourite season?

- Have you got a sister (brother, cat,dog)?

Oh, you can see “the Riddles island”

Остров загадок

1.Guess the riddles.

I'm big. I'm grey. I'm little. I’m grey.

My nose is long My nose is short.

My tail is short. My tail is long.

I'm an ... (elephant). I'm a ... (mouse).

It is red with black and white stripes.

It eats meat. It looks like a cat. Guess who is it? ( It’s a tiger)

It has got a face, It has got two hands, It goes and yet stands (Clock.)

2.Cross the unnecessary (ненужное) word.

1.horse, sheep, elephant, cow

2.duck, parrot, cockerel, crocodile

3.cabbage, meat, tomato, potato

4.juice, milk, tea, fish, coffee

5.apple, cake, orange, banana

6.mum, brother, sister, girl, dad

7.June, July, September, August

8.postman, envelope, stamp, puzzle

(Правильныеответы: elephant, crocodile, meat, fish, cake, girl, September, puzzle.)

Let’s go on our trip. You will see different seas: red, black, yellow. Remember “Colours”.

Игра «Цветик-семицветик».

Look, you can see “the island of time”

Остров времени

1. What's the time?

It's six o'clock.

It's half past nine

It's twelve o'clock.

It's half past five.

It's one o'clock.

It's half past three.

It's half past ten.

It's two o'clock.

  1. Игра "Name: when?".

Учитель называет первую часть предложения (действие), а учащиеся должны его закончить, назвав время, когда происходит это действие. Например:

You wash your face (in the morning, at 7 o'clock).

You have dinner (in the afternoon, at 7.10 pm).

You have breakfast (in the morning, at 8.30).

You go to school (in the morning, at 9 o'clock am).

You watch TV (in the evening, at 7 o'clock pm).

You get up (in the morning, at 8 o'clock am).

You go to bed (in the morning, at 10 o'clock pm).

You clean your teeth (in the morning, at 7.10 am).

You do your homework (in the afternoon, at 3 o'clock pm).

You come home (in the afternoon, at 2 o'clock pm).

You play (in the evening, at 6 o'clock pm).

Можно играть наоборот: учитель называет время, а учащиеся - действие, соответствующее этому времени

А теперь мы проплываем Пролив Бодрости. Значит нужно взбодриться.

Песня «The mulberry bush»

Here we go round the mulberry bush, The mulberry bush, the mulberry bush, Here we go round the mulberry bush, On a Sunday morning.

This is the way we wash our hands, We wash our hands, we wash our hands On a Monday morning.

This is the way we wash our face, We wash our face, we wash our face On a Tuesday morning.

This is the way we brush our hair, We brush our hair, we brush our hair, On a Wednesday morning.

This is the way we clean our teeth, We clean our teeth, we clean our teeth On a Thursday morning.

This is the way we clean our room, We clean our room, we clean our room On a Friday morning.

This is the way we meet our guests, We meet our guests, we meet our guests On a Saturday morning.

Остров Доктора Хелси

Расскажите, что надо делать, чтобы быть здоровыми. Скажите, что вы должны или не должны делать, чтобы быть здоровыми.

Учащиеся отвечают.

What must you and your classmates do? Read the sentences and fill in must or mustn't.

Предложения на доске:

-1 go to bed late (поздно).

-1 clean my teeth every day.

-1 eat many sweets, cakes.

-1 swim, skip and jump.

-1 be lazy.

-1 read books.

-1 go to school on Sundays (по воскресеньям).

Give English equivalents.

  • Пей сок каждый день.

  • Гуляй и играй со своими друзьями.

  • Ты должен кататься на коньках и лыжах.

  • Не ешь много сэндвичей, конфет и тортов.

  • Ты должен чистить зубы каждый день.

  • Ешь морковь, яблоки и капусту.

  • Ты должен играть в футбол или теннис.

We keep our course to “The Poets’ Island”

Мы держим курс на Остров Поэтов.

Остров поэтов

Вставьте слово в рифму.

How much is one plus one? ... apples growing in the sun. (Two.)

How much is two plus two? ... apples for little Sue. (Four.)

How much is four plus four? ... red apples and no more. (Eight.)

Eleven little boys are playing ball with Ben.

Two boys go away and then there are ... (ten).

1 see nine apples on the apple tree

Six of them fall and now they are ... (three).

I've got a kitten. It's in the box. She's got a monkey. He's got a ... (fox).

The kitten's in the box. The monkey's on the chair. The fox is there, too but where's the ... (bear)

There is a wonderful café here. Let’s have lunch. What do you like to eat?

  • А что вы любите есть?

Ученик. I like cheese, milk and butter. But I don't like sweets. What do you like? Do you like ... ?

Игра "How much money do you have?".

Каждому дается карточка с цифрой. Учащийся «покупает» себе продукты в кафе

-Would you like (some)... ?

-Yes, please.

-How much money do you have?

- …..pounds. Here you are!

-Thank you!

-You are welcome.

Игра “ Naughty Rabbit”(«Избалованный Кролик»).

Сначала роль Избалованного Кролика исполняет учитель, затем - дети (один или несколько).

Кролик. Dear sisters, dear brothers! I'm hungry! I'm very hungry.

У ч e н и к. Do you want (would you like) ham?

Кролик. No, I don't. I don't want (wouldn't like) ham.

Ученик. Do you want cheese?

Кролик. No, I don't. I don't want cheese. I want a sweet.

Ученики. Oh! Here you are!

Кролик. Thank you!

Ученики. You are welcome.

Кролик. Dear sisters, dear brothers! I'm thirsty! I'm very thirsty!

Ученик. Do you want apple juice?

Кролик. No, I don't want apple juice.

(И т. д., пока дети не перечислят все известные им названия фруктов и овощей, из которых делают соки. Отчаявшись, они спрашивают все вместе: "What do you want?". Кролик отвечает: "I want milk!")

Now, look! It’s a very dangerous place: “ Bermuda triangle” We must do sums.

(Решение примеров).

There is a storm. Another ship is in trouble. Let’s help them and follow our coordinations.

Say in words.

      1. 100, 80, 20, 50, 60, 30, 70, 40, 90.

      2. 27,55,74, 82, 43,91,38,66.

Artists,actors and writers are travelling on this ship. Let’s calm them: write letters and draw funny pictures.


My name is______________.

I am____________________.(a boy, a girl)

I am_________years old.

I live in______________. (Chikoy)

My favourite pets are______(cats, dogs, fish, parrots )

My favourite colour is_______________.

My favourite season is_______________

Best wishes,


Pass me your letters. We need a postman. Remember the poem about the postman “Every morning at 8 o’clock”

We have finished our trip. Did you like it?

Write marks on your sheets of self-assessment by yourselves.

Дополнительные задания (при наличии времени)

Остров пословиц.

    1. Английские и русские пословицы.

На доске в два столбика написаны английские и русские пословицы. Учащиеся должны найти английским пословицам русские эквиваленты.

There is no place like home. Никогда не играй с огнем.

Never play with fire. Дом, милый дом.

Live and learn. В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.

All is well that ends well. Выпустить кота из мешка. (От-

Home, sweet home. крыть тайну.)

Let the cat out of the bag. Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается.

Век живи, век учить.

Остров ошибок

        1. She like summer golidays.

        2. Jim would like some oranges.

        3. My sister have tea with milk for breakfast.

        4. Her friend speak don't English.

        5. We like play football.

        6. Hes brother likes to play with computer games.

        7. Jim's birthday is on the fifth of December.

        8. Does Rex likes bones?

        9. Jill likes to play with a doll.

        10. I'd like to have a player.

Остров писателей

    1. Put the words in the right order.

      1. speaks, He, English, well.

      2. Jim, to, school, every, goes, day.

      3. live, Billy's, in, friends, forest, the.

      4. dog, brave, My, is, and, strong.

      5. like, the, to, They, skate, park, in.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Открытый урок по теме «Funny islands»

Автор: Воеводова Александра Вячеславовна

Дата: 17.05.2019

Номер свидетельства: 510661

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