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«Тренажер по теме Питание блюда»

Тренажер по теме «Food and meals»

Цель: Развитие чтения с полным пониманием текста и выполнение заданий по его содержанию.

Отработка и расширение лексических и страноведческих знаний.

Составила : учитель МАОУ СШ №1 г.Михайловска Сычева М.В.


The story of modern pizza as we know began in Naples, Italy,in the late 1800s. Baker Raffaele Esposito is usually given credit for baking the first pizzas with tomato sauce, cheese, and toppings. According to legend, pizza was popularized when Esposito was asked to make a pizza for Italian King Umberto I and Queen Margherita when the royal pair visited Naples in 1889. Esposito allegedly baked three different pizzas. The Queen’s favorite was the one in which Esposito had designed in honor of Italy’s red,white, and green flag. It had basil, mozzarella cheese, and tomato sauce. Esposito named it Pizza Margherita in her honor.

Pizza, however, failed to immediately take hold in Italy. As Italian immigrants came to the United States, however, pizza came with them. In 1905, the first United States pizzeria was established in New York City. The pizzeria, called Lombardi’s, still operates today. Soon, other pizzerias in New York City and beyond appeared. By World War II, pizza was one of America’s most popular foods. In the 1950s, the Totino family, of Minnesota, was thought to have produced the first frozen pizzas.

In 1958, Frank and Dan Carney borrowed $600 from their parents and opened a pizzeria in Wichita, Kansas. They called their restaurant Pizza Hut because they didn’t have space for additional letters on their first sign. Pizza Hut became very popular and soon the brothers opened new restaurants and hence, the first pizza franchise was born. Today, there are more than 10,000 Pizza Hut restaurants. Similarly, Domino’s was established by two brothers who borrowed $900 to purchase a pizzeria called Dominick’s in Ypsilanti, Michigan. In 1984, John Schnatter founded Papa John’s in Indiana.

Today, Americans spend over 33 billion dollars each year on pizza. In 2016, there are over 77,000 restaurants in America that serve pizza.


1.Why is Raffaele Esposito important in the history of Pizza?
A.He brought pizza to America
B.He is credited forbaking the first modern pizzas
C.He helped to establish the first pizza franchise
D.He is said to have known the King and Queen of Italy

2.What is implied in the first paragraph?
A.Modern-­day pizza was likely born in Naples, Italy
B.Pizza Margherita is modeled after the Italian flag
C.Raffaele Esposito is credited with making pizzas for the King and Queen of Italy
D.Esposito’s story may or may notbe true

3.When did pizza become one of America’s most popular foods?
C.by World War II

After Esposito created Pizza Margherita...
A.pizza became instantly popular in Italy.
B.pizza became instantly popular in the United States.
C.the first pizzeria was established in Naples.
D.the first pizzeria was established in New York City.

5.What did Pizza Hut and Domino’s have in common?
A.They were both founded by wealthy brothers
B.They were both founded in Kansas
C.They were both founded by brothers who needed to borrow money
D.Pizza Hut and Domino’s both had different original names

6.What does “allegedly” mean in the following sentence?: Esposito allegedly baked three different pizzas.

B.According to legend

7.What is the purpose of the final paragraph?
A.To complete the story about pizza
B.To illustrate how far the pizza industry has come from its humble beginnings
C.To illustrate how successful Domino’s and Pizza Hut are today
D.To illustrate how pizza has become so popular throughout the word


    • Do you like pizza?

    • What is your favorite pizza topping?

    • How often do you eat pizza at a restaurant?

    • How often do you order pizza to your home?

    • Are there pizzerias near your home that deliver pizzas?

    • What do you like to drink with your pizza?

    • Do you know how to make a pizza?

    • Do you know who invented the pizza?

    • Why is pizza popular?

    • Have you ever called for pizza delivery?

    • How do you make pizza at home?

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Питание и блюда

Автор: Сычева Марина Васильевна

Дата: 18.10.2023

Номер свидетельства: 638258

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