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План–конспект открытого урока «English Tenses. Comparison» (Времена английского глагола)

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«English Tenses. Comparison»

(Времена английского глагола)

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«План–конспект открытого урока «English Tenses. Comparison» (Времена английского глагола)»

МКОУ «СОШ №3№ г. Кизляр

План–конспект открытого урока

«English Tenses. Comparison»

(Времена английского глагола)

Предмет: английский язык

Класс: 9

Учитель: Багавдинова Р. К.

Тип урока: повторения и обобщения.

Основные цели урока:

  1. Обучение чтению.

Научить осуществлять работу над текстом, чтобы найти в нем нужную информацию, осуществлять смысловой поиск.

  1. Обучение говорению в монологической форме.

Научить составлять высказывания, используя времена английского глагола.

Задачи урока:

  1. Лексика: Закрепление пройденных лексических единиц в грамматических, в различных речевых ситуациях.

  2. Грамматика: Употребление и закрепление времен глагола в активном залоге.

Общеобразовательный компонент целей обучения:

Сравнение времен английского глагола , выявление сходства и различия в образовании и употреблении времен.

Развивающий компонент целей обучения:

Развитие памяти, внимания, аналитического мышления, наблюдательности, развитие устной и письменной русской и английской речи.

Воспитательный компонент целей обучения:

Обучение умению слушать и слышать своих товарищей, уважительно относиться к чужому мнению, воспитание культуры речи.

Оснащение урока:

Учебник английского языка для 9 класса « Английский язык» авторов О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева, мультимедийные средства, слайды по теме, классная доска.

План урока.

  1. Начало урока (3 мин.)

Приветствие, сообщение цели урока.

2.Речевая зарядка (5 мин.)

Ответы на вопросы.

3.Основная часть (34 мин.)

  • Повторение и углубление материала.

  • Отработка времен глагола в упражнениях, текстах, тестах.

  • Тест.

  1. Окончание урока (3 мин.)Подведение итогов, комментирование оценок и домашнего задания.

Конспект урока.

Этапы урока

Речь и действия учителя

Речь и действия учащихся

Наглядные пособия, доска, ТСО


Начало урока


Учитель английского языка:

Good morning! Glad to see you today . Today we will have a very unusual lesson. As you see there are a lot of guests here today. So we should try to do our best to show how well we know English. Now we will revise English Tenses, compare them and practice in using them.

So. Let’s start and answer my questions.

What is the date today?

What is the subject of the lesson?

Учащиеся слушают учителя и отвечают на вопросы.

Дата и тема

на доске.

II. Речевая зарядка

First of all let’s warm up.


Answer my questions.

1. How many tenses are there in the English language?

2. How many Present tenses are there? Name them.

3. How many Past tenses are there? Name them.

4. How many Future tenses are there? Name them.

Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы.


IV. Основная часть

1 этап

Повторение и углубление


2 этап



More Facts About


1. Present progressive is used when we talk about what has
already been arranged:

Sarah is getting married on Saturday.

But when we talk about timetables for public transport, pro­grammes for cinemas, theatres etc., we use present simple:

When does the train arrive in Moscow?

What time does the show begin?

Professor Smith gives his lectures on Fridays.

2. Present progressive is used when we talk about something
that is happening around the time of speaking, but not neces­-
sarily exactly at the time of speaking:

Margaret is a keen reader. One book is not enough for her. She is reading two now.

(At the restaurant):

— What would you like to drink, sir? — Nothing, thanks. I am


3. Present progressive is used in emotionally coloured sentences,
expressing negative emotions:

You are always talking at the lessons, Boris! Jack is constantly coming late!

4. Present simple of the verbs to forget, to hear and the passive
construction to be told is used to denote completed actions:

I forget where he lives. Я забыла, где он живет. We hear you are leaving for St. Petersburg. Мы слышали, ты уез­жаешь в Санкт-Петербург.

We are told she has a strong American accent. Нам сказали, что у нее сильный американский акцент.

More Facts About English Tenses

1. Present progressive is sometimes used with the verbs which
are not usually used in the progressive form (to be, to hear, to
see, to understand, to love)
to characterize a person's unusual

Nick is such a quiet child, but today he is being naughty. I am not fond of action films, but I am loving this one.

2. Past progressive can also be used with such verbs to charac­
terize a person's unusual behaviour at the given past moment:

Bob (who is not a very pleasant man) was being so nice to us when we were on the tour to Edinburgh together.

I met Roy the other day. He was happy because Ann, his sick sis­ter, was feeling much better.

3. Past simple is used to denote an action which occupied a
whole period of time which is now over, especially with the
prepositions for or during:

The old lady sat on a bench ./or a while, then got up and went to

the gate.

The boy stayed on the playground during the interval.

But: with the phrases all day long, from 2 (3) to 5 (6 etc.), the whole day past progressive is generally used.

It was raining all day yesterday.

More Facts About


1. The past perfect tense is often used with conjunctions of time
(when, after, as soon as):

When (as soon as) I had sent all my e-mails, I felt free. She didn't feel the same after her pet had run away.

2. The past perfect tense is often used with the expressions
hardly ... when; scarcely ... when; no sooner ... than (не успе­
ли ... как, едва ... как). These expressions can be used to begin
sentences in which we say that one thing happened immediately
after another:

Hardly had I arrived when she called.

Scarcely had we started lunch when the doorbell rang.

No sooner had Emily come back than she understood everything.

3. The past perfect tense is often used together with past pro­
gressive to express an action which was over before the second
one began:

The storm had stopped and the sun was shining in the blue sky. Bob had written the article and was speaking to his mum.

17. Choose the right tense form to complete the sentences.

  1. "Attention, please! The boat (sails/is sailing) in a few minutes."

  2. Look at the timetable, our boat (sails/is sailing) at 6.15.

  3. Who (comes/is coming) to dinner tonight?

  4. (Is Joanna Rowling writing/Does Joanna Rowling write) a new Harry Potter book?

  5. The timetable shows the next train, the 10.45 to Dover (leaves/is leav­ing) from platform 15.

  6. When (does the concert begin/is the concert beginning)!

  7. We (play/are playing) a tennis match on Sunday.

  8. I (get/am getting) a new computer for my birthday.

  9. Harry (always forgets/is always forgetting) his things at home!

  1. Little Lillie (always fights/is always fighting) for independence! Just think of it!

  2. We can't go to the sea. We (have/are having) our exams in the first week of June.

1. Mr Potter ... on the bench. It was so quiet around.

a) sat b) was sitting

2.Mr Potter ... on a bench for half an hour and then began reading a paper.

a) sat b) was sitting

3.1 ... for Ann for an hour and a half and then left. It was useless to wait longer, a) waited b) was waiting

4. We ... all day long.

a) walked b) were walking

5. We ... for ten minutes and then saw the palace, a) walked b) were walking

6. Whenever I met Tom he ... constantly about his grandson, a) talked b) was talking

7. Something is wrong. Billy ... so quiet! a) is b) is being

8. The Thompsons couldn't understand why George ... so rude to them. He was generally nice to his clients.

a) was b) was being

9. The children didn't go skiing as it ... from noon till evening, a) snowed b) was snowing

  1. Nobody could recognize Polly. She ... so nice trying to charm the guests, a) was b) was being

  2. Don't argue, please. I feel that you don't really mean it. You ... diffi­cult.

a) are just b) are just being

16. Make up one sentence using past perfect.

EXAMPLE^ I wrote the test. Then I left the classroom.

I left the classroom after (as soon as) I had written the test.

  1. Mr Loveday went out of the room. Then they started discussing the news.

  2. Jenny finished her composition. Then she took her dog Chase out. 3. Paul arrived at the gallery. Then he made a call to Lucy. 4. Grace laid the child on the bed. Then she went to the living room. 5. I selected a pair of fash­ionable gloves. Then I paid for them. 6. Mr Harry Gras got a loan at his bank. Then he bought a Ford. 7. Fred lost his mobile. Then his mother gave him her own. 8. Kelly got into a snowstorm. Then she caught a cold. 9. Gwen listened to Charlie's reciting of the poem. Then she prepared a cup of tea for him. 10. Mrs Ray came to the teacher's desk and opened her papers. Then she began delivering her lecture. 11. Alice translated the arti­cle. Then she went out to meet her friend Wendy. 12. Fred paid for his pur­chase. Then he left the shop.

Well, you’ve just revised the forms of Conditionals in Russian. And now, it’s time to do the same task in English.

As you know, there are some kinds of Conditionals in English. So, the question is:

  1. How many Conditionals are there in English? What are they?

  2. What form is used in Zero Conditional?

  3. When do we use it?

  4. Give me an example of Zero Conditional?

  5. What form is used in the First Conditional?

  6. When do we use it?

  7. Give me an example of the First Conditional?

  8. What form is used in the Second Conditional?

  9. When do we use it?

  10. Give me an example of the Second Conditional?

  11. What form is used in the Third Conditional?

  12. When do we use it?

  13. Give me an example of the Third Conditional?

  14. Are there any other kinds of Conditionals?

  15. How many types of Mixed Conditionals are there?

  16. The use of the first type.

  17. Its forms.

  18. An example.

  19. The use of the second type.

  20. Its forms.

  21. An example.

Слайд № 6.

Look at the screen. Here you can see all types of Conditionals. Can you add anything?

Now I’d like you to sum up the whole information about all types of Conditionals.

I see, you know the theory very well. And now it’s time to have some practice.

Учащиеся слушают объяснения учителя и отвечают на вопросы.


Учитель английского языка.

You have already practiced Conditionals in Russian. So we shall have some practice in English. We shall do different kinds of exercises. Look at the screen. Here you can see the first exercise.


А Complete the definitions using own ideals.

1 If you trust someone, you believe that they won’t let you down.

2 If you bully someone,……………………………………………..

3 If you accuse someone,………………………………………….

4 If you are a liar, ……………………………………………………

5 If you are rich, …………………………………………………….

6 If you are lucky, …………………………………………………..

7 If you are lazy, ……………………………………………………

8 If you look up to someone, ……………………………………..

9 If you look down to someone, ………………………………….

The second exercise.

B Complete using the correct form of the verbs in the box.

Be, call, find, forget, get, leave, see, take, want, work

1 If she ……. at five o’clock, she’ll be there by half past seven.

2 We ………. you if have any problems.

3 It might not be a good idea to go out tonight if you ………….. an important test in the morning.

4 If you ……………. ill all day, you shouldn’t come to the club tonight!

5 If you should …………… my wallet, call me on my mobile immediately!

6 Let’s get a different DVD if you ………… that one already.

7 If Sean ……………… so hard lately , he’ll welcome the chance to have a few days off.

8 If you’re going into town …………… a video for tonight while you’re there!

9 If you see Carol tonight …………… to say hello from me.

10 Don’t feel you have to come if you ……….. to.

The next exercise is quite different.

C Write sentences using the second conditional.

1 I don’t want to buy that CD, so I’m not going to.

If I wanted to buy that CD, I would.

2 I don’t live alone, so I don’t get lonely.

3 Don’s got such a lot of homework that he’s not going to play football tonight.

4 I can’t swim, so l’m not going scuba diving with Terry.

5 We’re not going to order a pizza because we don’t have enough money

6 We’re not staying in the same hotel ,so we can’t share a room.

7 I’m not you, but l think you should call Antony right now!

8 I can’t come because I have to help me dad with something

9 I don’t go to bed as late as you, so l’m able to get up early in the morning.

You’ve done the task very well and now the next one. You get the cards. You can see the text. You should read it first and then complete the sentences.

D Read the text and complete the sentences using the third conditional. Use your imagination for questions 8 and 9.

Some scientists believe its possible that there are billions and billions of universes. Each universe has a different possible consequence for every action. In the universe we live in, for example, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was re-elected President of the Russian Federation in March 2004, and Russia won 92 medals in the 2004 Olympics. But in other universes different things happened. Imagine if that's true! In some universes, your parents didn’t meet, so you weren’t born. In another universe , a meteor didn’t strike the Earth, so the dinosaurs didn’t become extinct. In a different universe, your best friend won the lottery last summer and moved to a bigger house. In another parallel universe, you started learning English a year earlier, so you did this book last year! Somewhere else, Madonna wasn't discovered , and so didn't make any records. In another universe, van Gogh was recognised as a great painter during his lifetime, and so didn't die in poverty. And perhaps in several universes, there were enough lifeboats on the Titanic and so everyone on ard survived. It makes you think, doesn't it?

1. If l'd started learning English a year earlier,..............

2. If a meteor hadn't struck the Earth,...............

3. If my best friend had won the lottery last summer,............

4. If my parents............

5. Everyone on board the Titanic..............

6. Van Gogh...............

7. Madonna................

8. If Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin...............

9. If Russia................

And the next task is the test. You get the cards again. I can give you some minutes to do it.

E Choose the correct answer.

If this theory about parallel universes(1).....correct, it(2).....that we're living in more than

one universe at the same time. But if that(3) .... true – if I was doing different things in different universes -(4).... about it. And if I(5)......about it, how could it be me doing these things? If I(6)... the lottery last year in a parallel universe and decided to sail round the world, how is that 'me'? It doesn't make sense!

And another thing. If l do something, it(7) …….. consequences. For example, if l(8) ………. study,

l might not pass me exams. I can't start thinking about different universes where the consequences are different. lf l just(9)……… about the universe l actually live in, then l'm sure ……. okay!

1.A will be B is C would have been D has been

2.A has meant B meant C had meant D means

3.A will be B was being C were D has been

4.A l'd know B l'll know C I have known D I know

5.Awouldn't know Bdon't know Cwon't know Ddidn't know

6.Ahad won B was winning C have won D win

7.A would have B would have had C will have D had had

8.A won't B haven’t C don't D hadn't

9.A think B to think C am thinking D have thought

10.A l'd be B I've been C l'd have been D I'llbe

You can see the last task on the screen. Look at it and answer the questions.

F Answer the questions about each sentence. Yes or No.

1 If Carl doesn’t come to the party, ll’l be really upset.

2 If my neighbour became prime minister, he’d give everyone a million euros.

3 If Helen weren’t here, I don’t know what we’d do.

4 If Tarek had enough money, he’d have bought car.

5 If Debbie hadn’t gone to the UK, she wouldn’t have met Will.

6 If the police had investigated the case thoroughly, then wouldn’t have arrested Keren.

7 Had she not gone to university, she might not have started her own business.

Additional exercise.

G Complete using the correct form of the verb in braskets.

1 If……… (you/do) your homework last night, you'd know the answer to this question!

2 We …………. (not\stand) by the side of the road at the moment trying to get a lift if ……(we\bring) a spare tyre with us.

3 If I …….. (not\stay up) so late last night, I …….. (not\ feel) so tired this morning!

4 ………. (l\ be) in terrible trouble right now if you ……… (not\help) me.

5 If I had a video recorder, …….. (I\ record) the match last night.

6 ………….(I/ask) for Andy’s phone number when I met him if……….((not/already/have) a boyfriend!

7 If Cody………….(not/live) so far away, he…………(not/be) so late to the barbecue yesterday.

8 Tracy……….(not/need) extra lessons last month if she……….(be) as good at maths as you are.

9 ………….(you/got) a job when you left school if the university……. …(not/offer) you a place?

10 If you………..(have) as much money as she does,………(you/retire) by now?

Учащиеся выполняют устные и письменные задания.



V. Окончание урока

We have not much time left, so let us sum up. You've worked quite well at the lesson. What have you done at the lesson today?

Let’s make the conclusion. What’s the use of such kinds of the lessons?

What are the similarities and differences of Conditionals in both languages?

Listen to your marks for today.

Now listen to what you are to do at home. You will have to write a composition.

The bell has gone.

Good bye. See you at the next lesson.

Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы учителя и делают выводы по пройденному материалу.

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Запись домашнего задания на слайде.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

План–конспект открытого урока «English Tenses. Comparison» (Времена английского глагола)

Автор: Багавдинова Раисат Курамагомедова

Дата: 26.03.2021

Номер свидетельства: 576853

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