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План урока Общение во время путешествия

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Тема занятия

Общение во время путешествия.

Цели занятия

  • Развитие навыков аудирования.
  • Развитие навыков устной речи.
  • Пополнение лексического запаса.


I.Речевая зарядка.

1 Describe what you see in the picturesм

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«План урока Общение во время путешествия»


Тема занятия

Общение во время путешествия.

Цели занятия

  • Развитие навыков аудирования.

  • Развитие навыков устной речи.

  • Пополнение лексического запаса.


I.Речевая зарядка.

1 Describe what you see in the pictures

II Аудирование

1 listen to 4 dialogues and match them with the pictures

Dialogue 1

P-Passenger A-Assistant

P I’d like the return to Oxford, please.

A Yes, of course. Are you coming back today?

P Yes, I am.

A That’s 18.50 pounds, please.

P Thank you.

Dialogue 2

C-Check-in clerk P-Passenger

C How many pieces of luggage have you got?

P One suitcase and one handbag.

C Did you pack your suitcase yourself?

P Yes, I did.

C Does it contain any knives or scissors?

P No.

C Fine. Could you put it on here?

P 15 kilos.

Dialogue 3

P-Passenger B-Bus driver

P Piccadilly Circus, please.

B One pound, please.

P Thanks.

B Thank you.

Dialogue 4

A-Assistant P-Passenger

A Victoria Coach Station. Can I help you?

P I’d like to book a single ticket to Edinborogh, please.

A Yeas… when would you like to travel?

P Friday 14th March, in the afternoon.

A OK. There is a coach at 5.35 pm.

P Yes, that’s fine. How much is it?

A &45 for a single ticket. How would you like to pay?

P By Visa, please.


2 Complete the dialogues 1-4 using phrases in the box.

Pack your suitcase

I’d like to book

One pound

Like to pay

I’d like to return

Pieces of luggage

That’s &18.50

Dialogue 1

P _________to Oxford, please.

A Yes, of course. Are you coming back today?

P Yes, I am.

A_________, please.

P Thank you.

Dialogue 2

C How many _________have you got?

P One suitcase and one handbag.

C Did you ___________yourself?

P Yes, I did.

C Does it contain any knives or scissors?

P No.

C Fine. Could you put it on here?

P 15 kilos.

Dialogue 3

P Piccadilly Circus, please.

B_________, please.

P Thanks.

B Thank you.

Dialogue 4

A Victoria Coach Station. Can I help you?

P _______________a single ticket to Edinborogh, please.

A Yeas… when would you like to travel?

P Friday 14th March, in the afternoon.

A OK. There is a coach at 5.35 pm.

P Yes, that’s fine. How much is it?

A &45 for a single ticket. _____________like to pay?

P By Visa, please.


3 Listen again and check your answers.

4 Practice the dialogues with a partner. First refer to the dialogues on the page. Then try again without looking.

III. Устная речь.

1 Work in pairs. Student A- look at the following information.

You are a passenger buying a ticket at Victoria station, London.Your partner is an assistant in the ticket office.

Before you buy a ticket, prepare what you need to ask using the information below.

You want to go to Brighton on Friday after 5.30 pm and come back on Sunday around 4. 00 pm. You want to pay by credit card Buy you ticket

2 Now change roles. You are an assistant in the ticket office at King’s Cross Station, London. Your partner is a passenger.

Before you help the passenger buy his/her ticket, prepare your answer using the information below.

Tickets to Cambridge


Single:11 pounds/Day Return:18.50 pounds Weekend return-16 pounds

Times of trains:

To Cambridge –Thursdays 10:22/10:52

To London Thursdays- 18:15/18:45

Methods of payment:

Credit card, cheque of cash

Help the passenger buy his/her ticket

3 Student b look at the following information

You are an assistant in the ticket office at Victoria Station, London. Your partner is a passenger.

Before you help the passenger buy his her ticket, prepare your answers using the information below.



Single: 10 pounds/Day return:18 pounds

Weekend return: 15pounds

Times of trains:

To Brighton –Fridays 17:37/17:53

To London –Sundays 15:58/16:51

Method of payment:

Credit card, cheque or cash

Help the passenger buy his/her ticket

4 Now change roles. You are a passenger buying a ticket at King’s Cross Station, London. Your partner is an assistant in the ticket office.

Before you buy your ticket, prepare what you need to ask using the information below.

You want to go to Cambridge on Thursday between 10.00 and 1.00a.m You want to pay in cash.

Buy your ticket.

IV Подведение итогов урока и задание на дом.

Составить диалог на тему «Путешествие».

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

План урока Общение во время путешествия

Автор: Климова Ирина Владимировна

Дата: 03.07.2021

Номер свидетельства: 584391

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