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Практическое занятие "Методы атак на сети"

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Тема занятия

Методы атак на сети.

Цели занятия

  • совершенствование техники чтения вслух и про себя
  • развитие монологической речи.
  • развитие навыков работы с текстом
  • пополнение лексического запаса.
  • совершенствование грамматических навыков.


I.Выполнение задания на повторение темы предыдущего урока.

Computer systems and protection of information

The problem of information security is relatively new. Not all problems, connected with it have been figured out and solved up to now. The fact of great number of computer systems users means the definite risk to security because not all clients will carry out the requirements of its providing.

The order of storage mediums should be clearly defined in legal acts and envisage the complete safety of mediums, control over the work with information, responsibility for unsanctioned access to mediums with a purpose of copying, changing or destroying them.

There are some legal aspects of information protection, which can appear due to not carefully thought or ill-intentioned use of computer technics:

  • legal questions of protection of informational massifs from distortions;
  • security of stored information from the unsanctioned access;
  • setting juridically fixed rules and methods of copyrights protection and priorities of software producers;
  • development of measures for providing the juridical power to the documents, which are given to the machines;
  • legal protection of the experts’ interests, who pass their knowledge to the databases;
  • setting of legal norms and juridical responsibility for using electronic computer means in personal interests, which hurt other people and social interests and can harm them.

The lack of appropriate registration and control, low level of work and production personnel discipline, the access of any unauthorized person to the computing sources create conditions for abusing and cause difficulties to their detection. In every computing center it is usual to set and strictly follow the regulations of the access to different official rooms for employees of any categories.

The main purpose of information protection is preventing from the leak, theft, distortion, counterfeit of information; preventing the threat to person's life and social safety, protection of the constitution and so on. The information is subjected to protection, when it may cause the harm for its owner, user or other person.

Слова по теме «Основные технологии защиты информации»

Игра «Снежный ком»

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«Практическое занятие "Методы атак на сети"»


Тема занятия

Методы атак на сети.

Цели занятия

  • совершенствование техники чтения вслух и про себя

  • развитие монологической речи.

  • развитие навыков работы с текстом

  • пополнение лексического запаса.

  • совершенствование грамматических навыков.


I.Выполнение задания на повторение темы предыдущего урока.

Computer systems and protection of information

The problem of information security is relatively new. Not all problems, connected with it have been figured out and solved up to now. The fact of great number of computer systems users means the definite risk to security because not all clients will carry out the requirements of its providing.

The order of storage mediums should be clearly defined in legal acts and envisage the complete safety of mediums, control over the work with information, responsibility for unsanctioned access to mediums with a purpose of copying, changing or destroying them .

There are some legal aspects of information protection, which can appear due to not carefully thought or ill-intentioned use of computer technics:

  • legal questions of protection of informational massifs from distortions;

  • security of stored information from the unsanctioned access;

  • setting juridically fixed rules and methods of copyrights protection and priorities of software producers;

  • development of measures for providing the juridical power to the documents, which are given to the machines;

  • legal protection of the experts’ interests, who pass their knowledge to the databases;

  • setting of legal norms and juridical responsibility for using electronic computer means in personal interests, which hurt other people and social interests and can harm them.

The lack of appropriate registration and control, low level of work and production personnel discipline, the access of any unauthorized person to the computing sources create conditions for abusing and cause difficulties to their detection. In every computing center it is usual to set and strictly follow the regulations of the access to different official rooms for employees of any categories.

The main purpose of information protection is preventing from the leak, theft, distortion, counterfeit of information; preventing the threat to person's life and social safety, protection of the constitution and so on. The information is subjected to protection, when it may cause the harm for its owner, user or other person.

Слова по теме «Основные технологии защиты информации»

Игра «Снежный ком»

II.Выполнение упражнений по теме урока.

1. Чтение и перевод текста.

Computer crimes

The development of computer technology and its wide use have led to appearance and spread of computer crimes. Such situation causes alarm among those organizations and legislative institutions that use computer technologies and, of course, people, who use new informational services at homes.

The term "computer crime" was first used in the early 70s. However, the discussions concerning it are still actual. The top question of these discussions is '"What unlawful actions are implied by computer crime". Какие противоправные действия подразумеваются под компьютерным преступлением A rank of definitions Ранг определений of the computer crime has been composed. It often refers to crimes directly or indirectly connected to electronic computing machines and which includes a number of illegal acts, committed by means of electronic data processing system or against it. Others consider that computer crime is any action, which goes together with interfering with property rights and fulfilled by means of computers. The thirds think that computer crime can be defined as intentional and unlawful actions, which lead to causing harm to possessions, with the help of computers.

There are following forms of computer crimes: computer manipulations, economic espionage, sabotage, computer extortion компьютерное вымогательство, "hackers" activity. The main character of committing computer crimes in the business field becomes highly qualified "white collars" Беловоротничковая преступность (от англ. White-collar crime) — вид преступности, выделение которого осуществляется по признаку принадлежности преступника к числу лиц, выступающих в роли представителей государства, бизнеса, должностных лиц и чиновников.  from the organization's employees.

According to the MIS Traiding Institute (USA), MIS Training Institute - Audit, Risk, Fraud & Security Training Founded in 1978

They get 63% of all causes, examining crimes and abuses. More than 36% of law-committing employees are related to the personnel, which is not connected with computer servicing, 29% - qualified programmers, 25% - other workers of computing center. This tendency is reflected in official statistics too, according to which, about 40% of computer crimes are committed for solving of financial problems, 20% are motivated as an intellectual challenge to society мотивируются как интеллектуальный вызов обществу, 17% - by the willing of solving personal problems, 8% - problems of corporation or organization, 4% - are directed for social admitting направлены для социального приема, 3% - for wounding somebody's rights and so on.

The most dangerous individuals of computer swindle компьютерное мошенничество are so called "hackers", "crackers" and representatives of other groups, working in the sphere of industrial espionage. So, many security specialists advise employers to pay special attention to engaged workers-specialists привлеченные рабочие-специалисты in computer technologies, programming and information protection spheres.

There are many causes, when "hackers" get a job with a goal of personal enrichment. But the most danger can represent such specialists, who are in collusion with в сговоре с managers of commercial structures and organized criminal groups; in these situations causing damage and weight of consequences considerably increases.

There are two types of unsanctioned access:

internal "breaking open" внутреннее " взламывание"– the criminal has access to the terminal, with information he is interested in and can work with it for some time without somebody's control;

external "breaking open" – the criminal doesn't have indirect access to the computer system, but has an opportunity of penetration to the protected system by means of remote access;

Analysis of such actions shows that single crimes from own or neighbour work places gradually develop into network computer crimes, which are carried out by means of breaking of organizations' protecting systems.

Therefore, the importance of information protection can not be doubted. I think, every organization should have a high-quality protection system in order to insure its safety. However, not only companies and state institutions need information protection system but also general home users need information protection system and should maintain the security of their computers.

3. Ответы на вопросы.

1 What factors have led to the appearance and spread of computer crimes? The development of computer technology and its wide use

2 What does the term “computer crime” imply? It often refers to crimes directly or indirectly connected to electronic computing machines and which includes a number of illegal acts, committed by means of electronic data processing system or against it. Others consider that computer crime is any action, which goes together with interfering with property rights and fulfilled by means of computers. The thirds think that computer crime can be defined as intentional and unlawful actions, which lead to causing harm to possessions, with the help of computers.

3 What are the forms of computer criminality?

There are following forms of computer crimes: computer manipulations, economic espionage, sabotage, computer extortion компьютерное вымогательство, "hackers" activity.

4 What are the reasons of committing computer crimes?

This tendency is reflected in official statistics too, according to which, about 40% of computer crimes are committed for solving of financial problems, 20% are motivated as an intellectual challenge to society мотивируются как интеллектуальный вызов обществу, 17% - by the willing of solving personal problems, 8% - problems of corporation or organization, 4% - are directed for social admitting направлены для социального приема, 3% - for wounding somebody's rights and so on.

5 Who is the main character of computer crimes?

The most dangerous individuals of computer swindle компьютерное мошенничество are so called "hackers", "crackers" and representatives of other groups, working in the sphere of industrial espionage. So, many security specialists advise employers to pay special attention to engaged workers-specialists привлеченные рабочие-специалисты in computer technologies, programming and information protection spheres. There are many causes, when "hackers" get a job with a goal of personal enrichment. But the most danger can represent such specialists, who are in collusion with в сговоре с managers of commercial structures and organized criminal groups;

6. What are the two types of unsanctioned access?

internal "breaking open" внутреннее " взламывание"– the criminal has access to the terminal, with information he is interested in and can work with it for some time without somebody's control;

external "breaking open" – the criminal doesn't have indirect access to the computer system, but has an opportunity of penetration to the protected system by means of remote access;

7. What should be done to reduce the danger?

I think, every organization should have a high-quality protection system in order to insure its safety. However, not only companies and state institutions need information protection system but also general home users need information protection system and should maintain the security of their computers.

4. Соотнесите части предложений из колонки А с частями предложений из колонки В.




About 40% of computer crimes are committed for …


single crimes have gradually developed into network computer crimes.


Some “hackers” get a job with …


engaged workers-specialists in computer technologies, programming and information protection spheres.


General computer users should maintain …


a goal of personal enrichment.


Analysis of such actions shows that …


solving of financial problems.


Employers are advised to pay special attention to …


the security of their computers.


The most danger can represent such specialists, who are…


in collusion with managers of commercial structures and organized criminal groups.

Ответы 1d// 2 c// 3 e// 4 a// 5 b// 6 f

5.Из каждой логической части текста выпишите слова и фразы по теме урока.

Рекомендуется выписать подчёркнутые слова.

6. Составьте план текста.

  1. Spread of computer crimes.

  2. What actions refer to computer crimes.

  3. The reasons of computer crimes.

  4. Represantatives of computer swindle.

  5. Two types of unsanctioned access.

  6. The importance of information protection.

7. Кратко перескажите текст по плану.

IV. Подведение итогов урока и задание на дом.

Выучить лексику в тетради.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Практическое занятие "Методы атак на сети"

Автор: Климова Ирина Владимировна

Дата: 18.05.2020

Номер свидетельства: 550191

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