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Практическое занятие "Сетевые угрозы. Хищение информации"

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Тема занятия

Сетевые угрозы. Хищение информации.

Цели занятия

  • совершенствование техники чтения вслух и про себя
  • развитие навыков монологической речи.
  • развитие навыков самостоятельной работы с текстом



I.Выполнение задания на повторение темы предыдущего урока.

1. Повторение лексики.

spread of computer crimes// causes alarm // unlawful actions// committed by means of electronic data// interfering with property rights// intentional and unlawful actions//causing harm to possessions// computer manipulations// economic espionage// sabotage// computer extortion// "hackers" activity// white collars"//are committed for solving of financial problems// an intellectual challenge to society //for wounding somebody's rights//computer swindle// a goal of personal enrichment// in collusion with //causing damage// considerably increases//internal "breaking open"// external "breaking open"// penetration to by means of remote access//a high-quality protection system to insure its safety

2. Ответы на вопросы.

1               What factors have led to the appearance and spread of computer crimes? The development of computer technology and its wide use

2        What does the term “computer crime” imply? It often refers to crimes directly or indirectly connected to electronic computing machines and which includes a number of illegal acts, committed by means of electronic data processing system or against it. Others consider that computer crime is any action, which goes together with interfering with property rights and fulfilled by means of computers. The thirds think that computer crime can be defined as intentional and unlawful actions, which lead to causing harm to possessions, with the help of computers.

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«Практическое занятие "Сетевые угрозы. Хищение информации"»


Тема занятия

Сетевые угрозы. Хищение информации.

Цели занятия

  • совершенствование техники чтения вслух и про себя

  • развитие навыков монологической речи.

  • развитие навыков самостоятельной работы с текстом


I.Выполнение задания на повторение темы предыдущего урока.

1. Повторение лексики.

spread of computer crimes// causes alarm // unlawful actions// committed by means of electronic data// interfering with property rights// intentional and unlawful actions//causing harm to possessions// computer manipulations// economic espionage// sabotage// computer extortion// "hackers" activity// white collars"//are committed for solving of financial problems// an intellectual challenge to society //for wounding somebody's rights//computer swindle// a goal of personal enrichment// in collusion with //causing damage// considerably increases//internal "breaking open"// external "breaking open"// penetration to by means of remote access//a high-quality protection system to insure its safety

2. Ответы на вопросы.

1 What factors have led to the appearance and spread of computer crimes? The development of computer technology and its wide use

2 What does the term “computer crime” imply? It often refers to crimes directly or indirectly connected to electronic computing machines and which includes a number of illegal acts, committed by means of electronic data processing system or against it. Others consider that computer crime is any action, which goes together with interfering with property rights and fulfilled by means of computers. The thirds think that computer crime can be defined as intentional and unlawful actions, which lead to causing harm to possessions, with the help of computers.

3 What are the forms of computer criminality?

There are following forms of computer crimes: computer manipulations, economic espionage, sabotage, computer extortion компьютерное вымогательство, "hackers" activity.

4 What are the reasons of committing computer crimes?

This tendency is reflected in official statistics too, according to which, about 40% of computer crimes are committed for solving of financial problems, 20% are motivated as an intellectual challenge to society мотивируются как интеллектуальный вызов обществу, 17% - by the willing of solving personal problems, 8% - problems of corporation or organization, 4% - are directed for social admitting направлены для социального приема, 3% - for wounding somebody's rights and so on.

5 Who is the main character of computer crimes?

The most dangerous individuals of computer swindle компьютерное мошенничество are so called "hackers", "crackers" and representatives of other groups, working in the sphere of industrial espionage. So, many security specialists advise employers to pay special attention to engaged workers-specialists привлеченные рабочие-специалисты in computer technologies, programming and information protection spheres. There are many causes, when "hackers" get a job with a goal of personal enrichment. But the most danger can represent such specialists, who are in collusion with в сговоре с managers of commercial structures and organized criminal groups;

6. What are the two types of unsanctioned access?

internal "breaking open" внутреннее " взламывание"– the criminal has access to the terminal, with information he is interested in and can work with it for some time without somebody's control;

external "breaking open" – the criminal doesn't have indirect access to the computer system, but has an opportunity of penetration to the protected system by means of remote access;

7. What should be done to reduce the danger?

I think, every organization should have a high-quality protection system in order to insure its safety. However, not only companies and state institutions need information protection system but also general home users need information protection system and should maintain the security of their computers.

II.Выполнение упражнений по теме урока.

1. Выписать подчеркнутые слова с переводом.

2.Перевести текст.

3.Задать вопросы к выделенным предложениям.

4. Ответить на эти вопросы.

5. Составить краткий пересказ текста -10-15 предложений

Network Security Threats

Network security threats are a growing problem for people and organizations the world over, and they only become worse and multiply with every passing day.

Kinds of Different Network Threats

Threats to network security can be divided into two groups:  logic attacks and  resource attacks.

Logic attacks take advantage of already extant vulnerabilities (существующие уязвимости) and bugs (неполадки) in programs with the intention of causing a system to crash. There are cyber criminals who exploit this attack in order to gain illegal access to the system, or to downgrade the performance of a given network.

An example of this type of exploiting weaknesses in platforms and software includes the Microsoft PNP MS05-039 идентификатор vulnerability to overflow (переполняться) This can be carried out against the Windows 2000 operating system without possessing a legitimate user account.

A second example of such a threat to network security concerns the notorious ping of death.

Ping of death — (тип сетевой атаки, при которой компьютер-жертва получает особым образом подделанный эхо-запрос (ping), после которого он перестает отвечать на запросы вообще (DoS). Эта уязвимость была широко распространена в середине 1990-х годов на различных операционных системах и сетевых устройствах, включая Unix, Linux, Mac, Windows, сетевые принтеры и маршрутизаторы. Чтобы исполнить эту атаку, хватало одной команды из Windows 95 или NT).

In this vile (подлый) attack, the perpetrator (нарушитель) dispatches (направить, рассылать, отправлять), ICMP packets off to a system which will be greater in size than the maximum allowed capacity (допускается емкость).

The majority of these sorts of assaults (нападение) are simply avoided by upgrading software which proves to be vulnerable or by filtering out particular packet sequences (последовательности пакетов).

Resource Attacks

The second classification of network security threats are resource attacks. Such assaults are primarily meant to overwhelm (подавлять) important system resources, like RAM and CPU. It can be done via dispatching numerous forged requests (поддельные запросы) or IP packets to the network in question.

The cyber-criminal is capable of launching a greater assault in compromising the integrity of a multitude of hosts узел and then installing malicious forms (вредоносные формы of software). This type of abuse typically results in what is well-known as a botnet or a zombie. Once the botnet attack has been successful, the cyber criminal is then capable of launching off additional later attacks from literally thousands of these zombie infected machines, all with the end goal of compromising нанесение ущерба a target victim (намеченная жертва).

Such malicious programs typically hold the code for starting a myriad of different attacks, along with a typical infrastructure for communications which allows them to successfully operate under a remote control feature (функция отдаленного управления).

Trojan Horse Viruses

(Троя́нская программа (также — троя́н, троя́нец, троя́нский конь) — разновидность вредоносной программы, проникающая в компьютер под видом легального программного обеспечения, в отличие от вирусов и червей, которые распространяются самопроизвольно. В данную категорию входят программы, осуществляющие различные несанкционированные пользователем действия: сбор информации и её передачу злоумышленнику, её разрушение или злонамеренное изменение, нарушение работоспособности компьютера, использование ресурсов компьютера в неблаговидных целях).

A Trojan Horse proves to be malware (вредоносная программа) which is not self replicating самовоспроизводящийся. Typically, such viruses are terribly cunning (хитрый), in that they seem like they are performing a desirable task for the user.

These viruses help the computer hacker to remotely access the targeted computer. This is accomplished easily after such a ‘Trojan horse’ is installed on the computer.

Such operations include the following:

Stealing of data, such as credit card data or passwords,

Utilization of the computer as a portion of a botnet attack for spamming (рассылка спама) or creating denial of service attacks (отказ в обслуживании).

Uploading or downloading of files, Software installation, such as additional malware (вредоносная программа), keystroke logging (запись нажатия клавиш), deletion or modification of files (удаление или изменение файлов), wasting of computer storage and memory resources (потеря памяти компьютера и ресурсов памяти), viewing the screen of the user, causing the computer to crash

Сетевой червь — разновидность вредоносной программы, самостоятельно распространяющейся через локальные и глобальные (Интернет) компьютерные сети.

Computer worms are computer program malware which are self-replicating. They utilize a computer network in order to dispatch copies of themselves (рассылать копии самих себя) to other computers using the network. They are different from computer viruses in that they are not required to be attached to any existing programs.

Worms practically always create some harm for a computer network, even if it is just in eating-up available bandwidth (потребление доступной пропускной способности). This is different from viruses, which typically modify files or corrupt them entirely on the computer in question.

Вопросы и ответы на них.

1. Threats to network security can be divided into two groups:  logic attacks and resource attacks.

Into what groups can threats to network security be divided?

2. There are cyber criminals who exploit this attack in order to gain illegal access to the system, or to downgrade the performance of a given network. What are the goals of cyber criminals?

3. A second example of such a threat to network security concerns the notorious ping of death.

What does the second example of such a threat to network security concern?

4.In this vile attack, the perpetrator dispatches ICMP packets off to a system which will be greater in size than the maximum allowed capacity. What does the perpetrator do?

5. The majority of these sorts of assaults are simply avoided by upgrading software which proves to be vulnerable or by filtering out particular packet sequences. How can we avoid such kind of assaults?

6. Such assaults are primarily meant to overwhelm (подавлять) important system resources, like RAM and CPU. What is the purpose of such assaults?

7. It can be done via dispatching numerous forged requests or IP packets to the network in question.

How can it be done?

8. The cyber-criminal is capable of launching a greater assault in compromising the integrity of a multitude of hosts and then installing malicious forms of software. What kind of damage can cyber criminals do?

9. A Trojan Horse proves to be malware which is not self replicating. Is A Trojan Horse self replicating?

10. Typically, such viruses are terribly cunning, in that they seem like they are performing a desirable task for the user. Why do such viruses sometimes seem cunning?

11. Computer worms are computer program malware which are self-replicating. What other harmful computer programs do you know?

12. They utilize a computer network in order to dispatch copies of themselves to other computers using the network. For what purpose do they utilize a computer network?

Краткий пересказ.

Network security threats are a growing problem for people and organizations the world over.

Threats to network security can be divided into two groups:  logic attacks and  resource attacks.

There are cyber criminals who exploit this attacks in order to gain illegal access to the system, or to downgrade the performance of a given network.

Threats to network.

Ping of death.  In this vile attack, the perpetrator dispatches ICMP packets off to a system which will be greater in size than the maximum allowed capacity. .

Such assaults are primarily meant to overwhelm important system resources, like RAM and CPU. It can be done via dispatching numerous forged requests or IP packets to the network in question.

Botnet or a zombie is a resourse attack.

The cyber-criminal is capable of launching a greater assault in compromising the integrity of a multitude of hosts and then installing malicious forms.

Trojan Horse Viruses These viruses help the computer hacker to remotely access the targeted computer.

Kinds of computer stealing. Stealing of data, such as credit card data or passwords,

Uploading or downloading of files, Software installation, such as additional malware, keystroke logging, deletion or modification of files, wasting of computer storage and memory resources, viewing the screen of the user, causing the computer to crash.

Computer worms  are computer program malware which utilize a computer network in order to dispatch copies of themselves to other computers using the network.

III.Повторение грамматического материала.

IV. Подведение итогов урока и задание на дом.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Практическое занятие "Сетевые угрозы. Хищение информации"

Автор: Климова Ирина Владимировна

Дата: 18.05.2020

Номер свидетельства: 550193

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