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Проблемы типичного подростка

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Задачи урока:
• Развивать умения и навыки устной речи
• Повторить лексические единицы по изученной теме 
• Учить работать с текстами по теме
• Создать условия для активного использования учащимися лексического материала
Ожидаемые результаты:
В конце урока ученики смогут:
• Называть лексические единицы и структуры по теме “Youth”
• Создавать небольшие устные сочинения-рассказы о проблемах молодежи
• Расширить знания о проблемах молодежи

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«Проблемы типичного подростка»

Тема: Проблемы типичного подростка.

• обучающая: : Познакомить учащихся с новыми ЛЕ, повторить и активизировать лексику темы, практиковать языковые средства за темой , совершенствовать компетенции чтения и аудирования, тренировать в письме, совершенствовать умение строить свое речевое высказывание;
• развивающая: внимательно следить за презентованной информации, эффективно сотрудничать во время парной работы, мотивировать готовность участвовать в иноязычной общении, развивать различные типы памяти, учить работать в паре, логично излагать мнение;
• воспитательная: воспитывать умение сконцентрироваться, слушать других, формировать доброжелательную атмосферу в классе, помогать формированию духовно-нравственных ценностей .
Оборудование: карточки, распечатки
Тип урока: комбинированный
Задачи урока:
• Развивать умения и навыки устной речи
• Повторить лексические единицы по изученной теме 
• Учить работать с текстами по теме
• Создать условия для активного использования учащимися лексического материала
Ожидаемые результаты:
В конце урока ученики смогут:
• Называть лексические единицы и структуры по теме “Youth”
• Создавать небольшие устные сочинения-рассказы о проблемах молодежи
• Расширить знания о проблемах молодежи

Ход урока

І. Организационная часть

1.1 Greeting

T: Good morning pupils, nice to see you.

P: Good morning teachers, nice to see you too.

1.2 Aim

T: Today we have an unusual lesson. Pupils, today at the lesson we’ll have to do a lot of activities. We’ll read and speak about… But you’ll name me the topic of our lesson. Read the words, they’ll help you.

T – tense, tired
E – energetic, eager,
E – exhausting, entertaining
N –needy, negative
A –aggressive, appreciative
G –grinning, growing up,
E – ever-questioning, eager to
R – reactive, rational
S – sensitive, shy

P – patience, passion

R –rating, rebellion

O – opposition, objection

B – behaviour, bit

L – love, loneliness

E – elders, education

M–modern, music

S – school, secrets

1.3 Phonetic drill

(by W. Shakespeare)

Crabbed age and youth cannot live together, 
Youth is full of pleasure, age Is full of care;
Youth like summer morn; age like winter weather; 
Youth like summer brave –, age like winter bare; 
Youth is full of sport; age's breath Is short; 
Youth Is hot and bold; age is weak and cold; 
Youth is wild and age is tame;
Age, 1 do abhor thee!
Youth, I do adore thee!
Oh, my Love, my Love is young!

1.4 Warming up

As usually we continue our lesson with warming up

T: Answer the following questions:

  • How old are you?

  • What music do you prefer?

  • What stile of clothing do you prefer?

  • Do you have any problems with your parents?

  • Do you have any problems with your mates?

  • How many friends do you have?

  • What would you like to be?

  • What are your dreams?

1.5 Check on homework

Ученики расказывают домашнее задание в парах.

-- Hey!

-- Hi!

-- Where are you going?

-- I’m going to the sports ground.

-- What do you want to do?

-- I’m going to run. I run every day in any weather. Do you want to jog with me?

-- No, I don’t. I’ll better watch TV. Bye.

-- Bye-bye.

II. Основная часть

2.1 Reading

  • Before-reading

Let’s start to work with new words. Listen and repeat after me.

Excitement [ıkʹsaıtmənt] збудження, хвилювання

Overwhelmed [ˌəʊvəˈwelmd] приголомшлювати, переповнювати

Trifle [ˈtraɪfəl] дрібниця

Psychological [sʌɪkəˈlɒdʒɪk(ə)l] психологічний

Instability [ɪnstəˈbɪlɪti] нестабільність

Lead [liːd] призводити

Despair [dɪˈspɛː]- відчай

Entertain [ɛntəˈteɪn] розважати

Excessive [ɪkˈsɛsɪv] надмірний

Enriching [ɪnˈrɪtʃɪŋ] збагачення; збагачує

Dysfunctional families - неблагополучна сім'я

  • Reading

The age between 14 and 17 is considered to be one of the best periods in people’s life. Grown-ups remind it with excitement and tenderness. But most teens wouldn’t agree with this opinion if they were asked because they are overwhelmed with different problems. These problems are quite serious and they can’t be considered trifles.

Teenagers have psychological problems which can be explained by their psychological instability. This is the reason of their strange and sometimes aggressive behavior. Their aggression can be aimed at their friends, teachers, parents and people around them. If these problems aren’t regulated by experienced specialist, psychologist, teachers it can be lead to far more serious problems.

Drinking and taking drugs have become the most actual problems of the modern society. As for drinking, teenagers don’t realize the harm it does to their health. Teenagers are greatly influenced by social problems such as unemployment, dysfunctional families and the stress of getting into new college. They don’t know how to cope with the problems which do not depend on them. They are badly prepared for their solution mentally, spiritually and even physically. If they fail, they can be driven to despair and won’t find the way out if not helped by their families and school.

In fact, teenagers have got a lot of work. They’re busy with their studies, household chores; some of them have a paid job. But there is no time for fun and they want to be entertained at least sometimes. This excessive work leads to an inner conflict which is usually expressed in the form of an open, direct protest against the world of grown-ups. The next step is the conflict with parents which is very difficult to solve. On the other hand, most teens don’t know how to organize their free time for raising their cultural level, enriching their knowledge and improving their physical forms.

  • After-reading

Answer the questions

  1. What age is considered to be one of the best periods in people’s life?

  2. What problems are teens overwhelmed with?

  3. What kind of behavior do they have?

  4. What problems of teens have become the most serious problems of our society?

  5. What social problem do teenagers have?

  6. Are all young people prepared for difficulties?

  7. What conflicts can the have?

  8. Do all teens know how to organize their free time for raising their cultural level?.

Complete the sentences (cards)

  1. The most actual problems of the modern society…

  2. Teenagers are greatly influenced by …

  3. Teenagers have got a lot of …

  4. Their aggression can be aimed at …

  5. Most teens don’t know how to organize …

  6. These problems are quite serious …

  7. This excessive work leads to …

  8. They are badly prepared for …

2.2 Relaxation

Sit comfortably.

Close your eyes.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Let’s pretend it’s summer.

You are lying on a sandy beach.

The weather is fine.

A light wind is blowing from the sea.

The birds are singing.

You have no troubles.

No serious problems.

You are quiet.

Your brain relaxes.

There is calm in your body.

Nothing diverts your attention.

You are relaxing.


Your troubles float away.

You love your relatives, your school, your friends.

They love you too.

Learn to appreciate every good thing.

The Earth is full of wonders.

You can do anything.

You are sure of yourself, that you have much energy.

You are in good spirits.

Open your eyes.

How do you feel?

2.3 Writing

Try to finish up the phrase “Being a teenager means…” write down your sentence into your copy- book.

P1: I think, being teenager means love, friends, conflicts.

P2: I’m sure, being a teenager means thinking about many problems

P3: To my mind, being a teenager means taking a lot of exams.

2.4 Listening

Listen to a song “Songs For Teenagers”.


Look on the name of a song. What about this song will be? Do you have any problems? What are they?


Looking for drugs in all the wrong places*
Wanted to be famous but ended up nameless.
Love is not the answer, I'm in love with this stuff.
I spent every last dime in a stranger's trunk.
It's all right. It's okay. 
I'm all right. I'll be okay.
First time I felt like I was gonna die, 
But I've gotten pretty good at telling myself it's fine.
Anna talks me down and gives me sips of her beer, 
Head pounding reveille, how did I get here?

It's all right. I'll be okay.
Let it go, let it go all the way down 'til there's nowhere left to fall.
It's a shame, all the ways we build ourselves up just to let each other down.
Looking for drugs in all the wrong places, 
felt a change coming but I couldn't face it.
I tried to keep my cool when I finally made it home, 
I had a blood shot excuse for every lie I told.
It's all right. It's okay. I'm all right. I'll be okay.
Let it go, let it go all the way down 'til there's nowhere left to fall.
It's a shame, all the ways we build ourselves up just to let each other down.
Last night is all a blur to me, 
I don't remember anything, 
but I vaguely recall being alone.

How do you think is it good to drink alcohol?

It is good to take drugs, isn’t it?

How often do you lie?

2.5 Speaking

In groups, students create a list of teenagers’ problems putting them in the order of importance, the first one being the most important and share the results in the class.

1 – family problems
2 – personal problems
3 – schоol problems
4 – discrimination
5 – violence

6 – aggressiveness
7 – poverty
8 – cruelty
9 – drinking problems
10-drug addiction

III Заключительная часть

3.1 Homework


Life is opportunity, benefit from it.

Life is a beauty, admire it.

Life is a bliss, taste it.

Life is a dream, realize it.

Life is a challenge, meet it.

Life is a duty, complete it.

Life is a game, play it.

Life is costly, care for it.

Life is wealth, keep it.

Life is love, enjoy it.

Life is a mystery, know it.

Life is a promise, fulfill it.

Life is a sorrow, overcome it.

Life is a song, sing it.

Life is a struggle, accept it.

Life is a tragedy, confront it.

Life is an adventure, dare it.

Life is luck, make it.

Life is too precious, do not destroy it.

Life is life, fight for it!

Your home task is: translate the message into Ukrainian. If you want to have a very good mark you must write in Ukrainian the poem-equivalent to the message.

3.2 Summarizing

T: I think there is no any teenager who has no problems at all.

What have we discussed today?

Did you like this lesson?

I wish you to be happy and young forever!

I hope you have found the solution of some of your problems.

Your home task is to write an article to a magazine for teenagers about the problems you face.

T: And now your marks ….

T: Thank you, everybody. Good-bye!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс

Проблемы типичного подростка

Автор: Рыбалко Мария Владимировна

Дата: 19.11.2015

Номер свидетельства: 255688

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