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"Путешествие в волшебную страну Английского языка"

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«"Путешествие в волшебную страну Английского языка" »

A Visit to a Magic Country of English

Teacher. Hi!

Children. Hi!

Те а с h e r. I'm glad to see you!

Children. We are glad to see you too!

Good morning, good morning, Good morning to you. Good morning, good morning, We are glad to see you.


Do you speak English?


Do you speak English?

Do you speak English?

Yes,-but just a little bit.

Do you speak English?

Do you speak English?

Yes, but just a little bit.

Teacher.. Who are you?

Pupil I am a dog, A little one, I like to play, I like to run.

Teacher. Who are you?

Pupil I am a cat. My name is Pit. And in the sun I like to sit.

Teacher. Who are you?


I am a bear.

I have a lot of money,

I like to go to the shop

For candies and honey.


Teacher —children Can you hop like a rabbit?

Yes, we can. Hop, hop. Can you jump like a frog?

Yes, we can. Jump, jump. Can you run like a dog?

Yes, we can. Run, run, run. Can you walk like a duck?

Yes, we can. Walk-walk. Can you fly like a bird?

Yes, we can. Fly, fly. Can you swim like a fish?

No, we can't, but we wish.

Teacher. ("Соте to Dinner")

Children ("Соте to Dinner")

Come to dinner, come to dinner,

Ding-dong-dell, ding- dong-dell!

Soup, meat and potatoes,

Soup, meat and potatoes,

Ding-dong-dell, ding-dong-dell!


Teacher. Children, we can see...

Children. A house in the wood, wood, wood.

Те а с h e r. We can see...

Children. A mouse in the wood, wood.

A Mouse

I am the mouse. Pe, pe.

This is my house.

(Playing with toys, a song "Toys".)

One, and two, and three and four

I am sitting on the floor

I am playing with a car

And a pretty little star.

Teacher. Children, we can see...


A house in the wood, wood.

A frog in the wood, wood.

A F г о g. Hi! How are you?

A Mouse. Hello! I'm the mouse. And who are you?

A Frog. I'm the frog. Croack-croack. | May I live with you?

A Mouse. Sure. Come in, please.

(Singing a song.)

One, and two, and three and four

Look at me! I'm on the floor.

Play with me! I've got a ball

And a pretty little doll.

A Mouse and a Frog (singing a song)

One, and two, and three and four We are sitting on the floor. We are playing with a dog And a pretty little frog.

Teacher. Children, we can see...


A house in the wood, wood

A cock in the wood, wood.

Teacher. A Cock

(a song "The Colours of the Rainbow")

1. Sun and Rain and Rain and Sun — They make a rainbow.

Sun and Rain — Rain and Sun A rainbow in the sky.

The colors of the rainbow are all around me.

The colors of the rainbow are beautiful to see.

2. Red is the color of an apple,
Red is the color of a sweet strawberry.

The colors of the rainbow, etc.

3. Orange is the color of a juicy orange,

Orange is the color of a tiger stripe.

The colors of the rainbow, etc.

  1. Yellow is the color of a sour lemon,

Yellow is the color of the summer

The colors of the rainbow, etc.

5. Green is the color of the fresh grass,

Green is the color of the leaveson the trees.

The colors of the rainbow, etc.

6. Blue is the color of a clear sky,
Blue is the color of the water in the sea.

The colors of the rainbow, tec.

  1. Violet is the color of a plum,
    Violet is the color of lilacsin spring.

The colors of the rainbow, etc.

Teacher. Children, we can see...


A house in the wood, wood

A hare in the wood, wood.

Те a с h e r. Can you guess?

A Hare


I love my father, I love my mother,

I love my sister And my big...

I hke coffee,

I like tea.

I like apples

On that... (tree)


It's winter, it's winter. Let us skate and ski!

It's winter, it's winter, It's great fun for...


Five httle dogs Playing by the doors

One runs away And now there are...

Teacher. Children, we can see...


A house in the wood, wood A hedgehog in the wood, wood.

Teacher, А Hedgehog

(а song "How Many Monkeys")

How many monkeys?

One, one!

How many monkeys?

One monkey.

How many lions?

Two, two!

How many hons?

Two lions!

How many insects?

Three, three!

How many insects?

Three insects!

How many fishes?

Four, four!

How many fishes?

Four fishes!

How many fingers?

Five, five!

How many fingers?

Five fingers.

How many apples?

Six, six!

How many apples?

Six apples!

A Bear. What a nice house. May I live with you?

Children. No, no. You are bad. Go away!

A В e a r. I can open the door!

А Bear. Oh, mypaw!


Children (а song «А Happy Song»)

If you're happy and you know it, clap

your hands! (clap) — (clap)

If you're happy and you know it, clap

your hands! (clap) ~ (clap)

If you're happy and you know it, and

you really want to show it.

If you're happy and you know it, clap

your hands! (clap) — (clap)

If you're happy and you know it, slap

your knees! (slap) (slap)

If you're happy and you know it, slap

your knees! (slap) -~ (slap)

If you're happy and you know it, and

you really want to show it.

If you're happy and you know it, slap

your knees! (slap) (slap)

Teacher. Say good-bye to your friends.

Children (a song «Good-bye!»)

Good-bye, Jack and Sue.

Good-bye, Jack! Good-bye, Sue!

Good-bye, Jack and Sue!

Good-bye, Jack and Sue!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс

"Путешествие в волшебную страну Английского языка"

Автор: Марчук Анна Ивановна

Дата: 23.10.2014

Номер свидетельства: 121945

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