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Разработка урока по английскому World movie history

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Тема  урока:  World Movie History. Degrees of comparison of adjectives


Тип урока:   The consolidation lesson


Цели урока: Образовательная:  Practicing and revising previously taught vocabulary, revising the grammatical point  


Развивающая: Developing reading skills-skimming, speaking skills-fluency ,freer speaking, study skills-finding the gist of information, summarizing, developing writing sub-skills and dictionary skills

      Воспитывающая: To educate student’s interest and respect to the English language, bring the  students up to morality,  to create a relaxed, non threatening atmosphere in the classroom

       Методы обучения: audio-lingual


Виды самостоятельной работы на уроке:  Doing some exercises,working with the text


Материально-техническое оснащение урока: Sheets with the tasks, dictionaries, blackboard, interactive board


Содержание и ход урока


Организационная часть   (  3 min  )

  1.Warm up. Greetings. Talking about the date the day of the week, seasons months, favorite sport, hobby, favorite film and actor, etc.

Introducing the theme, aims of the lesson.


Nowadays watching films is very easy

You may rent an action video or a horror DVD

You might go to the cinema for a new comedy

But whichever you prefer, you can enjoy movies.


Pay attention to the specific sounds. Learn the poem by heart.


3. Degrees of comparison of adjectives.  - revision

4.Doing an exercise: Degrees of comparison of adjectives.

1.The earliest pictures were of good quality (good, better, the best)

2. The films recording actual happenings were (important, more important, the most important )

3.It was (popular ,more popular, the most popular) to show contemporary events vividly in the earliest pictures.

4. America became  (good, better, the best) film-making country of the world.

5. Russia, nationalizing her film industry in 1919, made (remarkable, more remarkable, the most remarkable) contribution of the period to film art in the work of such directors as Eisenstein and Pudovkin

6.The  films in color were ( interesting, more interesting, the most interesting) than black and white films.


5.Check up the home task- New words learn by heart from the text «  World Movie History».


6.After- reading:



1.When do  the motion pictures become available for the general public?

2.Where were the motion pictures well –established?

3.What did show the earliest pictures?

4.How long did the films last during the period from 1900 to 1911?

5.What country did become foremost film-making country of the world during the First World War?

6.What  actors were the first stars of the USA?

7.What country is developed the film movement called the avant-garde?

8.What was the first sound film?

9.When did appear the techno-color films?



1.  Они показывали комические номера,волшебные картины трюков,грубый юмор,маленькие романы и даже короткие пятиминутные драмы.

2. В это время, фильмы постепенно выросли от десяти минут до двух часов продолжительностью.

3. Создатели фильмов стали думать, как рассказать эффективно истории в кино.

4. Кино стало народным развлечений, щедрым, роскошным, часто зловещим, доступным практически каждому по цене в несколько пенсов.

5.Немецкая школа практикуется на фантастике, спектаклях и мелодрамах.

6. Звук значительно увеличил возможности художественного фильма.

7. С 1932 года цветные фильмы стали более общими, и цвет был адаптирован для использования во всех типах фильмов и в последующие годы резко улучшился до  его нынешнего отличного уровня.


9.Make up sentences using the following words and word combinations:

Motion picture, astonishingly good quality, techno-color films, film-making, film publicity


10.Give synonyms of the words:

Motion picture farce, events, film producers, movie studio, invent, issue, film reclame, become rich, leading


11.Give the topic sentence of each paragraph in the text.

12.Discussing the main idea of the text.


 World Movie History


Phonographic motion pictures projected on to a screen became available for the general public from about 1895, and by the end of the century they were well -established in many countries, notably in France, Britain and America.

The earliest pictures, often of astonishingly good quality and steadiness, were intended as popular entertainment in music-hall programmes. They showed comic turns, magic trick pictures, slapstick, little romances and even shirt five-minute dramas. More important were the films recording actual happenings.

 In the earliest years of the cinema its power to show contemporary events vividly was recognized and appreciated. More than anything else this unique quality secured popularity for the film as a new form of instruction and entertainment.

The history of the film 1900 to 1911 is the development of it as an international industry. During this period, films grew gradually from ten minute’s length to two hours.

 Makers of films began to learn how to tell a story effectively in motion pictures, the pictures taking the place of words. At this period films were making so much money that film-making attracted a different type of people – people who lacked the enthusiasm of the young pupils, whose aim was to coin money rather than to develop this new art.

 During the First World War the demand for films continued to grow at a time when European producers were least able to meet it. In consequence America became the foremost film-making country of the world and Hollywood in California, with the advantage of its strong clear light, the chief centre of production.

 The USA developed the “star” system and film publicity simultaneously, so that the names of artists such as Douglas Fairbanks, Mary Picford and Charlie Chaplin were well-known to the public wherever there were cinemas to show their films. The cinema became the people’s entertainment, lavish, luxurious, often lurid, available almost to everyone at the price of a few pence.

 After the war some of the European film industries revived during the short period left to the silent film (1919-1928 approximately).

 Germany developed the artificial studio film with remarkable photography, set, lighting and acting. The Germany school specialized in fantasy, spectacle and melodrama.

Russia, nationalizing her film industry in 1919, made the most remarkable contribution of the period to film art in the work of such directors as Eisenstein and Pudovkin. They used the film to interpret history and the problems of contemporary Russian life and their films are among the most important in the history of cinema.

 France was the home of experience, especially in the film movement called the avant-garde, run by a group of young directors who attempted to devise films, to reflect ideas of psychology and art.

 The British screen, however, remained almost entirely dominated by the American film which developed its tradition of star display in thousands if shallow but commercially successful films.

 The first complete talkie was “Lights of New York” released in 1929. Sound greatly increased the artistic possibilities of the film.

 Since 1932 films in color have become more general, and techno-color has been adapted for use in all types of film and in later years has rapidly improved to its present excellent standard.

 The cinema has become part of the modern way of life. And all over the world artists have emerged to make the films which confirm the existence of a new art – films such as “Intolerance”, “The Battleship Potemkin”, and others.


New words:

motion picture-кино

a screen-экран

astonishingly good quality -удивительно хорошее качество

comic turns – комические номера

slapstick – грубый юмор, фарс

happenings- события

 to secure popularity – обеспечивать популярность

 lurid – страшный, мрачный

 to emerge – появляться

 techno-color (am.) – цветной фильм

 set – декорация

 avant-garde - передовой

film-making –кинопроизводство

coin money-наживаться

producers –производители

consequence- следствие

film publicity-реклама фильма

lavish- щедрый

revived- возродилась

artificial studio film- искусственные киностудии

to devise –изобретать

star display-изображение звезд





Задание на дом: Make up 10 sentences with the theme «World movie»,using degrees of comparison of adjectives.

Преподаватель:  Aliyeva S.M.

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«разработка урока по английскому World movie history »

Тема урока: World Movie History. Degrees of comparison of adjectives.

Тип урока: The consolidation lesson

Цели урока: Образовательная: Practicing and revising previously taught vocabulary, revising the grammatical point

Развивающая: Developing reading skills-skimming, speaking skills-fluency ,freer speaking, study skills-finding the gist of information, summarizing, developing writing sub-skills and dictionary skills

Воспитывающая: To educate student’s interest and respect to the English language, bring the students up to morality, to create a relaxed, non threatening atmosphere in the classroom

Методы обучения: audio-lingual

Виды самостоятельной работы на уроке: Doing some exercises,working with the text

Материально-техническое оснащение урока: Sheets with the tasks, dictionaries, blackboard, interactive board

Содержание и ход урока

Организационная часть ( 3 min )

1.Warm up. Greetings. Talking about the date the day of the week, seasons months, favorite sport, hobby, favorite film and actor, etc.

Introducing the theme, aims of the lesson.


Nowadays watching films is very easy

You may rent an action video or a horror DVD

You might go to the cinema for a new comedy

But whichever you prefer, you can enjoy movies.

Pay attention to the specific sounds. Learn the poem by heart.

3. Degrees of comparison of adjectives. - revision

4.Doing an exercise: Degrees of comparison of adjectives.

1.The earliest pictures were of good quality (good, better, the best)

2. The films recording actual happenings were (important, more important, the most important )

3.It was (popular ,more popular, the most popular) to show contemporary events vividly in the earliest pictures.

4. America became (good, better, the best) film-making country of the world.

5. Russia, nationalizing her film industry in 1919, made (remarkable, more remarkable, the most remarkable) contribution of the period to film art in the work of such directors as Eisenstein and Pudovkin

6.The films in color were ( interesting, more interesting, the most interesting) than black and white films.

5.Check up the home task- New words learn by heart from the text « World Movie History».

6.After- reading:


1.When do the motion pictures become available for the general public?

2.Where were the motion pictures well –established?

3.What did show the earliest pictures?

4.How long did the films last during the period from 1900 to 1911?

5.What country did become foremost film-making country of the world during the First World War?

6.What actors were the first stars of the USA?

7.What country is developed the film movement called the avant-garde?

8.What was the first sound film?

9.When did appear the techno-color films?


1. Они показывали комические номера,волшебные картины трюков,грубый юмор,маленькие романы и даже короткие пятиминутные драмы.

2. В это время, фильмы постепенно выросли от десяти минут до двух часов продолжительностью.

3. Создатели фильмов стали думать, как рассказать эффективно истории в кино.

4. Кино стало народным развлечений, щедрым, роскошным, часто зловещим, доступным практически каждому по цене в несколько пенсов.

5.Немецкая школа практикуется на фантастике, спектаклях и мелодрамах.

6. Звук значительно увеличил возможности художественного фильма.

7. С 1932 года цветные фильмы стали более общими, и цвет был адаптирован для использования во всех типах фильмов и в последующие годы резко улучшился до его нынешнего отличного уровня.

9.Make up sentences using the following words and word combinations:

Motion picture, astonishingly good quality, techno-color films, film-making, film publicity

10.Give synonyms of the words:

Motion picture farce, events, film producers, movie studio, invent, issue, film reclame, become rich, leading

11.Give the topic sentence of each paragraph in the text.

12.Discussing the main idea of the text.

World Movie History

Phonographic motion pictures projected on to a screen became available for the general public from about 1895, and by the end of the century they were well -established in many countries, notably in France, Britain and America.

The earliest pictures, often of astonishingly good quality and steadiness, were intended as popular entertainment in music-hall programmes. They showed comic turns, magic trick pictures, slapstick, little romances and even shirt five-minute dramas. More important were the films recording actual happenings.

In the earliest years of the cinema its power to show contemporary events vividly was recognized and appreciated. More than anything else this unique quality secured popularity for the film as a new form of instruction and entertainment.

The history of the film 1900 to 1911 is the development of it as an international industry. During this period, films grew gradually from ten minute’s length to two hours.

Makers of films began to learn how to tell a story effectively in motion pictures, the pictures taking the place of words. At this period films were making so much money that film-making attracted a different type of people – people who lacked the enthusiasm of the young pupils, whose aim was to coin money rather than to develop this new art.

During the First World War the demand for films continued to grow at a time when European producers were least able to meet it. In consequence America became the foremost film-making country of the world and Hollywood in California, with the advantage of its strong clear light, the chief centre of production.

The USA developed the “star” system and film publicity simultaneously, so that the names of artists such as Douglas Fairbanks, Mary Picford and Charlie Chaplin were well-known to the public wherever there were cinemas to show their films. The cinema became the people’s entertainment, lavish, luxurious, often lurid, available almost to everyone at the price of a few pence.

After the war some of the European film industries revived during the short period left to the silent film (1919-1928 approximately).

Germany developed the artificial studio film with remarkable photography, set, lighting and acting. The Germany school specialized in fantasy, spectacle and melodrama.

Russia, nationalizing her film industry in 1919, made the most remarkable contribution of the period to film art in the work of such directors as Eisenstein and Pudovkin. They used the film to interpret history and the problems of contemporary Russian life and their films are among the most important in the history of cinema.

France was the home of experience, especially in the film movement called the avant-garde, run by a group of young directors who attempted to devise films, to reflect ideas of psychology and art.

The British screen, however, remained almost entirely dominated by the American film which developed its tradition of star display in thousands if shallow but commercially successful films.

The first complete talkie was “Lights of New York” released in 1929. Sound greatly increased the artistic possibilities of the film.

Since 1932 films in color have become more general, and techno-color has been adapted for use in all types of film and in later years has rapidly improved to its present excellent standard.

The cinema has become part of the modern way of life. And all over the world artists have emerged to make the films which confirm the existence of a new art – films such as “Intolerance”, “The Battleship Potemkin”, and others.

New words:

motion picture-кино

a screen-экран

astonishingly good quality -удивительно хорошее качество

comic turns – комические номера

slapstick – грубый юмор, фарс

happenings- события

to secure popularity – обеспечивать популярность

lurid – страшный, мрачный

to emerge – появляться

techno-color (am.) – цветной фильм

set – декорация

avant-garde - передовой

film-making –кинопроизводство

coin money-наживаться

producers –производители

consequence- следствие

film publicity-реклама фильма

lavish- щедрый

revived- возродилась

artificial studio film- искусственные киностудии

to devise –изобретать

star display-изображение звезд


Задание на дом: Make up 10 sentences with the theme «World movie»,using degrees of comparison of adjectives.

Преподаватель: Aliyeva S.M.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс

разработка урока по английскому World movie history

Автор: Алиева Светлана Махмуд кызы

Дата: 11.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 171412

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