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Разработка урока по теме “Extreme Sports”, грамматической темы « State and activity verbs»

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 Закрепление знаний, умений и навыков по лексической теме “Extreme Sports”, изучение грамматической темы « State and activity verbs»

Цель урока:

Формирование умения высказываться по теме «Экстремальные виды спорта» на уровне предложения, неподготовленного микровысказывания, аргументированного монологического высказывания, используя лексические единицы по теме «Экстремальные виды спорта»,

Изучить грамматическую тему « State and activity verbs», отработать первичное закрепление.


  • научить выражать свои предпочтения, используя структуры quite likewould love, would prefer, wouldn't like, cant stand, like, love, hate;
  • развивать умение кратко высказываться в связи с ситуацией общения, используя аргументацию и выражая свое отношение к предмету речи;
  • формировать речевую деятельность учащихся на базе новой лексики по теме «Экстремальные виды спорта»;
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«разработка урока по теме “Extreme Sports”, грамматической темы « State and activity verbs»»

“Extreme Sports”.

Тип урока: комбинированный

Закрепление знаний, умений и навыков по лексической теме “Extreme Sports”, изучение грамматической темы « State and activity verbs»

Цель урока:

Продолжить работу над формированием умения высказываться по теме «Экстремальные виды спорта» на уровне предложения, неподготовленного микровысказывания, аргументированного монологического высказывания, используя лексические единицы по теме «Экстремальные виды спорта»,

Изучить грамматическую тему « State and activity verbs», отработать первичное закрепление.

Задачи урока:


  • обучать аудированию с целью извлечения конкретной информации по теме “Extreme Sports”;

  • научить выражать свои предпочтения, используя структуры quite like, would love, would prefer, wouldn't like, cant stand, like, love, hate;

  • развивать умение кратко высказываться в связи с ситуацией общения, используя аргументацию и выражая свое отношение к предмету речи;

  • формировать речевую деятельность учащихся на базе новой лексики по теме «Экстремальные виды спорта»;


  • развивать способность к анализу, обобщению;

  • развивать способность к языковой догадке в целях расширения потенциального лексического запаса;

  • развивать умение аргументировать свою точку зрения, делать вывод, подводить итоги;

  • развивать умение выполнять индивидуальные и коллективные задания и излагать результаты работы на английском языке.


  • формировать нравственный, позитивный режим общения при обмене мнениями;

  • повышать мотивацию к изучению английского языка.

Ход урока

1. Начало урока. Организационный момент.

Цель: введение в тему урока

Hello everyone. Glad to see you here and I’d like to start our lesson with your prediction about the topic of our discussion today.

the topic of our lesson today is Extreme sports.

What kind of extreme sports do you know?

Have you ever tried any of these extreme sports?

Which sports would you like to try?

2. Warm-up. Brainstorming.

Цель: пробуждение имеющихся знаний, интереса к получению новой информации, определение направления в изучении темы.

What are your associations with the word ‘Extreme’ Give the adjectives which you can associate with the word EXTREME








T: Can you give the definition to the word “extreme’ now?

Ps: Extreme describes activity that is very dangerous, unusual, challenging, exciting, frightening, cool.

3. Speaking

What do people feel doing extreme sports?

When have extreme sports become popular?

What do people usually bungee jump from?

What do people do in skysurfing?

What has skysurfing similarities with?

What do you need for white water rafting?

What do ice drivers do?

What attracts people to these sports?

What is your attitude towards extreme sports? What is your opinion on taking risks? Discuss it in pairs and then report your ideas to the class. Use the following expressions and the information from the chart:

Taking risk is …

People take risks/do risky things because

Risky activities can lead people to …

Some people like being put at risk because …

dangerous /exciting /useless /silly

to acquire self-confidence

to acquire sense of individuality

to overcome difficulties

to protest against something

to satisfy one’s curiosity

4. Listening (a TV programme) Ex.2, p.14

Класс делится на 5 групп, каждой группе дается один из видов спорта:

bungee jumping skysurfing snowrafting

white water rafting ice diving

Listen for Michelle’s description of “your” sport and her opinion of it and get ready to report back to the class.

Примерные высказывания:

You can find speed, excitement, danger in bungee jumping. You jump off a high bridge then fall and just before you hit the ground or water an elastic rope pulls you back.

Skysurfing appears just as crazy. In skysurfing you jump out of an aeroplane and use a board to ‘surf’ the air, doing gymnastics in the air.

New sports like snowboarding and extreme skiing are very dangerous. But the most dangerous of the new winter sports is snowrafting. You sit in a rubber boat and ‘sail’ down a mountain at great speed and you can’t control the boat.

In white water rafting you sit in a small raft and go down a river at great speed. Fast flowing rivers are the best.

Ice diving are for those people who are absolutely crazy. Ice diving is not easy to set up because you need good diving equipment and a frozen lake. First you break the ice and then you get into the water and try to walk upside down on the ice.

Vocabulary Multi-part verbs. Give the definitions of the verbs:

Take up

Be into it

Turn up

Back out

Go through with

Put on

Set up

Get across

Home work for today’s lesson was ex.9

You have to interview your parther using the questions ex/9

Класс: 11 Дата

Тема "Extreme sports"

“ Language Problem Solving 1”

“State and activity verbs”

Цель урока:

Формирование лексических и грамматических навыков говорения по теме «Extreme sports»; “State and activity verbs”

Задачи урока:

практическая: развитие умения аудирования с целью извлечения конкретной информации; развитие умения читать с целью извлечения нужной или интересующей информации; формировать речевую деятельность учащихся на базе новой лексики; развитие умения выражать“preferences”;

развивающая: развивать память и мыслительную деятельность учащихся, развитие способности к анализу, обобщению, дедуктивному способу выведения грамматического правила, развитие способности к языковой догадке в целях расширения их потенциального лексического запаса, развивать умения аргументировать свою точку зрения, делать вывод, подводить итоги;

образовательная: расширение кругозора учащихся, развитие общих и образовательных умений, позволяющих совершенствовать учебную деятельность по овладению английским языком;

воспитательная: формировать нравственный, позитивный режим общения при обмене мнениями, повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка.

1. Организационный момент.

Hello everyone. Glad to see you here and I’d like to start our lesson with your prediction about the subject of our discussion today.

2. Введение в тему урока

T: So, what is the subject of our discussion?

Ps: x-treme sports.

T: Can you give the definition to the word “extreme’.

Ps: extreme describes activity that is very dangerous.

T: Well, today we’re going to take a look at extreme sports.

What exactly are they?

How dangerous are they?

What makes people risk their lives to do them? (

3. Речевая разминка.

T: All the pictures show extreme sports.

Think and say what they all have in common.

Can you name these sports?

Would you agree that all of them are sports? Why? Why not?

What attracts people to these sports?

4. Введение лексики “Taking risk” и первичное ее закрепление.

T: What else attracts people to extreme sports, why do they take up doing them?

Ex. 1. In the sentences find the English equivalents to the Russian phrases.1.

He has done a lot of dangerous sports because he likes to go to extremes. a) рисковать (2)

2. To take risks for no purpose is not a clever thing. b) волнение, возбуждение (2)

3. Ann’s desire to travel around the world becomes stronger and stronger. c) удовлетворять свое любопытство

4. He was addicted to heroin. d) хорошо подумать

5. Think twice before you do something very dangerous. e) желание, стремление

6. I just had to satisfy my curiosity, so I opened the box. f) рискованный человек /человек, любящий риск

7. Being an actor or an actress can be rather dangerous, sometimes they have to do different risky things. g) доходить /дойти до грани возможного (2)

8. I do sky diving for the thrill and excitement of this sport. h) пристраститься к …

9. Personally I am not a risk taker, so white rafting or scuba diving is not for me.

10. I think moderation in everything is the key and I never take things to the edge.

Ex. 2. Express your ideas why people take up doing x-treme sports. (слайд 4 - vocabulary1)

to go to extreme

to take things to the edge

to take risks/to do risky things

a risk taker

to be addicted to

to satisfy one’s curiosity


to have a desire

to acquire self-confidence

to acquire sense of individuality

to overcome difficulties

to protest against something

5. Введение лексики “Виды экстремального спорта” и ее фонетическая отработка.

T: You have already given me the examples of x-treme sports before. Now let’s repeat the names of x-treme sports after me. (Слайд 5)

Sky surfing


Ice diving

Ice climbing



Bungee jumping

Base jumping

Snow rafting

White-water rafting

Street luge


6. Подготовка к аудированию интервью.

T: Now I’d like you to listen to a TV programme about some of these sports. But before listening use your background knowledge to try to predict answers to the questions. (Opportunities intermediate, Russian edition, Module 1 “Extreme Sports” ex.2 a, p.14)

People do extreme sports in order to feel a) excited b) nervous c) happy

Extreme sports have become popular in the last a) 5 years b) 10 years c) 20 years

People usually bungee jump from a) airplanes b) high buildings c) bridges

In sky surfing people do mid-air a) gymnastics b) dancing c) swimming

Snowboarding has similarities with a) skiing b) surfing c) canoeing

Snowrafting is a) quite dangerous b) very dangerous

For white-water rafting you need a) a big river b) a warm river c) a mountain river

Ice divers a) swim under the ice b) walk on the bottom of lakes c) walk upside down under the ice

7. Аудирование: интервью.

Listen to the tape and check your answers for ex.2. While listening, please, have a look at the screen where you’ll see the pictures of sports mentioned in the interview.

(Слайды 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11; Приложение 1)

Ответы: 1a, 2b, 3c, 4a, 5b, 6b, 7c, 8c.

Listen to two people talking about extreme sports. Complete the table of ex.4. (Приложение 2)Sports Carol Jonathan


doesn’t like

would like to try

wouldn’t like to try

Ответы: Carol likes bungee jumping; would like to try sky surfing; wouldn’t like to try snowrafting. Jonathan likes skiing/snowboarding; doesn’t like sailing; would like to try ice diving.

Listen again. Complete the Function File “Preferences” ex.5 with the following words: quite like, would love, can’t stand, love, like, wouldn’t like, would quite like, prefer, hate, would prefer.+ ‘ing’ or noun + to + infinitive

I ______bungee jumping. I ______ to try skysurfing.

I _____ doing boring sports. I _______ to do snowboarding.

I _____ winter sports. I _______ to stay at home.

I _____ going skiing. I _______ to go ice diving.

I _____ snowboarding.

I _____ slow sports.

8. Формирование лексико-грамматических навыков. Expressing Preferences.

Say what structures are used to express preferences. What is difference? (Слайд 12)

Think of sentences about your sport preferences.

9. Развитие навыков поискового чтения. (извлечение необходимой информации)

I’d like to enlarge your knowledge about extreme sports. I suggest that you should read the text about other kinds of extreme sports. Before reading pay your attention to the questions.

(Слайд 13; Приложение 3)

Of which of the sports, A - G are the following true?

You do not need to have any special skills.

You need to cooperate with a group of people.

It was started by inventors of another extreme sport.

You can hurt yourself whilst to stop.

You need to be both strong and psychologically prepared.

It offers reasonably good protection from injury.

It could get you into trouble with the police.

You can make your own protection for your feet.

Ответы: 1G, 2 F, 3 E, 4 E, 5 A-G, 6 G, 7 E, 8 E.

10. Аргументированные моновысказывания.

1. (Слайд 14)

What is your attitude towards extreme sports? What is your opinion on taking risks? Discuss it in pairs and then report your ideas to the class. (ex.4b, p 101

New Millennium English 10)

Taking risk is …



useless because


People take risks/do risky things because …

Risky activities can lead people to …

Some people like being put at risk because …

2. Work in small groups. Comment on the quotation. Share your ideas with the rest of the class. Слайд15 (ex.4c, p 101, New Millennium English 10).

To win without risk is to triumph without glory. (Pierre Corneille)

Example: This means that if you don’t go through danger to achieve something, the success will be less significant.

11. Подведение итогов урока. (Слайд 16)

X-treme sports are nontraditional sports characterized by high speed, high risk, danger, excitement.

What have you learnt at the lesson today?

12. Домашнее задание.

Запись и комментирование домашнего задания. (Слайд17)

Choose any x-treme sport and make a project using a plan.




How risky it is

Tips for practitioners: special skills, qualities, protection from injury

You may use the following web sites:






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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

разработка урока по теме “Extreme Sports”, грамматической темы « State and activity verbs»

Автор: Хайлитдинова Галия Рахматуллаевна

Дата: 26.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 283243

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