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Разработка урока по профессиональному английскому языку в группе ЭМ-21.Theme: "Ohm’s law" ("Закон Ома")

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Дана методическая разработка урока "Ohm's Law"("Закон Ома") по профессиональному английскому языку в группе электриков (Эм-21).

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«Разработка урока по профессиональному английскому языку в группе ЭМ-21.Theme: "Ohm’s law" ("Закон Ома")»

Высший колледж г.Щучинск.

Преподаватель английского языка: Ильясова Сауле Ибраевна.

Разработка урока в группе ЭМ-21 «Ohms law»

Theme: Ohm’s law


  1. Educational aim: to present new words and expressions concerning the theme and practice them in students ’ speech; to teach to give general understanding of the new text and to speak on the theme by doing different lexical and grammar tasks.

  2. Developing aim: to develop students’ skills (knowledge) in reading, speaking, hearing( listening), writing with the help of the new  words; to extend their range of professional vocabulary; to develop interest in reading technical texts; to develop communication, cooperative and teamwork skills.

  3. Personality building aim: to create a relaxed, non -threating atmosphere in the group; to bring up interest in gaining new information by doing exercises ; to bring up love and respect to the foreign language as the mean of communication.

The type of the lesson: getting new information .

Methods of teaching : work in teams.

The kind of the lesson : mixed lesson .

Inter - subject connection : Russian , Physics, Electrical engineering.

Аccessories of the lesson : information text , didactically materials, an interactive board, slides, computers, portrait of G. Ohm.

Procedure of the lesson .

І. Organization moment: 

  a) Meeting of the students.

  b) Presentation of the new theme   .

 ІI. Checking up the home work: to prepare the information about Georg Ohm and answer the questions:

  1. Who is Georg Ohm?

  2. What is his nationality?

  3. When and where was he born?

  4. What Universities did he study?

  5. What is he known for?

  6. What is Henry Cavendish?

  7. What notable awards of G.Ohm do you know?

 III. Following up activities(the practice of the new theme ).

Today we’ll learn to speak about the discovery of Ohm’s law.

1)  Introduction of the new words: Reading the new words aloud after the teacher and writing the words.

Ohm’s law


conductor -проводник the ratio-соотношение

to oppose -сопротивляться,противостоять difference-разница

to arise-возникать to include - включать ч-л

charges - заряды to define-определять

to collide-сталкивать to neglect-пренебрегать

to give up-вызывать to determine-определять

to appear-появляться circuit-электрическая цепь

resistance-сопртивление to substitute-заменять

to apply- прилагать according to-согласно,в соответствии

per ampere –на ампер as well as-также как


2) Translate the new information text , filling in the blanks with suitable words given in brackets:

1.Every electrical conductor opposes ….. of through it. This …… arises because of the moving ….. colliding with the atomic nuclei and other particles of the ….. . In so doing, the moving charges give up ….. , which …… as heat. According to Ohm’s law, electrical ….. is the ratio of the …. ….. to the ….. for a conductor at a given Temperature.

(conductor ,the passage, opposition , current, potential difference, appears, energy, charges, resistance)

2.The Ohm, the practical of resistance, is defined in terms of the ampere and the volt, as follows:

One ohm is …… of a conductor through which the current is 1 ampere when the potential difference across ….. of the conductor is 1 volt. One ohm ….. 1 volt per ampere.

Electromotive force and … … are both measured in volts.

The unit of current ….. is the ampere.

(the resistance ,unit, the ends, potential difference, equals, strength)

3. This is the well known and fundamental …. in electricity which makes it possible to determine the current …. through the …. ,when the resistance in the circuit and the potential difference ….. to it are known.

(Law, flowing, applied)

4. What Ohm …. was that the ratio of the potential difference between the ends of a …. conductor and the current flowing through the metallic is constant. The ….. constant is the electrical resistance.

Resistance=potential difference: current


1 Ohm=1 volt=1volt:1 ampere

The Resistance is measured with ….. in practice.

(Discovered, an ohmmeter, metallic, constant, proportionality)

5. Using Ohm’s law is of great importance because of its being generally applied to so many electrical phenomena. One of its simplest applications is using a dry cell directly connected by wires to a small light bulb. The battery maintains a potential difference of 1.5 volts across the lamp. The current flowing through the circuit being 0.5 ampere, the resistance of the circuit is R=1.5 volts:0.5 ampere=3 ohms.

Although the resistance as found here is assumed to the resistance of the light bulb, it really includes the resistance of the connecting wires, as well as the resistance of the battery. In practice one usually uses wires of sufficiently law resistance that can be neglected in most calculations.

If they are not small, they can not be neglected and must be added as part of the R in Ohm’s law.

Although electromotive force and potential difference are both measured in volts there is a real distinction between them. Electromotive force is defined as the work per unit charge done by the battery or generator on the charges in moving them around the circuit. Potential difference between two points is defined as the work per unit charge done by the charges in moving from one point to the other.

6. If any two of the three quantities: resistance, current and potential difference are known for a circuit, the third can always …. in Ohm’s law. In other words, any one of the three factors may be the unknown, and Ohm’s law may be written in any one of three …. :

I=V:R, R=V:1, V= IR

(Quantities, be determined, ways, by substituting,)

7. Ohm’s law applies to ….. ….. in which a current is flowing.

(a current, all metallic conductors)

IV. Consolidation of the new theme: the work in 2 teams:

A. Make up general questions according to the models:

a)Model: Every electrical conductor opposes the passage of through it.

Does every electrical conductor oppose the passage of through it?

b) Model: The ratio of the potential difference between the ends of a metallic conductor and the current flowing through the metallic is constant.

Is the ratio of the potential difference between the ends of a metallic conductor and the current flowing through the metallic constant?

1 team:

1.This opposition arises because of the moving charges colliding with the atomic nuclei and other particles of the conductor. 2. The moving charges give up energy, which appears as heat. 3. Electromotive force is defined as the work per unit charge done by the battery or generator on the charges in moving them around the circuit.

2 team:

1.The Ohm, the practical unit of resistance. 2. One ohm is the resistance of a conductor through which the current is 1 ampere.3. The proportionality constant is the electrical resistance.

B . Make up questions the answers to which will be words in italics. The words in brackets will help you.

1. team :

1.Every electrical conductor opposes the passage of through it (What).

2.The moving charges collide with the atomic nuclei and other particles of the conductor(What).

3. The moving charges give up energy(What).

4. According to Ohm’s law, electrical resistance is the ratio of the potential difference to the current for a conductor at a given Temperature(What).

  1. team:

  1. One ohm is the resistance of a conductor through which the current is 1 ampere(What).

One ohm equals 1 volt per ampere(What).

  1. Ohm’s law makes it possible to determine the current flowing through the circuit(What) ,

  2. when the resistance in the circuit and the potential difference applied to it are known.

  3. The ratio of the potential difference between the ends of a metallic conductor and the current flowing through the metallic conductor is constant(What).

  4. Ohm’s law may be written in any one of three ways:

I=V:R, R=V:1, V= IR ( How).

  1. Match the adjectives in column A with the nouns in column to form meaningful phrases.

1 team:

Electrical ( conductor ) law

Electric( charges ) importance

Constant (ratio ) conductor

Practical( unit ) application

Well – known( law ) charges

Metallic (conductor) unit

2 team:

Great ( importance) difference

Simple (application ) quantities

Atomic( nuclei ) bulb

Potential (difference ) conductor

Light( bulb ) ratio

Electromotive (force ) force

Three (quantities)

  1. Which of the verbs on the left collocate with the nouns on the right.

1 team:

to oppose (the flow of electricity ) the current

to determine(the current ) in terms

to define ( in terms) the flow of electricity

to move (charges ) the law

to know( the law) charges

to measure (in volts ) energy

2 team:

to appear as( heat ) the work

to give up (energy) heat

to connect (wires ) quantities

to define as (the work ) the name

to know( quantities ) wires

to give( the name ) in volts

  1. Give the English equivalents for the following words:

1 team:

1)Определять, 2) проводник, 3)соединять, 4)двигать, 5)практический,6) электрическая цепь, 7)протекать,8) постоянный, 9)сопротивление, 10)ядро,11) разница, 12)потенциальный, 13)атомный, 14)появляться, 15) равняться

2 team:

1)единица, 2)электрический,3) низкий, 4)вызывать,5) сталкивать, 6)провода, 7) электродвижущая сила,8) различие, 9)заменять, 10)известный,11) использовать 12)электрическое явление 13) заряд 14) сила тока 15) закон Ома

F. Translate the sentences into English.

1 team:

  1. Хорошо известный и основной закон в электричестве.

  2. Электрическое сопротивление, по закону Ома, это соотношение потенциальной разницы к току проводника при заданной температуре.

  3. Ом- практическая единица сопротивления.

  4. 1 Ом- равен отношению в 1 вольт на ампер.

  5. Электродвижущая сила и потенциальная разница измеряются в вольтах.

2 team:

  1. Сила единицы тока равна 1 Ампер.

  1. Сопротивление измеряется практически омметром.

  2. Закон Ома применяем ко многим электрическим явлениям .

  3. Одним из простейших его применений является использование сухого элемента непосредственно соединенного проводами к маленькой световой лампе.

  4. Если к-л один из трех факторов( сопротивление, ток, потенциальная разница) неизвестен , то закон Ома можно написать в одном из трех способов : I=V:R, R=V:1, V= IR

G.Each team retells the text to each other using the questions:

  1. What is ohm?

  2. What is the well-known and fundamental law in electricity which makes it possible to determine the current flowing through a circuit?

  3. Why is it important using Ohm’s law?

  4. What potential difference does the battery maintain?

  5. What does the resistance of the circuit include?

  6. In what units are electromotive force and potential difference measured?

  7. What did Ohm discover?

  1. Round off activities (the result of the lesson)

  1. Evaluation students’ activities (marking)

  2. Giving the home work : to learn the new words, to make up the plan on the text and to be able to tell about the discovery of Ohm’s law on the plan, to fill in the Chart .

I knew

I did not know about ….

I learnt

c) The end of the lesson .

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Автор: Ильясова Сауле Ибраевна

Дата: 08.01.2017

Номер свидетельства: 376405

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