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Развитие умения чтения в третьем классе на уроке английского языка

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Конспект урока подходит для учащихся 3 класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка по УМК Верещагина, Афанасьева, предлагаются разные виды упражнений на трех этапах работы с текстом, также введение новых лексических единиц через наглядность и языковую догадку.

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«Развитие умения чтения в третьем классе на уроке английского языка»

Урок 1


Деятельность учителя

Деятельность ученика




момент и приветствие

2.Объявление цели урока

3.Фонетическая разминка

II. Основная часть

4. Развитие умения чтения (изучающее)

Предтекстовый этап

Текстовый этап.

Послетекстовый этап.


6. Формирование лексического навыка через языковую догадку и наглядность.

Закрепление лексических единиц.

Совершенствование лексических навыков

7. Развитие умения диалогической речи.

8.Завершающий этап

Подведение итогов.

Good morning, pupils! I’m glad to see you!

-How’s the weather today?

-Is it cold (warm)?

-Is it raining (snowing) now?

Does it often rain in April (…)?

What did you put on in the morning?

Do you like such weather?

What month is it now?

What season is it now?

Today we shall compare the Big Banana and his sister the Little Banana. We shall learn some new words and we shall learn to speak over the telephone in English.

Now you will hear the poem. Repeat it, translate and read it. (ex.7 p.93)

Answer my questions, please.

-Do you like winter?

-Does your mother (friend) like winter?

-What clothes do we usually put on in winter?

-What colour is winter?

-what do children like to do in winter?

-what games can children play? And what about you?

-What’s the weather like in winter?

Children, can we play snow balls in summer?

-We can’t ride a bike in winter because there is a lot of snow. So we do all things when they must be done. English people usually say: “Everything is good in its season.” Can you translate this proverb?

Give the Russian equivalents.

Can you give examples to illustrate the proverb?

At home you read the story about the Little Banana, didn’t you? (ex.8 p.94)

Is the little Banana a sister or a brother of the Big Banana?

Did you like the story?

Did you like the little Banana?

Are brother and sister very different?

Before we listen to your reading I want you to pay attention to some words and expressions that may be difficult for you.

Now you are ready to read. Let’s start.

Thank you for your reading.

Now I want to see how you’ve understood the text. Here are the sentences about the Big Banana and the little Banana. You must choose the numbers of the sentences about the Big Banana and about the Little Banana. Write the numbers down in your exercise-books.

Now exchange your exercise-books and let’s check up.

We can see that the Big Banana and the Little Banana are very different. Let’s compare them. Use the adjectives: big, small, short, clever, lazy, nice, good, bad, beautiful, long.

Children, will the Little Banana be happy in future? Give your opinion.

Let’s speak about the Little Banana. You may follow the plan. Let’s read it.

Now we’ll have a rest.

Up, down, up, down

Which is the way to London town

Where, where?

Up in the air,

Close your eyes

And you are there!

If we want to be as clever as The Big Banana, we must work. So open your books on p.97 and read the new words in ex.5. Imagine that you work on the English radio.

Do you agree that the word “because” is very important in our speech?

It helps to explain your opinion, to prove smth, to explain the reasons. Let’s train how to use it.

-We’ve learnt the names of winter months. Today we shall speak about the season that comes after winter. What is it?

Our new words are:

March, April, grass, a leaf-leaves.

I’ve written only two months because in Great Britain there are only two spring months: March and April. And how many spring months are there in Russia?

Now repeat the words after me and write them down.

Now you’ve learnt to pronounce and use the new words and besides we’ll learn some new information. You’ll hear the answers on the following questions:

-What month comes before March?

-What’s the 1st of April famous for?

-Is the grass green in autumn?

What animals eat grass?

-How do the leaves look like in spring?

-Be ready to answer the questions.

Now let’s do ex.2 on p.96.

You’ve learnt the names of winter and spring months. What are they?

Thank you. Now look at the picture in ex.3 and answer the following questions: What season is it?

We shall continue to describe pictures on the next lessons. Now we shall listen to the dialogue and then we‘ll learn how to make your own dialogue. So you must listen to the dialogue and understand where Jim is calling from.

Now you should make your own dialogues. Ex.7 will help you. Put suitable words in gaps. Choose the country, name and weather. These words will help you.

I hope you are ready. Let’s listen to your dialogues.

-What country is she from?

-What is the weather?

Thank you for your work. You work hard.

Your home task will be to learn dialogue by heart (ex.6 p.98); read and translate the text (ex.9 p.99), and do ex.11 p.100 in written form. You should write the questions to the following answers.

Good morning, teacher! We are glad to see you, too!

It’s cold. It’s snowing now.

Прослушивание стихов, повтор за диктором, чтение в парах, чтение в классе.

We put on warm mittens and caps.

No, we can’t do this because there is no snow in winter.

Yes, we can.

Все хорошо в свое время.

People must wear clothes for their age. When you are young you wear clothes that you can’t wear when you are old.

Yes, we did.

The Little Banana is a sister of the Big Banana.

Yes, they are.

Хором повторяют слова за учителем.

Дети сначала в парах, потом по очереди читают текст.

Выбирают и записывают номера в тетрадь.

The Big Banana: 2,3,7,8,10

The Little Banana:1,4,5,6,9

Проверяют друг у друга, обменявшись тетрадями.

The Big Banana is better than the Little Banana.

The Little Banana is shorter than the Big Banana.

The Big Banana has got longer arms than the Little Banana. Etc

Читают план

Составляют рассказ в парах, отвечая на вопросы. Затем звучит монолог-пересказ.

Поднимают и опускают руки.

Шагают на месте.

Повороты в стороны.

Закрывают глаза руками.

Разводят руки в стороны.

Читают выразительно новые слова и предложения с ними и переводят их.

It’s spring.

There are 3 spring months in Russia.

Повторяют за учителем и записывают в словари.

Прослушивают запись на кассете (№88). После повтора отвечают на поставленные вопросы.

November is the first winter month.

….is the second (third) winter (spring) month.

Отвечают на вопросы в упражнении. Описывают картинку.

Прослушивают диалог без учебника, отвечают на вопрос. He is calling from Africa. Повторяют за диктором, глядя в учебник. Переводят дилог, читают в парах, меняясь ролями. Читают в классе.

Работают в парах, составляют свои диалоги.

Ученики зачитывают свои диалоги.

Отвечают на вопросы, опираясь на только что прослушанный диалог.

Thank you for the lesson.

Фронтальная работа

Парная, фронтальная работа


Фронтовая работа

На доске:

Lady, lazy, takes good care of, he teaches her, a slow business, she doesn’t care about it.

Парная, фронтальная работа.

На доске:

  1. The Fruit cares about clothes very much.

  2. The Fruit is a great worker.

  3. The Fruit has a big body, long arms, short legs, small feet, little green eyes, brown hair, a big red nose and a little red mouth.

  4. The Fruit has long yellow hair, big blue eyes, a little white nose, a little red mouth, short arms, short legs, small hands and small feet.

  5. The Fruit doesn’t want to learn how to grow.

  6. The Fruit is lazy.

  7. The Fruit has got a lot of friends.

  8. The Fruit is a nice fellow.

  9. The Fruit is little.

  10. The Fruit grows quickly.

Фронтальная работа

Обмен мнениями

На доске:

-How does the little Banana look like?

-Does she look beautiful?

-Who is she?

-Why is she little?

-Does she want to work?

-Does the Big Banana take a good care of his sister?

-What does the Big Banana teach his sister?

-Why is it a slow business?

-Do you think the Little Banana beautiful (clever)? Why? What is your opinion about the little Banana?

На доске:

March, April, grass, a leaf-leaves.


Хоровая и индивидуальная работы.



На доске:

  1. America, China, England, Australia, Brazil.

  2. Sunny, lovely, terribly hot, terribly cold, rainy, warm.

  3. Glad, happy, sorry.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Развитие умения чтения в третьем классе на уроке английского языка

Автор: Полякова Ксения Андреевна

Дата: 13.02.2020

Номер свидетельства: 539489

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