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Роль школы в становлении личности учащегося

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Данная работа предназначена для уч-ся 8-9 классов  в шолах с углубленным изучением английского языка. Урок содержит культуроведческий компонент (Литература), помогающий  учащимся проявить творчество, инициативу, на уроке, а также побуждает их к исследовательской деятельности.

Урок основан на технологии развития критического мышления через чтение и письмо. Учащиеся приобретают нужные компетенции и учебные универсальные действия.

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«Роль школы в становлении личности учащегося »

Марокова Наталия Павловна

Открытый урок «Роль школы в

формировании характера ученика»

Работа предназначена для учащихся

8-9 классов школ с углубленным

преподаваниям английского языка.

The Role of School in Molding a Pupil’ Character

( Lesson Notes )

SS age : 14-15 years old

Time : 40 minutes

Lesson aim : to develop students` skills in critical reading through

reading the text “ The Idealist” .

Objectives : - to increase SS awareness of patterns of early school life in

British culture;

- to encourage comparison;

- to encourage the spirit of investigation, to deepen

knowledge of a particular topic;

- to develop SS’ universal educational skills.

Assumption :

The topical vocabulary is familiar to SS.

Materials : the text “ The Idealist”, Task sheets , Knowledge Chart,

Six hats, Self-assessment lists, computer, poster.

Activity, aim




1 Evocation stage

Aim : to get SS in-

volved, to lead into the topic of the lesson


“Bright Spot”


“Basket of ideas”

(Appendix 1)


‘Key words’

(Appendix 2)

2 Realization of meaning stage.


“Thin and Thick


(Appendix 3)

Aim : to check SS’

knowledge of the existing rules of behaviour in some English schools,

to widen SS’ knowledge about

patterns of everyday school life in both countries: Ireland and England,

to encourage

comparison, reporting.

3 Reflection stage


to make SS think critically, encourage their speaking.


“Six hats”


“Basket of ideas”

4 Knowledge


(Appendix 4)

Aim: to sum up

cultural facts SS got at the lesson

and encourage the

spirit of investigation

5 Brainstorming

Aim: to summarize

ideas for preparation for a

“Culture wallchart” presentation


(Appendix 4)

6 Follow-up













1 T greets SS and helps SS announce the topic of the lesson.

A big circle appears on the blackboard with the words of the same blue colour. One of them is red. This word is ‘School’. SSguess the theme of the lesson.

T asks SS to remember everything they know about school and make general statements to put into the basket of ideas.

SS work in small groups and give their ideas.

T asks SS to formulate the problem of the lesson . The problem: Does school affect a pupil only in a positive way?

T asks SS to interpret the notion “idealist” as it is the title of the text.

S1 : In my opinion, idealist is a man, who believes that the world must be perfect.

S2 : I also think so, and I want to add that such people think that everybody should be friendly, kind and honest.

T : Well, I think you are on the right way.

T asks SS to read the words on the blackboard and try to predict the plot of the text .

Ready? Now tell me what the text is going to be about.

P1: I suppose, the text will be about education.

P2: I think it will be about school life.

P3: I admit, the text will be about theft of money at school.

Now, my friends, start reading the text.

T makes pairs and hands out the task sheets, she asks SS to fill them in. T explains the task.

Less gifted SS get “Thin” questions, more gifted SS get “Thick” questions.

1.SS are engaged in intensive


2. SS fill in Task sheet-1

3.Some pairs report to the whole

class so that everyone can compare the findings.

SS add and share their ideas

T gives comments on the content of the reports.

T : Well, we’ve listened to each

pair today and discussed the problems connected with pat-terns of everyday school life in Britain at that time.

T: Well, it is time you should

work, thinking hard.

Break into small groups and choose the colour of your hat today.

T gives time for work.

As soon as SS are ready, they choose the speaker to present their work.

( there may be more than one S)

S1: Our hat is white. It means that we deal with statistics.

As for place:

- the events take place in one of

Irish schools .

Number of characters:

  • a boy called Delaney;

  • his classmates, among them Gorman, Spillane, Flanagan;

- Murderer Moloney their teacher.

School life:

  • punishment was introduced in schools (Bashing, caning, flogging, lifting by the ears).

Number of events:

  • being late for school (punishment);

  • theft of money (punishment);

  • fight with Gorman (punishment);

  • Delaney is late for school again (punishment)-change of his behaviour.

City life :

-early Mass at 7 a.m.

S2: Our hat is yellow. It means that we must think positively.

  • Positive is the fact that our main character Delaney liked reading;

  • positive is his desire to follow good examples of good people;

  • positive is the fact that Delaney could tell right from wrong;

  • positive is his wish not to be like others;

  • positive is his ability to develop strong will;

  • positive was his bravery

to be frank with his teacher;

  • positive is the fact that Delaney became flexible, more reasonable.

S3: .We have a black hat on. It

means that we must find as many negative facts as possible.


  • school got Delaney into trouble;

  • cruel rules of punishment were introduced in school;

  • children were treated badly;

  • pupils never sympathized with each other;

  • pupils didn’t see how awful their behaviour was;

  • pupils betrayed each other, sucked to the teacher, stole money;

  • teachers at school could cry at the children;

  • pupils were often late for school;

  • their school life was un –interesting.

S4: We have a blue hat on. It means that we’ll try to analyse the events of the story. We are certain that Delaney is a boy, who wants to believe in justice, in happiness for everybody. He wants to be kind, noble, brave. And he is ready to be a real hero in life. Romantic stories about school influenced him very much. But he meets real life, which is ugly and terrible. He tries to be noble. But the question comes :”What is the use of being noble among

cowards?” And he changes his behaviour. We believe that he will remain noble in his heart. But he will behave in the future

according to the life circum -


S5: We have a red hat on It means that we are going to speak about emotions we come across in this text.

  • The whole atmosphere of the text is depressing;

  • bad behaviour of his classmates caused pain and shame in the heart of Delaney;

  • Delaney is frightened when he is late for school;

  • Delaney suffers when his classmates mock at him;

  • all his fellows are shocked when they see their master’s cruelty;

  • Delaney is in panic when he is late for classes;

  • Delaney’s fellows despise him as they think that Delaney wants to show off.

S6: We have a green hat on. It means that we are to think something original . We’ve decided to create a picture because children like reading books with pictures. We want to suggest you our ideas. In the picture it would be reasonable

to draw a big figure of Master

Moloney. His face must be strict, angry and furious because they are his natural features of character. He must have a cane in his hands. In the other hand he has a book of romantic stories. It is a very important detail, as everything began with this book. The other figure in the picture must be a boy. His face is noble, his eyes are sad and full of tears. His cheeks are red as he feels shame for the actions of his teacher.

Delaney stands apart from his

сlassmates: he can’t belong to the group of his fellows.

(SS can exchange their ideas)

T thanks all the SS for their interesting work and asks a S

to take out the ideas put into the basket at the beginning of the lesson.

SS compare their ideas with those they learnt from the text filling the Knowledge Chart

SS find solutions to the problem.

Now I want you to think of some other fields of everyday

life in Britain that can present interest for you.

SS tell the class what they learned at the lesson (Knowledge Chart1) and about what they would like to know

in the next lesson (K. Ch.2)

T helps SS make their

thoughts more organized .

T: Now let’s make pairs and choose any topic you want to

prepare for the Culture Wallchart for the next lesson. The class may divide the topics into sub –topics .

T : You may use material

from the Internet and the books I’ve brought to you.

SS work with the lists of


T gives homework .

T finishes the lesson.



Basket of ideas

The text

‘The Idealist’


with the words

‘Thin and thick questions’

Six coloured hats

Basket of ideas.







Appendix 1

Evocation stage

Technique : Basket of ideas

1 Give general statements about school

P1: Children wear a school uniform in many schools.

P2: Teachers are the best friends of students. They help

them study and gain success.

P3: School helps students mold their personality.

P4: School develops pupils physically, mentally and


P5: Schools are equipped with computers, notebooks,

earphones, smart boards, etc.

P6: The atmosphere at school is friendly and helpful.

P7: Pupils participate in different subject Olympiads,

concerts, festivals, sporting events, meetings.

P8: Students can share their problems with their teacher,

who is always ready to help them.

Appendix 2

Technique : Key words

2 Read the words on the blackboard and try to predict

what the text is going to be about.

1 Get into trouble

2 Theft of money

3 Classmates

4 Football

5 Romantic stories

Appendix 3

Realization of meaning stage

Task Sheet

Thin questions

Thick questions

1 What made Delaney believe that people must be perfect?

1Give several explanations why Delaney hated school.

2 Why did he feel ashamed at school?

2 Explain why it was so difficult for his classmates to understand Delaney.

3 Who stole money one day?

3 Can you agree with the statement that everything at school depends on the teacher?

4Did Delaney betray his classmate?

4 Is it right to say that Delaney was an ideal pupil?

5 What is the name of the boy who tried to give him some advice?

5 Just imagine what it will be if Delaney

moves to another school?


Reflection stage

Technique : Six Hats

1 A white hat deals with statistics.

2 A yellow hat deals with positive thinking.

3 A black hat deals with finding negative facts.

4 A blue hat deals with analysis of events.

5 A red hat deals with emotions a reader comes

across in the text.

6 A green hat deals with some creative tasks

pupils think of.

Appendix 4

Technique : Knowledge Chart

1Compare your ideas about school life with those you have learnt from the text.



Now knowledge

Appendix 5

Self-assessment list

Форма самооценки своей деятельности на уроке

My participation

in the lesson

My feelings and emotions during the lesson

My difficulties

Valuable thoughts

for me from the lesson

The Idealist

Frank O’Connor

I don’t know how about education, but it never seemed to do anything for me but get me into trouble. I liked adventure stories, they were romantic. The fellows in the stories were given “lines” in Latin if they did anything wrong .They never cried when they were flogged. They never told lies and betrayed classmates. But I didn’t like my school: we had no football team and our teacher Murderer Moloney lifted us by the ears or bashed with a cane. The fellows sucked up to the masters and put the blame on others. I felt ashamed. When they were late for school they told lies.

I was frightened when I was late. I couldn’t tell a lie that I was at Mass and I told the truth. The class and the teacher were surprised. This was a new line for them.

The teacher’s face was red and he cried. He bashed me. My fellows looked at me as if I were an animal. He bashed me all the time I wanted to tell the truth. One day somebody had stolen money from Flanagan’s coat. I remembered Gorman taking something from a coat. The Murderer asked everyone but nobody told the truth. I didn’t betray Gorman. The teacher asked me to turn out the pockets and began to shout at me, he went mad, he was angry and ordered me to hold my hands. Every-

body was shocked but they had little sympathy with me .“You should call police”,

they advised me. He should be punished for cruelty. But they couldn’t understand

me why I hadn’t betrayed Gorman. “Delaney, said Spillane pityingly, “you are getting madder and madder. Next time after my fight with Gorman the Murderer

ordered Gorman to cane me.” I’m not a thief. You have no right to give him the cane. If you do it , I’ll go to the police and we’ll see who the thief is. I’m not a spy.

all the fellows here are dirty spies. Next day Gorman wanted to begin the fight, but Spillane ordered him away.

Next morning I was in panic I was late for school. “What kept you , Delaney?” the

Murderer asked quietly.

“I was at Mass, sir.”

“All right”. Take your seat”. He seemed a bit surprised. His pets had brought him the true story

of Flanagan’s shilling. He probably felt a fool.

But by that time I didn’t think about school. In my school bag I had another story. Not a school story this time.” Bang! Bang!- that was the only way to deal with men like the Murderer.


На конкурс представлена работа: урок по теме «The Role Of School in Molding a Pupil’s Character”. Данный урок является микротемой в серии уроков по теме: «Education.UK Style», которые проводятся в разделе

«Сulture focus» УМК New Matrix в 8 классе. Авторы УМК Kathy Gude,

Michael Duckworth, Elena Khatuntseva.

Изучение материала урока направлено на развитие социокультурной,

коммуникативной компетенций обучающихся, их представления об истории школьной жизни английских школьников и системе образования в Англии.

Урок относится к Модулю 6 и является заключительным уроком по теме.

Конкурсная работа состоит из конспекта урока, приложений и листа самооценки. В разработке урока была использована технология: «Развитие критического мышления через чтение и письмо».

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Роль школы в становлении личности учащегося

Автор: Марокова Наталия Павловна

Дата: 15.11.2014

Номер свидетельства: 130973

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