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«St. Valentine's Day».

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Ход урока


       I. Подготовка к восприятию иноязычной речи.


Slide 2 (Звучит песня Стинга “Every Breath You Take”)

Aim 1. Сообщение темы и цели урока.

Т: The topic of today's lesson is St. Valentine's Day. During the lesson we are going to speak about St. Valentine's traditions, discuss the problems of love, learn some proverbs about love, listen to the dialogue and retell it in indirect speech.


Slide 3

Warm - up 2. Введение в иноязычную среду.

Proverbs.  Работа над пословицами.


Т: Match the proverb and  its corresponding meaning.

  1. It is love that makes the world go round - Для любви нет преград.
  2. Love cannot be forced - Любовь побеждает все.
  3. Love is blind as well as hatred - Насильно мил не будешь.
  4. Love will creep where it may hot go     - Любовь зла.


II. Основная часть урока


Vocabulary Review 1.  Повторение и активизация выученных

ранее лексических единиц методом «Brainstorm» и схематическойзаписи слов, которые ассоциируются с темой «St. Valentine's Day».

Slide 4

Slide 5

Mind Map

1) Brainstorming. Схематическая запись слов.

T: What things do you associate with St. Valentine's Day? Could you write them on the blackboard, please?


2) Составить предложения, используя «Mind Мар».

Т: Make your sentences with these words.


Check on homework 2. Контроль домашнего задания.

Сообщения учащихся о Дне Святого Валентина.


Slide 6

Reading 3. Предъявление текста для чтения «The love letter».

Т: Once there was a boy who loved a girl very much. The girl’s father, however, did not want their love to grow. The boy wanted to write the girl a love letter, but he was sure that the girl's father would read it first. At last he wrote the following letter to the girl. (Учащиеся читают текст «The love letter»).


Slide 7 + Worksheet

       The great love I said I have for you is gone, and I find my dislike for you increases every day. When I see you, I do not even like the way you look; the only thing I want to do is to look the other way. I never wanted to marry you. Our last conversation was very dull and in no way has made me anxious to see you again. You think only of yourself. If we were married I know that I would find life very difficult, and I would have no pleasure in living with you. I have a heart to give but it is not a heart I want to give to you. No one is more demanding or selfish than you, and less able to care for me and be of help to me. I sincerely want you to understand that. I speak the truth. You will do me a favour if you consider this the end. Do not try to answer this. Your letters are full of things that do not interest me. You have no true concern for me. Good-bye! Believe me, I do not care for you. Please, do not think I am still your loving friend.

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Кирилловская средняя школа

Разработка открытого урока английского языка в 11 классе по теме: «St. Valentine's Day».

Кирилловская средняя школа,

с. Кирилловка , Айыртауского района

Северо-Казахстанской области

учитель английского

языка Сафина Марина Владимировна


Тема урока: «St. Valentine's Day».

Задачи урока: Расширить знания учащихся о праздниках в англоязычных странах. Развивать навыки устной речи при обсуждении проблем молодых людей. Практиковать учащихся в косвенной речи. Повторить правило согласования времени. Воспитывать у учащихся высокие нравственные качества, уважение к представителям противоположного пола.

Оборудование: Запись песни Стинга «Every Breath You take», карточки с заданиями (НО), раздаточный материал (Worksheet), «почтовый ящик», «валентинки», презентация Power Point, компьютер, проектор, экран.

Ход урока

I. Подготовка к восприятию иноязычной речи.

Slide 2 (Звучит песня Стинга “Every Breath You Take”)

Aim 1. Сообщение темы и цели урока.

Т: The topic of today's lesson is St. Valentine's Day. During the lesson we are going to speak about St. Valentine's traditions, discuss the problems of love, learn some proverbs about love, listen to the dialogue and retell it in indirect speech.

Slide 3

Warm - up 2. Введение в иноязычную среду.

Proverbs. Работа над пословицами.

Т: Match the proverb and its corresponding meaning.

  1. It is love that makes the world go round - Для любви нет преград.

  2. Love cannot be forced - Любовь побеждает все.

  3. Love is blind as well as hatred - Насильно мил не будешь.

  4. Love will creep where it may hot go - Любовь зла.

II. Основная часть урока

Vocabulary Review 1. Повторение и активизация выученных

ранее лексических единиц методом «Brainstorm» и схематическойзаписи слов, которые ассоциируются с темой «St. Valentine's Day».

Slide 4

Slide 5

Mind Map

1) Brainstorming. Схематическая запись слов.

T: What things do you associate with St. Valentine's Day? Could you write them on the blackboard, please?

2) Составить предложения, используя «Mind Мар».

Т: Make your sentences with these words.

Check on homework 2. Контроль домашнего задания.

Сообщения учащихся о Дне Святого Валентина.

Slide 6

Reading 3. Предъявление текста для чтения «The love letter».

Т: Once there was a boy who loved a girl very much. The girl’s father, however, did not want their love to grow. The boy wanted to write the girl a love letter, but he was sure that the girl's father would read it first. At last he wrote the following letter to the girl. (Учащиеся читают текст «The love letter»).

Slide 7 + Worksheet

The great love I said I have for you is gone, and I find my dislike for you increases every day. When I see you, I do not even like the way you look; the only thing I want to do is to look the other way. I never wanted to marry you. Our last conversation was very dull and in no way has made me anxious to see you again. You think only of yourself. If we were married I know that I would find life very difficult, and I would have no pleasure in living with you. I have a heart to give but it is not a heart I want to give to you. No one is more demanding or selfish than you, and less able to care for me and be of help to me. I sincerely want you to understand that. I speak the truth. You will do me a favour if you consider this the end. Do not try to answer this. Your letters are full of things that do not interest me. You have no true concern for me. Good-bye! Believe me, I do not care for you. Please, do not think I am still your loving friend.


T: The girl's father read the letter. He was pleased, and then gave the letter to his daughter. The girl read the letter and was very happy.The boy still loved her. Do you understand why she was pleased? She andthe boy had a secret way of writing to each other.

Can you guess their secret code?

P: The boy used antonyms and negative sentences.

4. T: Right you are. And now let's practice the secret code. You've got

handout N1. Fill in the blanks with antonyms of the italicized words.

Example: I'll ask you the questions. You'll answer them.

The boy didn't hate the girl. He her.

The letter was difficult to read. It wasn't .

I'm not laughing. I'm .

The cup isn't full. It's .

She isn't thin, and she isn't .

We're not sad. We're .

Don't begin at the end. Start at the .

The book wasn't dull. It was very .

The opposite of first is .

High and are opposite in meaning.

Slide 9

Oral Practice 5. Answer the questions.

1. Did you think it was a love letter when you read it?

2. Who read the letter first? Do you think he was pleased?

  1. Why was the girl happy when she read the letter?

  2. Do you think father knew about their secret way of writing?

5. Do you think this secret way of writing is a good one?

6. Have you ever written or got a love letter?
Now you know how to do it.

Slide 10

Listening 6. Предъявление диалога для аудирования.

Т: Tanya and Marik prepared a dialogue. Listen to it.

Мальчик и девочка под музыку рассказывают подготовленный диалог.

(Остальные учащиеся слышат этот диалог впервые)

Him: Would you like to dance?

Her: Yes, all right.

Him: Great party, isn't it? Are you enjoying yourself?

Her: Yes, I'm having a very good time.

Him: Who's giving this party anyway?

Her: You mean you weren't invited? You're gate-crashing?

(to gate-crash - приходит не приглашенным)

Him: No, not really. I came with a friend. He was invited.

Her: Oh, 1 see. Well, you see that girl over there. That's Jane. We're

celebrating her 18th birthday.

Him: Great. Did you give Tanya a present?

Her: Of, course. I gave her several gifts. By the way, where's your friend?

Maybe I know him?

Him: Let me see. There he is. See that guy sitting all alone?

Her: He doesn't look as if he's having much fun.

Him: No, he never enjoys parties. He always finds them boring.

Her: You two are very different, eh?

Him: Right. I love parties. You can do wild and crazy things. And you can

meet the most exciting interesting people, like you.

Her: Well, thank you and thanks for the dance. Nice meeting you.

Him: Don't you want to have another dance?

Her: Sorry, 1 can't. 1 have to go now and put the candles on Jane's cake.

You see I'm Jane's mother.

Grammar7. Выполнение задания: практика в употреблении

косвенной речи и согласования времен

Т: The following story describes what happened during the dance. Read and fill in

the gaps.

At a birthday_____________ (1) a young man asked a young _________(2)to dance. She accepted. While they were dancing he asked her if she was _________________(3) herself. She said she was. When he asked her if she knew whose party it was, the lady asked him if he had been__________________ (4). He explained that he had come with a ______________(5) who had been invited. The lady then told him that the party was to(6) the birthday of a girl called Jane.The lady wanted to see who the young man's friend was. He pointed to a boy sitting alone. The boy didn't look as if he was having ___________ (7).The lady said that the two friends were very ______________________(8). The young man agreed, saying that his friend always found parties

_________________ (9) but he liked to have a good time and to do wild and_________________ (10) things.When the music stopped the lady thanked him for the dance. The young man was upset and wanted to know why she didn't want to dance any more. The lady then explained that she had to put some candles on Jane's birthday _____________ (11). She said she was Jane's _______________ (12).

T: Now, guys, read the story you got.

Учащиеся читают рассказ.

Slide 11

T: Love is the most wonderful and glorified feеling. There are millions of poems and songs about love. Here is a song by Sting. Listen to it, and try to sing along.

Учащиеся прослушивают песню Стинга «Every Breath You Take».

T: What is your favorite love song? Do you know any poems about love?

Учащиеся рассказывают стихи о любви.

III. Заключительная часть урока.

Slide 12

Homework. Домашнее задание.

1. Ответить на вопросы анкеты.

2. Написать письмо другу.

Summerizing. Подведение итогов урока.

Т: Did you like to talk about love? Will you celebrate Valentine's Day?

Let's read your "valentines".

Slide 13

Учитель открывает почтовый ящик и раздает «валентинки».

Просмотр содержимого документа
«раздаточный материал»


Fill in the blanks with antonyms of the italicized words.

Example: I'll ask you the questions. You'll answer them.

The boy didn't hate the girl. He her.

The letter was difficult to read. It wasn't .

I'm not laughing. I'm .

The cup isn't full. It's .

She isn't thin, and she isn't .

We're not sad. We're .

Don't begin at the end. Start at the .

The book wasn't dull. It was very .

The opposite of first is .

High and are opposite in meaning.


Fill in the blanks with antonyms of the italicized words.

Example: I'll ask you the questions. You'll answer them.

The boy didn't hate the girl. He her.

The letter was difficult to read. It wasn't .

I'm not laughing. I'm .

The cup isn't full. It's .

She isn't thin, and she isn't .

We're not sad. We're .

Don't begin at the end. Start at the .

The book wasn't dull. It was very .

The opposite of first is .

High and are opposite in meaning.


Every Breath You Take (by Sting)

Every breath you take,
Every move you make,
Every bond you break,
Every step you take,
I'll be watching you.

Every single day,
Every word you say,
Every game you play,
Every night you stay,
I'll be watching you.

O, can't you see
You belong to me.
How my poor heart aches with every step you take,
Every move you make,
Every vow you break,
Every smile you fake,
Every claim you stake,
I'll be watching you.

Since you've gone I been lost without a trace,
I dream at night I can only see your face,
I look around but it's you I can't replace,
I keep crying, baby, please…

Every move you make,
Every vow you break,
Every smile you fake,
Every claim you stake,
I'll be watching you.


The following story describes what happened during the dance.

Read and fill in the gaps.

At a birthday_____________ (1) a young man asked a young _________(2)

to dance. She accepted. While they were dancing he asked her if she was

_________________(3) herself. She said she was.

When he asked her if she knew whose party it was, the lady asked him if

he had been__________________ (4). He explained that he had come with

a ______________(5) who had been invited. The lady then told him that the

party was to (6) the birthday of a girl called Jane.

The lady wanted to see who the young man's friend was. He pointed to a

boy sitting alone. The boy didn't look as if he was having ___________ (7).

The lady said that the two friends were very ______________________(8).

The young man agreed, saying that his friend always found parties

_________________ (9) but he liked to have a good time and to do wild and

_________________ (10) things.

When the music stopped the lady thanked him for the dance. The young man

was upset and wanted to know why she didn't want to dance any more. The

lady then explained that she had to put some candles on Jane's birthday

_____________ (11). She said she was Jane's _______________ (12).

Просмотр содержимого презентации
«St.Valentine's Day»

St.Valentine’s  Day

St.Valentine’s Day

Sting  “Every Breath You Take”

Sting “Every Breath You Take”

It is love that makes the word go round.  Love cannot be forced.  Love is blind as well as hatred.  Love will creep where it may not go.  Для любви нет преград.  Любовь побеждает все.  Любовь зла – полюбишь и козла.  Насильно мил не будешь.
  • It is love that makes the word go round.

  • Love cannot be forced.

  • Love is blind as well as hatred.

  • Love will creep where it may not go.

  • Для любви нет преград.

  • Любовь побеждает все.

  • Любовь зла – полюбишь и козла.

  • Насильно мил не будешь.

St.Valentine Symbols

St.Valentine Symbols

  • Red roses & hearts
  • Chocolates & candy
  • Valentine Cards
  • Gifts
  • Toys
  • Jewelry
Romantic Supper

Romantic Supper

The Love Letter Once there was a boy who loved a girl very much. The girl’s father, however, didn’t like the boy and did not want their love to grow. The boy wanted to write the girl a love letter, but he was sure that the girl’s father would read it first. At last he wrote the following letter.

The Love Letter

Once there was a boy who loved a girl very much. The girl’s father, however, didn’t like the boy and did not want their love to grow. The boy wanted to write the girl a love letter, but he was sure that the girl’s father would read it first. At last he wrote the following letter.

The great love I said I have for you is gone, and I find my dislike for you increases every day. When I see you, I do not even like the way you look; the only thing I want to do is to look the other way. I never wanted to marry you. Our last conversation was very dull and in no way has made me anxious to see you again. You think only of yourself. If we were married I know that I would find life very difficult, and I would have no pleasure in living with you. I have a heart to give but it is not a heart I want to give to you. No one is more demanding or selfish than you, and less able to care for me and be of help to me. I sincerely want you to understand that. I speak the truth. You will do me a favour if you consider this the end. Do not try to answer this. Your letters are full of things that do not interest me. You have no true concern for me. Good-bye! Believe me, I do not care for you. Please, do not think I am still your loving friend.

The great love I said I have for you is gone, and I find my dislike for you increases every day. When I see you, I do not even like the way you look; the only thing I want to do is to look the other way. I never wanted to marry you. Our last conversation was very dull and in no way has made me anxious to see you again. You think only of yourself. If we were married I know that I would find life very difficult, and I would have no pleasure in living with you. I have a heart to give but it is not a heart I want to give to you. No one is more demanding or selfish than you, and less able to care for me and be of help to me. I sincerely want you to understand that. I speak the truth. You will do me a favour if you consider this the end. Do not try to answer this. Your letters are full of things that do not interest me. You have no true concern for me. Good-bye! Believe me, I do not care for you. Please, do not think I am still your loving friend.

The girl’s father read the letter. He was pleased and gave the letter to his daughter. The girl read the letter and was very happy – the boy still loved her! Try to guess why the girl was pleased.

The girl’s father read the letter. He was pleased and gave the letter to his daughter. The girl read the letter and was very happy – the boy still loved her! Try to guess why the girl was pleased.

Answer The Questions Can you say it ’ s a love letter when you read it for the first time? Who read the letter first? Was he pleased? Why? Why was the girl happy when she read the letter? Do you think it ’ s a good way of writing a love letter?

Answer The Questions

  • Can you say it s a love letter when you read it for the first time?
  • Who read the letter first? Was he pleased? Why?
  • Why was the girl happy when she read the letter?
  • Do you think it s a good way of writing a love letter?

  • Have you ever written or got a love letter?
Listening To The Dialogue At a birthday party a boy asked a girl to dance…

Listening To The Dialogue

At a birthday party a boy asked a girl to dance…

Sting “Every Breath You Take” O, can't you see  You belong to me.  How my poor heart aches With every step you take,  Every move you make,  Every vow you break,  Every smile you fake,  Every claim you stake,  I'll be watching you. Every move you make, Every step you take, I’ll be watching you.   Since you've gone I’ve been lost without a trace,  I dream at night I can only see your face,  I look around but it's you I can't replace, I feel so cold, and I long for your embrace.  I keep crying, baby, baby, please…    Every breath you take,  Every move you make,  Every bond you break,  Every step you take,  I'll be watching you.   Every single day,  Every word you say,  Every game you play,  Every night you stay,  I'll be watching you.     O, can't you see  You belong to me.  How my poor heart aches With every step you take,  Every move you make,  Every vow you break,  Every smile you fake,  Every claim you stake.  I'll be watching you.

Sting “Every Breath You Take”

O, can't you see You belong to me. How my poor heart aches

With every step you take, Every move you make, Every vow you break, Every smile you fake, Every claim you stake, I'll be watching you.

Every move you make,

Every step you take,

I’ll be watching you.

Since you've gone I’ve been lost without a trace, I dream at night I can only see your face, I look around but it's you I can't replace,

I feel so cold, and I long for your embrace. I keep crying, baby, baby, please…

Every breath you take, Every move you make, Every bond you break, Every step you take, I'll be watching you. Every single day, Every word you say, Every game you play, Every night you stay, I'll be watching you.

O, can't you see You belong to me. How my poor heart aches With every step you take, Every move you make, Every vow you break, Every smile you fake, Every claim you stake. I'll be watching you.

Homework:  1. Answer the questions of personality quiz “Do You Love?  Are You Loved?”  2. Write a letter to your friend.

Homework: 1. Answer the questions of personality quiz “Do You Love? Are You Loved?” 2. Write a letter to your friend.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

«St. Valentine's Day».

Автор: Сафина Марина Владимировна

Дата: 15.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 173780

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