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«Страницы Британской истории»

Класс: 7 класс

Предмет: Английский язык, История

Цель: Раскрытие особенностей королевской власти в Англии на примере                   

личностей монархов (Генриха VIII, Марии I, Елизаветы I); Развитие навыка монологической речи по теме урока; Развитие лингвострановедческого кругозора учащихся.


Воспитательные: формировать у учащихся чувство уважения и интереса к истории страны изучаемого языка; воспитание культуры общения.

Развивающие: развивать языковые, интеллектуальные  и познавательные способности учащихся.

Практические: развивать навыки монологической речи на английском языке; приобщить к культурным ценностям страны изучаемого языка.

Тип урока: интегрированный урок истории и английского языка.

Оборудование: экран, мультимедийное оборудование, карточки с заданиями.

Выставка книг: «Страницы Британской истории».

Ход урока:

Начало урока. Учитель истории приветствует учащихся: «Здравствуйте, дети!»

Учитель английского языка: Good morning boys and girls, collogues and guests! Today we’ll have unusual lesson History and English Language. We got together to discuss the problem: The Monarchy of England in the XVI century.

Учитель истории: «Тема урока: Королевская власть в Англии в XVI веке (слайд)

Учитель истории начинает урок с чтения эпиграфа: « …король в своих владениях является под Богом высшей властью и монархом, которому его подданные, в силу Божьих заповедей, обязаны самым честным повиновением больше, чем каким-либо другим властям и правителям на Земле».

Томас Кромвель. «Инструкция английскому духовенству»


Учитель английского языка: Shakespeare wrote, ‘Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown’.

Учитель истории:

Сегодня мы отправимся в путешествие по Англии того времени (План урока слайд) и узнаем, как правление монархов влияло на жизнь людей.

Учитель английского языка: Our task is to speak about the role of the monarchs in the people lives.

II. Our first step is to revise the vocabulary to the topic. So, look at the screen. Read after me







a true catholic




to be executed


to be beheaded

to get rid of





to dominate

to suppress

Read in a chain and translate

Затем хором и индивидуально учащиеся повторяют эти слова.

После фонетической отработки лексических единиц учитель английского языка предлагает ответить на следующие вопросы (с опорой на наглядность):

III. As a speech exercise, I want you to remember:

1) What was the name of the war in England in the beginning in the century? (The War of the Roses between the houses of York (white rose) and Lancaster (red rose).

2) Назовите даты начала и окончания этой войны.

3)  What family did come to the power after the war? (The Tudor)

4) Какая форма правления была в Англии в 16 веке?

5) Назовите основные черты абсолютизма?

5) What does the word “reformation” mean? (To reform means to change. Reformation changed the way the church was run throughout England).

6) When did the English Reformation start? (The English Reformation started in the reign of Henry VIII.)

7) Каковы особенности реформации в Англии?

Учитель истории: Своё  путешествие мы начнем  вместе с американским писателем Марком Твеном. Предлагаем вам отрывок из произведения «Принц и Нищий»,  в котором описана воображаемая встреча сына Генриха VIII принца Эдуарда и мальчика-нищего Тома Кенти.  


Ролевая игра.

The soldier (shout): Mind your manners, young beggar!

Prince: How dare you treat my father’s poorest subject like this? Open the gates and let

him in!

The soldier: Long live the Price of Wales!

Prince: You look tired and hungry: you need some rest. Come with me.

Servants brought some food.

Prince: What is your name, lad?

Tom: Tom Canty, sir.

Prince: That’s an odd name. Where do you live?

Tom: In the city, sir. Offal Court, sir.

Prince: Offal Court! That’s another odd thing. Do you have parents?

Tom: Parents have I, sir, and a grandmother and also twin sisters, Nan and Bat.

Prince: Is your grandmother kind to you?

Tom: She is not kind to anybody.

Prince: Does she treat you badly?

Tom: She is harmless when she is asleep or drunk, but when her mind is clear she always beats me.

Prince: Beats you! – and you are so weak and little. Listen: before the night comes, she shall be executed in the Tower. The king my father…

Tom: You forget, sir, her low degree. The Tower is for noble people.

Prince: True, indeed. I had not thought of that. I will think about her punishment.

Доклады учащихся по данной теме

Учитель английского языка дает задание:  

Red rounds mean difficult tasks, blue ones are not very difficult, green ones are easy.

Choose the correct beginning or ending. (Тест)

1) The Tudor family came to power… .

a) after the Hundred Years` War

b) after the War with Ireland

c) after the Wars of the Roses

2) By 1521 Henry VIII had written an Anti-Lutheran book for which a grateful Pope awarded him the title of … .

a) Supreme Head of his new church

b) Defender of the Faith

c) Hammer of the Scots

3) Henry VIII closed the monasteries because … .

a) he wanted to get their wealth and lands

b) he was an atheist

c) he quarreled with his first wife

4) Henry VIII wanted to divorce Catherine of Aragon because … .

a) she loved his brother

b) she didn’t give him a son

c) she had a nasty character

5) Henry VIII had his second wife, Anne Boleyn, executed because … .

a) she didn’t give him a son

b) she had six fingers on her hand

c) she was the mother of Elizabeth, who later became the greatest monarch England had ever known

6) Henry VIII broke away from the Catholic Church because … .

a) the Pope refused to allow Henry to divorce Catherine of Aragon

b) The Pope told Henry that his marriage to Catherine was a sin

c) Henry wanted to become a Protestant

7) All in all Henry VIII had … .

a) eight wives

b) five wives

c) six wives

8) Henry VIII wanted to have a son because … .

a) he thought that England would be weak if there were no King to follow him

b) he hated girls

c) he wanted to have somebody to play football with

9) After Henry`s death … came to the throne.

a) his daughter Elizabeth

b) his wife Anne Boleyn

c) his son Edward

10) … became the greatest monarch England has ever known

a) Mary

b) Elizabeth

c) Edward, Prince of Wales  

Учитель истории:

Когда  Генрих VIII умер в 1547 году, его единственный сын Эдвард стал королем. К сожалению, правление этого умного и доброго мальчика было недолгим. Было трудно оставаться здоровым в 16 веке даже для короля. Все знали, что после смерти Эдварда его сестра Мэри будет следующая претендовать на трон. Было ясно, что Романо-Католическая религия будет утверждена в Англии снова. Т.о. группа знати решила поставить Леди Джейн Грей протестантку на трон. Но Джейн была королевой только девять дней.

Ролевая игра.

Author: Mary was not a harsh woman and she had no wish to end her cousin’s life. But, whispered her advisers, as long as Jane Grey lived, there would be plots and rebellions, the Queen sent a priest to see if the girl could become a Catholic; only that could save her.

            Jane was young and she did not want to die:

Jane:  I am innocent and I do not deserve this sentence. But please don’t tempt me above my power.

 Author: Her Protestant religion meant more to her than life and, although she liked the priest and kissed him farewell at the end, she did not agree.

Jane: (обращаясь к людям) Pray for me. (К палачу) I forgive you. (завязывает себе глаза)

Author: The people heard a clear, girlish voice cry out:

Jane: Lord, into your hands I commend my spirit.

Доклады учащихся о времени правления Марии I.

Учитель английского:

Decide whether the following statements are True or False.

1)  Mary I was an evil and ruthless woman.

2) Edward VI was murdered.

3) Lady Jane Grey wanted to be Queen of England.

4) Queen Mary burnt Protestant because they refused to become Catholic.

5) Mary I was called Bloody Mary because she killed many people.

6) Mary I married King Philip of Spain because the common people asked her to do it.

7) The English declared war on France and won a victory.

8) Mary wanted to bring England back to the Roman Catholic Church.

Учитель истории: Мы отправляемся дальше во времени и переносимся во времена правления следующего монарха. Это дочь Генриха VIII – Великая королева Елизавета I.

Доклады учащихся

Учитель английского языка дает задание: 

Answer the questions.

1) When was Elizabeth born?

2) Why was her birth a big disappointment for Henry VIII?

3) Why did Henry VIII want to have the son so much?

4) What happened to Elizabeth after her mother’s execution?

5) Why was Elizabeth’s life in danger during the reign of her half-sister Mary I?

6) At what age did Elizabeth become a queen?

7) What did Elizabeth inherit from her parents?

8) Why is Elizabethan age called the golden age of England?

9) Why did Scotland present a threat to England?

10) Describe Mary Stuart and Elizabeth I.

11) Why did Mary Stuart have to flee to England?

12) Why was she put in prison?

13) Why did Mary Stuart have to be executed?

14) Who succeeded Elizabeth on the throne and why?

Учитель истории подводит итоги урока. Какова роль монархов в жизни людей? На сколько это важно кто управляет страной? Предлагает домашнее задание: написать мини сочинение – «Один день при дворе … (любого монарха на выбор).

Учитель английского языка: Today we have finished our texts from home reading books. Next lesson we`ll continue our topic “Sport” from the student’s books.

You were very active today. Your marks are a five for your role plays and your answers. Thank you for the lesson.

The lesson is over. Good-bye.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Страницы Британской истории

Автор: Байрамова Айнур Ровшангызы

Дата: 21.11.2016

Номер свидетельства: 360919

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