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Teenage magazines.

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Разработка направлена на усвоение и закрепление материала по тебе журналы для тинейджеров.

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«Teenage magazines.»

Муниципальное общеобразовательное автономное учреждение

« Средняя общеобразовательная школа №6» имени А.С. Пушкина


«Teenage Magazines»

Бузулук, 2015 год


Обучающие: научиться вести разговор о журналах для подростков, обобщить и расширить знания учащихся о подростковых журналах в Великобритании; расширить общий и лингвистический кругозор учащихся, развивать социокультурную компетенцию.

Развивающие: способствовать развитию интереса у учащихся к изучению английского языка; развивать коммуникативные УУД через все виды речевой деятельности; развивать регулятивные УУД, в том числе умения целеполагания, планирования, самонаблюдения, самоконтроля и самооценки; развивать навыки работы с информацией.

Воспитательные: воспитывать информационную культуру, толерантность и уважение к разным вкусам и точкам зрения, способствовать осознанию возможностей самореализации средствами иностранного языка; воспитывать культуру поведения через освоение норм этикета: умение преподносить и реагировать на информацию, предлагать идею.

Оборудование: компьютер, колонки, проектор, экран, презентация PowerPoint, опорные схемы, карточки для учащихся, кейсы с заданиями, журналы, набор слов для составления синквейна.

Ход урока.

1. Greetings. (slide 1) 1min

Good morning, children!

Nice to meet you on our lesson.

How are you?

Dear guests, I’m glad to see you at our lesson.

Students, what date is it today?

What day of the week is it today?

2. Introducing the topic. 3 min

Let’s have a brainstorm now.

What types of media do you know?

(TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, Internet) (slide 2)

How often do you watch TV?

How often do you read newspapers?

And what about magazines?

What are your favorite magazines? (опора на доске)

Look at the board. These phrases will help you to answer the question.

I’m fond of reading…….

I’m keen on reading……

I’m interested in reading …….

My favourite magazine is …….

I like to read …….

I prefer to read ……

What is special about them? (They are for teenagers)

So, what is the topic of our lesson ? ( Teens magazines)

Yes, you are right! The topic of our lesson is “Teenage magazines” (slide 3).

3.Aims(goals). 1 min

What are the aims of our lesson?

What shall we do ?

Look at the board.

We will revise the words

read the text about British teenage magazines

talk about teens magazines and their main features.

do projects

4. Phonetic drills. 2 min

In order to speak about teens magazines properly we need to revise some words & train our sounds. (slide 4)

Listen & repeat.

Kate, read the words with the sound [ t ] (аналогично остальные)

[ t ] sport, stars, competition, beauty, computer, about, photography

[ l ]travelling, article, celebrities, people, problem, health, title

[ d ] food, gardening, inside.

5. Speaking. (slide5) 1 min

Do you like to play games?

Let’s play a game.

I’ll show you a cover of a magazine & you’ll guess what it is about.(sport, fashion/ beauty, music, computers, travelling, photography, food, gardening, cars, teens)

What do they have inside? (slide 6) 2 min

Look at the board. Use the model.(образец на доске)

In my opinion,

I think,

To my mind, they have_____________ inside.

I believe,


Well done!

6.Открытие нового знания. Speaking & reading. 2 min

So, as you can see there are a lot of different types of magazines & they give us different information. The information is given in articles & articles have feature titles.(slide 7)

Match the feature titles to the categories, which you can find in magazines.

You should do this task in your cards.

( дети выполняют самостоятельно, затем проверяют вместе с учителем)

Are you ready ?

Let’s cheak.

K., begin. ( кликаю- на слайде появляются стрелочки)

(образец ответа 1-6 на листочках в карточках)

The article____________ is about ___________ .

1This month’s horoscopes! a. Stars & celebrities

2 Get perfect skin! b. health & beauty

3 Our top 10 summer outfits! c. fashion

4 Win tickets to a Champion’s League match d. regular features

5 Britain’s hottest new boy bands! e. competitions & offers

6 Do your friends really know you? f. quizzes

7 The Generations gap! g. articles

The Generation gap is an article

Работа с текстом (slide 8) слайд с вопросами 8min

Do you want to learn about British teens magazines?

You’ll find a lot of information in the text.

Open your students’ books on page 41 & now, we’ll listen to the text.

After that you answer the questions. ( slide 9)

N., read the questions.

Are the questions clear to you?

Let’s begin.( включаю запись)

Answer the questions. (фронтально)

Kate, read the 1st question.

Answer the question.

What do teens magazines have inside?

What makes the magazines more attractive?

Why are these magazines popular with teens?

What have you learnt about British teenage magazines?

I have leant that___________ . (опора на доске)

Примерные ответы детей:

1 the most popular magazines for girls are “Sugar” & “Bliss”.

2 British teens magazines have glossy, colourful covers & include fashion, horoscopes, problem pages & others.

3 boys prefer reading music or sport magazines.

4 teenage magazines contain a lot of language that only teens use.

5 the problem pages in British magazines are very popular.

7. Relaxation pause. 2 min

I found an article about relaxation in one British magazine.

There was an exercise.

Let’s do some exercises which are offered to us.

8. Первичное закрепление. Диалогическая речь. Acting out a dialogue. 7 min

Each of us has a favourite magazine.

Show me your favourite magazines. (slide 10)

And now work in pairs& find out as much as possible about your friend’s favourite magazine. Use the questions on the cards. You have 1 minute to do the task.

1 What magazines do you like to read?

2 How often do you read magazines?

3 What’s your favourite magazine?

4 Why “_____” is your favourite magazine?

5 What does it have inside?

9. Включение нового знания в систему. Работа над проектом. Project. (slide 11) 9min

And now I’ve got an interesting task for you.

Imagine that you are a team of editors of a popular teenage magazine.

You’re the 1st team, & you’re the 2nd team.

Now each group gets its own case.

In each case there is a message from your boss (Приложение ), a white sheet of paper, pictures, felt tip pens, scissors and glue.

You need to make a design of the cover of your magazine and present it to the class.

You have 5 minutes. (slide) (учащимся выдаются конверты с заданиями и необходимыми материалами, они должны продумать и из подручных средств создать макет обложки журнала; после этого один из представителей команды презентует работу классу)

Are you ready?

Present the cover of your magazines to the class.

Good for you/ Well done.

10. Cinquan. 4 min

I see that you’re very creative & clever students.

And how about a cinquan?

Let’s try to make it.

Do you remember how to make a cinquan?

Look at the screen. (slide 12)

The 1st line is a noun. It’s the topic.

The 2nd line-2 adjectives which describe the topic.

The 3rd line-actions (3verbs )

The 4th line- a phrase about your topic.

The 5th line- the equivalent of the topic.

Now, I’ll give you some words.

Use them to make a cinquan.

Here you are. (даю 1 команде)

Here you are. (даю 2 каманде)

You have 2 minutes.

(раздаются набор слов на цветных листах и дети из них составляют синквейн)

Adjectives- interesting, glossy, colourful, attractive, popular, boring, modern, bright, amazing;

Verbs- read, relax, buy, enjoy, entertain, inform, include, scan, attract, amuse.

Phrases- All teens like reading magazines.

We prefer buying magazines. ( Each teenager has a favourite magazine.)

Are you ready?

Come to the board & share your ideas with us.

Read aloud your cinquans, when you’re ready.







All teens like reading magazines.

“ Oops”

11. Reflection. 2 min

Our lesson comes to the end.

So we’ve done a lot & you have worked hard today.

Take your control cards & tick the following columns.

Control card

Tick the following columns

I took part in:

Playing a game___________________________________________________

Matching the titles to the categories___________________________________

Reading about British teens magazines and answering the questions_________

Speaking about magazines__________________________________________

Doing a project___________________________________________________

Making a cinquan ________________________________________________

My score is___________

“5”: 5-6

“4”: 3-4

“3”: 1-2

What’s your score?

Excellent! Your mark is ___. Good. Your mark is ____.

12. The end of the lesson. 1 min

Open your record books & put down your marks for the lesson. (slide 13)

Write down your home task p.41 ex.5

(Make a project about your favourite magazine).

Thanks for the lesson. Goodbye, students. (slide 14)

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Teenage magazines.

Автор: Иванушкина Ирина Олеговна

Дата: 18.02.2018

Номер свидетельства: 458108

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