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"The Environment Protection of the World"

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Разработка внеклассного мероприятия на тему глобальных экологических проблем, способствует воспитанию экологической культуры, рационального отношения к природе, гуманного отношения к окружающей среде, понимание необходимости защиты природной среды на местном, национальном и международном уровнях.

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«"The Environment Protection of the World" »

Позакласний захід з англійської мови

"The Protection of the Environment"

Мета: пересвідчитись, які учні засвоїли матеріал про глобальні екологічні проблеми, практикувати в усних монологічних висловлюваннях за темою: розвивати логічне мислення, вміння аналізувати та робити висновки, самостійно оволодівати знаннями користуючись різними джерелами інформації, сприяти вихованню екологічної культури, раціонального ставлення до природи, гуманного відношення до оточуючого середовища, розуміння потреби захисту природного довкілля на місцевому, національному та міжнародному рівнях.

Обладнання: використання мультимедіа, таблиці, графіки.

Хід заходу

І. Повідомлення теми, мети.

Teacher: Dear pupils! Glad to see you again. Today we have an unusual lesson, it is the Press-Conference lesson devoted to the major problem of modern civilization. It is the Problem of the Planet, ecological problems. We'll speak today not only about ecological problems in Ukraine but also about ecological problems in Great Britain "Ecology" is a very popular word today. But what does it mean? Ecology is a science which studies the relationship between all forms of life on our planet and the environment. This word came from Greek "oikos" which means "home". The idea of home includes our whole planet, its population, nature, animals, birds, fish, insects, all other living being and even the atmosphere around our planet. That's why we can say that "Earth is our Home".

We'll start our conference with the words from Native American poems:

(Учениця читає вірш).

Teacher: I consider that we must really fight for the beauty and richness of our Earth, it's won't be too late to save the Earth. What beautiful scenery and view of our nature do we have! We can only admire looking at this beauty; luxurious forests with different trees in it, clean mountainous water, cloudless blue sky, the river with limpid water, beautiful flowers in blossom. "How can we save such beauty and the richness of our Nature, of our Earth?

So, that's why we gathered today at our conference to discuss this ecological problem of our environment.

There are representatives - quests at our conference from Great Britain and Ukrainian specialists in the field of ecology, journalists from different editions of newspapers and magazines. Let me introduce them:

Endy Bradel - professor of ecology from Gr. Britain;

Mr. Bill Aniston - famous ecologist from Britain;

Mr.Piven - ecologist from Ukraine;

Miss Panchik - professor of demography and economy;

Miss. Shchitova - an inspector of Kyiv sanitary epidemiological station.

They are greatly interested in these problems and they'll share their opinions on this vital problem and may be together, combining our efforts we shall decide how survive and to save our planet. So, let give the floor to the professor of ecology Mr. Endy Bradel:

Mr. Bradel: I'm glad to be present at this press conference and, of course I want to tell some words about the protection of nature in my own native country. To begin with, the British consider that the protection of nature is international importance, but they are interested in the need of improvment of environment protection too. The Government worked out the rules for the use of the Earth's atmosphere. And as a result total emission of smoke in the atmosphere have fallen by over 85% since 1960.

The Government does everything possible to eliminate harmful substances, which demage the ozone layer and contribute to the greenhouse effect which leads to global warming and a rise of sea levels. Have you got any questions?

Journalist: What is the greenhouse effect and is it affecting our climate?

Mr. Bradel: The greenhouse effect is unquestionably real and is essential for life on Earth. It's the result of heat absorbtion by certain gases in the atmosphere and eradiation down ward of a part of that heat. Water vapor is the most important greenhouse gas, followed by carbon dioxide and other trace gases. I must underline that the human activities are leading to an enhancement of the greenhouse effect.

Journalist 2: Are greenhouse gases increasing?

Mr. Bradel: Yes, human activity has been increasing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (mostly carbon dioxide from combustion of coal, oil and gas; plus a few other trace gases). We would expect to see doubling of carbon dioxide over pre-industrial levels around the year 2065.

Journalist 3: Is the climate warming?

Mr. Bradel: Yes, of course. Some scientists think the world is becoming hotter. If you compare winter and summer temperatures of the beginning of the century and it's end you will see the climate has really changed. And what are the results of global warming in the world we 'II see now.

(Перегляд фільму про глобальне потепління)

Teacher: You have watched the film about the global warming. What conclusions can we make watching this film?

(Учні роблять підсумки за переглянутим фільмом).

Journalists: Oh. As for the government, it is praise - worthily Mr. Braden. But I would like to know about the British. What do they do to protect nature?

Mr. Bradel: I suppose Mr. Aniston will answer your question. This is the problem he is busy now.

Mr. Bill Aniston: The British love animals, birds. They try to make their country healthier. That is why they form so called green organization, which help and protect wild animals. One of them is the London Wild Trust. In 1963 the London Wild Trust bought a big Camley Street Park that is situated just one kilometer from a beauty railway station. At that time the park was a dirty and empty hectar of land. Nothing lived there. Now, thousands of wild animals and birds live in this healthy, green and nice park.  There is even a pond there and a meadow.

Journalist: Mr. Bradel, and What about resort towns? Every year many tourists come to Great Britain and, of course, they wish to sunbathe and swim in the sea.

Mr. Bradel: Oh, it’s quite impossible nowadays, because the seas are polluted and it is dangerous to bathe there. The beach is full of rubbish, the water is covered with oil. The fish dies. So, it's better to choose another route. It is on the one hand, but on the other hand, our government doesn't sit by, it does everything possible to clean the towns and rivers. The Thames is the example of such care. Some years ago it was very dirty, there was no fish there, the surface of water was covered with oil spots, sticks and what on. But now after cleaning we can see a lot of fishermen on both banks of the river, who fish with angler.

Journalist: As you have spoken about the animals I'm eager to know, how the British keep meadows and lawns clean?

Mr. Bradel: Well, as in any other sites in London there are a lot of animals. But I'd like to draw your attention to the dogs. The dog is a real friend of a man. It helps to educate children, helps to guard the house, protects from bad people. But it takes a lot of time for walking. When their masters walk the dogs they must always have a paper bag and a shovel with them for dog's excrements. Otherwise, their parks won’t be clean.

Journalist: My question is to Mr. Aniston. Could you possibly name the dirtiest cities of Great Britain and what measures are taken to make them clean?

Mr. Aniston: Oh, there are a lot of them, but I suppose London is the dirtiest. The streets are filled with transport, which rarest. It is difficult to breathe, because of the smog and exhausted gases. People often have headache. And of course mines, which pollute the air and the water. But now the mines are mostly closed. The streets and houses are washed with powder and water and ecological situation in London is improving.

Teacher: I think that you satisfied with the answers you have known about the environmental protection in Gr. Britain and now I suppose it is interesting to know about the nature protection in our country. Let's give the floor to Mr. Piven, ecologist from Ukraine.

Mr. Piven: Well I suppose you know that various nature protection measures require big material spending. As for Ukraine, I must say, that it spends much money so as to safeguard the Earth for the present and future generation. Of course you know that the most burning and vital problem is the elimination of horrible consequences of Chornobyl's fatal accident in Ukraine. In order to solve this burning problem the Supreme Soviet of Ukraine has set up the state Committee of Ukraine on Nature Protection, it is on the one hand, but on the other hand nature protection legislation has been adopted in the republic and registered in the Constitution of Ukraine.

"The Law of Nature Protection of Ukraine "

"The Law on lame, water, forest Code and the Code of Ukraine on Deposit"

"The Law on the protection of Animal Kingdom "

"The Law on the protection of the environment" and others.

Journalist: I have heard the growth of population has a great influence on the ecological situation of our planet. Can anybody answer my question?

Teacher: I suppose that the professor of demography and ecology will answer your grustion:

Miss Panchik: Well, perhaps, you know that the population of our planet is growing day by day. The scientists are worried about that fact, because with the growth of population, the deficiency of agricultural lands will grow too and as a result the prices on agricultural products will lead to stopping further economic and demographic development and beginning of the so-called condition of balance.

At the beginning of the 80th most state and political figures were confused and didn 't know how to refer to the growth of population.

They tried to define the borders of their knowledge in that field and found out that the growth of population is not so dangerous, if to take in to consideration the flexibility of economy. So this is the point of view of ssientists and economists.

Journalist: What about the ecologists? Do they agree With them? What is their point of view?

Miss Panchik: Well, as for ecologists, they don't agree with them. They worn

about the exhausting of natural resources. The thing is that millions of tons of different kind of fuel are burnt. I mean solid fuel, fuel of oil, fire wood. And it goes without saying, that the stock of them is not bottom less.

Journalist: But as far as I am concerned there are a lot of other sources of energy. Can we use them?

Miss Panchik: Of course we can use solar radiation power engineering, space power stations. They don't pollute the environment, but they need international cooperation. As famous academician K. Maibov said: "Enthusiasm is not enough in such kind of work, which requires, joint efforts of specialists, vast investments, theoretical base and of course peoples work.

Journalist: Sorry, one question more. As we have touched upon the people, what do you think about "noisy symphony" of towns and cities?

Miss Panchik: Well such kind of problems exists. As I have already mentioned the population of our planet is growing and at the same time grows the number of cars, buses, lorries, factories and plants. The "noisy symphony " consists of many factors. That is the railway crash, the plane s din, the roar of plants, factories, domestic devices, in one word, everything that surrounds the man and naturally the roar of transport.

Journalist: As you have explored this problem, would you tell me what the cleanest form of transport is and what is the dirtiest?

Miss Panchik: Well you may believe or not but the cleanest form of transport is the bicycle. The dirtiest is the private car. And now I want to appeal to young people not to listen to rock music. By the way such music makes harm to their ears, they may become deaf. Together with Japanese scientists we worked out different projects, but we have no money to realize them. Working together with the scientists from the USA, Japan and Sweden we came to the conclusion, that noise is able to rise the blood pressure, do harm to cardio-vascular system and lead to infectious diseases.

Journalist: What effects does the air pollution do on human health?

Teacher: Now let's give the floor to Miss Shchitova, the sanitary inspector of Kyiv sanitary epidemiological station. She'll ansewer your guestion.

Miss Shchitova: To stay alive we must inhale about 20000 liters of air each day. Along with nitrogen and oxygen gases that make up 99% of the atmosphere, each breath also contains small amounts of other gases, as well as minute droplets of various liquids and tiny particles of a variety of solids. Some of these chemicals come from natural sources but most come from cars, trucks, power plants, factories and other sources related to human activities. Air pollutants can demage lung tissue and cause.

emphysema, chronic bronchitis, lung cancer and heart disease.

Journalist: What can you say about water pollution?

Miss Shchitova: It is also another big problem. Do you like swimming in the sea

or drinking a cool glass of water on a hot day? There simple pleasures may soon become

a thing in the past. Factories are polluting our rivers and lakes with dangerous

chemicals. Oil tankers are releasing thick black oil into our oceans. Tons and tons of

industrial and domestic waste are poured into our seas.

Journalist: And what about the destruction of forests? How does this come about?

Miss Shchitova: People cut down or burn forests, usually because they want to use the land for farming or building. Animals and plants lose their homes, for one thing, and then they may even become extinct. Another problem is that people have less oxygen to breath because of trees that produce oxygen.

Journalist: Many people prefer to buy foreign products, because they are cheaper. But I have heard that they are dangerous because of the E-numbers. Is it so?

Miss Shchitova: Really, chemicals in food harm people's health. For example, E-members. It is a general name for a group of chemicals which are added to food sometimes. Usually these kinds of goods are made abroad, not in Ukraine. They are much cheaper, because people abroad prefer to buy more expensive, but at the same time more healthy food. The chemicals of E-number group give the food better colour long time of preservation and better look. They may be dangerous for our health. In order to learn if there is E-number in the nice western product, which you want to buy, you must look at the bar code. So if you want to have E-number in your body, buy the foreign products with them.

Journalist: And what about rubbish? What measures are taken to their elimination especially in your settlement?

Katya: The Deputy of our Local Soviet. Oh, it's problem 1. Some years ago our settlement was not so dirty as now. But now our village is the village of scrap-heaps which promote reproduction of quantity of flies and rodent carries of the deaseses. Taking them away is a great problem, as there is no special transport, the patrol is very expensive but we try to solve this problem regular creaming and disinfection. I'd like to share my ideas about the problem of pollution with you. I believe everybody wants to live in a clean and beautiful place. Then why are the streets and parks in Teteriv so dirty? I'm sure we should begin with ourselves. If you throw gum, candy, ice-cream wrappers in our halls or streets you cause pollution of the environment, you make it dirty. Imagine, if everybody threw away any kind of trash on the grounds at the same moment. What would happen to our poor Teteriv? What do we throw away? How long will it take these items to decompose? Look at the screen!

(Учениця коментує таблицю розкладання відходів).

(Лунає пісня «Как прекрасен зтот мир», під пісню учень розповідає вірш).

Walking along fulling free

Feeling the Earth here with me

And I love her she loves me

I hug the Earth and Earth hugs me.

She's our friend

We 'd like to be together forever

The Earth is a garden

It's a beautiful place

For all living creatures

For all the human race

Helping mother Earth

We can peacefully roam

We all desire a place

We can call our home.

Заключне слово вчителя.

Teacher: Well, thank you I suppose our quests have answered all your questions. They proved that our planet is ill and it is necessary to take measures. What can we do to live healthy in a healthy world?

Role play:

Teacher: At our conference present the representatives of the organization "Green Peace". They have made the decisions what have we to do to live in harmony with nature and in a healthy clean environment.

(Учні по черзі виходять з листівками, прикріплюючи їх на дошку і коментуючи їх зміст).

Р 1. Keep the water, air and land clean.

P 2. Be a friend of fish. Not to throw rubbish into their homes.

P 3. When we hike, we must leave the place clean.

P 4. Be friends of birds, plant trees to create homes for birds.

P 5. Don't drink unboiled water.

P 6. Not to throw plastic bottles, paper in the forest, not to turn on the radio and TV loudly.

P 7. Buy products paying attention to the bar code.

P 8. Turn rubbish into the energy.

P 9. Use public transport, buy fruits and vegetables from farmers who don't use chemical.

Teacher: Thank you very much for you work at the Conference all of you were brilliant and I'll give you excellent marks for your preparation and work Bye! Good luck.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

"The Environment Protection of the World"

Автор: Дубяга Юлия Ивановна

Дата: 11.10.2014

Номер свидетельства: 118056

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