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The monkeys

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разработка урока во 2 классе. Межпредметная связь с казахским языком.

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«the monkeys»

The plan of the lesson

Date :

Group: 2 «В»

Subject: English

/Theme: The monkeys


Objectives: Educational:

  • to study new theme

  • to learn new words


- to develop pupils’ memory and attention;

- to develop speaking and writing skills.

- to develop listening skills


- bring-up the interest to English

Resources: copybook, activity book, pupil’s book, computer, presentation, cards with tasks.

The plan of the lesson:

  1. Greeting.

  2. Warm-up activity.

  3. Checking home task.

  4. Presentation of new material.

  5. Physical training.

  6. Practice.

  7. Summary.





  • Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you.  What date is it today? Who is absent?
    Children, today we are going to study new theme and to learn new words

Let’s begin our English lesson.

2 min



Warm-up activity:

1.Tramslate into Kazakh:

  1. A lot of- көп

  2. Leaf-жапырақ

  3. Leaves-жапырақтар

  4. Grass-шөп

  5. Some-бірнеше

  6. Wolf-қасқыр

  7. Wolves-қасқырлар

  8. Tooth-тіс

  9. Teeth-тістер

3 min



Checking h/t:

And now I want to check-up your home work. What was your home task? Checking retell of children’s stories.

Presentation of new material.

  • Please, open your pupil’s book p. 14, ex.1. Listen and follow. What’s Su’s plan? And now, please, read and translate this text.

New words: go home, how, track-след, disguise, wait, find, terrible-ужасный

Grammar: have got, have not got

Ex.2 look the pictures, what things haven’t they got in the adventure car now?

Four pens

A rope

A torch

A map

A notebook

A tent

A camera

A radio

Four apples

Four sandwiches

Four bottles of water

For example: they haven’t got four pens. They have got three pens.




Physical training

Stand up and look around,

Shake your head and turn around,

Stamp your feet upon the ground,

Clap your hands and then sit down.






And now, open your A.B p 12

Ex 1: think. Why can’t these animals do these things? Answer the questions

  1. Why can’t fish run?(they have not legs)

  2. Why can’t hens climb?(they haven’t arms)

  3. Why can’t starfish see?(they haven’t got eyes)

  4. Why can’t plants talk?(they haven’t mouth)

Ex.2 welcome to the Jungle Park! Read the sentences. Write the names of the animals in the correct place.

  1. They are dangerous and they eat animals( snakes, tigers)

  2. They live in trees (monkeys, birds)

  3. They eat grass(zebra)

  4. They live in or near water (crocodiles, frogs)

Please, open p 14

Ex.1 find five more differences. Write about them.

15 min



Your marks for today will be…

A.B p 15
- Your home task for the next lesson to learn by heart new words.- Today we worked well done !

- The lesson is over. You may be free. Good bye!




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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 2 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

the monkeys

Автор: Надим Санду?аш Айбек?ызы

Дата: 23.09.2016

Номер свидетельства: 345502

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