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Урок английского языка в 9 классе учителя I категории Дамадаевой Оксаны Александровны


Тема:  «Телевидение в Украине и в Британии. Телевидение, интернет, литература.»

Цели урока:

- научить учащихся вести беседу о  преимуществах  телевидения и литературы,  о своем досуге;

-развивать мотивацию учащихся к изучению английского языка, развивать фонематический слух;

-воспитывать умения критически мыслить и давать самостоятельную оценку. 

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«Телевидение »

Урок английского языка в 9 классе учителя I категории Дамадаевой Оксаны Александровны

Тема: «Телевидение в Украине и в Британии. Телевидение, интернет, литература.»

Тelevision in Ukraine and in Britain. Мass media.

Цели урока:

- научить учащихся вести беседу о преимуществах телевидения и литературы, о своем досуге;

-развивать мотивацию учащихся к изучению английского языка, развивать фонематический слух;

-воспитывать умения критически мыслить и давать самостоятельную оценку.

Оборудование: проектор, раздаточный материал.

Ход урока

1. The teacher: Good morning boys and girls! Today we are going to speak about television in Ukraine and in Britain. All of you have TV sets at home and some families have two or three TV sets. That proves that television is popular in our country. Today we are going to talk about mass media, compare the most popular ones television and the Internet with reading books. Our lesson consists of 6 steps.


1. Review our mass media.

2. What kind of viewer are you?

3. Listening comprehension "Television".

4. Reading "Television, Computers, Books".

5. Share opinion on reading books, watching TV and the Internet.

6. The progekts works.

   2. Фонетическая зарядка.
   Вопросы по теме задает учитель. Дети отвечают на вопросы. .

1 What are the most popular TV Channels in our country do you know?

2. What are the most popular TV Channels in Britain do you know?

3. What types of TV programmes do you know?

4. What are the most popular TV programmes in our country ?

5. What is your favourite TV Channel and why ?

6. What is your favourite TV programmes and why ?

3. The students get picture and types of TV programmes. Their task is to match a picture to a word. Make up the statements with these words.

a) commercials
b) cartoon
c) comedy
d) detective film
e) documentary
f) game show
g) music programme
h) news
i) soap opera
j) sports game
k) western
l) weather forecast

4. Teacher: Now tell me please what programmes you like to watch and why?

Pupil 1: I like to watch musical programmes because I like to listen to the music very much.

Pupil 2: As for me I like to watch comedies. They are very funny, etc.

5. Teacher: Tell me please what programmes do you hate and why?

Pupil 1: I hate soap operas. They are so long and so boring.

Pupil 2: I can tell that I don’t like commercials. They are silly and boring, etc.

6. Маkе up some interesting dialogues for topic « Television»

7. Аудирование текста. The teacher reads some information about British television.

Listen to the text. For questions 1-5, decide where they are true or false according to the test.

“Television viewing is the most popular leisure pastime in Britain. People also call it “watching the box” or “telly”.

Britain is one of the world s foremost exporters of TV productions, which continue to win large numbers of international awards, especially for documentaries, nature programmes and drama serials.

Britain also buys programmes from abroad, nearly half the programmes came from the USA.

There are four TV channels in Britain: BBC1, BBC2, ITV and Channel 4. BBC1 and BBC2, the two state channels, do not show adverts. ITV and Channel 4, the two independent channels, do show adverts. They get most of their money from advertising.

BBC1 and ITV tend to broadcast popular programmes. They specialize in general interest programmes, sports programmes, recent films, current affairs, game shows, children’ s programmes and soaps.

BBC2 and Channel 4 show programmes that usually attract much smaller audiences: TV plays, classical concerts, foreign films, travel and educational programmes.

These are the channels, which all viewers in the country receive. British people can also connect to cable or satellite TV. These channels are fee-paying, and so only about a fifth of households receive satellite and cable TV.

«Тrue or false»

1. Television viewing is the most popular leisure pastime in Britain _____T____

2. There are three TV channels in Britain. ____F_____

3. BBC1 and BBC2, the two state channels ITV and Channel 4, the two independent channels ____T______

4 British people cannot connect to cable or satellite TV. ___F____

5. Britain also buys programmes from abroad, nearly half the programmes came from the USA.












8. Работа с текстом

"Television, computers, books"

(1)As far as books and computers are concerned, I can say in my firm confidence that computers will never replace books. First because they fulfil different functions. It's true that both books and computers contain information. But one computer is worth the whole library. So perhaps, computers will replace reference books because it's quicker and easier to find the necessary information in the computer than in reference books.

(2)But I'm sure computers can't be compared to fiction.(3) Historical novels, adventure books, detective stories, science fiction, romance, poems, recommended by teachers create a special atmosphere. They take us into the imaginary world of high human emotions, exciting relations. A computer can help you in reading these books without turning the pages but working on the computer demands certain effort. You are to sit straight, not to stoop, you keep your finger on the keyboard. Besides computers have a harmful impact on the eyesight. In me opinion, it's impossible to read "War and Peace" on the screen. We'll lack something important: the invisible contact with the writer who speaks with us from the passed centuries.

As to TV, it's role is expressed in the proverb, "It's better to see than to hear". Paraphrasing it we can say it's good to see after you have read. Screen versions of literary masterpieces add much to our understanding the author and arouse unforgettable emotions.(4) But books are the greatest wonders in the world, which brings us knowledge and bring us up. Through centuries and distances we can keep in touch with the greatest minds in the universe.

Find English equivalents to these Russian sentences.

1. Что касается книг и компьютеров, я твердо уверен, что компьютеры никогда не заменят книги.

2. Я уверен, что компьютеры нельзя сравнить с художественной литературой.

3. Исторические романы, приключенческие книги, детективы, научная фантастика, романы и стихи, которые мы читаем ради удовольствия или по рекомендации учителей, создают особую атмосферу.

4. Книги - это величайшее чудо в мире. Они дают знания и воспитывают нас. Через времена и расстояния мы можем соприкоснуться с величайшими умами человечества.

Choose the correct variant to finish the sentences.

1. It is quicker and easier to find the necessary information

  • in the reference book.

  • watching TV

  • in the computer. !

2. A computer can help you in reading books without turning the pages but working on the computer

  • has a harmful impact on eyesight. !

  • demands certain effort.

  • doesn't bring pleasure.

3. Screen versions of literary masterpieces add much to our understanding

  • the author and arouse unforgettable emotions.!

  • the art of film production.

  • the problems of film making industry.

9. Put up the parts of the text in the correct order.

What is this text about?

Make up questions to each others. Ask and answer in pairs.

9. Итог урока. Тhe proverb "It's better to see than to hear". Do you agree?

But you must understand that computers will never replace books.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс


Автор: Дамаданва Оксана Александровна

Дата: 09.01.2015

Номер свидетельства: 152089

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