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"Travelling around the British calendar"

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Урок английского языка для 5го класса по теме Английские праздники.Дети делятся на 4 команды,фишку в каждом получает 1й, выполнивший задание.Для каждой команды неоюходимо определить лидера,он собирает фишки,в конце урока подсчет баллов,определение победителя.Урок,направлен на усвоение лексики по теме празднки.

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«раздаточный материалMicrosoft Office Word»

The holiday is………………………

It ‘s celebrated……………………………

People usually………………………

The symbols of this holiday are


The holiday is…………………………

It’ s celebrated……………………………

People usually………………………

The symbols of this holiday are





Date of birth:





Date of birth:


My Birthday is on…………..

I and my friends usually……..

The symbols of this holiday are


My Birthday is on…………..

I and my friends usually……..

The symbols of this holiday are


Card №2

(WINTER: December, January, February)

New Year- December, 31ST;

Christmas- December, 25TH ;

St. Valentines Day-February ,14th ;

(SPRING: March, April, May)

St. Patrick’s Day- March, 17th;

Easter- March,21st;

Mother’s Day- March 30th;

(SUMMER: June, July, August)

Independence Day-July 4th .

Summer holidays

(AUTUMN: September, October, November)

Thanksgiving Day-the 4th Thursday of November;

Guy Fawkes Day- November, 5th;

Halloween- October, 31st .

Card№1.Word list:

  • season[‘si:zn]-сезон

  • bright[‘brait]-яркий

  • holiday[‘holэdi]-праздник

  • greeting card[‘gri:tin ka:d]-поздравительная открытка

  • Santa Claus[‘s’эеntэе klo:z]

  • tea[ti:]-чай

  • party[pa:ti]-вечеринка.

  • celebrate [selibreit]-праздновать.

  • Easter Pie[istэ pai]-кулич

  • freaky[friki]-причуда

Card1.Word list:

  • season[‘si:zn]-сезон

  • bright[‘brait]-яркий

  • holiday[‘holэdi]-праздник

  • greeting card[‘gri:tin ka:d]-поздравительная открытка

  • Santa Claus[‘s’эеntэе klo:z]

  • tea[ti:]-чай

  • party[pa:ti]-вечеринка.

  • celebrate [selibreit]-праздновать.

  • Easter Pie[istэ pai]-кулич

  • freaky[friki]-причуда


Put in tea bag or one spoonfool per person and one for the pot;

Fill the kettle with fresh water from the cold tap. Warm the tea pot.

Pour on the freshly boiled water.

Let the tea infuse for five minutes, then stir.

Serve with milk and sugar to taste.


Put in tea bag or one spoonfool per person and one for the pot;

Fill the kettle with fresh water from the cold tap. Warm the tea pot.

Pour on the freshly boiled water.

Let the tea infuse for five minutes, then stir.

Serve with milk and sugar to taste.

Jingle bells!


Jingle bells, jingle bells!

Jingle all the way!

Oh what fun is to ride

In one –horse open sleigh!

Jingle bells!


Jingle bells, jingle bells!

Jingle all the way!

Oh what fun is to ride

In one –horse open sleigh!

Jingle bells!


Jingle bells, jingle bells!

Jingle all the way!

Oh what fun is to ride

In one –horse open sleigh!

Просмотр содержимого документа

Тема урока:

Путешествие по страницам праздничного календаря.







-формирование коммуникативных навыков, обучение с извлечением полезной информации, обучение монологической речи, расширение кругозора учащихся по изучаемому материалу;

-развитие навыков устной речи, памяти, логики, мышления, культуры собеседника, развитие навыка групповой деятельности, развитие творческих способностей через игровую деятельность

-способность выслушивать собеседника ,правильно реагировать на его реплики, приобщать учащихся к культуре иноязычных стран; развитие и поддержка интереса к изучению иностранного языка.

Тип урока:

Изучение лексики по теме.

Методы учения:

Чтение, пересказ, ответы на вопросы.

Литература для учителя:

Учебник «Кузовлев-5».

План урока:


2.Основная часть.

3.Заключительная часть.

Оснащение урока:


Ход урока:


2.Основная часть

3.Заключительная часть

Карточки с праздниками, карточки-подсказки, паспорта, костюмы, компьютер, проектор

(разложить конверты чай,2 карточки:слова, подсказка,по 15 подстановочных по 4 открытки

The 22nd of December.

Class work.(карточки на магнитах)

Travelling around the British calendar’.

1 to choose the symbols of the Holiday;

2 to make up sentences about Holiday;

3 to write down greeting card.

Good morning ,Dear friends

Glad to meet you!

My name is Elena Anatolievna.(бейдж на мне)

Today will play.

Do you like to play?(добиться ответа)

Our game will be time machine(показываю часы)

Car №1 –a word list ,will help you to play(слайд)

Take it and say all together after me(взяла читаю карту1)

How many seasons are there in the Year ?(по пальцам)

(слайд стих читаем по строчкам)

I’d like to divide you into 4 groups(слайд фото)

The first group-winter

The second-spring

The third-summer

The fourth-autumn

Take your costumes,(ставлю стоящие)

Each group will have their own tasks

Look at the blackboard(читаю предложения с доски)

You will speak about winter

You will speak about spring

You will speak about summer

You will speak about autumn

Who will be the group leader?

Help me, please ,who wants to be?(дала значки)

You’ll get cards for your answers(показала фишки)

Let’s play!Do you like travelling?

Today will travel by Time machine(показала часы)

You need passports for travelling (слайд)

Lets fill in (дала бейджи)

Write down your name

My name is Helen

Write down yours

My surname is Bondareva

Write down yours

Our country is Russia

Our passports are ready

Put it on

Well done(фишка кто первый)

We are reay to travel lets travel through the seasons by time machine

and speak about popular British Holidays(читаю тему на доске)

Card №2 will help you(взяла показала)

(музыка)What season is it?(слайд)

We are in spring now

What are main spring holidays?(фишки за ответы)


What are Easter symbols?(указкой слайд)

Come to the blackboard and choose(карточки на доске)

Make up the beginning and the ending of the sentences

Please write down the greeting card for your friend using the phrases(слайд)

(музыка)What season is it?(слайд)фишка

We are in summer now

It's your favourite season, because you have summer holidays

My birthday is in summer

Do you have birthdays in summer?

What are the symbols of birthday?(указкой слайд)

Come to the blackboard and choose9карточки на доске)

Make up the beginning and the ending of the sentences

Please write down the greeting card for your friend using the phrases(слайд)

As you Know British people like tea

Put the sentences in a right order

Let’s check it up(слайд)

(музыка)What season is it?(слайд)

We are in autumn now

What are main autumn holidays?(фишки за ответы)


What are Halloween symbols?(указкой слайд)

Come to the blackboard and choose(карточки на доске)

Make up the beginning and the ending of the sentences

Please write down the greeting card for your friend using the phrases(слайд)

(музыка)What season is it now?(слайд)

We are in winter now

What are main winter holidays?(фишки за ответы)


What are Christmas symbols?(указкой слайд)

Come to the blackboard and choose(карточки на доске)

Make up the beginning and the ending of the sentences

Please write down the greeting card for your friend using the phrases(слайд)

Somebody is knocking the door

Oh it’s Santa Claus

Ho HO HO Merry Christmas!

Dear friends let’s sing(слова)(песня Jingle Bells)


Let’s count your cards

You are the winner!

You are the third

You are the fourth

Take your prizes!

The lesson is over

Good –Bye

Просмотр содержимого презентации

Card №1.  Word list:

Card №1. Word list:

  • season[‘si:zn]- сезон
  • bright[‘brait]- яркий
  • holiday[‘hol э di]- праздник
  • greeting card[‘gri:tin ka:d]- поздравительная открытка
  • Santa Claus[‘s эе nt эе klo:z]
  • tea[ti:]- чай
  • party[pa:ti]- вечеринка
  • celebrate [selibreit]- праздновать
  • Easter Pie -кулич
  • Freaky[friki] -причуда
  • travel-[tr эе vl]
Spring is green,  Summer is bright,  Autumn is yellow,  Winter is white!

Spring is green, Summer is bright, Autumn is yellow, Winter is white!











PASSPORT Name: Helen . Surname: Bondareva . Country: Russia.


Name: Helen .

Surname: Bondareva .

Country: Russia.

SPRING:  EASTER .  Colourfull eggs, greeting cards.  -…on March 21 st ; -…congratulate each other , ; -…colourfull eggs, angels, greeting cards.


Colourfull eggs, greeting cards.

-…on March 21 st ;

-…congratulate each other , ;

-…colourfull eggs, angels, greeting cards.

EASTER: -May the angels protect you! -Happy Easter! -Wishing you a special Easter!


-May the angels protect you!

-Happy Easter!

-Wishing you a special Easter!

SUMMER:   MY BIRTHDAY .  Birthday’s cake, presents.  -… July ,21 st . -…have party. -…birthday’s cake, birthday’s party, presents, greeting cards.


Birthday’s cake, presents.

-… July ,21 st .

-…have party.

-…birthday’s cake, birthday’s party, presents, greeting cards.

Birthday: -Happy birthday to you! -I wish you good luck! -I wish you all the happiness in the World!


-Happy birthday to you!

-I wish you good luck!

-I wish you all the happiness in the World!

MAKING A PERFECT CUP OF TEA  :     1)Put in tea bag or one spoonfool per person and one for the pot; 2)Fill the kettle with fresh water from the cold tap. Warm the tea pot. 3)Pour on the freshly boiled water. 4)Let the tea infuse for five minutes, then stir. 5)Serve with milk and sugar to taste.


1)Put in tea bag or one spoonfool per person and one for the pot;

2)Fill the kettle with fresh water from the cold tap. Warm the tea pot.

3)Pour on the freshly boiled water.

4)Let the tea infuse for five minutes, then stir.

5)Serve with milk and sugar to taste.

AUTUMN:  HALLOWEEN .  Turkey, pumpkin, witch, candles.  -…on October 31 st ; -…wear sceleton’s costumes and witch’s masks; -…pumpkin, witch, candles, greeting card.


Turkey, pumpkin, witch, candles.

-…on October 31 st ;

-…wear sceleton’s costumes and witch’s masks;

-…pumpkin, witch, candles, greeting card.

Halloween: - Happy Halloween I wish to you! -This holiday makes freaky dreams come true! -Be happy tonight, be happy every Day!


- Happy Halloween I wish to you!

-This holiday makes freaky dreams come true!

-Be happy tonight, be happy every Day!

WINTER:   CHRISTMAS.   Greeting cards, party, costumes, presents, Santa Claus, socks.  -…on December 25th; -…decorate New Year Tree,sing carols, put presents under the Christmas tree; -…Santa Claus, presents, greeting cards.


Greeting cards, party, costumes, presents, Santa Claus, socks.

-…on December 25th;

-…decorate New Year Tree,sing carols, put presents under the Christmas tree;

-…Santa Claus, presents, greeting cards.

Christmas : - With best wishes for Christmas and happy New Year. -May your Christmas be filled with a happy surprises. -Wishing you a Merry Christmas and happy New Year.

Christmas :

- With best wishes for Christmas and happy New Year.

-May your Christmas be filled with a happy surprises.

-Wishing you a Merry Christmas and happy New Year.

Jingle, Bells! Chorus: Jingle bells, jingle bells! Jingle all the way! Oh what fun is to ride In one –horse open sleigh!

Jingle, Bells!


Jingle bells, jingle bells!

Jingle all the way!

Oh what fun is to ride

In one –horse open sleigh!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

"Travelling around the British calendar"

Автор: Бондарева Елена Анатольевна

Дата: 17.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 277955

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    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
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