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Урок английского языка "Can you swim?"

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Урок разработан для УМК под редакцией В.П. Кузовлева в соответствии с ФГОС. Урок основан на игровой методике: на этапе warm up использованы игры "Simon says" и "Boaster", на этапе Practice использована ролевая игра, рекомендуемая в учебнике, а также игра "Find someone who." Все упражнения направлены не только на усвоение грамматического материала, но и на развитие навыков говорения.

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«Урок английского языка "Can you swim?" »

Lesson Plan

Course – book: «English – 2» by V. P. Kuzovlev, E. Sh. Peregudova and others.

Unit: 2

Lesson: 38 (Can you swim?).

Aim: By the end of the lesson the children will be able to ask and answer the question “Can you…?”

Skills: speaking (using the new grammar structure).

New Language: the interrogative structure “Can you…?”

Revision: vocabulary (to run well, to jump well, to climb trees, to skate, to ski, to hunt, to fly, to sing, to play the piano, to fish, to swim, to play hopscotch/ hide-and-seek/ bingo/computer games).

Activity/ Time (the lesson lasts 45 min.)



Teacher Does(Says)

Pupils Do

5 min

Engagement activity

Greets the students, asks how they feel on that day, suggests singing the “How are you?” song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03XgDWozJOw

Greet the teacher, discuss how they feel. Sing the song

The teacher asks the first pupil but then the pupils go on working in chain asking each other: “How are you? I’m fine/OK/ so-so, thanks. And you?”

(This activity allows “to wake up” the pupils mentally and “to tune” them into the lesson)

7 min

Warming up activities

Suggests playing the «Simon Says» game. Names an action using the vocabulary the children have learnt before.

The pupils perform an action if only the teacher begins the sentence with the words “Simon says…”

This activity allows to revise the vocabulary

Suggests playing the “Boaster Game”. Gives an example.

The pupils draw a card with the name of a story character and say what character he/she is and what he/ she can do. For example, “I am Peter Pan. I can fly”

The teacher prepares cards with the names of the story characters according to the number of the pupils. (This activity allows to revise the grammar structure “I can…”)

8 min


Suggests opening the Student’s Book at Page 38 and reading the task to Ex. 1(1, 2). Makes sure that the pupils understand the task. Suggests that the pupils should choose whether to listen, to look at the sentences and listen or to look at the sentences, listen and underline the pattern (so that the auditory types could hear the phrases, the visual type pupils could not only hear but see the phrases as well, and the kinaesthetic type learners could underline the structure they hear).

The pupils listen to Wendy and Peter Pan’s talk and try to make out how to ask the question with the word “can”.

The exercise will stimulate the pupils’ mental activity because they will try “to make a discovery”. The teacher writes the pupil’s ideas on the blackboard and then asks each pupil to give an example using the new pattern.

15 min


Suggests playing the role play Ex. 1(3) p. 39

The pupils work in the groups of three imagining that they are Peter Pan, John and Michael. The one who plays the role of Peter Pan asks the questions with the pattern “Can you…?” those who play the roles of John and Michael answer them.

The tasks are a series of practice activities around the grammar focus.

Suggests playing the game “Find someone who...”

Each pupil gets a card with an expression (for example, to run well), walks around the class and asks his group mates whether they can do it. Also the pupil makes notes how many pupils can run well/ play computer games/ ski/ skate and so on. All the pupils read out the information they get (For example, 10 pupils can run well. 7 pupils can skate.)

5 min

Home task explanation

Offers two exercises (Ex. 4 and Ex. 5 p. 40) as a home task. Makes sure that the pupils understand the tasks.

The pupils read the tasks and choose one of the exercises to their liking and their ability.

One of the exercises is done orally (the maximum mark is 4; the other one is done in writing in the Activity book (the maximum mark is 5).

5 min


The teacher suggests the pupils that they should fill in their personal self-assessment tables, gives the pupils marks according to the tables.

The pupils fill in their self-assessment tables where they point out what they have learnt and what problems they have had; tell the teacher what mark they get.

My pupils have been working with self-assessment tables for the whole school year (the tables are presented in Russian because they don’t speak English well enough but the next year they will be translated into English). I make such personal tables for a term, including all necessary changes as the course goes on. These tables let both my pupils and me follow their achievements. Thanks to such tables my students are able to perform self-evaluation at the end of each term.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 2 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Урок английского языка "Can you swim?"

Автор: Понамарева Евгения Юрьевна

Дата: 10.06.2015

Номер свидетельства: 218756

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