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Урок английского языка по теме The types of books. A trip to the library

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Тема: Books.

Підтема: A trip to the library.


-ознайомити учнів з icторією виникнення перших бібліотек;

- розвити монологічне та діалогічне мовлення;

-закріпити вивченний лексичний матеріал;

-навчити учнів використовувати нові лексичні одиниці в мовленні;

- виховати любов до книги;

- розвити пізнавальні можливості учнів, мовну здогадку, вміння слухати

культуру мовлення;

-сформувати  уявлення учнів про нове граматичне явище-reported speech;


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«урок английского языка по теме The types of books. A trip to the library »

Тема: Books.

Підтема: A trip to the library.


-ознайомити учнів з icторією виникнення перших бібліотек;

- розвити монологічне та діалогічне мовлення;

-закріпити вивченний лексичний матеріал;

-навчити учнів використовувати нові лексичні одиниці в мовленні;

- виховати любов до книги;

- розвити пізнавальні можливості учнів, мовну здогадку, вміння слухати

культуру мовлення;

-сформувати уявлення учнів про нове граматичне явище-reported speech;

Хід урока

І Початок урока :

  1. Організаційний момент.

ІІ Основна частина урока:

  1. Повідомлення задач та теми урока:

T: Books are always in our life. We can see them everywhere : in the bookshops ,in the hands of people, on the shelves. I can continue this list . But there is only one place in the world , which is called “the real home” of all books. It is a library. Today we are going to speak about the history of libraries, learn the new grammar rules,train our reading , speaking , listening skills. So let’s start our lesson, we have a lot of work to do.

  1. Фонетичне вправляння:

Т: We are going to devide into three groups: the first group have the words; the secnd have the word – combinations; the third one have the text. You must do the translation using the expressions of your face and gestures

Card 1 : book, hero , adventure,favourite.

Card 2 : an exciting book, a favourite book, a woodcutters, to chop up

Card 3:The story is about two friends .One day two true friends went shopping. They bought a lot of things.The friend also wanted to buy a good book for a mother’s birthday. It was full of adventures . The book was witty and funny . The mother liked the present very much.

3 .Розвиток аудіювання:

T: The first libraries appeared in China . Please look at the picture , it is the photo of old library in Rome. Work in pairs. Ask questions about the content of it the any classmates you want

  1. What kind of building do you see in the picture ?

  2. What are the people doing ?

  3. What do you think they are?

  4. Do you know anything about this famous place of the ancient words?

  5. What happened to all manuscripts which were stored there?

T:Listen to the text about the most magnificent library in the ancient world. Where was it situated? Say what these numbers refer to :




T: Listen the text once again and complete these sentences.

  1. The Greeks gave everyone access to book because………..

  2. Their libraries contained ………..

  3. The most magnificent library was ……..

  4. It contained…………

T: Just imagine that you are a scientist and you are at the confirence you must retell the audience the hisory of library . Base your report on the text and questions as a plan.

4.Розвиток читання тексту з повним його розумінням.

T: There are a lot of departments in the libraries . Read the text and say what services the modern library offers to the readers.Pay attetion to the new words.

To participate

Multimedia Hall

To sign up

The book borrowing department

Reading of the text Ex. 3p. 70 -71

T: Find in the text the main departments in the library and translate these expressions , make up some sentences with them:
The reading Room

The Multimedia Hall


Non- fiction

Interlibrary Exchange

The book borrowing department

T: There are the description of the main departments and define them :

      • signing up for a book- the registration desk

      • working on the computer or surf the Internet-Multimedia Hall

      • reading a book- a reading room

      • deals with facts,non-imaginary stories- non-fiction

      • the librarians stamp the books- the book borrowing department

T: Now imagine that you are in the library . What will you ask the librarian about ? Write the questions on the blackboard.


T: Complete and act out the dialogue about a visit to a library. Use the questions on the blackboard and some expressions:

To work on the computers,to sign up for,to deal with, to order, the author of the book, the title of the book, to return the book.

A: Good afternoon?

B:……. Can I help you ?

A: Yes , please. I’d like to borrow some books about …….

B: You may come here and look at these shelves. When you……bring it to me so I ……and it’s yours for ……

A: Ok. Thank you very much.

4. Організація граматичного вправляння

А) пояснення правила


Б) вправляння та закріплення нової граматичної структури.

T: You know that there are the library rules in the libraries. Look at them and tell me what the librarians asks the children to do/ not to do.


The librarians asks the chidren to ……..

III.Заключна частина урока:

  1. оголошення домашнего завдання

  2. підбиття підсумків.


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

урок английского языка по теме The types of books. A trip to the library

Автор: Завальнюк Наталья Евгеньевна

Дата: 03.12.2014

Номер свидетельства: 139026

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