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Урок - телемост "Astana - London"

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Урок - телемост на тему: "Astana - London".  Проводился как внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку для учащихся 8 классов. Данный урок-телемост помогает учащимся развивать умения диалогической и монологической речи, способствует развитию навыков говорения и аудирования. Данный урок презназначен для расширения кругозора учащихся, воспитание чувства дружбы народов и толлерантности.  

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«Урок - телемост "Astana - London" »

Солтүстік Қазақстан облысы

Айыртау ауданы

Саумалкөл № 1 орта мектебі

Северо Казахстанская область

Айыртауский район

Саумалкольская средняя школа № 1

Урок – телемост: «Astana – London».

(Проводился в рамках декады ко дню языков народов Казахстана)

Класс: 8 «Г»

Выполнила: Губанова С.В.

2014 г.

Урок - телемост «Astana - London»

Цели урока:


  • Развитие интереса к страноведческому материалу.

  • Формирование уважения и интереса к культуре страны изучаемого языка.


  • Обучение диалогической речи.

  • Обучение культуре общения.


  • Развитие интереса к предмету.

  • Развитие языковых, познавательных способностей.

Задачи урока:

  • Углубить знания по теме

  • Практиковать учащихся в диалогической речи

Оборудование: флаги Казахстана и Британии, мультимедийный проектор, презентации, видеоролики.

Ход урока:

Teacher: Good – morning, dear guests, children. Today we have a lesson – telecast «Astana - London». Today we are very glad to see our guests- teachers of our school. Welcome to our lesson!

Our meeting will be held by our reporters from Kazakhstan and Great Britain. Let’s introduce themselves.

Dias: Good morning ladies and gentlemen. My name us Dias. I’m glad to see you at our meeting.

Iliya: Hello, dear friends from Astana. My name is David Clinton. How do you do? I hope we’ll enjoy our meeting.

Dias: So let’s get to know our countries. And now I would like to give the word to our guide – Nikita.

Pupil from Kazakhstan: Thank you very much. I would like to speak about my Motherland about Kazakhstan. I prepared the presentation about our country.

(Ученик показывает презентацию о Казахстане, комментируя слайды.)

Dias: Do you like this presentation? (Обращение к команде ребят из Великобритании.)

Iliya: Oh, yes. It was great! We also have the presentation about Great Britain. This is Barbara Bell. She presents to you our country.

Pupil from Britain: (Демонстрация презентации ученицей из команды Великобритании) Thank you for attention!

Iliya: We suggest you to see the sound film about Kazakhstan. (Просмотр видеоролика о нашей Родине – Казахстан.)

Now let’s discuss the information about your country. We have some questions:

1. What kind of state is the Republic of Kazakhstan?

(- Kazakhstan is a democratic and independent Republic.)

2. How many people live in Kazakhstan?

(About seventeen million people live in Kazakhstan.)

3. Where is Kazakhstan situated?

(Kazakhstan is situated in the Central Asia.)

4. What do you know about the nature of Kazakhstan?

5. What is the capital of Kazakhstan?

(Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan.)

6. What main cities do you know?

7. Who is the head of the country?

(Nursultan Nazarbayev is the head of the state. He is our president. )

8. Who is the head of the Government?

Dias: Well, we are ready to listen to you.

(Репортер из команды Великобритании подносит микрофон к каждому члену команды, чтобы озвучить вопрос.)

Dias: Please who will answer the questions? Have you any other questions?

Iliya: No, we haven’t any questions. Thank you for answers.

Dias: So, we also want to get some information about your country.

(Показ видеоролика о Великобритании и Лондоне). So, it’s our turn to ask about your country.

1. What is the official name of Great Britain?

-The official name of Great Britain is The United Kingdom of Great Britain)

2. Who is the head of Great Britain?

(- Queen Elisabeth the second is the head of GB.)

3. What are the countries of The UK?

( - England, Scotland, wales and Northern Ireland are the countries of The UK.)

4. What is the London home of the Queen?

( - It’s the Buckingham Palace)

5. What kind of state is The UK?

( - It’s a parliamentary monarchy.)

6. What is the Big Ben?

(-It’s a clock.)

Dias: Thank you very much. We find out so much information about your country. Now I suggest you to play some games. The games will be hold by Lyuba and Alina. Come out please!

Lyuba: let’s play the game “Polyglot”. Give translation of the following words into Kazakh, Russian and English.

1. елбасы – глава государства – the head of the state

2. kingdom – патшалык – государство

3. situated – орналаскан – расположен

4. халык – population – народ

5. өкимет – government – правительство

6. Родина – Отан – Motherland

Alina: Complete the proverbs:

1. First think, then …. (speak)

2. East or West …. (home is best)

3. Everything is good … (in its end)

4. Power is in …. (knowledge)

5. Better late … (than never)

Dias: Ok, London, it’s your turn to make games.

Iliya: Our games will be hold by Adil and Andrew!

Adil: You must make up the sentences with these words:

1. Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan.

2. The United Kingdom consists of four countries.

3. London is the capital of England.

4. President is the head of Kazakhstan.

Andrew: Match the English and Kazakh proverbs:

First think then speak.

East or West home is best.

Өз үйім, кең сарайдан боз үйім.

Power is in knowledge.

Every thing is good in its season.

Айтылған сөз, айтылған оқ

Ештен кеш жаксы

Әр нәрсенің өз уақытты бар

Куш білімде

Better late than never

Andrew : Complete the proverbs in English, Kazakh, Russian.

1. Bad news travels … (fast-тез-быстро)

2. First think then …. (speak-cөйлеу - говорить)

3. Tastes … (differ- ерекшелену- отличаться)

4. A good beginning makes a good …(ending- соңа – конец )

5. East or West home is ….(best – жақсы - лучше)

6. The books are our …(friends- дос-друг)

7. No news is good ….(news- жаналык-новости)

8. Never put off tomorrow what you can do …(today – бүгін – сегодня )

9. Live and …(learn- оқу - учиться)

Dias: Our time is out. We thank our friends from Great Britain. See you on next meeting!

Iliya: Thank you our friend from Kazakhstan. See you soon!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Урок - телемост "Astana - London"

Автор: Губанова Светлана Викторовна

Дата: 09.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 170074

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