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Урок английского языка «День рождения»

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Формирование и развитие грамматических навыков по теме «Future Simple» на базе лексического материала по теме «День рождения».

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«Урок английского языка «День рождения»»

Урок по дисциплине «Английский язык» «День рождения»

Для специальности 46.02.01 «Документационное обеспечение управления и архивоведение»

Крылова Любовь Николаевна,

преподаватель иностранного языка,

Сыктывкарский колледж сервиса и связи, г. Сыктывкар

План урока

Цель: создание на уроке по дисциплине «Английский язык» условий для формирования у студентов предметных компетенций (коммуникативных и языковых) по теме «День рождения».


Формирование и развитие грамматических навыков по теме «Future Simple» на базе лексического материала по теме «День рождения».

Проблема урока: «Смогу ли я рассказать, что буду делать я и другие члены семьи ко дню рождения мамы?»

Тип урока: урок «открытия» нового знания.

Форма урока: ролевая игра

Учебно-методическое и техническое обеспечение: учебник, раздаточный материал, ноутбук, проектор, экран, магнитофон, флешь, аудиокассета.

Дидактические материалы:

-аудиозапись песни «Happy Birthday to You»;

- презентация грамматической конструкции Future Simple;

- текст «Email папе»;

- оценочный лист для самооценки.


  1. Безкоровайная Г.Т. Planet of English: учебник английского языка для учреждений СПО.-М., 2016

  2. Кузовлев В. П. Английский язык для 10-11 кл. общеобразовательных учреждений: учебник. – М.: Просвещение, 2011

  3. Кравцова Л.И. Английский язык для средних профессиональных учебных заведений. – М.: Высш. школа, 2011

  4. Рогова Т.В., Рожкова Ф.М. Английский язык за два года. – М.: Просвещение, 2004

  5. Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика: Сборник упражнений. . – СПб.: КАРО, 2010

  6. Soars L. New Headway English Course: Elementary. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015

Ход урока

I. Этап урока

Организационный момент. Мотивация деятельности. Постановка проблемы, формулировка цели и задач урока. Введение студентов в ситуационно-коммуникативную атмосферу, актуализация прежних знаний.

II. Этап урока

Формирование и развитие грамматических навыков по теме «Future Simple» на базе лексического материала по теме «День рождения».

1.Фиксирование индивидуального затруднения в пробном учебном действии. Знаковая фиксация. Формулирование студентами правила образования Future Simple. Отработка хором грамматической конструкции Future Simple.

2. Ролевая игра «Завтра день рождения мамы». Первичное закрепление с проговариванием во внешней речи:

- условно - речевые упражнения (имитационные, подстановочные, трансформационные, репродуктивные).

- текст «Email папе»

III Этап урока

Рефлексия и самооценка студентами учебной деятельности на уроке.

I. Hello, everybody! We start our lesson. You are going to listen to a song. What can you hear? What is it about? The song is about a birthday. What do you think are we going to talk about? We are going to talk about a birthday. To be precise, we are going to talk about preparations to the Mother’s birthday. To do this we will play a roleplay. Everybody, look at the screen.

1. We always congratulate Mother on her birthday.

2. We congratulated Mother on her birthday yesterday.

3. We will congratulate Mother on her birthday tomorrow.

There are three sentences there. They have numbers: 1, 2, 3. Write the numbers in your exercise books and decide on the tenses. You know Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple. Write after each number the tense. What did you write? Sentence number 1 is Present Simple. Put up your hands who wrote the same? And what about the second sentence? Yes, itʼs Past Simple. What can you say about the last sentence? Do you know the tense? You may use Russian. Yes, you are right. Да, это будущее время - Future Simple. How did you guess? Thanks to the last word –“tomorrow”.

II. So, the last sentence is Future Simple.

We will congratulate Mother on her birthday tomorrow.

Look at it ones again and tell which verbs does Future Simple consist of? (Will and congratulate). Future Simple= will+ infinitive without to.

Do we translate “will”? No, we don’t. “Will” is modal auxiliary verb. The forms of “will” are the same for all persons.

Notice the forms of “will”

Iʼll- short form

I wonʼt- negative short form

Positive and negative


He/ she/ it

We/ You/ They

ʼll (will)


lay the table


When will




lay the table?

Short answer

Will you lay the table?

Yes, I will

No, I wonʼt

Letʼs practice the new tense together. Write the information about Future Simple in your exercise- books. You will need it for our work at the lesson and your homework.

And now we will play a roleplay. You are a “family” who decided to have a party according to the Motherʼs birthday. Everyone must help. Father is away on a business trip. He will ring soon and ask about preparations to the Mothers birthday. The problem is: will you be able to (сможете) tell him what will you do? Everyone must help. There are a lot of things you have to do. Read them from the screen using the example.

I will sing a birthday song.

1. do the washing- up

2. clean the rooms

3. lay the table

4. buy flowers

5. cook a cake

6. congratulate Mother on her birthday

7. write a birthday card

We don’t want to confuse all the things you have to do. We want to precise what you won’t do and what will you do using the example.

I wonʼt sing a birthday song. I will

1. clean the rooms

2. lay the table

3. buy flowers

4. cook a cake

5. congratulate Mother on her birthday

6. write a birthday card

7. do the washing- up

Say what will you do and then ask another member of the family if he or she will do the same. Members of the family give short answers: «Yes, I will. No, I wonʼt».

I will sing a birthday song. Will you sing a birthday song, too?

Yes, I will

No, I won’t

1. lay the table

2. buy flowers

3. cook a cake

4. congratulate Mother on her birthday

5. clean the rooms

6. write a birthday card

7. do the washing- up

Yes, I will

No, I won’t

I think we have confused everything. So, I have to ask you some questions.

Who will sing a birthday song?

When will you sing a birthday song? At the beginning or in the end of the party?

1. Who will lay the table? Where will you lay the table? In the dining room or in the living room?

2. Who will buy flowers? How many flowers will you buy?

3. Who will cook a cake? How will you decorate it, with fruit or with jam?

4. Who will congratulate Mother on her birthday? How will you congratulate her?

5. Who will clean the rooms? Which rooms will you clean?

6. Who will write a birthday card? What words will you start with?

7. Who will do the washing- up? What will you wash up?

We are going to practice role play. Youʼll take the parts of different characters, for example sister, son, grandmother, daughter, brother, aunt, grandfather and guests. Take these labels with your roles and pin them on. Now everyone knows who is who. Everybody, look at the screen and read what will you do according to your roles. The “members of the family” will speak about their future activity one by one. The “guests” must listen and repeat. The first “guest” repeats one sentence, the second- two sentences, including previous and new information. And so on. The last “guest” tells about the hole future activity of the “family”. Is everything clear? I think you understood the task.








1. buy flowers

2. do the washing- up

3. cook a cake

4. clean the rooms

5. write a birthday card

6. lay the table

7. congratulate Mother on her birthday

Grandmother wrote an email to her son (Remember, he is away.) She wrote about the preparations to the Mothers birthday. Read the email one by one aloud to understand it. Read the email on your own, find the numbers of the sentences with Future Simple. Write the numbers of the sentences with Future Simple in your exercise- books.

My dear Son,

1. How lovely to get your email! 2. Don’t worry, everybody is well. 3. They are all preparing to Kate’s birthday party. 4. It will be great. 5. I will cook a cake. 6. Children like it. 7. Nina will clean the rooms and Olga will lay the table. 8. They are nice girls. 9. Victor will buy some flowers. 10. Nina is writing a birthday card at the moment.11. She sends love to you. 12. We all will sing a birthday song.13. I think this will make Kate happy.

14. We all miss you a lot. 15. When will you come back? 16. Please, email me. 17. We all want to see you very, very soon.

18. P.S. Don’t forget to send Kate a birthday present.

Your ever - loving Mom

What are your answers? What are the numbers of the sentences with Future Simple? Read them aloud! What will you say about your work at the lesson? I mean the self-estimation. How many sentences did you find?


Estimate yourself using the chart.


7- 6 sentences - very well

5-4 sentences – well

3 sentences- not very well

2 sentences- you have to do some exercises on the topic «Future Simple»

We go back to the problem of the lesson: will you be able to (сможете) tell Father on the telephone what will you do according to the Mother’s birthday? I think you will. To do this better, your home task will be: be prepared to speak with Father on the telephone and tell him about all the preparations to the Mothers birthday. You may use Grandmother’s email.

What did you learn at the lesson? (How to prepare to a birthday party and to speak about future activity).

Thank you for your work.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Урок английского языка «День рождения»

Автор: Крылова Любовь Николаевна

Дата: 29.05.2019

Номер свидетельства: 512769

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