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Урок - игра "Счастливый случай" для учащихся 6 классов

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урок - игра направлен на развитие интереса учащихся к изучаемому языку, применение знаний лексики во время игры, проявление уважения к культуре и традициям страны изучаемого языка

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«Урок - игра "Счастливый случай" для учащихся 6 классов»


открытого урока - игры

по английскому языку.


Учитель английского языка:

Вениаминова Лея Малануровна

Тема: Повторение лексического минимума

Цели и задачи: а) способствовать формированию интереса

учащихся к изучению английского языка;

б) способствовать развитию навыков

правильно ответить на вопрос, проявить смекалку при решении заданий;

в) воспитывать уважение к истории и

культуре страны изучаемого языка,

интересоваться истоками создания культуры.

Ход урока:

I. Начало урока:

S1: Good morning, dear boys and girls.

S2: Good morning, dear guests and respectful teachers.

S1: Good morning, dear fans and schoolchildren.

а) приветствие участников викторины.

S2: Please, greet the participants of the contest.

б) объявление темы мероприятия.

S1: Today our contest is about your general skills in knowing Great Britain and its history and different science.

в) объявление участников команд.

S2: Today we have 2 teams from 6A and 6B forms. The teams have their own titles. And now they will tell us their names.

(каждая команда дает название своей команде)

г) оглашение названия туров в викторине.

S1: Now let us announce you the names of the tours. Here they are:

Game 1. Farther…Farther…

Game 2. You – to me, me – to you

Game 3. Dark Horse

Game 4. Leading Race

д) возможность увеличить количество баллов при каждом правильном ответе и заработать звезду.

S2: You have opportunity to receive 1 point for each correct answer. If you have 3 correct answers you can increase your team score in 2 or 3 points and get more team scores.

е) если ответ команды неверный, то ход переходит к другой команде.

S1: If the answer of the team is not right then the other team has its own chance to get a star and will get an opportunity to be better.

II. Основная часть

S2: Now let’s start our tournament. We come to the 1 game. I will read the first questions to teams, dear players. First think then give the answer and you will get 1 score. If one team doesn’t give an answer, the other team has its chance to get a score. Please, be attentive. Listen to the question and give your answer.

Game 1. Further….further….

The leader asks questions to each team in order to get right answer. To all the questions the certain time is given.

I team:

1. What is the strongest insect in the nature? (ant)

2. Some of them have 31, some have 30,

and only 1 has 28 or 29. (month)

3. What thing has only 2 arms and 4 legs. (armchair)

4. When does Thursday come before Wednesday? (dictionary)

5. What science studies seas, oceans, countries? (geography)

6. What country wears skirts as national clothes? (Scotland)

7. What is the main thing on any table? (bread)

8. When the sun is shining brightly what is it? (daytime)

9. This is a noisy place where cars and buses move. (traffic)

10. It has no legs but it can walk. (clock)

11. The most popular musical instrument in Russia. (balalaika)

12. What is said about English people? (they are polite)

13. The symbol of what country is rose? (England)

14. Where can people have a lot of happy hours? (Fun Factory)

15. What is in the south of the UK? (England)

II team:

1. What do people think by? (head)

2. A tree which is dear to our home? (fir - tree)

3. The subject that studies the ancient times. (history)

4. Who always looks into our mouth? (dentist)

5. What can we hear but cannot see? (thunder)

6. It has 4 legs and a roof. (table)

7. It is white, tasty and it has much use. (milk)

8. The man who drives a plane. (pilot)

9. This is a special paper, which has many news. (newspaper)

10. A thing that goes very slowly. (tortoise)

11. The darkest time. (night)

12. This fruit is full of iron. (apple)

13. What is between the earth and the sky? (atmosphere)

14. What can cut the stone? (water)

15. The most domestic animal. (cockroach)

Game 2. You – to me, me – to you

Every team asks 4 questions to the other team. Every correct answer gives 1 point or a star.

I team:

1. Whom can people learn to speak their language? (parrot)

2. What is the widest waterfall in the world? (Victoria)

3. What is white when it is dirty and

what is black when it is clean? (blackboard)

4. It usually appears after the rain and has 7 colours. (rainbow)

II team:

1. Every person should have the only one and true. (friend)

2. This thing cannot speak but it can tell about everything. (book)

3. The brightest star is… (The Sun)

4. What is the highest waterfall in the world? (Niagara)

Game 3. Dark Horse

The leader reads the Texts to one of the teams. The participants listen to them attentively and try to understand their meaning. Then the players try to give the correct answer. If they are success they get a star.

I team:

This place is known all over the world. And also this place is very famous by its ancientness. It was founded in the 13th century and nowadays it is the place where there are more than 29 colleges. The oldest one was founded in 1288. The most recent college was opened in 1977. Only the men could get education here until 19th century. From that time this place of education became mixed. It means that both men and women could study there. Every year it becomes the place where the youth of all over the world is coming here to.


This is a place where people of many nations live. They can be white, black, white, yellow, red by their skin. They come to this place from different parts of the world. They live in this country and they all call themselves native nations of this country. But all of these nations have their languages, their laws, their traditions, their customs. They all wear their own national clothes. all these people follow the rules of life in this country. And this country is situated in the north – west of European continent. What is the country?

(Great Britain)

II team:

I think that it is the a famous place because it is the oldest place where only the young people and ladies live and get ready to help their country to be more beautiful, educated and interesting to all the people who live in the world. It is known by its foundation. It was founded in 1249. The most buildings of this place are built of grey stone. And this place is well known as aristocratic sphere of education. It is also well known by its famous Library which has about 5 million books.


This country is lying in a large place. It is surrounded by the countries either. It has a territory which can place some small countries. It has 2 seas, 4 lakes. It has also several rivers in its territory. The most popular thing is an apple. This country has wide deserts. And it has many nations which live there. The nations are different and friendly. They can speak to each other and can understand each other. They are hospitable, kind and musical people. There are a lot of wonderful singers and poets in this country. And the native nationality of this country likes meat best of all. What is the country?


Game 4. Leading Race.

This game is the last step in the contest. There are 20 questions in the game. And the leader gives the certain time to answer the questions. If the team answers the most questions than it has a star for each answer.

I team:

1. The name of the science which studies nature laws. (Physics)

2. This thing is always cold and it is in our house. (fridge)

3. What makes people cry? (onion)

4. What is the deepest ocean in the world? (Pacific)

5. It can speak every language in the world. (echo)

6. It lives in the water but it is not the fish. (whale)

7. What is the highest animal in the world? (giraffe)

8. Why is elephant so popular among all the animals? (modest)

9. Name the science that studies the sounds. (Phonetics)

10. This is a bird and also a fruit. It is the symbol of

New Zealand. (kiwi)

11. The national clothes of Scotland. (kilt)

12. What type of power is in the UK? (Monarchy)

13. How does the typical gentleman look like? (a hat and umbrella)

14. What is the symbol of Scotland? (thistle)

15. How many counties are there in the UK? (66)

16. The country which gives cotton. (Uzbekistan)

17. The science which studies numbers. (Maths)

18. The place where we can get what we want. (shop)

19. A friend in need is a friend… (indeed)

20. The most popular drink in the UK? (tea)

II team:

1. There are 10 helpers which we have. (fingers)

2. The highest place in the world. (Everest)

3. The place where fish live. (water)

4. The strongest animal in the forest. (bear)

5. This thing can be friend at home but it can be

a great enemy in the forest. (fire)

6. What book has very many different words? (dictionary)

7. It can be made of apple, tomato, apricot

and other fruit. (juice)

8. The man who goes in for sports. (sportsman)

9. When we say BIG BEN what we mean? (clock, England)

10. The continent that lies in two oceans. (Australia)

11. The beginning of the day. (sunrise)

12. This vegetable is the favourite food of rabbits. (carrot)

13. This is a place where there are a lot of little

bright stars. (space)

14. This is a place where we go every morning. (bathroom)

15. Where the ice doesn’t melt. (Arctic)

16. The country that makes soap operas. (Brazil)

17. The science that studies the body of a person. (Anatomy)

18. It makes us hide up in the shadow in hot time. (the Sun)

19. A man is known by his…. (friend)

20. The symbol of what country is Daffodil (Wales)

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Урок - игра "Счастливый случай" для учащихся 6 классов

Автор: Вениаминова Лея Малануровна

Дата: 19.01.2017

Номер свидетельства: 381367

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