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Урок по английскому языку в 6 классе "Свободное время"

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Урок содержит материал по теме "Свободной время и хобби" для учеников России и Британии. В данном уроке предусмотрены презентация и рабочие листы.

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«Урок по английскому языку в 6 классе "Свободное время"»

Тема spending free time

  1. Hello children, take your seats. How are you today? Are you in a good mood today? Are you sleepy?(ученики отвечают на вопросы). Are you ready to start? Very good.

  2. Every day we have many things to do. We usually have a lot of work, but sometimes we have special time for different activities.(слайд1) look at the blackboard, please. P1, read these words and phrases for everybody.(У1 читает слова и выражения для всего класса) thanks. Pupils, can you guess what we are going to discuss today? What is the title for our lesson?(ученики пытаются назвать тему урока и записывают на рабочем листе) Right you are.

Do you have any hobby?/What is it? /How do you spend your free time?(У отвечают на вопросы учителя) -Ok. Thanks. But today we will speak not only about our hobbies. We will compare our hobbies and hobbies of British pupils. During the lesson you will work in your work papers. They are on the desks. Don’t forget to sign them, please.

  1. And at the end of the lesson we will try to answer the question “We have much in common with British pupils, don’t we?”(слайд2).

Let’s start to know each other better. In exercise 1 you have the list of phrases which will help you to make your own dialogues. You have 2 minutes to work in pairs, ask each other about your hobbies.(составляют мини-диалоги)

Список фраз для диалогов:

Hello/hi/good evening/good afternoon

How are you?/what’s up?

Do you have a /(any) hobby?


What is it?/ what is your hobby?/ what do you like to do?

It is…../ I like to……/ My hobby is…….

And what about you?

Let’s go to…….together on Saturday/ on Sunday/next week-end?

All right/ ok/ sorry, but I will be busy/ It is a very good idea.

See you on …../ bye then/ good bye/ bye

Children, stop discussing the dialogues. The 1st pair P4/P5. Listen to carefully, may be you will hear some mistakes. P4 P5 start speaking please.(Спросить 2-3 пары, исправить ошибки). Did they have any mistakes? Thank you children, your dialogues were interesting. Now we know everything about your favourite activities.

4. I told you that we would compare your hobbies and British pupils’ activities and next exercise will help us. You will listen to the report about the weekend in the UK. During the listening answer these questions: (слайд 3 с вопросами)

1.How do British people spend their weekend?
2.Which activities are more or less popular in the UK?
3.What is the most popular hobby in Britain?

(слушают аудирование 2 раза)

Are you ready to answer? The 1st question is for P2/P3…

Do you agree class?/ Is it right answer?/

Now let’s check your answers with the diagram. Look at it.(слайд 4) You see? You were right/wrong.

Watching TV, playing computer games are the most popular in the UK.

Gardening, reading and cinema are the least popular. Good job, thanks.

  1. Well, children, will you agree with me that we need time for all our activities?(слайд5) but some people spend it and the other waste. Think and try to guess what the difference is between the words spend and waste?(слайд5, думают и отвечают).

All right, let’s practice with these words. Make your own sentences using the pictures on the blackboard. 1 minute for you.(слайд5, устно составляют свои предложения). Good/not bad. Thank you.

(слайд5) And one more task with our new words. Fill in the gaps using the right forms of these verbs.(слайд6).Now pupils, read the full sentence one by one and compare your answer with the answers on the blackboard, P4, start please.

Ok, I see that you are good at these words and I am sure you will do your homework easily.

  1. Open your diaries and put down the homework.(book/ copybook page , exercise ). Also pupils sitting on the variant I will find the information about Russian hobbies and sitting on the variant II will find out everything about British hobbies. Do you have any questions?(задают вопросы)

  2. At the beginning of our lesson we had a question. What question was it? Ok(слайд 17). Can we answer it today? Of course, no as today we only started speaking about hobbies. Thanks pupils.

  3. I liked your work today, you were very active and attentive.(назвать самых активный и поставить отметки за урок). Our lesson is over, you may be free. Good bye.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Урок по английскому языку в 6 классе "Свободное время"

Автор: Лагута Анна Сергеевна

Дата: 15.10.2016

Номер свидетельства: 349510

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