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Урок в 7 классе в кейс технологии по теме "Экология"

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В разработке представлен кейс для организации работы по теме "Экология" в 7 классе. 

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«Урок в 7 классе в кейс технологии по теме "Экология"»

Урок в технологии Кейс-метода в 7 классе по теме: «Экология», учебник «Английский в фокусе»

How to become eco-helpers?”

Класс: 7

Время занятий-3 часа

Вид кейса – практический

Тип кейса-исследовательский

Цель урока:  обобщить и систематизировать знания о способах помощи окружающей среде, учить работать в команде, высказывать и отстаивать свою точку зрения, развивать коммуникативные навыки.

Задачи урока:

Образовательные: научить применять знания, полученные на предыдущих уроках этой темы, совершенствовать навыки и умения чтения, монологической речи для выражения собственного мнения по предложенной ситуации.

Развивающие: развивать умение анализировать, сравнивать, обобщать развивать исследовательскую и познавательную деятельность.

Воспитательные: воспитывать самостоятельность и умение прислушиваться к мнению других участников группы, взаимопонимание и уверенность в себе


Учитель английского определяет тематическое направление занятий “Green issues” и демонстрирует ситуацию: “One of my students is a volunteer. She complains that when they take part in an eco-action only a few of her classmates take part in it. Although a lot of pupils say that the town is not clean and they won’t live there when they grew older. They say that voluntary actions won’t change the situation to the best. The volunteer is sure that they are simply lazy”. Учитель предлагает учащимся определить проблему, которую необходимо разрешить, чтобы найти выход из ситуации. Обучающиеся обсуждают тему и потом задают проблему “How to make voluntary actions attractive for students?”

Задание подгруппам:

1. Провести социологический опрос по теме: “Can we make difference if we work together? “

2. Составить сравнительную таблицу аргументов учащихся “ за “ и “ против “ участия в экологических акциях.

3. Исследовать характер экологических проблем в районе школы, их влияние на здоровье учащихся. Консультация с учителем биологии и фельдшером школы.

4. Изучить тексты, презентацию и видеофрагмент по экологической теме и выявить возможность изменения экологической ситуации в населённых пунктах усилиями горожан, а также определить какая работа по экологии может быть проведена каждым подростком.

5. Подготовить решение проблемы, как сделать экологические акции привлекательными для всех учеников.

Для решения проблемы подготовлен кейс, в котором предложены статьи об экологии, о том, как составить сравнительную таблицу результатов опроса, видеофрагмент и презентация.

Работа с кейсом

За несколько дней до урока обучающимся озвучивается тема занятия и после обсуждения задаётся проблема “How to make voluntary actions attractive for students?” Также проговаривается, что занятие будет проводиться в режиме кейс-метода. (Диалогам и дискуссиям в рамках кейса предшествует работа над лексикой и грамматикой.) Учитывая то, что уровень языковой подготовки у всех обучающихся разный, они изучают материалы кейса индивидуально в качестве домашнего задания. После такой предварительной подготовки работа обучающихся в группе, участие в обсуждении будут более плодотворными. Это позволит им высказывать свое мнение, дискутировать, так как они будут подготовлены в языковом плане. Также обучающиеся должны провести социологический опрос о том имеет ли смысл участие в экологических акциях, составить сравнительную таблицу аргументов “ за “ и “ против” участия в экологических мероприятиях, исследовав положительные и отрицательные аспекты влияния экологии на горожан, а также определить в какой работе по экологии мог бы поучаствовать каждый подросток.

Содержание кейса

1. Opinion poll

Таблица для опроса Can we make difference if we work together ?

  1. What must we do to keep our town clean?

Not to throw litter

Plant trees

Collect rubbish

Clean out territories

Teach people about nature problems

2. Can we do more if we work together?




3. Can ecological problems influence your health?



Never heard

4.How do you feel after cleaning the territory near your house?


Full of life


5. Do you participate in collecting rubbish in your town?




6. What do you prefer doing to help nature

Plant flowers

Collect rubbish

Build nesting boxes

Teach about ecology

Recycle cans

Your choice

We carried away a survey of ….. people and received the following results ( illustrations in charts ). Отчёт по опросу в форме таблиц или диаграмм с устным сопровождением.

2. Таблица аргументов в защиту участия в экологических акциях и против них.

For and against taking part in ecological actions

Мозговой штурм проводится среди членов группы ответственных за проведение опроса. Презентация результатов проходит на уроке презентации материалов.




Questionnaire for a biology teacher and a school doctor

Ecological problems of the town

If they exist or not

Their influence on our health

Toxic fumes

Polluted clouds

Fish and plant species dying

Air, water and soil pollution

Litter in the streets

Abundant greenery

4. Группы читают варианты текстов и заполняют таблицу:

The ways to help nature

What am I able to do?

Используемые ресурсы

4. Тексты для чтения по тематике заданий

Sample texts

Our environment is constantly changing. This is the fact we cannot deny. The way technological progress influences the environment is not the most favourable.

Today humanity is facing numerous environmental problems. If we do not pay attention to these problems right now, we may face even bigger natural disasters in the future.


Pollution is one of the biggest problems. Plants and motor vehicles are number one pollutants. Their harmful emissions pollute the environment. Oil spills and acid rains make the World Ocean dirty.

Global warming

Global warming is the result of human activity. It is characterized by rising temperatures of the oceans and earth’s surface causing rise in sea levels and melting of polar ice cover. Apart from that, floods, desertification and excessive snow are also signs of global warming.

Climate change

Global warming causes the rise of another serious problem, known as climate change. Climate change can lead to the development of other harmful effects in our life, such as occurrence of new diseases and change in seasons.


Today forests cover about 30% of land. Every year this figure decreases more and more. People clear out new territories for residential buildings, new plants and factories. We must realize that deforestation causes the extinction of animals and plants.

Ozone layer depletion

Ozone layer protects our planet from the sun’s harmful rays. Due to atmospheric emissions of the so-called CFC’s, the ozone layer depletes. This results in occurrence of the holes in the ozone layer.

Today CFC’s are banned in many industries. However, we must remember that if this problem is not taken under control, harmful rays of the sun will easily penetrate the atmosphere. The biggest hole in the ozone layer is located above the Antarctic.

Ecological problems in our life

I would like to tell you about the main ecological problems in our life.They are: littering, air pollution, water pollution, endangered species, destruction of natural resources and others.
People cut down forests, pollute air and water. They don't think about their future and about future of our planet. There are many endangered species in the world. We just destroy our nature. It is very bad and we mustn't do it. We must care of our beautiful nature. We must begin from our houses, streets and towns and do them clean. People must not cut down forests, pollute air and water. They must stop killing endangered  animals. We must save our planet!

By Mirna Santana

How can you help Nature? You can help nature by promoting wild habitats, wildlife and by creating wildlife friendly backyards, gardens and communities. Keep in mind that nature is all--thus nature even includes the Universe. So you may now include in nature the atmospheric air and all the waterways. The Ocean and the rivers are also part of nature. More importantly we need to remember that we are a global community. As such we humans are also part of nature instead of its owners.

There are many ways to help nature and wildlife:

1. You can help nature by supporting parks and land conservation. Many of us use parks or conservation areas without noticing their needs. These areas need support to sustain themselves. Some task they may appreciate help with or donations to get them done include: keeping trails, controlling rapid colonizer species (invasive plants/animals) and cutting dead trees on trails. Other issues include safety, trash cans, cleaning garbage, labeling or trail marks, and improving degraded habitats. Talk to your local park people or start fundraising. Two of my friends with other person started an organization called Friends of Indian Lake Park to help a park where they enjoy running during the weekends. They fundraised through 6k/12k and 1k races.

2. You can help nature by restoring degraded resources that provide habitat for wildlife. Restored habitats are human modified or even human created habitats. You can accomplish this by joining a local conservation group or by gardening with wildlife in your mind.

3. You can help nature by providing food or shelter for wildlife: some species need help, e.g., nesting sites or whole habitats. Bird nesting boxes, bat houses, hollow trees, feeders and other build devices along with the planting of plants for food or shelter are ways to help wildlife.

4. You may also volunteer or support environmental and research organizations, or non for profits organizations (NGOs) dealing with conservation. Local government agencies also benefit from volunteer groups. There are many organizations working with the environment some are local and some are international. Some examples of the large organizations are: Nature Conservancy (TNC), Sierra Club, The International Union for Conservation of Nature (UICN), World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Each town also have several local organizations that will benefit from your help. Environmental education that involves children, and resource sustainability such habitats and clean water are among the top in my list. Actions at this level have cascade effects for the future and for others. International organization helping families, women, and peace efforts are also ways to help other humans and the environment. Many wars indeed are battles for natural resources.

5. You may help by avoiding littering and helping collecting trash from nature trails, roads, etc., Any time you walk/run/bike outside you have an opportunity to enjoy natural settings but also to help nature.

6. You may help nature by driving less. You will exercise more which keeps you happy and in shape while decreasing demands for fuels. Do your errands walking or biking if possible. Walk the extra mile for nature and yourself!

7. Educate others about nature. Some common areas that you can help with are conservation, clean environment, environmental justice, biology, wildlife, energy conservation, bird watching, geology, and ecology. Teaching a kid to plant a seed and watch it grow, will guarantee that future generations will do the same. Let us remember The Little Prince, he reminds us that kids understand nature and also that all adults were once children.

8. Being kind to other species including our fellow humans. One way to avoid land degradation is by helping other people so that they can sustain themselves and use environmental resources in appropriate ways. For example, rural people can practice cover crop agriculture thereby reducing erosion and keeping good soils and clean water. Urban people can build their houses with recycled materials and energy efficiency standards.

9. Becoming an activist. A lot of the environmental protections laws and practices are the result of people asking for them to be approved. Since nature doesn't talk thus humans need to give it a voice. Many things that potentially damage other species such as chemicals and pesticides also affect humans because biologically speaking humans are mammals.

10. Be a conscious and a socially responsible consumer. For example eating mostly veggies and fruits; buying organic or pesticide free foods; and learning about the ways your products are produced are ways to help Nature. By for buying organic shade grown coffee you may help human communities--and their economies, but also birds and habitats. The coffee producers will be more healthy by avoiding exposure to pesticides and chemicals. At the same time you are helping them to be financially independent. By shopping organic coffee that is perhaps a little more expensive, you are also helping others to provide habitats/corridors for birds, bees and other wildlife. A few extra cents can go a long way.

11. Avoid the use of strong chemicals that will end up in waterways. These chemicals may seem a straight forward way to get the cleaning done, yet later they can harm fish or wildlife and even return to you in the tap water or food. Just imagine chlorine and grease melting chemicals or acids that people may use in their 'standard cleaning practices' traveling to the water and being intake there by fish and plants.

12. Government agencies and non-profit organizations help to gather data and are heavily involved in regulations yet citizens are the watch dogs of nature. For information on the state of the wildlife in your area visit your Departments of Natural Resources. To participate or give your opinion, use their comments page or attend public hearings. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the US was created to protect citizens. Yet these this citizens need to support EPA as well. For example, citizens have the right to know what chemicals are present in the water and how they are regulated. Local water facilities, and natural resources agencies following the standards of EPA. Keep in mind that standards could change with new science or even because of political decision making so they are not scriptures in stone. It is however a great advantage to have background data from your area than to take water from a source without knowing the natural occurring chemicals along with the those contributed by humans.

12. A responsible earth citizen also plays a role informing others about ways they can help.

13.Scientists, journalist, researchers, and writers play a fundamental role informing society. Some organizations also act is such ways, one example is the Union of Concerned Scientist (UCS), which evaluates issues, the science behind, and the policies seeking to advice the public and the government. In theory the news shall serve the same purpose.

14. It is an informed citizens task to filter through the enormous amount of information received through the media or online sources and determine the best course of actions, keeping in mind what we have learn from the past, what the current situation is and the future prospectus. It is indeed the way of science. The future is only a prediction and thus there is always a degree of uncertainty involves in the report of science. Yet, we may know that prevention save us a lot of headaches.

15. Be a forward thinker. If you could work with prevention and useful technologies and you do your best to understand how your today's actions impact the future you will be doing a great service to nature.

© 2011 MSantana






Useful language bank for communication expressing opinion

My point of view is that…
It seems\appears to me that…
I think\believe…\must…\
In my opinion\view…
To me…\may\might
From my point of view…
To my mind/ way of thinking…
As far as I am concerned…
I am totally against…
I (do not) agree that \with…
I (completely) agree \disagree that \with…
I want to ask a question.
Sorry, could you repeat that?
I think we should leave this point and come back to it later.
So what you’re saying is you will …
Can we just summaries the points we’ve agreed so far?

Порядок работы над кейсом и временные рамки

Наименование этапа урока

Время этапа урока


Организационная часть, выдача кейса

5 минут


Ознакомление с содержанием кейса. Работа учащихся в группах. Сбор информации. Составление таблиц и диаграмм.

40 минут


Сбор данных работы подгрупп в кейс. Сравнение результатов, полученных подгруппами.



Просмотр видеосюжетов, чтение текстов, заполнение таблицы и дискуссия. (коллективная работа группы)



Выдвижение решения данной проблемы в подгруппах.



Презентация видения решения проблемы подгруппами



Обобщающее выступление преподавателя (обобщение результатов, подведение итогов)


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Урок в 7 классе в кейс технологии по теме "Экология"

Автор: Прокопенко Нина Викторовна

Дата: 16.01.2021

Номер свидетельства: 570282

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