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Урок-соревнование по теме "СМИ"

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Цель: автоматизация языковых и речевых навыков по данной теме.

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«Урок-соревнование по теме "СМИ"»


Урок-соревнование по теме «Средства массовой информации»


1)Обучающая: автоматизация языковых и речевых навыков по теме


2) Развивающая: развитие социокультурной компетенции, мотивации к

дальнейшему овладению иностранным языком.

3) Воспитательная: воспитание активности, коммуникабельности.

I Оргмомент

What is the date today?

What day is it today?

II Речевая зарядка

Is it hot today?

Is it frosty?

Is it sunny/rainy/windy?

What season is it now?

What are winter months?

III Определение целей урока

At the previous lessons we talked a lot of means of communication and today we are going to sum up our topic and to see how well you know it. We’ll do it in the form of contest. So we have two teams and judges who will count your points and name the winner at the end of the lesson.

IV Работа с лексикой

So let’s begin our competition. First of all we’ll check your knowledge of the words.

1) Make up word combinations with the following words:

1 computer 1 telephone

2 information 2 technology

3 e-mail 3 Internet

2) Fill in the gaps

1 People invented … more than 1 The oldest piece of … in the 4000 years ago. world is made of hemp.

2 … came from Egypt and other 2 The first … was called the Penny

cultures copied it. Black.

3 People sent the first private … 3 The word “…” means “to write

by foot messengers. far”.

a) ink b) letters c) alphabet a) stamp b) telegraph c) paper

3) Word dictation. Write the words:

1 Средства коммуникации

2 в наши дни

3 множественное число

4 род

5 прерывать, перебивать

Повторение грамматики

4) Choose the right variant

1 Did they _ to do a test on Monday? 1 My camera doesn’t work, so

a)can b) must c) have I _ take any pictures.

2 He _ not come yesterday. a) don’t have b) can’t

a) could b) able c) can c) am not able

3 If I go to England, I’ll _ to 2 The singer had a sore throat,

understand people in streets. she _ to sing at the concert.

a) be able b) must c) may a) didn’t have b) wasn’t able

c) won’t have

3 I _ answer many questions in

the text.

a) mustn’t b) may not

c) couldn’t

5) Choose the right question to the underlined word.

1 The police couldn’t stop 1 He will be able to speak

the thief. English in two years.

a) What couldn’t the police do? a) When will he be able to

b) Who couldn’t the police stop? speak English?

c) Who couldn’t stop the thief? b) When will be he able to

2 We will be able to see the film speak English?

tomorrow. c) When will be able he to

a) What will we be able to do speak English?

tomorrow? 2 She couldn’t swim last year.

b) What will we be able to see a) Who can’t swam last year?

tomorrow? b) Who couldn’t swim last year?

c) What film will we be able to c) Who couldn’t swam last

see tomorrow? year?

3 I may find something interesting 3 He had to help me yesterday.

in this book. a) What had he to do yesterday?

a) What may I find in this book? b) What did he have to do

b) What can I find in this book? yesterday?

c) What must I find in this book? c) What did he had to do


6) Make up questions

1 When, you, able, write, letter, 1 Will, be, to, by, what, they, able,

will, be, to, a? see, telescope?

2 Who, can, so, really, think? 2 Did, she, stay, there, how, long,

3 What, could, he, was, five, do have, to?

when, he? 3 Tell, us, his, who, had, to, name?

7) Make new words using only the letters in the word



8) Listen, translate and write the sentences in Russian.

1 Alexander Bell invented the telephone in 1876.

2 The invention was able to transmit the sound of the voice.

3 The new invention quickly became popular.

4 With that programme people were able to leave messages for each other.

Монологическая речь

9) Read the texts and retell them.

1) Post Office

A post is a very important place. There are many post-offices in every city, town and village. A lot of postmen work every day to let other people get or send letters, telegrams, parcels, newspapers and magazines. At the post office the people usually buy stamps, envelopes, postcards. If you want to send a letter you can put it into the nearest letter box.

2) Television

Millions of people spend their free time watching TV and listening to the radio. It is almost impossible to imagine our life without TV and radio. TV has programmes for the people of all the ages. So you can make a choice among entertaining, sports, music, children’s and political programmes. You can also watch some interviews with famous people and the regular news reports on each channel.


Read the text p73 ex4

10) p74 ex5 True/false/no information

11) Match the parts of the sentences

1 The history of communication a) to bring the news of the Greek started victory.

2 When people couldn’t read or b) communication network.

write c) they drew pictures on the

3 The pictures told the stories walls.

4 Foot messengers formed an d) a Greek soldier.

ancient e) of their everyday life.

5 One of the most famous f) long before people invented

messengers was the alphabet.

6 He ran to Athens

12) Complete the sentences

1 In the Middle Ages life was … . (hard and dangerous).

2 It was very important to get … . (news quickly)

3 People used the high towers … . (to send and receive messages)

1 American Indians used smoke signals … . (to send information)

2 When A. Bell invented telephone it was a …. . (miracle)

3 … were the fastest means of communication. (telephone, telegraph)


13) Put the sentences of the stories in the right order. Write them down.

1) 1 Then in the early 90s, it was used to see pictures and listen to a sound on the Internet.

2 The Internet, up to the beginning of the 90s, was used only to read different texts.

3 Everywhere we go, we hear about the Internet.

4 Originally, the local network was designed for short calls.

5 It’s on television, in magazines, newspapers, and in schools.

3, 5, 4, 2, 1

2) 1But the earliest kind of mass media was newspaper.

2 The mass media include newspapers, magazines, radio and television.

3 They can learn about what is happening in the world very fast using mass media.

4 Mass media are one of the most characteristic features of modern civilization.

5 People are united into one global community with the help of mass media.

4, 5, 3, 2, 1.

14) Spelling star


( A word from our topic – 2 points, any other word -1 point)

15) Fill in articles (a/an/the/-)

(1) most exciting and entertaining kind of mass media is (2) television. It brings moving pictures and sounds directly to (3) people’s homes. Radio is (4) popular for its portability. People like listening to (5) radio on the beach or picnic, while driving (6) car or just walking down (7) street. It is (8) cheap.

16) Fill in the prepositions

Mass media has become an important part (1) our life. We get information reading newspapers, watching TV, listening (2) radio. If you want to relax you can switch (3) an FM station and enjoy music. A lot (4) information you can find (5) newspapers. There are newspapers and magazines (6) young people. Some newspapers publish serious articles (7) politics, economy, finance. But newspapers don’t react (8) events as quickly as TV.

17) Find 10 words






























































18) Pantomime

Show and explain the things without naming them.

telephone, computer, book, newspaper, TV, alphabet, letter, picture.

19) Find the words

1 abcommunicationcd 1 einternetfghvbn

2 ijkstamplmnopqrstu 2 vwemailxyzfmab

3 dultcomputerpbqrkv 3 yjgtelephonehcd

4 cneawinformationxi 4 osmztelevisionq

5 connectwertyuiopas 5 dfghjmeansklzxc

20) Make up sentences in Russian using our active vocabulary

Team 1 reads a sentence in Russian, Team 2 translates it into English etc.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Урок-соревнование по теме "СМИ"

Автор: Фадеева Наталья Васильевна

Дата: 09.07.2016

Номер свидетельства: 337173

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