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Внеклассное мероприятие по теме «Победа России в Великой Отечественной Войне»

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Внеклассное мероприятие ,посвященное юбилею празднования Дня Победы.Мероприятие рассчитано для учащихся 9 классов.Воспитывает чувство патриотизма ,любовь к Родине,создает мотивацию к изучению английского языка.Мероприятие совершенствует навыки и умения учащихся по всем видам речевой деятельности:аудированию,говорению,чтению и письму.

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Внеклассное мероприятие по теме

«Победа России в Великой Отечественной Войне»

Ведущий (слайд 1):

In 2015 people all over the world are celebrating the anniversary of the Great Victory.

Victory Day is the most important and popular holiday in Russia.

В зале звучит фонограмма, слышен гул самолетов. Гул самолетов сменяется свистом и звуком разрывов бомб (слайд 2,3,4). Голос на диктофоне говорит о начале войны.


Сорок первый


Год и месяц борьбы всенародной

Даже пылью времен

Затянуть эту дату нельзя

Поднималась страна

И на фронт уходила


Кумачовые звезды

На полотнах знамен унося.

(слайд 5: 12 o’clock radio report 22 June 1941)


At 12 o’clock on the 22nd of June the Soviet foreign Minister made a radio address to the nation. At 4 o’clock in the morning the Nazi troops attacked our country and bombed the cities: Zhitomir, Kiev, Sevastopol and some other without declaring a war.

Pravda”, the most famous newspaper in Soviet Union ran an emotional poem by Vasily Lebedev-Kumach that opened with the words:

Rise up, beloved Soviet land,

To meet the fascist foe

To stay his strong and evil hand

Go forth, to battle go.

На экране появляется плакат «Родина - мать зовет!» (слайд 6) Звучит песня в исполнении детей:

Вставай страна огромная

Вставай на смертный бой

С фашистской силой темною

С проклятою ордой

Пусть ярость благородная

Вскипает как волна

Идет война народная

Священная война.

Get up, the giant country

Get up for mortal fight

With German horde uncounted

With forces of the night.

Chorus: Let noble anger of the soul

Get boiled as a wave

The people’s war the holy war

We’ll fight until the grave.

Let’s give repulse to oppressors

Of all the ardent thoughts

To rappers and to murderers

Let’s say the swear words.

Chorus: Let noble anger of the soul

Get boiled as a wave

The people’s war the holy war

We’ll fight until the grave

We will not let the darkened wings

Fly over Mother Land

The native country spacious fields

Are not for fiends extend.

Chorus: Let noble anger of the soul

Get boiled as a wave

The people’s war the holy war

We’ll fight until the grave

For rotten fascist pack we’ve got

A bulled and a bomb

The spawn of the planet Earth

Must get into the tomb.

Ведущий: After some weeks of the beginning the Great Patriotic war the German armies occupied Leningrad. (Слайды 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14)

In September 1941 Fascist came up to Leningrad. There was a blockade around the city. 900 awful hungry days. People died from starvation and bitter cold. 125 gramme of bread per person a day. 300 grammes of groats and 100 gramme of butter a month. And later only 125 gramme of bread and nothing else. The city was bombed every day. Hitler was sure it was impossible to live through such situation. He wanted Leningrad to wipe off the face of the Earth. But he was mistaken.

Ведущий: The first months of the war. The first losses of the Soviet army.

We can’t explain feelings of those who lost their dear ones. We can not feel their emotions on those days. Only listening to songs and looking at photos we can imagine their sufferings. The songs reflected the major battles of that war.

Звучит песня «На безымянной высоте» (слайды 15, 16, 17)

“Height without a name”

The hill and woods were blazing bright there,

The sunset flared high in the West,

And only three were left to fight there

Once we were eighteen of the best.

Our dearest friends fell in the darkness,

They’ll never rise to fight again.

Beside that strange and distant village,

Upon a height without a name.

Beside that strange and distant village,

Upon a height without a name.

A rocket flaring, flashing, falling

It burnt out like a dying star

The men who fought there lived recalling

The battle that once raged on far

They can’t forget it, can’t forget it

The fierce attacks, scorching flame.

Beside that strange and distant village,

Upon a height without a name.

Beside that strange and distant village,

Upon a height without a name.

I often dream now that we’re back where

Our friends all fought in that Great War

I see the pine-trees, burnt and black there

Above our dug-out and once more

I see the front line, see my comrades,

I live again through din and pain.

Beside that strange and distant village,

Upon a height without a name.

Beside that strange and distant village,

Upon a height without a name.

Ведущий: Our composers made songs and people sang them.(слайд18) There wasn’t any fear before death in those songs. There lived belief, hope, and love.

Our soldiers were dreaming of someone to love and be waiting for them back in peaceful life.

Mikhail Isakovsky wrote words of a very famous song “Katyusha”, which has always been popular among the Soviet people.

Звучит песня «Катюша».(слайды 19, 20, 21)

Apple-trees and pear-trees a blooming

Mists were floating on the river deep

And Katyusha’s gone out in the gloaming

On the river bank so high and deep.

She went out and sang so sweet and clearly

Of the soft grey eagle of the steppes

Of the one, the boy she loves so dearly

Of one whose letters she still keeps.

Song, oh maiden song above the water

Fly forward the sunset bright and fair

To the soldier on the distant border

Bring Katyusha’s greetings on the air.

May he think of her so young and lovely?

May he hear her singing song above?

May he guard and keep his native country?


s Katyusha guards and keeps her love.

Apple-trees and pear-trees a blooming

Mists were floating on the river deep

And Katyusha’s gone out in the gloaming

On the river bank so high and deep.

Ведущий: There were a lot of major military headers on that time. One of them was Marshal Georgy Zhukov. (Слайд 22) He and many others soldiers and officers fought under Brest, Moscow and Stalingrad. Not only men but women left their homes and went to the front working as nurses. They were snipers, pilots, soldiers. Their gun was a word too.

Nobody can imagine women’s feelings and sufferings. They lost sons, husbands and brothers.

Olga Berggolts wrote: (слайд 23)

Мы будем драться с беззаветной силой

Мы одолеем бешеных зверей

Мы победим, клянусь тебе, Россия

От имени российских матерей.

People all over the world say “May be always be sunshine” Песня «Пусть всегда будет солнце»

Bright blue the sky

Sun up on high

That was the little boy’s picture

He drew for you

Wrote for you too,

Just to make clear

That he drew.

Chorus: May there always be sunshine

May there always be blue skies.

May there always be Mummy

May there always be me!

My little friend

Listen, my little friend

Peace is the dream of the people

Hearts old and young

Never have done

Singing the song you have sung.

Chorus: May there always be sunshine

May there always be blue skies.

May there always be Mummy

May there always be me!

Every time we celebrate the Victory Day we remember all the soldiers and generals, children and women which fought against fascism. (слайды 24 -34)

Прошла война, прошла страда

Но боль взывает к людям

«Давайте люди, никогда

Об этом не забудем!»

Пусть память вечную о ней

Хранят, об этой муке

И дети нынешних детей

И наших внуков внуки.

Просмотр содержимого презентации
«The Great War»

The Great Patriotic War   9 of May 1945

The Great Patriotic War

9 of May 1945

22 June, 1941

22 June, 1941

12 o’clock 22 June 1941 Radio report

12 o’clock

22 June




Leningrad  1941



In the streets of Leningrad

In the streets of Leningrad

At the baker’s shop

At the

baker’s shop

Leningrad  1941



Leningrad’s resident

Leningrad’s resident

Tanya Savitcheva’s diary

Tanya Savitcheva’s diary

Even children worked for 12 – 18 hours without days off




for 12 –

18 hours


days off

The hill and woods were blazing bright there, The sunset flared high in the West, And only three were left to fight there Once we were eighteen of the best. Our dearest friends fell in the darkness, They’ll never rise to fight again.  Beside that strange and distant village,  Upon a height without a name.  Beside that strange and distant village,  Upon a height without a name.

The hill and woods were blazing bright there,

The sunset flared high in the West,

And only three were left to fight there

Once we were eighteen of the best.

Our dearest friends fell in the darkness,

They’ll never rise to fight again.

Beside that strange and distant village,

Upon a height without a name.

Beside that strange and distant village,

Upon a height without a name.

A rocket flaring, flashing, falling It burnt out like a dying star  The men who fought there lived recalling The battle that once raged on far They can’t forget it, can’t forget it The fierce attacks, scorching flame.  Beside that strange and distant village,  Upon a height without a name.  Beside that strange and distant village,  Upon a height without a name.

A rocket flaring, flashing, falling

It burnt out like a dying star

The men who fought there lived recalling

The battle that once raged on far

They can’t forget it, can’t forget it

The fierce attacks, scorching flame.

Beside that strange and distant village,

Upon a height without a name.

Beside that strange and distant village,

Upon a height without a name.

I often dream now that we’re back where Our friends all fought in that Great War I see the pine-trees, burnt and black there  Above our dug-out and once more I see the front line, see my comrades, I live again through din and pain.  Beside that strange and distant village,  Upon a height without a name.  Beside that strange and distant village,  Upon a height without a name.

I often dream now that we’re back where

Our friends all fought in that Great War

I see the pine-trees, burnt and black there

Above our dug-out and once more

I see the front line, see my comrades,

I live again through din and pain.

Beside that strange and distant village,

Upon a height without a name.

Beside that strange and distant village,

Upon a height without a name.

Apple-trees and pear-trees a blooming Mists were floating on the river deep And Katyusha’s gone out in the gloaming On the river bank so high and deep. She went out and sang so sweet and clearly Of the soft grey eagle of the steppes Of the one, the boy she loves so dearly Of one whose letters she still keeps.

Apple-trees and pear-trees a blooming

Mists were floating on the river deep

And Katyusha’s gone out in the gloaming

On the river bank so high and deep.

She went out and sang so sweet and clearly

Of the soft grey eagle of the steppes

Of the one, the boy she loves so dearly

Of one whose letters she still keeps.

Song, oh maiden song above the water Fly forward the sunset bright and fair To the soldier on the distant border Bring Katyusha’s greetings on the air. May he think of her so young and lovely? May he hear her singing song above? May he guard and keep his native country? As Katyusha guards and keeps her love.

Song, oh maiden song above the water

Fly forward the sunset bright and fair

To the soldier on the distant border

Bring Katyusha’s greetings on the air.

May he think of her so young and lovely?

May he hear her singing song above?

May he guard and keep his native country?

As Katyusha guards and keeps her love.

Apple-trees and pear-trees a blooming Mists were floating on the river deep And Katyusha’s gone out in the gloaming On the river bank so high and deep.

Apple-trees and pear-trees a blooming

Mists were floating on the river deep

And Katyusha’s gone out in the gloaming

On the river bank so high and deep.

Marshal Georgy Zhukov

Marshal Georgy Zhukov

News from the front


from the


Berlin, 1945

Berlin, 1945

Berlin, 1945

Berlin, 1945

Nazi Germany signs the act of Capitulation

Nazi Germany signs the act of Capitulation

Moscow, 1945

Moscow, 1945

Moscow, 1945

Moscow, 1945

Victory Parade

Victory Parade

Our friends will never rise to fight again

Our friends will never rise to fight again

9 May 1945

9 May


65 years of  Great Victory! 1945 – 2010 65 лет Великой Победы!

65 years of Great Victory!

1945 – 2010

65 лет

Великой Победы!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Внеклассное мероприятие по теме «Победа России в Великой Отечественной Войне»

Автор: Кучмий Наталья Николаевна

Дата: 04.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 167352

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